
Which cat treats?...since all the other bases are covered!

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Jan 25, 2005
We've talked about litter, food, etc so I'm curious to know - does anyone have opinions or information on cat treats that are better for them than the generic stuff? My kitties LOVE the Pounce tartar control treats, Whisker Lickins...but those seem like the Meow Mix equivalent for treats.
I did find some freeze dried shrimp (which one likes, but not the other...and they're made in China, which after the melamine thing kinda freaks me out right now) and Zuke's treats (all natural)...any other good ones out there that are good for them?!
FG, I recall seeing some real beef (jerky) treats for cats at Petsmart. No funky added chemicals and such. But it looks hard and I don't how if cats will really like it or not. Everytime I want to buy kitty treats, I end up walking away after reading the ingredients list.
I really want to treat my old maid once a while.
Chrono I've got good ones for the old maid...the only treats I feel okay about. They're called Zuke's Hip Action (comes in chicken or salmon flavor) and they have chondroitin and glucosamine for old/arthritic kitty joints. I give these to Chloe. She prefers the Pounce/Whisker Lickins crap, but the Zuke's ingredient list is commendable. Zuke's also comes in regular formula without the chondroitin and glucosamine. (one link for the Hip Action) (Zukes page for kitty treats)

Can't seem to find any OTHER brands though...
Hip Action?!!
Gee, what a name. Are you sure we won''t be censored by Irina?

Yeah, my old kitty like the Pounce/Whiskas stuff but I don''t feel comfortable feeding her that. Do you know if it can be found in local shops/retailers?
I''d like to see Irina''s photoshop of a cat with ''hip action!'' LOL!

I have found them at Pet Club, which is a pet warehouse store with multiple locations in NoCal. Can''t remember if I saw ''em at PetCo or not. But I haven''t had to mail order them.
I know nothing about which cat treats are supposed to be to better than others, but we occasionally give Henry and Zoe treats called Greenies. I know they''re a big hit with dogs so we tried them with our cats and they love them. We don''t give them out all the time but when we do, the kitties come running!
Greenies are a HUGE hit in our house. All I have to say is "Do you want a Greenie???" and the cats will stand on their hind legs and beg for them! really! I''ve taught them to take them from my fingers with their mouths! I did the same to my mom''s cats. I don''t know what they really have in them, but we call them "Kitty Crack." Lucy can be sleeping upstairs but if I pick up the bag to move it, she hears me, she knows the sound, and she''s THERE.

I''ve tried other organic treats and no dice. They want NOTHING to do with them. They get Greenies and Pill Pockets and that''s it.
hehehe I give Holly the empty pill pockets because Chloe won't touch them ever since I tried to feed her one that had a pill in it.
I've seen the greenies but haven't bought 'em...just figured the kitties wouldn't go for them but I'll have to try. I wish I could find something they like as much as the Pounce...that stuff even gets Chloe out from under the bed as soon as she hears me pick up the package!
Ditto Greenies!
My guys love pounce.
OK, I feel UNFIT! I *never* give Buster treats!!

But PLEASE, let me explain!!!

Years ago when we had our last cat, we gave her lots of fancy little canned foods and treats, PLUS we also made the mistake of giving her little samples of our dinner --salmon, chicken, etc. I am assuming it was because of this that she was always KEENLY interested in FOOD, especially HUMAN food. She would not leave us alone when were cooking, or eating, or doing anything in the kitchen or dining room. And she was ALWAYS up on the table, or the kitchen counters... AND she was an EXTREMELY finicky (catfood) eater.

SO, when we got Buster we decided to do things differently, and we NEVER give him people food. We wanted him to be content with dry cat food (not even wet cat food) ... and he is not fussy or finicky... he seems to eat well, but not overeat. Food just doesn't seem to be any big issue with him, and he has no interest in people food at all. He doesn't howl when I am in the kitchen, or beg and cry at the table when we eat dinner. He never gets up on the kitchen counters or the table. We LOVE that!!!

So since I want him to remain content with dry cat food, I have never even bought him any treats. (But believe me, he is one spoiled kitty otherwise... more toys than some children
, and LOTS of pampering!) I see all those treats in the store and I am always so sorely tempted... but I figure he won't miss what he has never had, right?!

Any input or advice?! And PLEASE don't take my cat away from me!!!
Oh Lynn - I don''t think you need to worry at all. Our three never get treats. They''ve had greenies a few times and like them, but they don''t beg for them or anything.

The only treat any of them gets is when I give Oliver little fingerfuls of Fage (fancy Greek yogurt) - he has learned to recognize the sound of that particular container opening and will come in the kitchen and stand up on his hind legs to beg for it. He only gets a small finger-full and the vet said its OK as long as it doesn''t disagree with him.

From those pictures you posted Lynn, Buster is plenty big and healthy-looking with "only" his dry cat food
My Duncan was given table scraps on the sly by his grandma. So he begs. But my other''s came after him (after we found out what grandma was doing and put our foot down) and while the like treats and come running for them. They do not beg or anything for food. You''re not a bad momma though, and if you like, you can include it on top of his dry food so he just thinks its part of the dry.
*whew!* Thanks for the replies, AG and Gypsy!!! I was so afraid you guys were gonna think I was totally unfit!

