
Fancy Colored Diamond Collection

One possible layout.

Picture 12.png
Kenny, can I come over to play with your kids? Maybe you need a babysitter?

I love your possible layout for a ring, because your eyes are tricked into thinking its perfectly symmetrical at first. But I could also see that with your babies you may never want to have them set, as there are just too many possibilities! But boy, do you have some absolute beauties :love: :love:
I never try to photograph different colour gems together (unless it can't be helped). Some just love a certain setting and others prefer something different. It's maddening. I find I get, say, the yellow right but then the blue looks wrong or some other colour combination!
Inevitably I photograph each one individually and play around until I get an accurate replica of what I see. Some colours are always much harder to capture - for example, you try photographing an Emerald :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: that tries the patience of a saint!

I don't know if this helps but your salt in the photo looks grey/violet to me so I'm wondering if something is slightly "off" with one of the balances?
I agree LD, it is really a challenge to get gems of several colors looking true all in one pic.
This is pretty darn close.
I'd trade photographing an emerald for photographing this darn grayish violet pear any day. :angryfire:

A Violet diamond is even more shy than a green one.

Picture 18.png
Seriously, Kenny, the you don't want to know all of the dirty loving thoughts I'm having about these stones. It's jewelry **** at its best.
And as gorgeous as they are in photos, there's nothing quite like seeing them IRL I bet. You don't get all that scintillation and sparkle in a static photo.
GAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stand it !!!!
**** is RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just NEED to be able to see more more MORE !!!!! :love: :cheeky: :love: :cheeky:
Thanx all, but I hope I don't get banned for posting pron. :o

Next I want to take some individual close ups, but it may take a while.
If you recall I bought a new camera body and I need some software in order to get the new files into my puter.
It's so frustrating how they keep you buying new software for any new hardware.
All the above pics were taken with the old body.

I don't have a wireless remote for the old body so super-duper closeups will come out blurred at those magnifications.
Just touching the camera blurs the pic at high magnifications; even the SLR mirror flipping up will too.

I DO have a wireless remote for the new camera but iPhoto cannot accept RAW files from the new body yet. :angryfire:
(I refuse to shoot in jpg since RAW format offers immensely greater artistic control and flexibility.)

I do have Photoshop Elements but have to figure out if it can import files directly from a camera. (I don't think it can.)
If not I'm going to buy (hopefully today via online download) Adobe Lightroom, which can.
Apparently Lightroom is a better photo storing and managing program than iPhoto anyway.

Then instead of this FCD orgy group pron we can get some hot intimate action shots. :lol:
Kenny these are amazing. That lime green stone is making me drool a little bit.
Okay, I think I've finally got a temporary way of getting my RAW files into the puter.
I downloaded a free 30-day trial version of Adobe PSE 9, registered it, then downloaded Adobe Camera Raw 6.3 which can read the new D7000 files.
Hopefully within 30 days apple will have an update for iPhoto so it can read files from my new camera. :angryfire:

What a pain learning new software, but at least I'm back on the air.

Here's the diminutive yet spunky "Kenny Green".
Dresden Green . . . eat you heart out. :sun:

Picture 27.png
Ya, that's pron all right, Kenny !
Red Light all the way ! :love: :love: :love: :love:

Gosh, that camera puts all to shame, I can't understand
all the Geek-Speak, but I envy your abilities !!!!!

Someday ! :))
kenny|1303774920|2904895 said:
Okay, I think I've finally got a temporary way of getting my RAW files into the puter.
I downloaded a free 30-day trial version of Adobe PSE 9, registered it, then downloaded Adobe Camera Raw 6.3 which can read the new D7000 files.
Hopefully within 30 days apple will have an update for iPhoto so it can read files from my new camera. :angryfire:

What a pain learning new software, but at least I'm back on the air.

Here's the diminutive yet spunky "Kenny Green".
Dresden Green . . . eat you heart out. :sun:

Great photo, and I love that RED color!!
kenny|1303500913|2902801 said:
mrswahs|1303498883|2902780 said:
What are you planning to do with these pretties?

No plans.
One or more may make it into one or more rings some day.

Kenny your colored diamonds are :love: :love: :love: Beee-U-Tee-Full :love: :love: :love: WOW!!!!
"Dresden Green eat your heart out"

Somehow, I think he is sleeping in his vault quite peacefully.
mmmmmm Gem pr0n :lickout:

Gorgeous! :love:
I got some new software (Mac OS 10.6.7 and IPhoto 11) that makes it easier to accept the new RAW files, so I expect to put up some new ones soon, but here are a couple I took a while back.
It's nice to be back on apple software since I'm familiar with it. :cheeky:
I didn't like Adobe's software.

I sen this Deep Blue Emerald cut, and the pear in these pics, back but now I really miss them. ;(

Screen shot 2011-04-28 at 9.18.35 PM.png

Screen shot 2011-04-28 at 9.24.12 PM.png
So many beautiful stones!

PEAR !!!!

YELLOW TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that does it, :shock: at some point I am getting a "big boy" camera
and learning how to use it !
But till then, I will be drooling over all the Kenny-Pr0n going on around here !!!!
Your photos are just stunning kenny!!
Your diamonds are stunning and you take such beautiful pictures! :love:

Thank you for sharing! :))
Burberrygirl|1304100240|2908094 said:
Your diamonds are stunning and you take such beautiful pictures! :love:

Thank you for sharing! :))

Thank you.
My pleasure.
You know, Kenny, your photos are almost as satisfying as if I had those diamonds myself - and that's a real compliment, because you have no idea how strong my itch is...

Bravo :appl:
That blue pear looks like cool clear blue water.

Kenny you truly have a gift with the arts.
The colors are so RICH!

Screen shot 2011-04-29 at 2.10.28 PM.png

HOW ????!!!!????
Is the lime back lit, or ????
Yes, no Photoshop trickery was used.

I placed a thin slice of lime (cut with a freshly-sharpened knife for a clean flat surface) on a piece of glass.
In black cardboard I cut a hole that was slightly smaller than the lime, because I liked how the light-falloff at the edges made rind of the lime kind of fuzzy and darkish.
( I experimented with holes of different sizes.)

Before Placing the diamond on it I scored into the lime with a X-acto knife then drew up the excess juice with a Q-Tip.
I wanted the stone to lay flat, be level with the lime for focus reasons, and not have juice oozing over the girdle and onto the top.

I set a cheapo CFL light in a white bucket and placed the black cardboard over the bucket.
Then the cardboard/glass/lime was placed on top over the hole.
A second identical light was held above the lime a various angles, positions and distances to get a pleasing balance of lighting.

This set up was very simple and easy.
No macro gear was really needed.
You can do a lot without fancy equipment.

BTW, notice how the 8-point Fancy Intense Greenish-Plue Pear now appears to exhibit windowing.
I think this is because the pavilion is resting in juice, which changes the index of refraction.

Here's a close up of same shot. . .

Screen shot 2011-04-29 at 5.54.30 PM.png

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