
Why are you marrying him?

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Aug 8, 2005
Just feeling... blessed. Wanted to hear why you love your man enough to marry him.

Me? In the 7 years we''ve been together I''ve never thought, "I wish DF would do that for me," when talking to someone else about their SO. Actually, I''m usually the one who says something about my DF that has others thinking, "I wish...." He''s very thoughtful. AND he''s never broken a promise to me. Ever.

How about you?
I love this question. There is something about my fiance and I that just *clicks*, in a way that even when we''re watching TV or walking down the street, we''re both just appreciative of each other. I touch his back, he takes my hand... little things that make my heart fill up. He is generous and sincere with "I love yous". He comes home from work or trips or family things and tells me he couldn''t stop talking about me.
And similar to Gypsy, I often find myself downplaying his virtues when talking to friends or coworkers who don''t seem as blessed and happy in their relationships... but rarely do I have much to contribute when complaining!
Well because I''m a groom and MADLY in love with my fiance, I figure you gals won''t mind if I say why I''ve asked her to marry me.

We''ve dated for 5 years (since I was a freshman in high school and she was in the 8th grade) and now we are both soon to be Juniors in college. So it''s been a very long time and we know each other like the back of our hands. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life and whenever I look at her I always think about how adorable she is and why I cannot wait to wake up beside her every morning. I''m so glad that I have had the privlege of meeting my love at such a young age because many of my college friends who have not found "the one" yet are jealous and talk about how they wish they had what we have. Isn''t it nice to be so in love and able to open yourself up to someone like you can with no other? She''s the one I can spend hours on the phone with laughing about stupid things. Also her deciding to be a Cubs fan hasn''t hurt her chances either
Ephemery... Exactly! I''m often just silent during other''s complaint sessions of their SO''s. Not that we don''t have our problems, we do... but well... they are usually caused by things external to our relationship... like our families or jobs or whatever... and even the internal stuff is well.. we work through iit together and so nothing is ever THAT bad. I''m always downplaying-- or just flat out keeping quiet.

Firstbase! OF COURSE you may contribute! How wonderful you both are so blessed already. And it''s so wonderful to hear you talk about her and how you feel.

Oh this makes for lovely reading! I can just hear the love and the commitment.
Fiance was painfully shy all his life, but made himself talk to me. I brought him out of his shell.
I was horribly jaded since I had been hurt a lot and never thought men were worth it. He was patient with me and proved he was.

He "gets" me. I "get" him. It''s just something that you feel in every fiber. You can''t really put words to it.
This Muppets'' song, which we rediscovered as we were putting our DW Save the Dates together, sums it up for me (and for him). Cheesy, I know, but the song makes me cry each time I hear it, it''s so on target.

He''ll make me happy
Each time I see him
He''ll be the reason
My heart can sing
He''ll stand beside me
And I''ll have everything
She''ll make me happy
Each time I hold her
And I will follow
Where my heart may lead
And she''ll be all I''ll ever need
Days go passing into years
Years go passing day by day
She''ll make him happy
Now and forever
Until forever
Their love will grow
She only knows
He''ll make her happy
That''s all she needs to know
They''ll be so happy
Now and forever
Until forever
Their love will grow
I only know
He''ll make me happy
That''s all I
I know it sounds cliche, I even hate to say it here, but I married my best friend.
Beyond everything romantic--- I really LIKE him.
I LIKE who he is to me, and I LIKE who he is to others.
He was my friend before I ever loved him, such a good friend that I debated ever dating him (for fear of ruining the friendship.. ha ha.)
I love that we can ride roller coasters together and laugh out loud.
Okay, getting teary eyed again.
Love is good.

It is really hard to keep this short and sweet- there are a MILLION reasons why I am choosing to spend my life with my FI...he is an AMAZING person!! It is funny, because my FI gives me so many things- things I always knew I wanted, and things that I never even knew I needed. That is another cliche, but so very true for me...
Oh gosh ... so many reasons!

He balances me out. He is the yin to my yang, the calm to my crazy moods!

He is good, he is kind, he is funny, he is sweet.

