
What would you rather have..


Apr 28, 2008
one big gift, or a few smaller ones?

And what if these were jewelry gifts?
I would rather have one spectacular gift than several smaller impact gifts.

Jewelry is a fab gift and if I were younger and still receiving gifts from boyfriends rather than my husband, it would benefit everyone if I check the selection and indicate several things I like rather than have someone try to guess what I'm going to love.

Having said that, surprise is one of the few thrills left in life :lol:
I'll probably be in the minority, but I'll always choose several smaller gifts. I like variety, jewelry or otherwise! Which is why I have a huge mental block to buying a stone over $200.
I like to split with one nicer/more expensive item and a few smaller items.
I would rather have one big nice gift, my Bday is 2 days after Christmas and everyone always combines the 2 and gets me one nice thing :wink2:
Depends on what the choices would be. A $5000 sapphire ring say, or $5000 in various other rings/stones/necklaces? I'd go for the big bag of fun in that case.
It depends, if it were a giant emerald ring, then, yes!! :naughty:
I go for one big thing. Over the years, it adds up to a gorgeous collection, so you get the variety, anyway. :rodent:
One big thing!
One big thing!!
One big thing. Think I can get my whole family together this year to upgrade my studs? :rodent: Seriously though, the thing I dislike most is things that I won't use. I've started asking for (and stressing) practical things over things that just take up space. My family is pretty good about this. My in-laws... not so much.
I`ve always preferred one big gift. So for b'days, christmases etc, the family would all buy a gift together for me.
This question stuck in my head ... I realized that I don't actually practice what I preach! While I *could* conceivably combine an entire year's gift budget and get one big thing, practically, I also like marking each anniversary ... each birthday ... each New Year's together separately. The one time we made an "exception" to that rule was my pendant, and that's because it was an insanely generous gift.

What I *do* find myself doing is bargain-hunting like a fiend: the retail value of last year's anniversary present (Sepkus ring) would have been, like, two years worth of gift budgets ... if I'd bought it from a retailer. As an eBay find, though? It fit neatly into a one-occasion budget. So I guess it sort of depends ....
I can pick it out, right? One big beautiful thing, please! I adore Mr. St. Clare, but sometimes his taste in jewelry is a little less than inspired............. :wacko:
One big thing. And I pick it out. That is why I will be saving all birthday and Christmas money from our parents for the next few years to get the diamond studs I want. I've received money from both sides for the last two years, so if the trend continues I figure I'll start putting that to something that I know my husband wouldn't ordinarily buy or approve of. I'll also have something to show for those presents, as I usually just put the money in the account and don't really put it toward a specific purpose. Maybe I should make those past gifts retroactive additions to the diamond fund :naughty:
if it's jewelry I would prefer one BIG HONKER OF A GIFT :naughty:
One big gift.
I would rather have one large gift. I've been known to get a birthday, christmas, and anniversary gift all in one so that I can get something big :P
one big gift.
definitely one big gift!!
hmm depends. If I already had my staple pieces (e.g. ring, necklace etc), then I'd go for a few smaller ones.
If not, then one big gift.
The first thing that came to mind was a few Christmases ago, my husband and I decided to give each other one big gift and then 5 smaller gifts. I think we had a $ limit that we couldn't exceed for the smaller gifts, and it was pretty low. We had more trouble choosing and buying the little gifts than we did with the bigger ticket items and I was surprised by that. We spent our $ on random things that neither of us has ever really used since, so we consider that a waste of $. I'd say that we much prefer buying/receiving one big gift. I should say that we normally don't do gifts though. We usually buy tickets for an event or a weekend away or something that we can look forward to doing together instead of material items. I really prefer that.

My answer is the same whether we're talking about jewelry or other things.
Wow, thank you all for the responses!! I didn't expect such a overwhelming response for a single answer choice. I think the consensus is clear then: one BIG gift!
IndyLady said:
one big gift, or a few smaller ones?

And what if these were jewelry gifts?
I don't wear a lot of jewelry so I'd rather have one significant gift rather than a few small things. Rather have one pair of 1.5 ctw studs than a smaller pair and a bracelet (or whatever) to go with!
One big gift but only if I could pick it out

A necklace of poorly cut, visibly included diamonds would make me cry especially if it was still expensive ;(
One big thing!
Indy, do you actually get to choose something for yourself? What are you going to choose? :naughty:
IndyLady said:
Wow, thank you all for the responses!! I didn't expect such a overwhelming response for a single answer choice. I think the consensus is clear then: one BIG gift!

I always choose quality over quantity ;)) .
Tigian, I wish it was for me, hehe.

I'm choosing for my mom! My parents are celebrating their silver anniversary this winter, so I'm trying to decide what to get her! I'm trying to decide between something like a small suite (think diamond earrings and a matching pendant), or one single present, like a larger ring or a diamond bracelet. It has been so hard to figure out what to get! If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! ::)

If it were for me I would prefer your smaller option (EDIT) of the earrings and pendant, but because they have single stones. So for me that is the 'fewer' option.
One big gift, well chosen. Or let me pick!