
Where can I find U-V W-X color diamonds?

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Sep 24, 2009
I love yellow diamonds, but the really light ones. I have found lots of the light and others that are deeper, but would love some in the lighter yellows. any idea where I could find these. I know there are a few ladies on PS that have them and they are AWESOME.....
Could you post pics if you have some. Thanks!!!
not many around that are well cut.

Usually these will be cut to get into the fancy yellow range rather than a U - Z color grade colorless stone.
No pictures, but I have a W that I bought from Excel, and I love it! Try them.
I think FLY (fancy light yellow) might be a good color for you... here is mine... do you want something lighter still?
Date: 4/8/2010 4:59:09 PM
Author: poshpepper
I think FLY (fancy light yellow) might be a good color for you... here is mine... do you want something lighter still?
That is a beautiful color.....and that would work for me.....or even a bit lighter....
Date: 4/8/2010 5:02:53 PM
Author: Asscherhalo_lover
Go to Diamonds By Lauren , light yellows and colored diamonds are his specialty!
+1 I hope some day to have a S-X range diamond myself some day. After all my reading and internet searching, I have decided he will be the one we go to when the time comes.
Thank you guys!

Regarding the cutting of light yellows:
Say a piece of rough, cut as well as possible , in a shape that transmits the color best, such as Radiant, turns out to be U-V color grade.
In that case, you have a really well cut U-V color range diamond. If the cutter could have done something to have the stone broadcast more color, they would have.

There are quite a few really well cut U-V through Y-Z color range diamonds out there.
Granted, they are generally harder to find than a G color, but percentage wise, it''s probable that a similar percentage of U-V stones are well cut as compared to G color.

Really nice ring Posh!!!
GOG has a 1.26 ct Q colored H&A that I want sooooooooo bad.
I just wish it would fit the setting I have for it..
Here''s mine ( I know some of you are probably tired of seeing it... )

W to X color - but it is enhanced buy a yellow gold shield... I know she is not that intense. It will be interesting to see her without that!!!


Date: 4/8/2010 4:49:52 PM
I love yellow diamonds, but the really light ones. I have found lots of the light and others that are deeper, but would love some in the lighter yellows. any idea where I could find these. I know there are a few ladies on PS that have them and they are AWESOME.....
Could you post pics if you have some. Thanks!!!
Ditto Diamonds by Lauren. The lighter yellow range before they hit fancy colours is definatly my favourate colour range for daimonds, preferably in a threestone ring with icey white side stones
. I had another quick perv around the Diamonds by Lauren site just now and there a definatly some beautiful rocks and rings in that range
Date: 4/8/2010 6:38:05 PM
Author: Amethyste
Here''s mine ( I know some of you are probably tired of seeing it... )

W to X color - but it is enhanced buy a yellow gold shield... I know she is not that intense. It will be interesting to see her without that!!!

lemonyonsunnyday6.jpg, never get tired of looking at that beauty!!! And granted, lemony may not be as intense without the yellow cup....she will Always be and AWESOME stone.... I love the lighter a watered down sparkly and BEAUTIFUL!
Date: 4/8/2010 6:41:07 PM
Author: 4ever

Date: 4/8/2010 4:49:52 PM
I love yellow diamonds, but the really light ones. I have found lots of the light and others that are deeper, but would love some in the lighter yellows. any idea where I could find these. I know there are a few ladies on PS that have them and they are AWESOME.....
Could you post pics if you have some. Thanks!!!
Ditto Diamonds by Lauren. The lighter yellow range before they hit fancy colours is definatly my favourate colour range for daimonds, preferably in a threestone ring with icey white side stones
. I had another quick perv around the Diamonds by Lauren site just now and there a definatly some beautiful rocks and rings in that range
4ever....yes in deed DBL has some beauties.....I am trying to find a stone that will work in my current ering and although I got a yellow sapphire for my anniversary....still WANT that yellow diamond. LOL.....I also want it to be LARGER than my sapphire which is my RHR. That causes issues with $$$$$.
Date: 4/8/2010 6:45:30 PM
Author: Taylorbug!

Date: 4/8/2010 6:41:07 PM
Author: 4ever

Date: 4/8/2010 4:49:52 PM
I love yellow diamonds, but the really light ones. I have found lots of the light and others that are deeper, but would love some in the lighter yellows. any idea where I could find these. I know there are a few ladies on PS that have them and they are AWESOME.....
Could you post pics if you have some. Thanks!!!
Ditto Diamonds by Lauren. The lighter yellow range before they hit fancy colours is definatly my favourate colour range for daimonds, preferably in a threestone ring with icey white side stones
. I had another quick perv around the Diamonds by Lauren site just now and there a definatly some beautiful rocks and rings in that range
4ever....yes in deed DBL has some beauties.....I am trying to find a stone that will work in my current ering and although I got a yellow sapphire for my anniversary....still WANT that yellow diamond. LOL.....I also want it to be LARGER than my sapphire which is my RHR. That causes issues with $$$$$.
Do you have a photo of your current e-ring you can share? What is your preferences for shape, what size are you after and what''s your budget if you are happy to share it?
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