
Which hand for which ring?

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Dec 16, 2007
Hey PS peeps!

I have finally decided that I am going to keep my three-stone ring with the sapphire and diamond ECs, but I am going to get an RB solitair too (probably around .80ct for my budget, then I''ll upgrade in a few years)! Yeah! Here''s the question: Which hand do I wear which ring on? The three-stone includes my original engagement stone and had great finger coverage, but the RB solitaire will look really "engagementy" and will be a present for our first anniversary... what to do??? My fingers are different sizes (5.75 and 7) so I can''t switch back and forth, unfotunately.

Ooh. The tough thing is the different finger sizes. When I got a solitaire last year, I switched my 5 stone to be a RHR, but it fit on the "same" finger on my right hand. I think I prefer the solitaire look on the wedding ring finger personally. I suppose you could have the 3 stone made larger for your RH and get a clear sizer for if you wanted to wear it on your left, but the solitaire wouldn''t fit on your RH then.
Lyra you see my dilemma! haha... My worry about the solitaire is that I will miss the finger coverage of my three-stone
! If I use lots of lotion on my right hand I can juuuuust get my three-stone onto it (it is sized 6). It feels a little tight though so I wouldn''t want to wear it too much and have my finger fall off!

Any other opinions? One vote so far for three-stone RHR, solitaire on the left.

I would also prefer the look of the 3-stone for a RHR. But I''m old-fashioned!!
Date: 3/13/2008 10:49:21 AM
Author: nclrgirl
I would also prefer the look of the 3-stone for a RHR. But I''m old-fashioned!!
You aren''t "old-fashioned" at all! Fashion about this stuff doesn''t seem to change that much over time... I guess I just wondered if some people might think that I should keep my original engagement stone on the engagement finger, but I guess THAT is too old-fashioned!

I think it''s totally a matter of preference. Unless your DH has any views on the matter? If he is not invested in you wearing one or the other on a particular finger, then I''d just do what looks best and feels comfiest for you!
I agree with Independent girl...If DH doesn''t care, move the three stone to your right hand and wear the solitaire on your left. Honestly, I have tried to wear my solitaire as a RHR and my three stone on the left, and the solitaire just looks out of place as a RHR (the three stone looks fine either way, lol). I also have a habit of changing my mind, though...some days I will wear my solitaire and wedding band on my left (YG) and other days I will wear my three stone on my left (WG).
What about getting a stone with an upgrade policy and placing it into a pendant?
Indepentend gal, my DH doesn''t care what I wear where! haha He just wants me to love my rings.

If my fingers didn''t have such different sizes (is that odd? Is it associated with anything good like intelligence or wealth?
) then I would totally do what Diamond*Dana suggests and switch it up as my heart desires!

Feb2003bride, that isa great idea, but I am not a realy "jewelry" girl... I only wear rings, and besides I love to stare at my blng all day, that''s a big reason why I love it so much! But I am getting my new rock from somewhere with a trade-in policy for sure. One day I''d like a honker rock. But in the meantime I want a mad-sparkler to enjoy on my hand!

Another option would be to keep both rings sized for my left hand and wear them on different days... but that seems such a waste of bling! What do other people do who have more than one ring??
I always hesitate to answer these kinds of threads, because I''m like, "what help can I be when I''m as indecisive as they come?!"
I have had a similar dilemma, as my original e-diamond is being reset, and the e-ring I currently wear w/ my wedding band on the left hand is not the original. Partly because I couldn''t decide, and partly because, like you, I have such different size fingers, and partly because like you, I didn''t like the option of "either - or" for the same hand, which does seem a waste, and mainly because my knuckle on my rt. hand is really so much bigger than the ring area, I went for a hinged-shank, which will allow me to wear it on either hand, and also have it fit the ring area of my rt. hand without needing to be bigger than the knuckle. Although that too comes with its tradeoffs. I guess the main point of me mentioning all that is to say, I totally sympathize with your dilemma!!

Given all that, though, my vote would probably be, wear the solitaire on the left, 3stone on rt. That''s what I would likely do.

[One consideration is, if your hands are like mine - given that my right knuckle is so big, ring spin becomes an issue (w/o the hinged hank), and most likely you will get more ring spin from a more top-heavy ring. Not sure in your case, but on me, the 3-stone would probably have less ring-spin issues than the solitaire. Which is another reason I''d go with it (3-stone) on the right, solitaire on left. Hope this is making sense. ]
OFG, why are these decisions so hard! I am only at the beginning: what size budget, which finger will I wear it on... I haven't even started trying to make the hard choices like: which diamond?!?! which setting?!?! My budget is tight for the size diamond I am hoping to get, so the setting must be simple and I want to get it from the same person I buy the stone from....


One good thing is that I have lost a little bit of weight and maybe because of that I can now get my three-stone onto my right hand! It is a teensy bit snug though, but I wonder if after my finger fat reforms (funny eh? I have an indent in my left hand from my rings... am I the only one?) whether it will fit better. Is it dangerous to wear a ring that is a little snug? Will my finger turn black and fall off?


Date: 3/13/2008 9:57:39 AM
Hey PS peeps!

I have finally decided that I am going to keep my three-stone ring with the sapphire and diamond ECs, but I am going to get an RB solitair too (probably around .80ct for my budget, then I''ll upgrade in a few years)! Yeah! Here''s the question: Which hand do I wear which ring on? The three-stone includes my original engagement stone and had great finger coverage, but the RB solitaire will look really ''engagementy'' and will be a present for our first anniversary... what to do??? My fingers are different sizes (5.75 and 7) so I can''t switch back and forth, unfotunately.

My vote would b to wear the 3 stone ring on the right and wear the solitaire on the left. I guess I like the more traditional look.
I have the same issues with my fingers. Yes it sucks b/c I can''t switch my rings back and forth. My left is sz 5, my right a sz 7. Big difference! Whatever u decide I am sure it will look lovely. Pls post your solitaire once you get it.
Date: 3/14/2008 11:59:18 AM
Author: krisvrn

Date: 3/13/2008 9:57:39 AM
Hey PS peeps!

I have finally decided that I am going to keep my three-stone ring with the sapphire and diamond ECs, but I am going to get an RB solitair too (probably around .80ct for my budget, then I''ll upgrade in a few years)! Yeah! Here''s the question: Which hand do I wear which ring on? The three-stone includes my original engagement stone and had great finger coverage, but the RB solitaire will look really ''engagementy'' and will be a present for our first anniversary... what to do??? My fingers are different sizes (5.75 and 7) so I can''t switch back and forth, unfotunately.

My vote would b to wear the 3 stone ring on the right and wear the solitaire on the left. I guess I like the more traditional look.
I have the same issues with my fingers. Yes it sucks b/c I can''t switch my rings back and forth. My left is sz 5, my right a sz 7. Big difference! Whatever u decide I am sure it will look lovely. Pls post your solitaire once you get it.
Thanks Kris & Sparkles for the votes! I think it is basically decided that I will wear the solitair on the left. I have been oogling some beauties on WF and I think I can get a .90 ct I or J color for my budget so I think it will look nice and big! yee ha!

I will post pics when I get it... actually, I will be seeking help choosing the stone too for sure, and deciding on the setting (almost decided on the WF legato sleek line, but I like to really mull things over, also thinking about the Vatche x-prong). Lot''s of decisions, but I''m super excited!

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