
Your expect opinion of this ring


Nov 4, 2010
Iv been looking for a 1ct platinum solitary engagement ring for my girlfriend for a month or so now (i need it by xmas), and a friend of mine referred me to Bloomingdales. She works their and can get me 60% off. The following ring will run me roughly $4,500. Does it seem like a good ring? good deal?

...iv been to Mervis and Charleston Alexanders as well, a similar ring will cost about $7,500$. Do you think its worth 3k more for slightly higher quality (if it is?!?)...I went called Bloomingdales and they do not have it for display at any local stores, its only available in NY, and i live in DC. The sales lady said i could purchase it, then return it if i didn't like it...although i don't want to be a pain in the a$$...

Any advise is greatly appreciated.
P.S. I need to make up my mind by next week inorder to get the 60% off, and intime for Xmas. If i miss this sale ill have to wait till after xmas which defeats my plan of giving it to her on christmas.

Rabican, on the face of the little info provided, that clarity itself is only described as SI, not to mention that the grading report is not defined, I'd say no (i.e, could reasonably be SI2, and even if GIA graded...which there'd no reason to believe, have a bad looking inclusion).

But, more broadly, you need to back up.

Take advantage of having found this board.

Post here:


...instead, which is the correct forum

If you haven't, which I'm guessing is the case, make the time to read through "Basic 4Cs" under "Knowledge" across the top.

BTW, I'm in DC, too. Frankly, I really can't think of a place locally to direct you to get the kind of background knowledge you'd like to have to make the purchase you want to make, except for this board. But, you've got to use it, read it, etc.

Ira Z.
If you were in my shoes where would you purchase the ring from? bloomingdales just seems like a really good deal but i can spend more if this ring is junk. I spoke with the sales guy at bloomingdales and he said its a SI1 but he could have been making it up? maybe i should call the NY store and ask for more specific info from the certificate.

It's been a while since I've shopped and recommended.

I would definitely look at this search tool:

I might consider this:

but you are not me. I'd look more closely at Infinity options, and HPD with Wink Jones, because Paul at Infinity is somewhat close to the rough selection process, and might be able to make claims to ethical sourcing. Sorry, I can't find my way easily enough around this version of this Website to link these for you very well.

My criteria would be somewhat equal parts of seeking: a) ethical sourcing (knowing it has a Kimberley certificate would not be the "ideal" case for me), b) nice make/well cut, c) affordably priced.

With James Allen, as above, you get good odds at all 3, but I'd rather pay a bit more and increase my knowledge of ethical sourcing.

Ira Z.

P.S. (edited to add)... It's important for you to know grading certificates are not equal, and you have not heard yet what lab graded your noted option. EGL...or anything besides GIA & AGS, are know to be 2 full grades off of what the standard of GIA or the best AGS is representing.