
When you have lost trust and respect, what''s left?

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Mar 23, 2009
I''ve had such drama with my BF lately and I don''t know what to do.

It''s a LONG, long story, I''ll try to shorten it as much as possible, but please read it and give me advice.

I''ve been under a lot of stress lately and it will just get worse til the end of November. I think that might be part of why it all just became too much for me.

My BF has a job that takes him away from home a lot. He''s always travelling, and sometimes it feels like a long distance realtionship. One of the issues that I''ve had a problem with since almost the beginning is that when he is available and at home, he''s often "too tired" to see me, or he has plans with his friends... etc etc. I did speak to him a few times but he always said that once we are married we will see each other almost every day and that it''s not an issue.
I also had a huge issue with the way he dealt with money. He would spend it on stupid things and then be too broke to buy me a nice birthday gift, or even a bed for himself!
Otherwise he always treated me really well and I knew he loved me. We hardly ever fought and if we did, he would want to sort things out straight away.

Another important point to mention is that his friends smoke pot often (one of them even grows his own). Now, you can argue with me about the so-called benefits, and I don''t care because that''s not the point. I have a HUGE problem with drugs because addiction runs in my family and has torn it apart. He knows this. When I spoke to him about it he said he hardly smoked it, maybe once every 2 months or so. I left it at that.

He seemed to change this year. We went on holiday together and it was HELL. He was so unpleasant, because things weren''t going his way. He was upset that we shared a bathroom with our friends. I wanted to go for a hike and he sulked the entire day. He has always been kind of unpleasant in situations where things don''t go his way, but this was over the top. I just wanted to come home.
He started becoming more distant. He started spending more and more time with a particular guy (let''s call him Tom). He started playing poker often. He went through a phase where he wasn''t affectionate at all and would see me even less. I chatted to him about it and he said it was not us, he was depressed. So he went on anti-depressants, but it didn''t get much better. So after this rocky time together, he calls me one night and says "I get to go to a bush resort for 4 days. Want to come?" So I thought this would be a great time to spend some quality alone time together to rekindle the relationship. So I said sure.
5 minutes later he calls back, saying "I screwed this up. I already invited Tom and I didn''t think you would say yes because you would be busy at work. I can''t cancel with him."
I was LIVID. But despite this he still went off with Tom for the 4 days.

Then he started playing poker. At first it was just a social activity, but progressed to online poker. (Keep in mind that he has financial problems). Soon he would cancel evenings with me because he had an online tournament. At one point he showed up at my house with his laptop because he was in the middle of a game and couldn''t stop it. I sat him down and told him he has a problem and it has to stop. So he promised he would stop playing for money.

Just after this talk, my sister (whom I live with) went away for a few days. I asked him to stay with me because I was held up at gunpoint a while ago and I''m still uncomfortable staying by myself. He said no because he would be moving into his new place and he was afraid his cat would run away, so he had to stay with the cat. As an animal lover I tried to be understanding.
About a day later (3 weeks ago), he calls me to tell me he''s going out with Tom to play in a poker tournament, for money. That same night a mutual friend tells me he basically sits at home and smokes pot with Tom almost every night (now the old line of being too tired to see me starts to make sense). I lost it.
I told him everything I had an issue with, and that if things didn''t change and he didn''t start treating me better I would walk away. I said I didn''t want to see him for a week. He didn''t call, didn''t show up (like the guy I fell in love with would have), he just said maybe a break would be good for us.

A week later he came over and I chatted seriously about the weed, poker, the way he has been treating me, etc. I was in tears, telling him that he has to give it up and change or it would be over.
He refused point blank to stop smoking weed, finally admitting to how often he did it and that that''s why he doesn''t see me when he is here.. I told him there were two possibilities:
a) He doesn''t care enough about me, or respect and love me enough to give up something that is coming between us.
b) He''s an addict and he can''t stop.

He still refused. So I broke up with him. Only THEN did he start crying and told me he would stop smoking it and that he would treat me better. So eventually I agreed to give him a chance. But I''m so hurt that he had to lose me before he realised I was worth fighting for (if he even realised that).

Now suddenly he is spending more time with me, being affectionate, meeting with a financial advisor and promising that he isn''t smoking pot anymore. But how long can it last? I feel like this was way too easy and too good to be true. I don''t trust the whole situation and I''m so hurt by the way he handled it.

I don''t know what to do and how to move forward. HELP!
Oh Kribbie,

I''m sorry, I think it''s time to move-on.

Between the pot smoking, not making you a priority, and his bad financial management, it doesn''t sound like things are going to work - just not husband material. (Currently he''s dating the poker table, not you)

People don''t change after marriage - he will still continue to do all those things.

