
You can't multitask. Nobody can!


Apr 30, 2005
In fact, multitasking is almost always a misnomer, as the human mind and brain lack the architecture to perform two or more tasks simultaneously. By architecture, we mean the cognitive and neural building blocks and systems that give rise to mental functioning. We have a hard time multitasking because of the ways that our building blocks of attention and executive control inherently work. To this end, when we attempt to multitask, we are usually switching between one task and another. The human brain has evolved to single task.

i had a boss once who forbid me to muti task
obveously i couldnt do it
so i dont even try
I'm very guilty of trying to multitask; it just seems to be what's expected.
Occasionally I'll stop myself, take a deep breath and recenter.

Then I'll focus only on the single thing I'm doing.
The other things can wait ... in fact, in reality, they end up anyway when I'm trying to do many things at once.

It's so much better, the peace of mind of having a just single thing to do each moment.
I'm very guilty of trying to multitask; it just seems to be what's expected.
Occasionally I'll stop myself, take a deep breath and recenter.

Then I'll focus only on the single thing I'm doing.
The other things can wait ... in fact, in reality, they end up anyway when I'm trying to do many things at once.

It's so much better, the peace of mind of having a just single thing to do each moment.

Interesting Kenny. I feel, as with most things, it really is specific to the individual. I agree when one is multitasking perhaps the tasks at hand are not accomplished as well as if one is concentrating on a single activity. But, I find when I multitask I concentrate better on each task than if I were doing them separately. My brain works differently than many I think :)

Perhaps it comes down to my need to for stimulation to do well at the task at hand and I find I can focus better when multitasking. For me, multitasking feels good. It is the best way I can explain it
I can multitask! I can have a perfectly normal conversation with another human being while I’m occupied with cuddling and petting the cat! It counts! :lol:

On a more serious note, try telling that to my ex-military went-through-pilot-training friend. The mechanics behind and the semantics of multitasking may be up for debate, but some people are crazy good at it.

Me, I’m skilled in the art of ignoring everything outside of my current occupation. It just seizes to exist. Makes for a peaceful life.