
Which ring would you choose?


Feb 8, 2016
Looking at these 4 rings, which one do you think the main gemstone will impress the most? I am hoping to stay between 2000-3500.00 max. I was originally only considering the first option, the halo ruby ring. After sharing that in another thread, I'm worried it might look a little dull in person. I have decided to stick with Diamonds by Lauren company as I bought a blue sapphire a few years ago which my wife loves very much. Customer service is top notch as well. I also like that most their rings are platinum since my wife is pretty active in her profession. My wife doesn't have any rubies or emerald or pink sapphire rings other than a very cheap Kay's jeweler ring. Red is her favorite color, but I don't want to buy anything that doesn't really knock her socks off. I could also save a ruby for a larger anniversary in the future since it won't be too long until out 25 year wedding anniversary, which I will hopefully have a larger budget. Please share your opinions as everyone here really helped with the past purchases tremendously!

Option 1-Halo Ruby:

Option 2-Flower Ruby:

Option 3 Flower Emerald:

Option 4 Pink Sapphire:
I'm sure you could ask DbL to take a photo/video of everything together for you. Then you can see what you think looks best! You could probably also ask them what they think is most special. Both are big pluses for them all being with one vendor and I think you should take advantage of it! The rings are all classic so I think it's more about preferred proportions and colors, though I'm no expert.
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Just personal preference I really like the flower ruby, it looks like a great every day RHR. The bezel around the diamonds and ruby adds protection for the stones and the ruby is a lovely deep red, my favorite color too.

The pink sapphire is my second choice, it's got nice coverage, it's a pretty shade of pink, and a lot of diamonds around the sapphire to enjoy. For me, it's just bit too fancy for every day, so it's 2nd on my list. That is just my personal style preference. I like big stones and wear them daily, but the prong halo setting looks more dressy to my eyes here, perhaps that would be what your wife prefers tho.
I'm a fan of bezels-lots of protection for the stones, and they define the shape nicely. That said, I really like the ruby flower and emerald flower rings. As @newtojewels mentioned, videos of the rings might help make the decision easier. Good luck!
I appreciate all the opinions! I hadn't really thought of the better protection in the bezel ones, good point.

I did reach out and ask for a video of all of the rings together.
I think the sapphire is the most striking ring and the only one of the four that whet my appetite. I don't know which is the "best value" or the least-treated center stone, etc. I like the emerald least but it may be a function of the ring tilt angle or how faithful each photo is to the original.
Looking at these 4 rings, which one do you think the main gemstone will impress the most? I am hoping to stay between 2000-3500.00 max. I was originally only considering the first option, the halo ruby ring. After sharing that in another thread, I'm worried it might look a little dull in person. I have decided to stick with Diamonds by Lauren company as I bought a blue sapphire a few years ago which my wife loves very much. Customer service is top notch as well. I also like that most their rings are platinum since my wife is pretty active in her profession. My wife doesn't have any rubies or emerald or pink sapphire rings other than a very cheap Kay's jeweler ring. Red is her favorite color, but I don't want to buy anything that doesn't really knock her socks off. I could also save a ruby for a larger anniversary in the future since it won't be too long until out 25 year wedding anniversary, which I will hopefully have a larger budget. Please share your opinions as everyone here really helped with the past purchases tremendously!

Option 1-Halo Ruby:

Option 2-Flower Ruby:

Option 3 Flower Emerald:

Option 4 Pink Sapphire:

I like the style of the last one, the pink
sapphire. It’s very striking. Just a thought—if she loves red, ask David to make one like it with a ruby. They’re all lovely, though.
Also emerald is a delicate stone; might not be the best since you said she’s hard on her hands.
So for me, the emerald would be out. The second ruby is more crystalline than the first, so it will sparkle more. But I vastly prefer the color of the first. I think you had a great idea when you said maybe save a ruby purchase for another time with a higher budget. The pink sapphire has some windowing, but now that it's set, I don't think it is obtrusive, and it will be even less noticeable when worn. I love that ring, and it's hands down the winner for me! I think it will indeed knock her socks off. The first ruby would be my second choice.

It's so heartwarming to see how much effort you're putting into this purchase to truly please your dear wife.
I think the sapphire is the most striking ring and the only one of the four that whet my appetite. I don't know which is the "best value" or the least-treated center stone, etc. I like the emerald least but it may be a function of the ring tilt angle or how faithful each photo is to the original.

I eliminated the emerald.

I do like the pink sapphire a lot. I originally thought it had a lot more "Wow" factor when I first found it. That seems to be the clear winner here as well. It is actually in the same setting as the blue sapphire I bought several years ago though. Do you think that would be odd for a gift?

I was originally set on a ruby, but am I right in thinking that I need to pay quite a bit more to have a stunner ruby around 1 carat? I guess neither of these rubies are "knock outs".
Here are some videos of them all together! First video I missed the one ring but I'll share it anyways...

Here is the blue sapphire I bought a few years ago. Like I mentioned I like the pink sapphire, but do you think it's odd to buy the same setting again?? The Pink seemed to be the favorite by a long shot here, at least before the videos below...

The ring she owns....

