
Why is buying a lab diamond so annoying?


Nov 2, 2012
Here is my lab diamond buying experience so far:

The first vendor, who I'll call site #1, was maybe a month ago. I've bought a couple of mined diamond rings from them before, so I thought it would be fine. At that time, I wanted the setting too. The whole thing would have cost about $2,500 or so, for a 2.5-3.0 lab diamond in a solitaire setting. Since one of the mined diamond rings I'd bought from them had what I consider inadequate prongs for the points on a marquise etc. I asked if they would send me a photo to approve before sending the ring. That way, if there was any issue, we could get it corrected without the back and forth shipping, which I find very nerve-wracking with the more expensive items. Of course, I didn't expect any possible adjustments to be automatically free of charge. He said no. Then I asked him to ship it USPS instead of their usual FedEx because I've had problems with FedEx where I live, and I offered to pay more for it. Of course not! Then there were a couple more annoyances, so I cancelled the order. Then he sent me an email bemoaning how he'd lost a customer. No offer to improve on any of the issues I listed was included, though.

Last night, I tried again. Since none of the stock settings I've seen are quite right, I decided to just get the stone and send it to DK for the setting later. So now it's very simple, just pick out a stone and click the button, right? Apparently not.

I picked out a lab diamond on site #2 and clicked the button. Then I got a strange email, at about two in the morning, marked "URGENT!" I was told they couldn't accept PayPal and that I'd have to use a credit card backed up by Stripes instead, or a wire transfer (where the buyer has zero protection), or crypto, among other options. They said my purchase (a tad over $1,000) exceeded what they could accept from PayPal. A lab diamond vendor who is not allowed to accept that amount amount from PayPal?! I replied "no." They shot back another email. Now the reason they could not accept PayPal was because the PayPal site was supposedly down. They repeated their list of ways I could pay and again, urged me to pick one. Of course, PayPal was a button on their site, which they were in charge of in the first place. It all started to look kind of weird so I cancelled the order.

Then I found the same lab diamond on a third site. The $1,000 lab diamond was $4,500 there. LOL

Site #4 listed the same diamond at about a hundred dollars more than the one I had the strange PayPal issue with, but they were also the site I had the original problems with (site #1) so I passed. They, like all the others, did state that they'd match their competitors' prices. But the lab diamond was not back up on the site I'd had the PayPal issue with (site #2) so I wouldn't have been able to provide a link to it, which would be needed to get the price matching.

So, now I'm on to site #5. My diamond's price there is $1,200, more than two of the sites and far less than one of the sites. They, too, offered the competitor price matching but it still wasn't re-listed on the site that was $200 less on(#2) and I was exhausted by then anyway and just wanted to secure the lab diamond I'd spent so much time picking out, so I wouldn't have to start all over again on that. So I ordered it. I paid by credit card since they didn't offer a PayPal option. I didn't even try to request USPS shipping because, as mentioned, I was just worn out with it all by then. So I paid $200 more than the best deal and now I wait to see if I'll be lucky enough to actually get it, or if they'll just have my money and won't be able to get it.

I woke up to an email from the vendor who had the nerve to ask $4,500 for the stone I paid $1,200 for, requesting that I be "brutally honest" and tell him if there's anything he could have done better, along with a $100 discount offer. These vendors are really giving me the ick. They remind me of a husband who gets drunk and does something slimy, then disingenuously grovels and whines to try to get out of it, the next morning.

This has been a really annoying experience and to be honest, now I kinda hate all of them. Now I wait to see if I'll even get it.

It is just me?
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Update: The current vendor said my credit card didn't go through. I checked and apparently they are the ones that triggered the warning lol. I guess my credit card company finds them a bit sus too. I just cleared the alert but now it's hours after I ordered the diamond so will have to see if it's even still for sale.

ETA: Update on the update: It went through this time and they said the diamond is still available and secured. :)
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I'm just beginning my search for a lab marquise diamond- I'm not looking forward to it based on the issues you have faced.

After my little journey so far, I'd advise keeping it very simple, for starters. No special requests, however small, and get the setting separately, from someone better known, if what you want differs at all from the stock settings they offer. When just the most basic, simple purchase is bumpy, I can't even imagine the horror a custom setting could become lol.

I'd also advise to just cancel the order if it starts to seem strange.

And if anyone doesn't know, the same diamond will be on offer at many companies, at sometimes huge price differences.

I'd be happier if I hadn't expected it to be simple and smooth in the first place, I think. Good luck!
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Yeah, these drop ship companies offer low prices at the expense of service.

Well, that is definitely true. But then, they weren't all even drop ship companies. And the drop ship companies don't always even offer low prices or do very well with only basic service, either.

So after this, I'd just advise expecting some hassle going in regardless, for a happier overall experience.
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Well, that is definitely true. But then, they weren't all even drop ship companies. And the drop ship companies don't always even offer low prices or do very well with only basic service, either.

So after this, I'd just advise expecting some hassle going in regardless, for a happier overall experience.

