
What is the best/most natural shape for a ruby?


Feb 29, 2012
I’m seriously just playing around here as I haven’t even set my emerald yet. I’m curious what the best shape for a ruby is. The shape that best shows off cut, color, glow? Etc. Thanks.
I think the most common is oval / oval cushion so there you go. But the best? Anyone’s favorite ;)
Personally, I prefer sugar loaf or cabochon for a silky stone.

Having said that, I have 2 heart cuts set in two different rings chosen by me as presents, as deep down, I am a hopeless romantic. :lol-2:

DK :))
So funny - I was just thinking about this last night!!
Facetted Rubies are cut for weight and the shape reflects the crystal shape and size. Oval shape gives good “face up” size and is visually pleasing on the hand. There is actually an added cost if the shape is round or emerald cut as more weight is lost.
Rubies aren’t cut for light return. Colour, size and origin are most important. Most Burmese rubies are native cut and it’s unusual that anyone would choose to lose weight to change the cut or shape. Obviously chipped rubies are the exception.
Rubies, as corundum crystal are dichroic. The are two light ray directions. Depending on how the eye views the light entering the crystal either on the o ray (looking down the length of the crystal) the colour is purple red. However as you move away from perpendicular the e light ray, which is Orange red, comes into play. At 90 degrees to perpendicular the e ray is strongest. So a cutter has to consider this important factor as well as other issues like colour zoning, flaws, feathers before cutting a gem.
While it is less problematic in ruby, the sapphire the e light ray is green blue and this is considered as unfavourable. So the rough material has to be carefully analyzed to predict what best size AND colour can be achieved.
Much more complicated than you might think!
I have seen cabochon and sugarloaf rubies, and love how the domes help show the color. Although alot of rubies are cut as ovals, I love my emerald cut ruby by DBL.

Interestingly, she did start her life off as an approximately 2 ct oval, but was suspected of being from Burma and was recut.
Personal favorite would be an elongated Cushion cut. I think Emerald cut could be wonderful as well but that is a very very rare cut for a Ruby.
I prefer cushions and rounds, but ovals are the most traditional.
Hmmm...I was only able to find a live photo of my emerald cut ruby on my phone, and Rock Diamond appears to have purged the video from YouTube. Here she is, my emerald cut ruby ballerina ring...


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