
Which dress? (Warning: super cute fun inside)


Aug 12, 2005
I really enjoy buying my daughter one or two beautiful dresses for the holidays. This is the time of year that works for me for splurging, and she's a girly girl who loves to wear dresses and pretty things in general. Tonight I'm having a heck of a time choosing between two very different styles! I decided to consult Pricescope because all of you have wonderful taste.

The first one has special meaning due to its pattern and her middle name.
The second one is just a style/pattern that I find more attractive than other traditional styles available for children.
I'm also open to suggestions/recommendations! These choices are from Nordstrom, who carries good/better/best. Not looking to break the bank with Gucci, Fendi, or Burberry...but not opposed to going over $100.

celestial.jpeg Holidaystripe.jpeg
Yes, I could buy them both. But there are only so many occasions and I'd rather choose just one!
I love the first one! What a fun print.
I really like the second dress. It’s a lovely special occasion dress. I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of hi-lo hemlines on knee-length skirts, and that bias does come into play here.

How old is your daughter?
You cannot miss with either dress; both are lovely. I gravitate much more to the first one, however. It is unique and it also has very feminine layers. The second dress is a classic. It is the kind of dress one cannot "miss" with, but everyone will have one at some point in her childhood of she is lucky enough to be raised by parents who have the means to buy her beautiful clothes.
how old is she? Not that it matters. I LOVE #1!!!!
#1 x 1000 I love it! So beautiful and unique!
Monnie, I would let her pick between the two. They are both really cute dresses.
#1 is my favorite!!!
So, photographically speaking, I think they are both pretty great. What kind of kiddo is your daughter? I look at the first one and it looks very whimsical to me, almost aloof. For a super fun personality, maybe a little out of the norm.

The second is equally great, but it gives off a different personality for the wearer to me - I think princess when I look at it - future, mini Queen.

I think I'd ultimately pick the first, firstly because I think that dress would be a lot of fun to photograph in a shoot. Also, the second dress is quite classic so I feel that you might be able to find something similar without too much trouble, but the first is quite special - and from your post seems like it might have more sentimentality behind it.
She is 6 and a half as of late November.
Her middle name has to do with astrology...
She will wear anything that's frilly/girly so she would love either.
It's tough to get much "wear" out of special occasion dresses during the holidays because her father and I share custody and she's with each of us half the time. I feel as though I have her just long enough to take photos or have them taken and then back she goes...perhaps that is why I feel so driven to find "the perfect dress" for each occasion. This is more about me than my child, I'm aware.

Thank you all so much for your input! What a special place this is.
Monnie, Pick the one the that feels more special to you. Holidays can be tough when sharing custody. Enjoy your time with your daughter! You know she is going to look adorable in either dress.
So, photographically speaking, I think they are both pretty great. What kind of kiddo is your daughter? I look at the first one and it looks very whimsical to me, almost aloof. For a super fun personality, maybe a little out of the norm.

The second is equally great, but it gives off a different personality for the wearer to me - I think princess when I look at it - future, mini Queen.

I think I'd ultimately pick the first, firstly because I think that dress would be a lot of fun to photograph in a shoot. Also, the second dress is quite classic so I feel that you might be able to find something similar without too much trouble, but the first is quite special - and from your post seems like it might have more sentimentality behind it.

Hi! I really want to thank you for taking the time to post all of your thoughts! Everything you wrote is so helpful--I very much appreciate it! I agree with you on all points. They are both beautiful dresses but the celestial choice is so much more interesting!
Both are lovely, but my vote is for #1! I’m a sucker for a fun, unique print.
Monnie, Pick the one the that feels more special to you. Holidays can be tough when sharing custody. Enjoy your time with your daughter! You know she is going to look adorable in either dress.

Thank you, @Calliecake . I really appreciate and feel comforted by your input.
I love the first one!
I like the second one. The first is great too, I just think it’s a little bit grown up for a 6 1/2 year old.
The first dress for sure. It is fun and full of personality. In addition, you do not have to baby this dress as much as the white one, she can go to the playground, ice skate, eat a hot dog or do anything she like without worry. I would pair this with plain black or silver tights.
I love the first one.
Channeling my inner 6 year old, I'd pick space dress without a doubt. It looks way more fun to wear, with all the textures and twirlable light material! Second one is quite prim and proper, don't feel like one could properly run or climb jungle gyms in it. Also, space! What a fantastic print!
They are both super adorable but if I have to choose I pick's fun and feminine and so pretty. I love #2 as well. To me #2 is a more sophisticated dress while #1 is a sweeter and more flirty (in the innocent sense) dress. And #1 looks more comfortable to me but that could just be an illusion. They are both lovely.

Would it spoil the surprise if you were to ask her which dress she prefers? I recently did that with my niece because I wanted to get her something she would love and though I knew she would like both I wanted her to get the dress she loved more so I showed her both pics and she chose. Of course that ruins the surprise so that may not work at all if you want it to be a surprise. In that case I would chose the dress you love the most.

As others have written here you cannot go wrong with either dress.
Do you belong to Costco? Just throwing that out there because they have some amazing dresses for young girls...great quality and style and amazing prices too. Just a thought if you have never looked there before. I was blown away by some of the dresses they have there for young girls.
The second!
They are both lovely!
The first one is sort boho (to me) so suited for a free spirit who loves the space pattern. The second is more traditional and formal.
Would one or the other suit her coloring better? Would one or the other be better/easer for shoes and hair accessories?
I never got to dress little girls so I envy your dilemma.
Any way to get the link to the first dress? I can't find it on the Nordstrom site.
First one for sure! My daughter is 6 and she would LOVE IT
They are both beautiful, but I would choose the first one. It is so unique and fun!
#1 because let's face it that is a cool dress. The other one is nice but more conservative so for her age I vote for fun!
I am not a fan of the hemline of #1 Too mature for a little girl. I LOVE #2. It is a girly dress that can only be worn up to a certain age. #2 looks like a holiday dress and is beautiful. I dressed my girls in dresses for the holidays knowing full well that the dresses would not be worn after the holidays were over. I found that as their sizes grew classic holiday dresses were harder to find -the styles and fabrics were more mature and ugly. I was in no hurry for them to wear more mature clothes. So I would pick #2 as the other dress can be worn as she gets older (buy it in a bigger size and save it for next year).