I posted two choices to pick from and it''s interesting that some of you are suggesting alternatives. Hmmm....I never thought about traps...or baguettes. I like that some of you guys/gals are getting creative. Gives me more ideas on different side stones. Cool!
I like this idea GothG - NS diamond + EW emerald cut sapphires.
Anyway, here are some variations you asked about, if you would like to see EW center i need to know your diamond size please.
Thanks for the pictures. Now I have to consider baguettes. ( l.o.l.) I don''t have the specs on my stone. It is the stone my father gave to my mother. So it''s very special to me. I have always loved her stone, and always wanted it. Anyhow, thank you for all the info. I''m more confused as ever.
Thanks for all the responses. After much thought, I think I''m going to go with ec''s, like nicole richies ring. Her''s was 3 ec''s. Anyhow, most of you replied ec''s anyways.
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