
Who does your nails?

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Oct 23, 2005
Ok his is going to be an odd question. Do most of you girls do your own manicures or do you have them done?
My nails have been growing like mad and are beautiful. Only I don’t know if I want to go and have them done (South Florida is a rampant with aids). Yes I know I am a germ-a-phobic. I don’t really wear nail polish I just like the cuticles cut and nails buffed. Any tips to make them look nice are welcome. Thank you
You can bring your own tools if you''re worried.
Ditto Julie - they make little kits of tools that you can take along each time you go.

I have to say though, if you are worried about germs, having them not cut your cuticles would be a great place to start - they can just put the remover gel on and push them back and they will look fine. This is what I always have done, because with my work in the lab I can''t have any cuts on my hands that might get infected if something were to go wrong. I have my nails done at salons all the time, and so far, so good, using this method.
I''ve been doing my own (natural) nails the past two years. I used to go for regular mani''s but stopped being able to afford it. I have a friend who is a nail tech and does my nails for free every once in a while, but she''s also warned me away from the chop shops...
Go to a high end up scale salon, and bring your own tools with you. I would then take them home and sterilize them each time.

I have nice natural nails and go to one or two places only, and end up getting a mani every few days. I am tough on my nails and I get french manicures and it does not hold up for an entire week. I hate having to put clear on at home, since then they are sticky and I always mess them up because I forget.

I am pretty inept at doing my own nails.
My nail salon has a box with my own tools, so I don''t have to bring them back and forth. I have been going there for over 15 years now. I adore them.
It is a lot easier to leave them, but you would want to be sure no one else gets near them and they are sterilized. I like the autoclavs and I like to see the stuff going in the barbicide and then in the heat or I get skeeved. Luckily I have never had an issue.
Date: 6/5/2008 12:48:52 AM
Author: diamondfan
It is a lot easier to leave them, but you would want to be sure no one else gets near them and they are sterilized. I like the autoclavs and I like to see the stuff going in the barbicide and then in the heat or I get skeeved. Luckily I have never had an issue.
True, but have never had a problem. They know I am very cautious since I lost my brother to AIDS.
I worry about fungus too! Lisa, someone I know here in town got a fungus from a pedicure at a local not great salon. Can you say EEUUWW? I try to not think about it but love it when I see them use disinfectant in the bowl before filling it!
I do my own. I never think they do it as well as I can, and I always end up getting the nail file out when I get home!

I hate it when you have little jaggy bits left!
Date: 6/4/2008 5:59:29 PM
Ok his is going to be an odd question. Do most of you girls do your own manicures or do you have them done?
My nails have been growing like mad and are beautiful. Only I don’t know if I want to go and have them done (FloSouth rida is a rampant with aids). Yes I know I am a germ-a-phobic. I don’t really wear nail polish I just like the cuticles cut and nails buffed. Any tips to make them look nice are welcome. Thank you
Wow, I have to ask - is this really a huge legitimate concern? I admit I may be coming from a different perspective as I live in Australia, but I have only ever given this minimal consideration - and not really for blood bourne viruses such as HIV, more just for athletes foot or something like that..
I have no idea what the HIV rate is in my city - does every one think this is a real risk when having nails done? As in, how much risk can actually be present?
And what type of sterility procedures should I judge a salon by?

I get my nails and pedicure done about once every 2months or so from the same place.
Monarch, when you say "Chop Shops" do you mind elaborating?
I apologize if I sound like I am coming from an ignorant place or anything, but this is a rather new concern to me, and I''d like to enlighten myself..

And Kaleigh, I am extremely sorry to hear of your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family.
I have always done my own. I just hate spending money on stuff like that. Plus I am picky and usually think I do a better job (I like the polish to be fairly opaque and they never do enough coats). I paint them once a week.

Thanks for your responses. I am hard on my hands cooking, and planting. I like the ideal of taking my own implements.

Kaleigh I am sorry about your brother.

Arjunajane aids are a big problem here, the next town over had the highest rates of aids in America in the 80’s and 90’s. I use to work in the medical field here and it is truly sad that so many families are torn apart from this disease.

I do my own mani/pedi. I keep my finger nails super short so there isnt too much to do there. For my feet I use that as seen on t.v. Ped Egg & man that sucker is amazing.

Last time I got a pedicure at a popular Salon/spa chain here in Vegas, I watched someone clean a basin with powder dishwasher detergent
. I havent paid for a mani/pedi. since.
You are not even supposed to cut your cuticles! I do my nails at home, I am such a germaphobe and after all the studies and articles about how filthy nail salons are, I wont go into a nail salon, I saw ridiculous videos on one of the news stations- I just don''t think it''s worth it. I have 2 friends that got terrible infections from a very popular and reputable nail salon. I really think its about how well the nails are filed and polished, you should always use your own polish as well, have a friend polish them for you if you''re not ambidextrous hahaha and file them yourself.
Ever with your own kits- they are dipping and wiping your utensils in the same place other utenisils have been, they are supposed to wear gloves.....dont even get me started on pedicures
I wear my nails longish (not talons or anything
) and I''ve always done my own nails. Maybe I''m just an extreme perfectionist, but anytime I''ve had them done professionally, there''s always something that really bugs me. They''re not symmetrical, or some are more square than others, etc. I don''t like that they don''t start the polish at the base of the nail because then they look like they grow out so quickly.

As for cleanliness, I was at an up-scale salon and was completely disgusted when they brought a tool at me that had some one else''s skin on it! "It''s been sterilized" she said, okay, but that doesn''t change the fact that it''s not clean!! I''ve also never allowed them to cut my cuticles. The last time I got my nails done a couple months ago (as a girls day out thing), I had a guy who didn''t speak English at all. I told him not to cut my cuticles before I realized he didn''t actually speak the language and just said "yes, ma''am" to everything. Well, I was kind of leaning back and looking around and the guy snipped my finger and drew blood. I was really PO''d.

