
who drives when you guys go out?

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It depends where we''re going. If it''s nearby, he usually drives because his car is nicer and bigger. If it''s to a party, we alternate who has to DD. And if we drive into NYC, I always drive because he''s afraid of how people drive down there
Date: 12/15/2008 4:41:32 AM
Author: bee*
Usually me. I'm not a big drinker and D likes to have a pint with his friends so I'll drive.
Ditto, I don't drink alcohol so I don't mind being designated driver so Hubby can have a pint if he wants to!
FI always drives and I couldn''t be happier!
He drives going, I drive coming.

He drinks so I always drive when we''re headed home, even if he only had one drink.
I usually drive because I LOVE to drive, and he''s already on the road about 2.5 hours a day commuting, so he''s sick of driving by the time we''re ready to go out in the evening or on the weekends.

Before we had our baby, he had a BMW (he traded it in for my Volvo SUV when we had the baby) and he always drove that.
FI pretty much always drives his own car--it''s a jalopy, and he has the magic touch with it. I usually drive my own car, but sometimes he does if there will be parallel parking involved, which I can''t seem to master no matter how many lessons I get. If we''re going out socially, he''ll drive there, and I''ll drive back since I usually don''t drink.
DH drives most of the time. I don''t like to drive unless I have to plus he knows the city way better- short cuts, etc.
He drives. I have both my US and UK license, but he drives in both countries. In the UK I don't always feel comfortable with how narrow the streets are and in the US I don't drive so I don't have to get used to driving in the UK again.

I've been driving for over 10 years in the US, and on and off for 3 in the UK (but only have a license for 1 year). He's been driving for 3 years in the UK. I have more experience, I just don't like it.

We have one car between us, which is more enough in London. I take public transport to work and most of the time when we go out.
Date: 12/14/2008 10:32:10 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 12/14/2008 10:14:15 PM

Author: ChargerGrrl

depends on which car we take!
same here...ain''t no way i''m gonna drive my wife''s or daughter''s sissy cars.

HA! Ohhh the male ego

The SO usually drives - whether we take my car, or his car.

He considers my car the ultimate "sissy" car and was totally embarrassed to be seen driving it at first (I have a light blue Toyota Prius).

But when those outrageous $4.50+ gas prices hit guess which car he was totally INSISTENT on taking? The "sissy" Prius!! (Yea, he pretty much flat out REFUSED to drive his beautiful gas guzzling Lincoln LS)
I find it funny...
I do not drive-- at all! Sounds weird? Growing up in the city there is no need for a car. FI keeps bugging me to learn. I guess he wants me as a designated driver since he never gets to have more than 1 drink, and I do not drink at all (except the occasional glass of wine).
I almost always drive and actually have many reasons, a lot of the same as some of you...

1) I get extreme motion-sickness (as a passenger, ESPECIALLY if I have to sit in the back seat)...even on short trips (ie, just going to the grocery store a mile away!!). I would gladly give up ALL driving rights and never being able to drive ever AGAIN if this could go away.
For awhile I thought I outgrew it (because it happened ALL the time as a child), but then it came back

2) I am NOT a good passenger. Part of it comes from being a control-freak, but I'll bet another part comes from the fact that I usually AM driving, so I'm just used to being on the 'defense' (you know, watching the traffic flow and such).

3) This is a combo of both 1 & 2, but my FI isn't the *BEST* driver, by my standards. LOL! I love him to pieces, but there are just some people that make me feel more sick than others when they drive, and he's one of them.
Also, of course, I feel like he doesn't drive 'correctly.' LOL!! (I know, I'm bad...but I'm working on it ;) )

4) I do love to drive!! :)
Date: 12/14/2008 10:32:10 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 12/14/2008 10:14:15 PM

Author: ChargerGrrl

depends on which car we take!
same here...ain''t no way i''m gonna drive my wife''s or daughter''s sissy cars.

the driving conversation

BF: Do you wanna drive or should I drive?
Me: Ehh... I''ll drive but only if I can drive your car
BF: ::rolls eyes at me and hands me the keys::

next day...

