
Whats the hurt in saying hello


Sep 4, 2011
Hey everyone !

Figured it was finally time to come out of the dark stop lurking and introduce myself! My SO and i are in our early 20's we have been together a little less then a year and have recently moved into a house together. I am a full time student attempting to become a freelance makeup artist and he is a aircraft mechanic and shot peen instructor/ inspector. We do already have in mind what we would like for the engagement ring its a Daussi cushion and setting , i don't have any idea of when the engagement will happen all i have been told is to make up my mind about the ring and stick to it . We are not in any rush considering our age and the fact that we plan on having a long engagement.

That is about it , who knows maybe my stay here will be short and sweet? Or maybe it will incredibly long , Either way i will enjoy ride to get there with the rest of you :D Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday

- BeautyQueen :wavey:
Welcome, BeautyQueen! :wavey:
Welcome!!! May your stay be short and sweet!
Thank you for the warm welcome everybody :)

LJL that ring is beautiful :love: i thought i had decided against halo's but every time i see one i cant help but wonder . This is one of the ones i tried on and just fell in love we will see what ends up happening maybe i will have to kill the curiosity and go try on some halos. :rolleyes:
BQ - I understand. I think before PS and even in the beginning for a while, I thought that I wanted a somewhat simple pave solitaire... now, who knows! I think the prices messed me up and I also think that PS'ers tend to have impeccably gorgeous halos - not your normal jewelry store crap. I'm not sure if the halos my SO and I could afford would be so fantastic.
LJL sorry its taken me so long to respond , i completely agree with what you are talking about when it comes to halos before the halo craze on PS, i think i would of thought most halos were beautiful but since being on here you can definitely tell the difference between a custom halo and what almost looks factory made. The Leons and Steven Kirsch have an heirloom feel and where they are so popular if i was to decide on a halo setting i would like something that stood outside of the pack. With the prices of diamonds and gold going sky high its hard to imagine being able to afford a custom setting and a dream diamond especially where i am not thinking of ever upgrading my engagement ring .