
Why do we love to participate in the forums?

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Sep 3, 2000
Drawing from the distant past, we find the following:

Socrates reminds us that the unexamined life is not worth living. Writing clearly is one way we examine our lives, justify our beliefs, and keep ourselves from unreasonable prejudices.

I doubt it could be said any better today. Let''s keep the great topics flowing.

Nice question, Dave.

I know that in a forum I find-or create for myself-a family, a community. I try to find a place in that community that gives me some rewards: a feeling of being apprciated, liked, valued by others. I try to help others, discuss matters of import or little import with others, and banter with others so that I can form bonds with them. I also turn to a forum for information but, frankly, that is secondary. I could research things myself that I may, now, ask...but just as sex is better with someone else, so is discussion :-).

There''s nothing good on TV anymore and reading puts me to sleep.
I love forums because I''m an interactive person, and I''d rather learn things and think about things with other people than on my own. I''ve also been a stay at home mom for the past few years, and it was quite difficult for me to be at home all day, with nobody to talk to other than kids. And let''s face it, you can''t sit around and talk to your buds on the phone all day, can you?
The psychology of people is amazing.

Plus there are pretty things to look at.

because im a hermit who don''t like people much :P
well sorta true.
After work im sick of dealing with people in person and tired of talking on the phone so forums allows me to chat without all the annoyances.
because i get to agree/disagree with people and they can''t punch me in the nose.
(1) GREAT way to find people to share your quirky obsession and feel like it''s your second nature!!!!

(2) You are identified by your thoughts, morals, opinions rather than by your looks, age, or gender...

(3) You can meet people anytime that''s convenient for you. No need to call and schedule lunch!!!!!

Date: 8/3/2005 12:00:39 AM
Author: sjz
And let's face it, you can't sit around and talk to your buds on the phone all day, can you?
Hehe, I can, I have and I do.
But since I have DSL I can be on the internet at the same time 'talking' to my other buds.

Aaah, the technical world we live in.

To the point, I have always loved people. I find them interesting. I think that the internet has opened up a whole new meaning to the old "pen pal" concept. It's a great thing made even better.
Deleted post error.
Date: 8/3/2005 4:08:39 AM
Author: coconut
(1) GREAT way to find people to share your quirky obsession and feel like it''s your second nature!!!!

(2) You are identified by your thoughts, morals, opinions rather than by your looks, age, or gender...

(3) You can meet people anytime that''s convenient for you. No need to call and schedule lunch!!!!!

coconut, what a great response! I wholeheartedly concur!

Also, I forgot earlier to mention other things which I consider a "given" such as info, fun, camraderie and beautiful pictures to boot, all at your fingertips (literally).

This is a relaxed, happy atmosphere where collectors and experts can talk to each other and gain a great deal of knowledge.
Date: 8/3/2005 4:08:39 AM
Author: coconut
(1) GREAT way to find people to share your quirky obsession and feel like it''s your second nature!!!!

(2) You are identified by your thoughts, morals, opinions rather than by your looks, age, or gender...

(3) You can meet people anytime that''s convenient for you. No need to call and schedule lunch!!!!!

I wholeheartedly agree - where else could I have made so many wonderful friends and learned so much? It''s all good!
Very good question. One I have been pondering.

While it is true that I still learn tidbits here and there that will come in handy someday; the biggest reason for me is that I can help others, and a good debate on issues every now and then keeps me more focused and makes me a better person. Sometimes I come out smelling like a rose, sometimes I''m the fertilizer for that rose, often I''m just a bug on the leaf. But it all works out in the end.


I think you’ve said it concisely, and best. Still, I’m moved to add my 2 cents. As is frequently the case, I have 3 thoughts about this:

1) “It’s the topic, sweetheart.” I actually find I’m interested in diamonds. But, that’s not enough. For example, my wife, having become well aware of my interest going beyond what’s on her hand (my first mistake), suggests I take an interest also (read: instead) in things like mutual funds. Indeed, they, too, are multifaceted, and can be studied endlessly, to see how performance can be better. Somehow, though, Forbes and other sources have helped to convince me that it’s a random walk, performance can best be analyzed with a Ouija board, and the broad markets through index funds (I’m a Vanguard fan) is typically just fine thank you (save for that devil, Dodge & Cox).

2) It’s become a professional association…things concerning publishing. Always interested in writing, for years employed by a publisher…frequently motivated to find ways to inspire the writer’s voice. Further, here, in concert with my co-writers inspiration and involvement, motivated by the topic of diamonds, one person’s insight and critical thought can have the effect of sparking another’s insight. Sometimes, this can be a sparky place. Witness, number…

3) A good friend once said: “Love of wisdom puts you on the spot all the time.” In Pricescope, an environment is created where people are challenged to think things through, and where conflict is not necessarily a dirty word, but where two differing ideas might invite a third more clear one….and where cacophony can be accommodated, with the idea that a clearer sound can emerge from that.

As other threads have treated well, and not too infrequently, the level of involvement some us have may not be as ideal as some of the diamonds we sometimes talk about. Another list serve, with a critical bent, that has something to do with helping others or with benefiting the world as a more ready outcome is something I should really try to keep my eye out for.

Meanwhile, I find myself somewhat involved here, for better or worse. Until that more utilitarian environment manifests (don’t be shy to write me if you know of one), it’s an interesting place to be.

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