
Willy aka the Beast


Sep 3, 2024
Starting a new thread for my girl while she's getting her new dress. Some of you might remember when I bought her on TRR. She was sold to me as a 2.7 K-L, VS2-SI1 in a 27 gram gold nugget setting. And she looked like this…


I had a lengthy thread going with many photos and comments. I had no knowledge of my own, just a strong desire for an old cut. So many helpful PS'rs chimed in. LavenderDragonfly named her Willy from “Free Willy”. Someone said her cut was “Chef’s Kiss”. Dreamer D said ‘You could look for a year and not find another stone cut that well’. Everyone assured me the cut was beautiful, and she had a tiny table with no visible inclusions. There was some question about the color but I didn’t mind her warmth. I had her removed from her bezel. After spending a few days with her in a brassy colored stone holder that bordered on rose gold, I couldn’t stand her. It was obvious she was nowhere near a K-L. I called TRR, told them the color was egregiously misrepresented. They agreed to return the ring if the stone was back in the setting. I did it. I put her back in the bezel of the gold nugget. I asked the PS admin to remove the thread, seems so stupid but I was frantic, and didn’t want any issues with the return.

When I picked her up from the jeweler, I gasped. She looked like the beauty I thought I had. White gold bezel, yellow gold nugget setting. I couldn’t bear to part with her, so I kept her and wore her in the nugget setting for about a month. My husband and kids were horrified lol. Then I worked up the courage to take her out of the ring… again. This time, I used a silver stone holder and wow! Huuuuugggeeee difference. Someone commented not to put lower colored stones in rose gold. This might not be true across the board but for Willy it was 100 percent accurate. I added a gold earring to mimic a faux bezel. Pic below. Dangerously wore it that way for a couple weeks. I still loved her. I contacted Cayssie from CVB, who has been awesome and very patient with me, and that’s where she is now. I’m not sharing my setting plans, I don’t share the names of my kids before they’re born either.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering what color she really is. I had one jeweler tell me WX. Guesses were all over the place. The prelim from GIA came back today and….. Shes an Old European Brilliant, 2.89, Q-R, VS2. 9.1mm x 8.75 mm x 5.77. 46 % table, 64.7% depth. Large culet.

Now that I've seen about 10 old cuts in person and many (many) more online, I can truly say her cut is near perfection. ... and "cut is king". I feel like saying that and meaning it means I've earned another level on my PS belt.

Off all the things that happened, money wasted on bezel, rebezel, un-bezel, I only regret deleting the PS thread. I don’t really know why I did it. Maybe I wanted to forget the whole experience. But, hind sight is 20-20 and you cant go back. Cheers to Willy’s new thread and looking forward to more posts and a new dress When she does come back, I think she’ll come back as Wilhelmina lol.

This whole thing is classic PS drama and I love it :lol-2: The code is never delete a thread though so you get some demerit club points for that.

I love this stone of course and I’m glad you came to your senses! Posting this thread and then not telling us anything about your setting plans is mean though. More demerits.

Here is your report card:

Drama: A++
Wearing the Diamond in a risky contraption A++
Deleting thread: D
Teasing us: A (while I think this is poor form many would think it’s good behavior and I have to following the grading rubric in fairness).
Writing the whole thing for our enjoyment: A

Overall I give you an A- for PS club!
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What a story! I remember reading the (deleted!) thread and being so glad you decided to keep it. I am a bit terrified that you actually wore it in that earring contraption!

I don’t think I’ve earned the right to grade as I’m still a “student” here but have to agree, A++ for the drama!

Cannot wait to see Wilhelmina in her new dress! Any estimates on when?
LOVE her cut. And for a moment I thought you were going to name her “Willy Kiss”-thankfully you didn’t :lol-2:
This whole thing is classic PS drama and I love it :lol-2: The code is never delete a thread though so you get some demerit club points for that.

I love this stone of course and I’m glad you came to your senses! Posting this thread and then not telling us anything about your setting plans is mean though. More demerits.

Here is your report card:

Drama: A++
Wearing the Diamond in a risky contraption A++
Deleting thread: D
Teasing us: A (while I think this is poor form many would think it’s good behavior and I have to following the grading rubric in fairness).
Writing the whole thing for our enjoyment: A

Overall I give you an A- for PS club!

Thank you, thank you! As long as it’s an A, I’ll take it! You are an excellent teacher!
What a story! I remember reading the (deleted!) thread and being so glad you decided to keep it. I am a bit terrified that you actually wore it in that earring contraption!

I don’t think I’ve earned the right to grade as I’m still a “student” here but have to agree, A++ for the drama!

Cannot wait to see Wilhelmina in her new dress! Any estimates on when?

No estimate yet. Cads should be done next week. Fingers crossed for April. I think Caysie said 6 weeks for fabrication, a week for mailing…
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I think you might have to change Willy's nickname to The Beauty, because wow!! I'm so glad you took that leap of faith. I can't wait to see what you and Caysie cook up!!
The faceting is beautiful - can’t wait to see your new ring when finished! Love changing the name to Wilhemina! More feminine version to match her new dress. I get Willy the Beast in the chunky setting but this one will be so much more becoming!
The low capes (starting from OP down) can be such a tricky beast! Absolutely chameleon-y from minute to minute. I had a pair of studs that were OP and I loved them until the one fateful day I saw them looking school bus yellow in my ears and then it was all downhill from there. But that also means that setting makes all the difference imo, in bringing out the best of a stone!

Can’t wait to see the setting you’ve gone with! Willy is beautiful, and def needs a good home :D
Photos and Handshots A++. Thank you!
But seriously, that cut is Perfection! Congratulations!

You could even consider 18K WG, still has that white metal but ever so slightly warmer than Platinum.

Shes SOOOOOO pretty! I strongly agree, now that’s she’s free and has a fresh start, she deserves a name upgrade and I love Wilhelmina!

Thank you so much for giving this beautiful stone a happy ending! I’m so incredibly excited for you!!!

PS: Should you have decided to send her back, I would have scooped her up in a second …. I don’t know what for, but she was too pretty to be stuck in that setting. ❤️❤️❤️

Omg…… Cinderella…. She’s stuck as a slave in ugly clothes and hidden away until her fairy godmother comes along and rescues her! You could be a fairy godmother!
…. And yes you absolutely are deserving of a new level on your PS belt with this one … well done and wear her with good health, I cannot wait to see her setting! ❤️
GORGEOUS! I remember the thread and i am so glad you kept her! I had a similar issue actually, took my brand new not returnable diamond out of the setting and was like "wait, is this the same diamond??!!" Had the same experience of just changing the stone holder and it solved the issue.. LOL!!

I cant wait to see what you do with it!!