
Work question, intimidation? Or?


Feb 2, 2011
I have a work question I need help with. Bit of background first...

My supervisor has left and the position is open, altho hasn't been posted yet. It's a union position and so is available to people in other departments. A fellow in another department (completely unrelated to mine) has 30+ years seniority and has indicated he may apply. The learning curve would be quite steep as there is little if any skills overlap. His reasons: this position pays a couple of bucks more/hour and he wants to put his best 5 years in for retirement.

He's a known bully with an old school supervisory style. Stories abound. I get along with him, but he's not my supervisor. I know of and have witnessed his tendencies.

When I walk past his office, I can see that he is watching my area via the CC cameras. That's a no-no, unless there are suspicions, and then only by the appropriate investigative team. I say nothing tho. He's watching our area, I presume, to get a jump start on the learning curve and get a sense of who is a worker bee and who is a drone.

He's also been passed over for advancement repeatedly for exempt positions (non-union), and has a big beef with the company about this. It's possible that his indication of making a play for this job is simply to have a laugh and ruffle feathers. Or not.

So that's the background. Now the part I need help with.

He's approaching some of the regulars (non casual employees), specifically 3 of us ladies and saying some things that are... making us uncomfortable. I have heard of, or witnessed 4 such convos.

Yesterday, as I was topping up a display of pastries, he walked by and said "when I'm your boss and running this place, you won't be able to make messes like that."

A pastry had fallen off a tray.

Another time he walked past and struck up a convo with me as I was displaying something else. At the end he said "when I'm your boss, there will be none of this standing around taking."

Both times he's grinning from ear to ear.

I've been bullied 3 times (twice very badly) while working for this company. It may seem like no big deal, but boundaries are being pushed here. I've been here before and swore I'd never let it happen again. I'm hyper sensitive to what I perceive to be the beginning of intimidation.

Your thoughts?

I've told my temporary supervisor about my discomfort and have carefully documented all interactions (something I do daily, regardless). I've been taking the wait and see approach as this is either a big gag on his part, or he really will be my supervisor. I'll need a whole lot more than that.

Hubbie says treat him like the gray rock. No emotion, no words, no reward for his efforts. I'm thinking of giving it a go. My counselor (not seeing her currently) has advised similarly in that I imagine a forcefield around myself. In my case, I envision a wall of plants (Groot?) protecting me.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I welcome any advise.