He is a great dad to our cat! Very important!

His family is important to him, and he gets along great with my parents!

He''s even keeled, which keeps me in check (!).

He loves me

He makes me happy, he makes me laugh, and I make him laugh -- we just get each other!

We don''t fight. Really. Sure we may niggle once in a while, but we''ve never in the past two and half years had a screaming match. So many of my previous relationships were like that that I used to think that''s what a relationship is supposed to be. But now I know it''s not! Happy = healthy.

He''s the first person to make me feel "Wow, I''m so lucky I got him!!" Like others have said, at times I feel like I need to NOT broadcast to others how happy we are because I know others aren''t as lucky!

54 more days till I call him my husband!!
I am marrying him because he is...Nick. Gypsy said it, "I''ve never thought, ''I wish DF would do that for me,'' when talking to someone else about their SO. Actually, I''m usually the one who says something about my DF that has others thinking, ''I wish....''". That''s how lucky I am!!!

He approaches life with this freshness and almost an innocence, and he gives everyone a chance no matter what. He really and truly loves and cares for people, and he''s very sincere. Nick has been there with me every step of the way when I was sick and didn''t want to keep going, and he''s always told me that I''m beautiful no matter how badly I was feeling about myself or how low my self-esteem.

I feel like he brings me closer to God and that my faith is deeper when I am with him. We focused on the small things first, like holding hands, and we keep returning to that and how beautiful it is when the relationship becomes trying.

I don''t know if anyone here knows this, but my fiancee and I are nearly 2,000 miles apart, and we''ve successfully made this relationship work despite that. He will be with me for good in 4.5 months after 3 years of being apart, and I can''t wait. It has taught us the power of conversation and communication. The distance has brought us closer in so many aspects, and it has taught us never to take for granted the time we do have together in person.

Finally...and this is probably the most cheesy but still true...I am marrying him because I "knew" that I would. We met in high school, and were friends. He moved away and we lost touch. Then my second year in college we found one another again. I called him the first time on his birthday to tell him to have a good day. When the conversation was over, I ran upstairs and told my mom that I would marry him. I just...knew. And every day I wake up "knowing" the same way that I did that day.

I can''t wait to marry him. The wedding is in 297 days. I am so...very...excited.
God, everything everyone's listed, I feel as well. here's just a few off the top of my head:

He's honest and I'd trust him with my life
He makes me want to be a better/nicer/stronger person
but he'd never ask me to change
My parents love him like their own son
His parents love and accept me like a daughter
He's not just my "best friend", he's my "partner in crime" hehe
He just gets me
We dont need to talk to enjoy each other's company
He balances me out, I'm crazy, he's calm
He's passionate about what he does, about me, about anything he beleives in
He's soooooooooo smart, I can ask him any random question and he usually has the answer
I respect him and he respects me
We learn alot from each other because our interests are similar but COMPLETELY different.
I make him happy and he makes me happy.

We just mesh well : )
This poem that is being read at our wedding sums it up:

-Roy Croft

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can't help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber in my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good,
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.

You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.

He is my friend, first and foremost. We share everything with each other and he is so dedicated to our relationship and our happiness. He makes me feel good about who I am and respects the things that matter to me, even when he doesn't understand and/or agree. Because while most people see him as a quiet, stoic person, he is nothing but gentle and kind with me. HCompromise is a theme that runs through our relationship, because he believes we should made decisions as a team and always do what is best for us as a whole. Because he makes me laugh. Because he is the smartest person I have ever met. Because he's nice to my family. Oh I could go on forever...

I know this is going to sound kind of depressing and unromantic but...

I am marrying him because when I look at him, I am not afraid of working hard to make it the best marriage it can be.

I am marrying him because when we get older, if life isn''t pretty or he fails in health, I love him enough that I can picture pushing him around in a wheelchair for the rest of our lives.

I am marrying him because when things are not romantic - times when we fight or our feelings get hurt, I see that we keep striving to communicate and make it better. He loves me poignantly, deeply, truly when the going gets rough...which is a lot harder to do than when the sea is smooth. Even when it seems like there are two steps back, I realize that the overall chart keeps climbing.

