
When you lose your job......

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Feb 22, 2008
....... what happenes to the vacation time you earned?

Yikes what a week!

On Wednesday as I was working away at my desk two men and 3 Sherrif''s Deputies walked in and asked to speak to my boss.
They said they were there to serve a tax warrant and then porceeded to seize his car and everything in the office then they went to his house and emptied it too. I don''t have any idea what really happened or why they were there, but I do know I am now unemployed.

My boss called and told me I would be paid through today. Here''s my question though....I was told after a year that I would earn 2 weeks vacation. My one year anniversary there was in May so I should have 2 weeks of vacation pay that I fully earned. The way I understand it unless I am fired for misconduct or quit without proper notice that vacation pay is owed to me. Is that true?

Do I just call the HR office (which is out of state) and verify with them that I will be getting my vacation pay? Sorry I''ve never had this happen before I''m kinda lost but I want to do this right and get what I''m owed.
I would definitely recommend the HR route. Give them a call and see what the deal is. Maybe there''s a way you can be temp employee somewhere else in the company or be placed in another position?

I''m so sorry this happened to you! What a heck of a situation.
Call HR - most companies have to pay out unpaid vacation/sick/PT time, some even if you are fired for misconduct (depends on situations!).

Sorry that this happened to you!
Yes, you should be paid out vacation time. Comp days do not get paid out, typically.

I'm sorry to hear about your job loss! For benefits, I would not recommend the Cobra plan. It is exhorbitant and you can get good health coverage from the major health care companies on your own for less... they have a lot of temporary plans from Aetna & etc. on or one of those sites for 6 month plans & etc. My friend just lost her job and told me about this.
Thank you everyone!

I just wanted to be sure that I wasn''t crazy thinking that was the way it should be before I called and asked for it.

I did call the HR department and even though they never got an employment agreement for me (my boss said he would fix up one they sent him and have me sign it but never did) they would honor the agreement I had with my boss. So thankfully they will be paying me for the vacation I earned and the time worked this month. They are also sendingme termination paperwork so that I can apply for unemployment. That should buy me some time at least.
Date: 8/15/2008 12:52:27 PM
Author: KCCutie
Thank you everyone!

I just wanted to be sure that I wasn''t crazy thinking that was the way it should be before I called and asked for it.

I did call the HR department and even though they never got an employment agreement for me (my boss said he would fix up one they sent him and have me sign it but never did) they would honor the agreement I had with my boss. So thankfully they will be paying me for the vacation I earned and the time worked this month. They are also sendingme termination paperwork so that I can apply for unemployment. That should buy me some time at least.
Oh, I am so happy that they are honoring the agreement for you. I am glad that things are going relatively smoothly considering what happened. You sound like you will be sailing through to a new opportunity! Sometimes when things happen this smoothly, it''s almost like Fate -- and you may find yourself in an unexpectedly amazing new job soon like all this was meant to happen.
Hi KC,

I''m very sorry to hear about the job (that''s crazy... I can''t imagine). I''m glad HR was willing to work with you and I hope you find a new job soon. On the bright side at least you now have some resolution in terms of your job situation. I also read in your other thead that the house had fallen through and I''m also sorry to hear that but... maybe in some way (along the same lines of what Bliss said) this is wiping the slate clean for you and you''ll get a fresh start with a new job and a new house.
. I hope this is the beginning of lots of good things to come your way (and soon!).
What drama! Wow! I''m so glad that the HR department came through for you and is making everything right! I think that wherever you end up it will probably be better and more secure than this situation! I can''t even imagine how crazy it was to watch that happen to your boss!

Good luck on the next step. It''s got to get better!
Thanks Bliss AQ and Sumbride!

You are all right. Maybe this is just what had to happen to get me into the perfect job and the perfect house. I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason." The past couple days it was really hard to focus on that. I just went into panic mode there for a couple days and had to get it out of my system(and PMS was not helping). I cried a lot and I''m now certain that I''ve gotten it out of my system. It''s time to look to the future and find that perfect job that''s out there for me. At least now I can schedule interviews anytime I want to and I''ll have plenty of time to clean and pack if I need to.

On to looking at the brighter side! Everything will work out...that''s my new mantra
In your case, most likely nothing.

Secured creditors (banks) will get their check first.
Then general creditors, then stockholders (maybe employees at this point but that's a big maybe), and then unsecured creditors.

ETA: If they seized his office then how is their an HR? Does he work for a company? Was it personal tax?
I don''t know what your skillset is, but don''t discount temp agencies if you can make more working contract than you can on unemployment
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