You deserve better.

Set your BF free to pursue his pot-smoking poker dreams, and find a good man who''s ready to be a good boyfriend/husband.
You should try to get him to see a good psychologist. Someone who specializes in addictions (drugs, gambling, etc.). It might help him get past all of that so you can have a life together.

It does sound like it was too easy. Something doesn''t sound right about it. If he is willing to deal with professional counseling (for addiction & maybe even as a couple), then there might be hope. Otherwise he''ll just go back to it again when he thinks you''re "over it".

I have to say that I agree with HopeDream. I think that you just don''t trust him anymore. And I don''t know that he''s even worthy of that trust even if he can get it back. I''d let him go too. You don''t deserve to be treated like that.
Well, I am all for giving second chances (notice-I said second). If this is the first time he's promised that things will change-well then it might be worth it to stick it out and see if it does. IF YOU WANT TO.

But the second he goes back to his old ways-you need to be out the door.

And if this isn't a second chance but a third or a fourth-walk away and cut your losses. Or if you know you'll never be able to trust him again-it's time to walk.

Hang in there-you deserve better!
Oh, I''m very sorry this is happening
It''s time to move''re exposing yourself to big trouble, Hugs!
Huge *hugs* to you. I really feel for you and your situation, Ive been in one so similar. And I wish someone would have told me then to end it and be done. From everything you wrote, this man is selfish and undeserving of all you put into your relationship. Trust me, there is someone better out there for you. Drop this knuckhead so you can find him.
My ex-fi was a pot smoker, and as it turned out he was making excuses not to see me so he could stay home and get stoned. There were other issues with him that all added up to a dealbreaker for me, so I had to say goodbye. It was not easy, but I know when to cut my loses and move on.

We have gut instincts for a reason. Trust them.
Big hugs! I''m sorry that you''re in this situation. I know that I would personally be out the door and not looking back if my SO broke my trust like that, but it''s ultimately your decision whether he''s worth another chance. Best of luck in whichever you decide.
Move on. It sounds like you have your head on straight and he doesn''t. You really deserve to be with someone who wants to make you feel happy and loved every single day.
I would move on personally.

ETA: As a poker player who is married to another poker player - before D was born we played live tournaments 2 evenings a week and online most nights - you CANNOT play poker without playing for money. It just doesn''t work. If he tells you he is playing not for money I don''t believe it.
Date: 10/18/2009 2:49:11 PM
Author: Winks_Elf

We have gut instincts for a reason. Trust them.

What exactly are you getting out of this relationship? It sounds like a lot of heartache and it''s not worth your time and energy. I believe there are times when two people in a relationship may need to spend some time working things out, and then their are times when working it out simply doesn''t seem logical, and based on what you''ve shared this situation is one that doesn''t seem worthwhile for you. I''m so sorry he''s hurt you, don''t let him continue to do so.
Date: 10/18/2009 8:58:18 PM
Author: KimberlyH
What exactly are you getting out of this relationship? It sounds like a lot of heartache and it''s not worth your time and energy. I believe there are times when two people in a relationship may need to spend some time working things out, and then their are times when working it out simply doesn''t seem logical, and based on what you''ve shared this situation is one that doesn''t seem worthwhile for you. I''m so sorry he''s hurt you, don''t let him continue to do so.


He is not the only person in the world for you--do not make his problems, baggage and lack of maturity your issue.

kind regards--Sharon
I''m so sorry you''re going thru this! I agree with the others that it sounds like time to move on. If he''s not willing to put you first now, he won''t do it when you''re married. And the pot smoking and poker won''t go away either.
Gonna be frank. This sounds like the nightmare boyfriend scenario every one of my friends (& self) had BEFORE we met the men we *married*. I''ve never known a situation like this to be rectified & end up in a mutually satisfying, lasting marriage.

It sounds like you''ve been OVER patient and OVER accepting thus far. Might be time to ask yourself: why?
I agree with NeatFreak...if he is genuinely being better, I would give him a very cautious second chance. But, the second he reverts, break up with him. You deserve someone who cares about you. I know what it''s like to have a boyfriend with drug issues, and it really, really sucks. Just remember to put yourself first. HUGS! And sincere wishes that all works out well.
wow.. i woulda walked away right after he un-invited me from the vacation so this "Tom" could go instead. oh heyyyyyyalll no!!

it obviously doesn''t feel right to you right now and your instincts are not letting you totally trust him.. listen to your gut!!