So, as much as I am tempted to buy him treats, I think I am going to pass, and just keep on doing what we''re doing. It is just so nice to not have to deal with any food issues. Our other cat was a Siamese and OHMYWORD, she was SO VOCAL... that piercing :::meeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooow::: all the time over food...not to mention those kitty prints on the table and countertops and even the STOVE!
I think that''s largely why we didn''t get a cat again for so many years. We remembered all of that!!!
Date: 6/8/2007 4:52:41 PM
Author: FireGoddess
hehehe I give Holly the empty pill pockets because Chloe won''t touch them ever since I tried to feed her one that had a pill in it.
I''ve seen the greenies but haven''t bought ''em...just figured the kitties wouldn''t go for them but I''ll have to try. I wish I could find something they like as much as the Pounce...that stuff even gets Chloe out from under the bed as soon as she hears me pick up the package!

Our evening routine is Lucy gets her "treat"... a pill pocket with her prozac in it, and Bill gets his "treat"... an empty pill pocket! they are both so excited by it, and by giving Bill his own, I make sure he doesn''t take Lucy''s. Plus if I ever need to give him a pill, I figure we''re all set with the routine! He''s actually really easy to pill though, so it''s kind of a needless routine, but it makes him VERY happy, so hey, that''s something.

I think the main addictive ingredient in the Greenies is Brewers Yeast. You could buy a bottle of that much cheaper than greenies, but theoretically the Greenies are good for the teeth... of course I''m fairly certain Lucy swallows hers whole, which probably doesn''t help much. I buy in bulk on the internet.
Chloe likes Greenies!!! Woo hoo!!
I got a package this weekend and she loves ''em!

Lynn, we never give the kitties human food or scraps or anything so they don''t beg. Even Holly, the new kitty, stays away from the kitchen table like I taught her to, so no problem there. Chloe has to eat prescription food and I feel so bad for her (I know it doesn''t taste as good as the other stuff) and give her treats for that reason. Holly gets them while she''s being clicker trained, or in activity toys to keep her busy while I''m at work.
Our two kitties LOVE the greenies. They have pretty much snubbed any other cat treats that we have bought for them. As another poster mentioned, one of our cats recognizes the sound of the greenies bag being opened, and comes running!
Date: 6/8/2007 9:52:22 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Oh Lynn - I don''t think you need to worry at all. Our three never get treats. They''ve had greenies a few times and like them, but they don''t beg for them or anything.

The only treat any of them gets is when I give Oliver little fingerfuls of Fage (fancy Greek yogurt) - he has learned to recognize the sound of that particular container opening and will come in the kitchen and stand up on his hind legs to beg for it. He only gets a small finger-full and the vet said its OK as long as it doesn''t disagree with him.

From those pictures you posted Lynn, Buster is plenty big and healthy-looking with ''only'' his dry cat food

My kitties LOVE yogurt. It is actually one of the only foods our female begs for (well anything dairy). A vet told me once that it is good for their digestive systems so when I eat some I give them each a little.
As a sinful treat: mandarin oranges from a can or glass jar, and mini marshmallows, if they haven''t been mentioned yet! My Tinkerbell used to love those oranges, and my Spooky used to love the marshmallows...
Date: 6/11/2007 5:45:33 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Chloe likes Greenies!!! Woo hoo!!
I got a package this weekend and she loves ''em!

Lynn, we never give the kitties human food or scraps or anything so they don''t beg. Even Holly, the new kitty, stays away from the kitchen table like I taught her to, so no problem there. Chloe has to eat prescription food and I feel so bad for her (I know it doesn''t taste as good as the other stuff) and give her treats for that reason. Holly gets them while she''s being clicker trained, or in activity toys to keep her busy while I''m at work.

YAY! I''m so glad she likes them. My monsters do all kinds of things for them.

Tacori... will start giving them yogurt! THX!
Gypsy, I just give them vanilla since that is what I like but I am sure any flavor will do. Mine know when I open one from the sound too. Our female gets so excited her tail shakes. Let me know if they like it!
Oh I already know that Duncan does. Daddy''s been sneaking him some. But we are boring, we just like plain yogurt most of the time. Although I did buy some strawberry and bluberry... but they won''t touch that.
I usually will do tuna packed in water (just a little on top of their food) or lactaid cream (no lactose so they can digest it).
Chen I have to be careful with though bc he has a very sensitive tummy.

I figure MC already gets pretty fancy-pants food, so I don''t feel as obligated (homecooked chicken/liver/supplements business).
Well, all this talk of GREENIES
made me think that maybe Buster *needs* some (healthy!) treats after all, so the next time I am anywhere that has them (or I place a mail-order), I plan to buy some. BUT, in the meantime, I thought I''d share a link to a free Greenie sample with all my cat lovin'' PS buddies!

BTW, do you guys REALLY think they help with dental hygiene, or is that just hype?
Thanks Lynn! I sent away for my free sample. I am not sure where I can buy them locally but this will be a good way to test them out.
Date: 6/13/2007 6:39:22 PM
Author: Lynn B

BTW, do you guys REALLY think they help with dental hygiene, or is that just hype?

Well, Lucy doesn''t take the time to chew them so I doubt it''s helping her much. Bill does bite them in half, but I don''t think he crunches them up.
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