New comparison videos:

I eliminated the emerald.

I do like the pink sapphire a lot. I originally thought it had a lot more "Wow" factor when I first found it. That seems to be the clear winner here as well. It is actually in the same setting as the blue sapphire I bought several years ago though. Do you think that would be odd for a gift?

I was originally set on a ruby, but am I right in thinking that I need to pay quite a bit more to have a stunner ruby around 1 carat? I guess neither of these rubies are "knock outs".

To me, the pink sapphire mounting is classic and I'd have a dozen just like it. :D After looking at the vids you just posted, it's still the clear winner in my book. If you're worried about it being too similar to the blue sapphire ring you already gifted your dear wife, perhaps DBL would be willing to switch it out? I'm not sure if that's feasible, desirable, or whether there would be an added cost. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask? Or see if they have another comparable pink sapphire? I still agree on the ruby purchase... wait until your budget will allow a ruby more to your liking.
I see the emerald has been ruled out already, and I mostly agree. Not that it's a bad ring, but the others are nicer.

The flower ruby has a nice colour, but also what appears to be a humongous window. It has the colour saturation to pull it off somewhat, but it still bugs me enormously. I will say I love this design the most, though.

The pink sapphire is lovely. Strong, vibrant colour, good clarity, sparkly. It too has a window, which still bugs me, personally, but it's small and not that noticeable, so if it doesn't bother you, it's definitely a very strong contender. And, to be honest, objectively it's probably the best option. At 2ct heat only, it's the best bang for buck. One would have to really hate pink to dislike this stone.

The halo ruby is my personal favourite. It's noticeably fluorescent, which is something you definitely want in a ruby. It's also quite silky - to the point where for most people it would be considered a drawback. I just love silky stones and so I'm naturally drawn to it. The colour, alongside the fluorescence and low clarity, plus the fact the origin and treatment level are not mentioned on the website, make me think it's highly possible the stone is heated with some level of residues.

You see, the thing with rubies is their prices very quickly cross over into the land of the unreasonable. It's a tricky stone to buy, and you'll ultimately have to make some compromise unless you're willing to burn a pretty substantial amount for it. And in the end, no one is going to look at the ruby on your wife's finger and ask whether it was heated, if it was at high temperatures and whether borax was present in the mix. :twirl: (For the record, that's the type of stuff you want to understand and know in order to ensure you're paying a fair price.) You'll know that and she'll know that because it will be on the lab report, and that's that. Do take a minute to consider what is important to you before making your final decision on a ruby.
To me, the pink sapphire mounting is classic and I'd have a dozen just like it. :D After looking at the vids you just posted, it's still the clear winner in my book. If you're worried about it being too similar to the blue sapphire ring you already gifted your dear wife, perhaps DBL would be willing to switch it out? I'm not sure if that's feasible, desirable, or whether there would be an added cost. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask? Or see if they have another comparable pink sapphire? I still agree on the ruby purchase... wait until your budget will allow a ruby more to your liking.
I asked David if that was an option and what is opinion was. I imagine some stones look better in different settings, so maybe it's best in the one it's in now. I
The halo ruby is my personal favourite. It's noticeably fluorescent, which is something you definitely want in a ruby. It's also quite silky - to the point where for most people it would be considered a drawback. I just love silky stones and so I'm naturally drawn to it. The colour, alongside the fluorescence and low clarity, plus the fact the origin and treatment level are not mentioned on the website, make me think it's highly possible the stone is heated with some level of residues.

You see, the thing with rubies is their prices very quickly cross over into the land of the unreasonable.

That's what I seem to be finding. If I saw a ruby I really loved, I would then see the price tag and keep looking haha. I do like the halo ruby but it just doesn't seem to have much life to me. Especially compared to the other ones. I'm no expert though.

Roughly how much do you have to spend to get a ruby that would be more similar to the pink sapphire in wow factor, in at least 1 ct? It seems no one here is blown away by either of the rubies, although they got compliments of being nice.
Roughly how much do you have to spend to get a ruby that would be more similar to the pink sapphire in wow factor, in at least 1 ct?

Difficult to say with any reliable accuracy. On one hand, ruby prices have been going up consistently. On the other, small variations in colour can result in large jumps in price. About a year ago a 1ct pinkish untreated ruby would be sold for about 2,5-3k, and some people here said that a year prior to that prices were half of that. At the same time, a 1ct untreated red-red ruby could easily go up to 10k and even beyond.

You just have so many factors. Secondary hues of the colour, clarity, level of treatment, geographic origin, fluorescence... even things like who you're buying from (a concierge service like Inken who is highly recommended here, for example, also comes at a cost) will affect the price. Besides, the wow factor is different for everyone. Sometimes a person might have a strong preference for a stone that doesn't fall within the trade ideal parameters, and that works in their favour as they are more easily able to afford what they truly love.
My favorite is the one on David's pinky finger in the 2nd comp video. I also like tje pink sapphire, but prefer the ruby
I was shown this as an option for my project, fyi.

I passed on it because it's more than I wanted to spend, but including a recut to improve the look it's under 2k. You can find me on LT (same username there) and email me if you want vendor info.


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