BF: Do you wanna drive or should I drive?
Me: I drove yesterday, you drive.
BF: Fine, but I''m taking your car.

And then I always end up regretting letting him drive because he has the most TERRIBLE road rage, like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde...

For some reason I always want to drive his car and he always wants to drive mine. I guess it''s that new car feeling we both get??

How sissy of a car are we talking here DF... My dad used to be horrified on the days where my mom would take the SUV to haul me and my brother around and he''d get stuck with... a bright green VW beetle. Can''t get much worse than that hehe.
he does, i hate driving, and he loves it.
Dh always drives, even when it's my car. He's a control freak!
lol When he drinks (like when we went out to dinner for his birthday) of course I drive.

ETA - About DF not answering his own posts. . .For a while I wondered what was up, but now I realize that people LOVE to talk about themselves on websites and possibly DF isn't like that. He's more the type who is the "listener," rather than the talker.
Date: 12/15/2008 11:27:24 AM
Author: Namaste

Date: 12/14/2008 10:32:10 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 12/14/2008 10:14:15 PM

Author: ChargerGrrl

depends on which car we take!
same here...ain''t no way i''m gonna drive my wife''s or daughter''s sissy cars.

HA! Ohhh the male ego

The SO usually drives - whether we take my car, or his car.

He considers my car the ultimate ''sissy'' car and was totally embarrassed to be seen driving it at first (I have a light blue Toyota Prius).

But when those outrageous $4.50+ gas prices hit guess which car he was totally INSISTENT on taking? The ''sissy'' Prius!! (Yea, he pretty much flat out REFUSED to drive his beautiful gas guzzling Lincoln LS)
I find it funny...
when i take my daughter''s car in for an oil change people always stare at me when i stop at a signal light.imagine....a dude driving a Honda Civic with red and white flower seat covers.

lunch time!!
My husband says that I drive, no matter where I am sitting in the car.
Date: 12/14/2008 10:51:21 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
My husband always drives. He loves to drive and it suits me fine to be able to nap on a trip!

LOL, same here. My hubby loves to drive!!!
Date: 12/15/2008 3:01:06 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 12/15/2008 11:27:24 AM

Author: Namaste

Date: 12/14/2008 10:32:10 PM

Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 12/14/2008 10:14:15 PM

Author: ChargerGrrl

depends on which car we take!
same here...ain''t no way i''m gonna drive my wife''s or daughter''s sissy cars.

HA! Ohhh the male ego

The SO usually drives - whether we take my car, or his car.

He considers my car the ultimate ''sissy'' car and was totally embarrassed to be seen driving it at first (I have a light blue Toyota Prius).

But when those outrageous $4.50+ gas prices hit guess which car he was totally INSISTENT on taking? The ''sissy'' Prius!! (Yea, he pretty much flat out REFUSED to drive his beautiful gas guzzling Lincoln LS)

I find it funny...
when i take my daughter''s car in for an oil change people always stare at me when i stop at a signal light.imagine....a dude driving a Honda Civic with red and white flower seat covers.

lunch time!!

HA! Alright - red and white flower seat covers?! I''m embarrassed FOR you!!
I give you credit for actually driving it when taking it in for an oil change! Didn''t know it was THAT bad...

My FF always drives! He is a very good, smart driver, where I on the other hand am not
Usually me because my hubby drives around all day for work, plus he is more apt to drink, where I am not.
DH b/c I hate to drive and he loves to.
BF usually drives... MY car! hehe

He has a jeep... and we''re in MN.. and it only has a soft top... SOOOO.. we normally always take my car. And I prefer him driving if we are going some place that I haven''t been before. I get all nervous. Anyways, we''ll be living together in less than two months now, so splitting my car won''t be so hard now :)
Date: 12/15/2008 3:01:06 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 12/15/2008 11:27:24 AM
Author: Namaste

Date: 12/14/2008 10:32:10 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 12/14/2008 10:14:15 PM

Author: ChargerGrrl

depends on which car we take!
same here...ain''t no way i''m gonna drive my wife''s or daughter''s sissy cars.

