
Why do companies use DHL shipping service?

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Feb 8, 2003
Does anyone know why DHL shipping service is used by so many companies when it sucks? I placed an order almost two weeks ago from free people and then placed a second order with Nordies last week and both items were shipped DHL even though I didn't request this.

That service wouldn't be a big deal if they weren't SO slow and also if the items I ordered we shipped directly to me via DHL. I've been watching the tracking of my package and it's been processed through three DHL facilities and now both boxes are at the USPS that ISN'T in my city, so now, both have to again be sent to the USPS nearby me and then shipped AGAIN by USPS.

I'm perplexed! Why isn't USPS used to begin with less time is spent in transit? (I paid $8.00 shipping from FP and I would have selected two day delivery for $10.00 more had I know.)
I know that, at least for my company, DHL is cheaper and offers a much better tracking system than USPS.

As for Nordies, I''ve heard that their shipping time stinks. I''ve heard it''s worth it to pay the extra few bucks to get the item shipped to you faster, as opposed to doing their cheapest shipping option.
The company shipping policies are all about the cheapest contract. That''s how it was at the bridal salon I managed. I think that it is ususally based on a projected yearly avg that you send, and whoever has the lowest price for that amount gets the business.
If all these comapnies are going with DHL now, maybe DHL has more orders than they can handle at this point. It is also the Christmas season, and mail always seems to travel slower in December.

I hope you get your packages soon!!
Date: 12/11/2007 12:42:46 PM
Author: meresal
I hope you get your packages soon!!
Thanks, so do I! It''d be nice to have a warm coat for the airport.

April - Yep, Nordies shipping is SO slow. The coat was ordered at the store and the SA insisted on free shipping (for items over $100) & send it to my house even when I asked for expedited. Grrr. . . (oh well)
It''s strange that you say that DHL is slow, I''ve had nothing but good times with them.
Matter of fact, once I had a DHL delivery girl call me at work and tell me that she was at my house, and when I said I couldn''t be there until 4:00, gave me her cell number and told me to call when I got home so she could stop by again. It was insane. Another time I stopped into their facility uninvited and asked them if they had my package, at which point they promptly dug through the truck until they found it (I really wanted my package!).

I''ve had problems with every possible delivery service in the United States except for DHL.

That said, I sure hope you get your stuff sooner than later. I HATE when packages are held up. I want my stuff!
Date: 12/11/2007 6:27:27 PM
Author: Julianna
It''s strange that you say that DHL is slow, I''ve had nothing but good times with them.
Matter of fact, once I had a DHL delivery girl call me at work and tell me that she was at my house, and when I said I couldn''t be there until 4:00, gave me her cell number and told me to call when I got home so she could stop by again. It was insane. Another time I stopped into their facility uninvited and asked them if they had my package, at which point they promptly dug through the truck until they found it (I really wanted my package!).

I''ve had problems with every possible delivery service in the United States except for DHL.

That said, I sure hope you get your stuff sooner than later. I HATE when packages are held up. I want my stuff!

This sounds like some sort of alternate reality science fiction story, because DHL is the worst delivery service EVER! You must have a stellar facility near you...definitely the only good DHL facility in the entire world! I HATE DHL!

MC, that sucks about FP and Nordstrom! The last time I ordered something from both places it was delivered by UPS, who I love. I guess they''re using them because of the holidays? Weird. I hope you get your stuff soon, because 2 weeks is really ridiculous!
I''m sure this isn''t a concern for most companies, but DHL, being German, will ship places that FedEx cannot because of US trade restrictions. On occasion, I''ve needed to use them for that reason.
Yep, I''m waiting on a DHL delivery too. It was shipped on Dec 3., they said!
It''s from The Discovery Store. Had I known I was going to have to sweat this one
out, I would have paid for faster service. And there is no way of tracking it, grrr!
Date: 12/11/2007 7:15:50 PM
Author: thing2of2

This sounds like some sort of alternate reality science fiction story, because DHL is the worst delivery service EVER! You must have a stellar facility near you...definitely the only good DHL facility in the entire world! I HATE DHL!

MC, that sucks about FP and Nordstrom! The last time I ordered something from both places it was delivered by UPS, who I love. I guess they''re using them because of the holidays? Weird. I hope you get your stuff soon, because 2 weeks is really ridiculous!
HEE HEE! I guess I have the only good DHL facility on planet earth right near me.
How odd. Odd, and stupid. They should get on that. At the time I thought the great service was because they were a relatively new shipping company (I think?) and they were trying to impress. Perhaps not!!

I like UPS too, and they also have a fantastic facility here that I''ve never had a problem with.
Either Julianna and I live near each other or there are two amazing DHL locations, because DHL is great here too! The drivers are very courteous and go out of their way to get you packages.

And actually, nordstroms seems to have the slowest shipping EVER regardless of which method they ship to me. So I''m not sure that it''s all DHL''s fault...
Date: 12/11/2007 9:17:48 PM
Author: neatfreak
Either Julianna and I live near each other or there are two amazing DHL locations, because DHL is great here too! The drivers are very courteous and go out of their way to get you packages.

And actually, nordstroms seems to have the slowest shipping EVER regardless of which method they ship to me. So I''m not sure that it''s all DHL''s fault...

Alright, so I guess there are now *two* good DHLs in the entire world!
I definitely don''t have one here! Our UPS and FedEx people make up for it, though...I seriously LOVE them! Our USPS people aren''t bad either...just a smidge more surly than UPS and FedEx.
I have been wondering the same thing, MC! I ordered from Nordstrom on Dec 1 and paid for 2 day shipping and didn''t receive my parcel until Dec 7! I tracked it daily and it seemed as though it was taunting me by either not moving or just moving to another facility.

In addition to the delay, my bf had to go down to their depot to pick up the parcel b/c despite the accurate and clear address information provided, they could not find the big white house at the corner of the street. I was told that they couldn''t deliver b/c they couldn''t find it. Okay - As a courier company do they empower their staff with MAPS??!! and other such instruments that might allude to the location of the various addresses they are charged with finding on a daily basis?

Since this parcel was for a present, I had to have it for Friday so, despite my efforts to avoid the hassle by getting the "2 day" shipping, I was right in the thick of it! My bf had to wait for about an hour or so for them to sort out things in their facility and find this parcel that they failed to deliver. For his trouble, he was "awarded" with the manager''s business card and told to contact him directly in future if he had any problems ...

Although I don''t know what Nordstrom''s is thinking by using DHL, they did refund my shipping charges with no hassle, as expected.

I''m with you though ... UPS or Fedex all the way!
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