What companies did you work with? Most companies don't have the goods in house so I would put them under the "drop ship" category.
When I bought mine in 2013 I narrowed down the stone I wanted then used StoneAlgo to find the best prices vendor. Luckily for me it was B2C so after emailing and talking to them over the phone I proceeded with the purchase - it was still pretty nerve wracking since I’m based in Australia.
I wouldn't say it is an easy experience. I ordered a lab that looked nothing like the photos, then, after finding another, a vendor would not price match because the stone 'did not pass their standards', even though it was listed for sale on their website.
From the “other side”….. as a vendor
Many of the places claiming to be growers are re-sellers.
Not that’s specifically an issue. Natural diamond sellers are all re-sellers.
BUT - there is ( or was) a level of ethics in the natural diamond biz.
Your word is your bond. That sort of thing.
Such integrity is sorely lacking in a large percentage of lab sellers.
But there are still plenty of natural diamond sellers, with the same commitment to integrity that are selling both natural as well as curated lab diamonds.

Really sorry you were jerked around
This sounds truly awful if not a bit scary. I'm not sure what sort of diamond you are looking for, but I would probably prefer working with someone like Alex (Parks) who is solid and has great prices. I hope you are able to find your diamond and the smooth experience that it should be!
Wow, that’s some of the worst customer service I’ve heard about! I never even thought about the lower price of labs leading to issues like that. Suppose that’s a small upside to absurdly obscure gemstones
My experiences in dealing with three different vendors for lab diamonds (and pieces made by two of them) mirrors yours, with some....interesting.....additional twists. It's really the wild, wild west out there. I did have very good customer service from a fourth vendor, but the cut of the stone from them was, in my opinion, substandard, and this vendor is touted as having a "very good eye," so I just don't know anymore.

I think your advice is sound - keep it simple, get the setting from somewhere reliable, and expect that the road will be VERY bumpy.
Im based in the US and only do credit ard. Not sure if that alters anything, but I have gotten several diamonds from Alex Parks, Ritani and Loosegrown.

I have had decent experiences with all. Loosegrown I purchased, they didnt have it, they offered me 2 others that were NOTHING like what i had ordered so I had them cancel and refund me. Then I successfully ordered 2 others, returned one with no issue. Ordered another one with no issue (although it took forever to come, I think 5 or 6 weeks) I also tried to purchase another one that was not available so i cancelled and was refunded.

Ritani I have purchased and kept and also done returns with them with no issues.

Alex I have purchased 6 total. I did get an OEC last year that i felt was not cut well (it wasnt listed on his website, he just said "I have a G color 3 carat if you want it" and i bought it sight unseen) but he let me return it with no issue.

I also ordered an old mine pear from Fiorese in January and didnt have an issue with them, either, but they are in china and i think i had to pay by wire for that one, seemed fine. Price wasnt really better but they have more interesting cuts
Im based in the US and only do credit ard. Not sure if that alters anything, but I have gotten several diamonds from Alex Parks, Ritani and Loosegrown.

I have had decent experiences with all. Loosegrown I purchased, they didnt have it, they offered me 2 others that were NOTHING like what i had ordered so I had them cancel and refund me. Then I successfully ordered 2 others, returned one with no issue. Ordered another one with no issue (although it took forever to come, I think 5 or 6 weeks) I also tried to purchase another one that was not available so i cancelled and was refunded.

Ritani I have purchased and kept and also done returns with them with no issues.

Alex I have purchased 6 total. I did get an OEC last year that i felt was not cut well (it wasnt listed on his website, he just said "I have a G color 3 carat if you want it" and i bought it sight unseen) but he let me return it with no issue.

I also ordered an old mine pear from Fiorese in January and didnt have an issue with them, either, but they are in china and i think i had to pay by wire for that one, seemed fine. Price wasnt really better but they have more interesting cuts

@Inked Where do you find an inventory or postings of the Fiorese cuts?
@Inked Where do you find an inventory or postings of the Fiorese cuts?

weeeelllll.... you don't.. lol. I DMed her on Instagram (they have 2 or 3 accounts, but there are fakes too so you have to be careful) and said "I am looking for XYZ" and then she'll send you 2 or 3 they have or offer to cut for you.

Now, sometimes they send you things that are nothing like what you asked for... LOL Like I asked for an OEC a few months ago and they sent me those "star" looking ones with 57% tables which, to each their own, but i personally dont like those triangle facets. I dont know if they have better ones now.

I asked for an Emerald with a culet and they didnt have but i asked for a pear with a culet and they did. And again they offer to custom cut for you but i was not that brave
weeeelllll.... you don't.. lol. I DMed her on Instagram (they have 2 or 3 accounts, but there are fakes too so you have to be careful) and said "I am looking for XYZ" and then she'll send you 2 or 3 they have or offer to cut for you.

Now, sometimes they send you things that are nothing like what you asked for... LOL Like I asked for an OEC a few months ago and they sent me those "star" looking ones with 57% tables which, to each their own, but i personally dont like those triangle facets. I dont know if they have better ones now.

I asked for an Emerald with a culet and they didnt have but i asked for a pear with a culet and they did. And again they offer to custom cut for you but i was not that brave

Can you link the vendor accounts that you follow or would recommend?
I'm in agreement about being scared off by custom due to different standards or views of what is acceptable.
Success at last! Yay!

Please excuse the iphone photos. They are not the best. But it is very sparkly and just the right size for me. Worth it all in the end! :)

Now to get it set...