I''m having flashbacks of a guy i dated in college.. who among other things would always rather play poker than spend time with me.. then when i broke up with him suddenly he''s showing up at my doorstep sobbing his eyes out, curled up into the fetal position in my living room saying he realized that he treated me like crap and wanted another chance.

well it''s too little, too late.

it sounds like this guy has a lot of growing up to do. there are TONS of red flags. be cautious..
I''m so sorry you''re going through this. I know it''s going to be hard, but I agree with the other ladies that it''s probably time to move on. Relationships don''t have to be this difficult.
Date: 10/18/2009 2:02:18 PM
Author: neatfreak
Well, I am all for giving second chances (notice-I said second). If this is the first time he''s promised that things will change-well then it might be worth it to stick it out and see if it does. IF YOU WANT TO.

But the second he goes back to his old ways-you need to be out the door.

And if this isn''t a second chance but a third or a fourth-walk away and cut your losses. Or if you know you''ll never be able to trust him again-it''s time to walk.

Hang in there-you deserve better!

Ditto. He sounds like he''s making a serious effort to be different and change. Change is a hard things to achieve, and is something that does take time. If I loved him, I would stick it out for a little while to see if the changes he''s making are long-lasting.

Lots and lots of hugs to you!
Date: 10/18/2009 1:18:54 PM
I''ve had such drama with my BF lately and I don''t know what to do.

It''s a LONG, long story, I''ll try to shorten it as much as possible, but please read it and give me advice.

I''ve been under a lot of stress lately and it will just get worse til the end of November. I think that might be part of why it all just became too much for me.

My BF has a job that takes him away from home a lot. He''s always travelling, and sometimes it feels like a long distance realtionship. One of the issues that I''ve had a problem with since almost the beginning is that when he is available and at home, he''s often ''too tired'' to see me, or he has plans with his friends... etc etc. I did speak to him a few times but he always said that once we are married we will see each other almost every day and that it''s not an issue.
I also had a huge issue with the way he dealt with money. He would spend it on stupid things and then be too broke to buy me a nice birthday gift, or even a bed for himself!
Otherwise he always treated me really well and I knew he loved me. We hardly ever fought and if we did, he would want to sort things out straight away.
I have news for you...he never changed...the warning signs were all there SINCE the beginning and you chose to ignore them.

You''ll "see each other every day" when you''re married so "that is not an issue?" HAHAHA! Do you know how many friends I have who see their husbands every day and yet are as lonely as hell? SEEING and SPENDING QUALITY TIME together are two vastly different things. How he blew it off is so absurd, it''s laughable.

If it was maybe one of the problems you mentioned...perhaps a second chance would be in order. But all this sh*t? Please. Men like this don''t change. You can choose to get out of it now or deal with a messy divorce later. And that''s after he''s gambled all your money away too.

Men like this are for stupid women. There are lots of them out there so you''d be in good company if you stayed. But I''d like to think you''re not.
Oh, and PS, the "guy you fell in love with" is a mirage. THIS is the guy you are going to have to LOVE. Falling in love is ALWAYS the easy part. As for the the way he is now...a candy coating doesn't change the fact that the apple is still rotten.
Sorry, but i think you need to leave him.

You deserve so much better kribbie!
I think that you should listen to your gut as well and decide what to do. If you want to give him a second chance then you need to be ready to walk as soon as he reverts back to his old ways. Is he still hanging out with Tom? Because if he is, I can''t see him changing totally.
Guys like this don''t change overnight, I think it''s time to leave and find someone who is worthy of you.
Date: 10/19/2009 6:00:09 AM
Author: bee*
I think that you should listen to your gut as well and decide what to do. If you want to give him a second chance then you need to be ready to walk as soon as he reverts back to his old ways. Is he still hanging out with Tom? Because if he is, I can't see him changing totally.
Ditto. If this is the first time something like this happens and he's really trying and making an effort to change things, you might wait and see what happens (if that's what you want). But even at the tiniest red flag, I'd just walk away.
Oh kribble, i have been here before and they don''t change. Sorry.

He was this person when you met him, he was just doing a better job of hiding it then.

Trust your gut feeling and do what is right for you.

This is a guy without lots of other issues. I say cut your losses and find someone who can care
about something besides himself. {{{{Big Hugs}}}
I''m sorry, but I think you''ll be happier with someone else.

If you don''t trust or respect him, why stay with him?

Life is a journey, not a destination. This could be a good stopping point to switch partners and journey on!

Good luck!
I think it is time to cut your losses. Maybe he''ll get his head on straight after you leave and realize what he''s lost... but honestly, that most likely won''t happen until you are in someone else''s arms, and delightfully happy. Then he''ll see what a HUGE mistake he made, and you''d already have moved on.

Everything you listed are DEAL BREAKERS. It will be hard, but cut your losses and move on.
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