
Which online retailer for a custom setting?

evankrobinson|1404509821|3706903 said:
diamondseeker2006|1404487569|3706735 said:
I strongly recommend using a vendor that specializes in finding well cut stones like Good Old Gold.

I would also recommend Maytal Hannah for the setting in addition to ERD.
Thank you for the recommendations. I think I spent an hour watching various videos from GOG... I'm beginning to think that maybe I do need an expert like that to pick something for me. I really hate the idea of having the person I'm purchasing from pick for me, as I'm inherently untrusting of salespeople. Hence why I've been trying to do my own research on the subject.

Some of Maytal's rings definitely are more of the style I'm looking at. I will consider contacting her for a quote. Mark from ERD is asking $3800 for the setting.

They do not really pick for you. They will narrow things down to maybe three good stones and then you do the choosing which is not a lot different from us recommending stones to you here (we just can't run ASETs on them ourselves)! I happened to think the asscher was best that Jon thought was best, but that was because it was so easy to see! But had I just gone to a site like JA, I certainly may not have had as good a selection from which to choose (but sometimes you can find a good one there, too, but they have all cut qualities and a lot more duds!). GOG has a proven track record. I have just been here a long time and have seen them help people buy superior fancy cut stones over the years. There are several good places to buy hearts and arrows rounds. The bottom line for me and for all of us is to help you get the best stone possible.
evankrobinson|1404510005|3706909 said:
Trying my hand again at this...

Here are two diamonds WITH pictures from James Allen I'm looking at. One has better depth/table ratios than the other (per Gypsy), but now I don't know what to think after GOG says it doesn't always matter if you have a flatter stone.,G,F,E,D&Clarity=VS1,VVS2,VS2,VVS1,IF&PriceFrom=200&PriceTo=12000&Sort=Carat%20desc%20,DefaultOrder&TabSelected=3&DiamondID=299444,351734

Both are within the price range, maybe going a bit over with a $3800 setting. But the length and width on them are quite impressive. And from the GOG videos, it appears there is minimal leakage (I guess you need an ASET to know for sure though?).

I don't think the first one has much potential so scratch it. I don't think the cut looks nearly as pretty as the second one. The second one may have potential, but we would need the ASET. Did you notice how much larger the second stone is over the other? The first one is very deep and the second one is more shallow. It may be too shallow, but you need the ASET to know.
evankrobinson|1404510005|3706909 said:
Trying my hand again at this...

Here are two diamonds WITH pictures from James Allen I'm looking at. One has better depth/table ratios than the other (per Gypsy), but now I don't know what to think after GOG says it doesn't always matter if you have a flatter stone.,G,F,E,D&Clarity=VS1,VVS2,VS2,VVS1,IF&PriceFrom=200&PriceTo=12000&Sort=Carat%20desc%20,DefaultOrder&TabSelected=3&DiamondID=299444,351734

Both are within the price range, maybe going a bit over with a $3800 setting. But the length and width on them are quite impressive. And from the GOG videos, it appears there is minimal leakage (I guess you need an ASET to know for sure though?).

Both are really terrible and dark stones. :(sad

I posted this for you earlier:
62% table. 67% depth. Ex/Ex polish symmetry. Good girdle stats. 1.37 l/w ratio.

62% table. 68% depth. Ex/Ex polish symmetry. Good girdle stats. 1.35 l/w ratio.

The FIRST one is the good one. The second one is the dud. See how the ones you picked above look like the dud? Try for stones that look like the good one.

Also, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PICK THE STONES. We do this day in and day out. And already people have posted nice stones for you. tyty for example.

You want bright stones. Not dead dark ones.
The 1.51 H looks great! But it is smaller than he wants and that his budget allows. He needs a stone at least 1.6-1.75 cts. I wouldn't settle for a stone that is too small. I'd also expand the search to include I color if necessary. I would not limit my search to James Allen. However, if he only wants to buy from James Allen, then the 1.51 stone appears to be very nice.
I agree with Diamond seeker. You know you have the B2C stone as a back up. It's a great size and you can get it in person and see what you think.

For now call GOG. Have them source some options for you.