HA! Ohhh the male ego

The SO usually drives - whether we take my car, or his car.

He considers my car the ultimate ''sissy'' car and was totally embarrassed to be seen driving it at first (I have a light blue Toyota Prius).

But when those outrageous $4.50+ gas prices hit guess which car he was totally INSISTENT on taking? The ''sissy'' Prius!! (Yea, he pretty much flat out REFUSED to drive his beautiful gas guzzling Lincoln LS)
I find it funny...
when i take my daughter''s car in for an oil change people always stare at me when i stop at a signal light.imagine....a dude driving a Honda Civic with red and white flower seat covers.

lunch time!!
I had my dad bring my car in almost EVERY time for an oil change. I really felt the car people took me for money every time if I went alone. Anyways. I''m 25 now, still ask him to bring my car in, and guess what!! I love him for doing it!! Even if I USED to have spongebob lics plate covers
I think the DH is secretly thrilled my old Geo got totalled whilst parked. I had pinup girl stickers all over it, and leopard print seat covers. Oh boy did he hate driving that car!

I am stick-impaired and DH freaks out when I try to practice with his nice new RX-8
So he drives my car, but I don''t drive his. Someday, I''m going to convince him to stop tossing his newspapers in my back seat. He doesn''t do it to his car!

I drive the day to day stuff- taking us to work & back, and errands. He drives us the longer drives and for fun things, like out to dinner. He''s gotten to be the WORST back seat driver the past year or so, after ten years of not being that way- I don''t know what''s up with that. But now it''s a constant "change lanes now, get out from behind this guy, turn here, why aren''t you turning!?" So irrirating!
I usually do. My HH drives a bit slower/more conservatively than I do (which I admit is not *necessarily* a bad thing... ) but when I get in the car I want to GET WHERE THE HELL I'M GOING. Plus, he loves being chaufered around; says it makes him feel special!

Aside: A few weeks ago I was driving and the West Loop picking up my open house signs from one location to take them to another and I got a call from an agent that I know. Apparently she witnessed one of my more clever traffic "maneuvers." Her exact quote was, "Honey, if you ever give up on this real estate thing you have a sure fire career driving stunt cars for the movies!"
FI drives mostly cause his car is nicer than mine and it stick (i cant drive a manual car if my life depended on it) im totally fine with it cause ever since he got his car last year he doesn''t have to drive my beetle around when we go out... plus he claims i cant drive so we''re safer when hes driving
We both like to drive, so we just ask "who''s driving?" every time we leave. We tend to take little trips over the weekend and he usually drives while I navigate, then I drive home.

If I''m not driving or navigating, I''m out like a light. For some reason riding in a car makes me very sleepy.

Oh, and whoever drives gets to choose the radio station. D only listens to AM, which is fine because I love talk radio, too, but he can listen to a sports program for hours and I can''t deal. If for no other reason, I volunteer to drive just so I have radio control.
Date: 12/15/2008 3:04:39 PM
Author: BizouMom
My husband says that I drive, no matter where I am sitting in the car.

Best response ever! And so true.
As city dwellers we don''t have a car, when we rent one, it''s less expensive to have only one driver on the lease, so usually it''s him. Though I used to travel cross country by car on my own for a couple of years for school and play, I haven''t driven a car in over a year now. Sometimes I think it''s surreal and think I really ought to just for the practice.
Date: 12/15/2008 11:35:45 AM
Author: sugary
I do not drive-- at all! Sounds weird? Growing up in the city there is no need for a car. FI keeps bugging me to learn. I guess he wants me as a designated driver since he never gets to have more than 1 drink, and I do not drink at all (except the occasional glass of wine).
I don''t drive either
It is the NYC syndrome woman!!!! It only sucks if I need to go out of state, It always works out though.
I promised FI I will get my license by summer of 09 though!
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