I do my own pedis too. I like my nails to reach the end of my toes and everytime I''ve had them done professionally, they cut them to the quick. (actually I just got finished doing a pedi, and I love my Ped Egg too!)

There''s only one place that I will go to have my nails (hand or feet) done. That''s just because I''m related to her and I can really trust that she''ll do it right.

btw-Kaleigh, I''m sorry for your loss. I have a cousin who''s a healthy HIV + and that''s hard enough. I can''t imagine the pain you must have felt.
Date: 6/5/2008 8:50:08 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/4/2008 5:59:29 PM
Ok his is going to be an odd question. Do most of you girls do your own manicures or do you have them done?
My nails have been growing like mad and are beautiful. Only I don’t know if I want to go and have them done (FloSouth rida is a rampant with aids). Yes I know I am a germ-a-phobic. I don’t really wear nail polish I just like the cuticles cut and nails buffed. Any tips to make them look nice are welcome. Thank you
Wow, I have to ask - is this really a huge legitimate concern? I admit I may be coming from a different perspective as I live in Australia, but I have only ever given this minimal consideration - and not really for blood bourne viruses such as HIV, more just for athletes foot or something like that..
I have no idea what the HIV rate is in my city - does every one think this is a real risk when having nails done? As in, how much risk can actually be present?
And what type of sterility procedures should I judge a salon by?

I get my nails and pedicure done about once every 2months or so from the same place.
Monarch, when you say 'Chop Shops' do you mind elaborating?
I apologize if I sound like I am coming from an ignorant place or anything, but this is a rather new concern to me, and I'd like to enlighten myself..

And Kaleigh, I am extremely sorry to hear of your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family.
Thanks arjunajane. He died back in 93, just as the world was learning of the disease. He was my only sibling, and miss him tons. I was treated very poorly when he was dying. . When he was in the hospital, I was looked at like a lepper. Again, this was early on into the understanding of Aids. Two charities I spend time on, one is all about education, going into the schools. The other helps the orphans that are left behind.
Macie: your quote :"Thanks for your responses. I am hard on my hands cooking, and planting. I like the ideal of taking my own implements."

I have a solution for you.I finally got it right because I am even harder on my hands.For gardening you 1.need good gloves.
2.You need to get crystal file.Go to
get it and look after it so it won''t break its glass works like charm and won''t harm your nails.It actually makes them stronger.
3.YOu need to get a cream and apply it every morning and every night and also as needed when you are gardening.YOu need to kind of scratch with all your nails so it goes under your finger nails also and therefore the dirt can''t go there.Use it for a month like this and please do report back I want to hear how it worked for you.You will notice improvement for sure.Most important is to make sure it goes under all your nails every morning it will condition your skin under the nails and will make your nails stronger.
The cream is: SWEEN 24 .They make several kinds ,so you get the one with Dimethicone.Its called " "dimethicone cream moisturizing skin protectant" and it lasts long time as it has silicone.Its a great product.I discovered it by accident and noticed great improvement in my nails.I can have french manicure now.

Its a great product, but you need the crystal file also.
So good luck to you.As for cuticles I have to cut mine but this cream makes them softer and slower to grow.
I know you will be impressed...
Kaleigh, I too am so sorry for your loss.
I only go occasionally, but after reading this thread, I think I''ll stop.
Kaleigh: I just noticed what you said about your brother.I am sorry..
Date: 6/5/2008 11:13:01 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 6/5/2008 8:50:08 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/4/2008 5:59:29 PM
Ok his is going to be an odd question. Do most of you girls do your own manicures or do you have them done?
My nails have been growing like mad and are beautiful. Only I don’t know if I want to go and have them done (FloSouth rida is a rampant with aids). Yes I know I am a germ-a-phobic. I don’t really wear nail polish I just like the cuticles cut and nails buffed. Any tips to make them look nice are welcome. Thank you
Wow, I have to ask - is this really a huge legitimate concern? I admit I may be coming from a different perspective as I live in Australia, but I have only ever given this minimal consideration - and not really for blood bourne viruses such as HIV, more just for athletes foot or something like that..
I have no idea what the HIV rate is in my city - does every one think this is a real risk when having nails done? As in, how much risk can actually be present?
And what type of sterility procedures should I judge a salon by?

I get my nails and pedicure done about once every 2months or so from the same place.
Monarch, when you say ''Chop Shops'' do you mind elaborating?
I apologize if I sound like I am coming from an ignorant place or anything, but this is a rather new concern to me, and I''d like to enlighten myself..

And Kaleigh, I am extremely sorry to hear of your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family.
Thanks arjunajane. He died back in 93, just as the world was learning of the disease. He was my only sibling, and miss him tons. I was treated very poorly when he was dying. . When he was in the hospital, I was looked at like a lepper. Again, this was early on into the understanding of Aids. Two charities I spend time on, one is all about education, going into the schools. The other helps the orphans that are left behind.
Oh bub, I can''t even imagine..what you describe at that time of little or no education for most people must have been very hard.

I hope that donating your time to the charites has helped you heal, and I admire your generousity and strength in doing so..

Kaleigh thank you for your time that you spend volunteering!!!!

Arjunajane sad thing is that even that most have been educated about Aids; there are still numskulls out there. Here in our town I had a run in with a man blaming most of the Aids problem on the Haitians in the area. Grrrr I wish people would educate them before playing the blame game.

Back to the topic thanks for everyone’s tips.
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