I am more of a pragmatic than a romantic. I believe a great marriage takes some work...and I am very excited to take this job and run with it.

(That and all the usual gushy mushy stuff that comes from being in love.
This poem sums it all up for us!

I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when I''m around you I can be myself and not worry
about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.
I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days
At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and
feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you
are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like
there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the
love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my family and friends, no matter how much
you dislike them, or who they are.
And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand
times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.

But the main reason I love you is because.....

You are you!

My FI is a very classic guy, he was the first person to ever send /bring me flowers and show me what a real man is, He is a gentlemen without a doubt! My best friend, my future, my love!
(still at work so I''ve only got a sec... but)

Date: 7/25/2006 1:35:41 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I know this is going to sound kind of depressing and unromantic but...

I am marrying him because when I look at him, I am not afraid of working hard to make it the best marriage it can be.

I am marrying him because when we get older, if life isn''t pretty or he fails in health, I love him enough that I can picture pushing him around in a wheelchair for the rest of our lives.

I am marrying him because when things are not romantic - times when we fight or our feelings get hurt, I see that we keep striving to communicate and make it better. He loves me poignantly, deeply, truly when the going gets rough...which is a lot harder to do than when the sea is smooth. Even when it seems like there are two steps back, I realize that the overall chart keeps climbing.

I am more of a pragmatic than a romantic. I believe a great marriage takes some work...and I am very excited to take this job and run with it.

(That and all the usual gushy mushy stuff that comes from being in love.
Not depressing. Or really overly pragmatic. This is love. Love isn''t always pretty... or easy... or poetic. It just is. And you''ve put that into words very well. TG... your fiance is a lucky man.
Date: 7/25/2006 7:16:55 PM
Author: Gypsy

Love isn''t always pretty... or easy... or poetic. It just is.
Thanks Gypsy...

And I think what you have said above is true in fact that I think you''ve given me a good idea on what I want to say for my vows....
Hi there!
longtime lurker,recently engaged, and found ps from a diamond search and have since been hooked on the bride board-
you guys are the best- so supportive, resourceful, friendly and helpful- and wow- gorgeous weddings (thanks all for posting photos- i love looking at them!)
we are working on setting a date so am sure will be back online with wedding questions soon
but couldn''t resist answering this one. a great idea-

i am marrying him because he knows and loves the REAL me- every laugh,tear, wrinkle, strengths and flaws- the whole package,
what attracted me initially was his sense of humor because we laugh so hard at small things and still do after 4 years together. after that i got to know that he is the most honest, straightforward and hardworking person combined with the most FUN person- and i''m totally attracted to him to boot- it''s a wonderful combination
and i am so blessed to have found my life partner.

btw- we met 3.5 years ago on he never got sent to me as a match but his headline caught my eye one day when scrolling through all men in my age group. his headline was a quote from my favorite movie- and the rest is history..............
Because he makes me a better person.
Because he respects me and loves me more than anything else in the world, as I do him.
Because we''re each other''s biggest fans.
Because we''re best friends, lovers, soulmates.
Because we want to spend the rest of our lives making each other happy and make this promise before God and our loved ones.
Because of a thousand beautiful reasons I can''t think of right now...
He makes me laugh. We bring out the best in each other. We have the best time doing everything and nothing together.
He''s so honest, and genuine. He makes me laugh. He plans for our future together, wants children with me, wants to grow old with me. We enjoy so many of the same things- cooking, watching movies at home, playing cards and games. I just can''t wait to be with him each day, and look forward to going home just to see him. My heart still jumps when my cell phone rings and it''s him. I can''t wait to be his wife!!
Date: 7/25/2006 7:24:43 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 7/25/2006 7:16:55 PM
Author: Gypsy

Love isn''t always pretty... or easy... or poetic. It just is.
Thanks Gypsy...

And I think what you have said above is true in fact that I think you''ve given me a good idea on what I want to say for my vows....

Glad to hear it TG... especially as you''ve helped me with mine now too. Thank you.
Because life is beige without him... :)
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