
Who Fixes Tacori''s Mistake?

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May 2, 2008
As some of you may already know I just received my Tacori 2259 and have had the diamond set. The problem is when the setting first arrived something seemed off in regards to the height of the prongs. I thought it was just me but even when I took it to my local jeweler to have the diamond set he too mentioned that first off the spread for the prongs seemed off and also agreed that the two of the prongs were slightly higher than the other. (He used a much better description explaining how this probably occurred but I am not jeweler so I can quote him verbatim). Anyways he got the prongs to securely hold the diamond but when you examine the setting closely I still notice the defect because the diamond is on a slight tilt. I know people say if it bugs you now, it will bug you forever. Even if she''s content with the ring and no one ever notices, I have a problem putting out that type of money to not not receive the highest quality craftsmanship.

My question comes along because I have since contacted Mulloy''s in California to address my concern. I also explained to her how I am now under a time crunch and cannot send the ring back just yet because I plan to propose in the next week. She said don''t worry about it, go ahead and propose, and then send the ring back after the holidays so she can still show it off for the time being. The thing that raised concern was she said "I''ll have my jeweler take a look at it and fix the problem", I asked her why would your jeweler touch the ring, why would it not just go back to Tacori? She said "because my jeweler is awesome and he''ll be able to fix it". My response was "well if your jeweler touch my ring and then later on there is another defect won''t Tacori deny my warranty claim because they could say it was cause by someone other than a Tacori benchman?". She said the warranty doesn''t cover much anyways so don''t worry about it. I just went along at the moment and figured I would get the answer myself for my protection and satisfaction.

In this type of situation who should fix the problem, Tacori or the Authorized retailer''s benchman?

Overall I love the Tacori look but feel as though the price is extremely high for the quality of the ring I received.


Feb 17, 2007
I''d insist on sending it back to Tacori.


Apr 13, 2008
My friend has a tacori ring, and she had to have some work done on it after it got smushed in a car door. Tacori has a warranty policy, and she was told that if anyone else besides Tacori does work on the ring, it completely voids the warranty.


Oct 3, 2007
When I got my Tacori, the shop had to send it back to Tacori to have them size it so the warranty would not be voided, however, the shop set the diamond. Apparently the warranty did not specify that Tacori had to set the stone, only size the crescent bands.

I''m sure a good jeweler could fix the prongs. Who set the diamond originally?


May 2, 2008
Allen''s Jewelers in Jacksonville, Florida

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
What does the warranty cover anyways?


Sep 3, 2000
Everything is up to the goodwill of the manufacturer. No district attorney or FTC is going to take up a small consumer problem, so you, and whoever you choose, have to decide how to proceed. A Warranty is more of a gesture in such situations. Someone will have to fix it and really what does it matter who fixes it? Just as long as it is done to your satisfaction will make all the difference.

A warranty immediately is voided if the item is abused, but no decent manufacturer refuses to make a customer happy who has a legitimate complaint within a reasonable time period. Wear and tear are always excluded, but your problem arose long before it was from use or mis-use. Use a jeweler who is an authorized Tacori dealer with a good reputation and give them some trust. If they can''t resolve it, they can always send it to Tacori. Make sure you get these repairs done buy an authorized Tacori reseller. If it does not work out, I am pretty sure that Tacori will handle the necessary repairs without a complaint. Worrying over it is much more problematic than just taking the cautious steps needed to resolve the problem.


May 2, 2008

Thanks for your reply. I guess my biggest concern is the ring not coming back with the exact high mounting that I bought it for. I feel as though Tacori would have a much better idea of all the proportions and would be much more willing to do extra work to make it perfect. Maybe I just worry too much because I am super analytical and a perfectionist.

I just want it to be fixed in the end and be as gorgeous as I originally thought it would be. We probably won''t know the solution for a while until I give her the ring and she is willing to send it back. I will be sure to post the resolution though.


Sep 25, 2008
I just purchased a tacori setting about 3 weeks ago and I would only feel comfortable sending it back to Tacori to make the fix. This is actually one of the questions I asked the jeweler prior to buying the setting. I bought it online and said - "what happens if something goes wrong - who fixes it?" They assured me they would support me, but they would end up sending it back to Tacori to make sure it was perfect.

I also own a rolex and rolex insists that all watches are sent back to them for expert service.

I think Tacori is trying to become a brand of similar stature and I would make sure you send it back to them so they can make you happy.


Sep 3, 2000
Once you send in an item to a jeweler for them to "return it to Tacori" it is up to them to decide to spend for the shipping both ways or to fix it themselves. Whichever costs them less and results in you being made happy is the main goal of the jeweler. If you are paying for the two way shipping, then there is more potential hope that the repair will be made only by the distant manufacturer. I don''t think it matters at all, but I know others hold strong opinions to the opposite. If I ever encounter a client who has a strongly held belief that one way of getting to a happy result is the best way, I would generally let them have it their way rather than try to convince them otherwise making them believe I may have some hidden agenda or becoming angry about my respect for their opinion. Sometimes a person can learn by doing it somebody else''s way, too.
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