
Kate Middleton conspiracy theories


Oct 23, 2011
Many memes and posts have been circulating about Kate. I don’t think these conspiracy theories are funny. I seriously hope that she is doing well. Do any of you across the pond have more insight than we do?


Jul 7, 2013
Nope as I respect one's right to keep whatever one wishes to keep as private and confidential.

The PoW, as well as King Charles III, do not wish for their medical conditions to be made public, the end.

DK :))


Apr 30, 2005
... I don’t think these conspiracy theories are funny. ...

I do. :lol-2:
IMO the morons who start and spread them are hilarious.

When stuff's funny, I laugh ... even at idiots like myself.
Nothing's sacred, even me.

To quote Werner Erhard ...

"Life is a game,
in which what's isn't,
is more important,
than what is.

Let the good times roll."
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Apr 30, 2005
Werner Erhard is a brilliant "critical thinker".

Back in the 1970s he created EST, Erhard Seminars Training.
I took it, as did the PS member who owns Diamonds by Laruen.

It opened and freed my mind from some of the jails that society uses to control, limit, exploit, and imprison us.
EST changed me for the better, without the use of LSD or religion.

When the training ends they give you a little brown booklet with the above koan, and a few others that Werner either wrote or just wanted to pass along.

I consider myself to be "Saved" ... by both Jungian psychoanalysis and EST.
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Mar 11, 2013
Werner Erhard is a brilliant "critical thinker".

Back in the 1970s he created EST, Erhard Seminars Training.
I took it, as did the PS member who owns Diamonds by Laruen.

It opened and freed my mind from some of the jails that society uses to control, limit, exploit, and imprison us.
EST changed me for the better, without the use of LSD or religion.

When the training ends they give you a little brown booklet with the above koan, and a few others that Werner either wrote or just wanted to pass along.

I consider myself to be "Saved" ... by both Jungian psychoanalysis and EST.

My closest friends did EST, they consider themselves to be saved. I did a competitor training when I was just out of college which transformed my way of thinking. I think EST creates foundational mind shifts and would recommend it to adults who would benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, and DO NOT have a tendency to get roped into cults. In my case, I’m extremely suspicious and have some bullshit radar, so I did not go further when they tried to get me sucked in. But the initial training weekend changed my life.
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Mar 11, 2013
I’m watching the Kate saga on Twitter. I feel really sorry for her. I also feel like the UK media are a tool for the government to distract the population with shiny pretty trivialities. We all care about Kate’s photoshop betrayal (?) and do not notice Gaza or Ukraine.

Ultimately, like I said, I feel sorry for her. I feel like she has demonstrated dignity and purpose, even though she might also have flaws like not being “nice” supposedly.

Her being the parent of three kids, the last of whom seems to be quite challenging, you never know what is ACTUALLY going on. This might not even be about her. Her photo with the kids might have been photoshopped, and from last fall, but here’s a secret: our family also photoshops month’s old photos for Christmas cards. To go back to her kids, again, there could be challenges that go beyond Kate, and she might be taking the heat. What’s puzzling to me is the total blackout of contact. But she deserves her break from the spotlight, IMO.


Apr 30, 2005
... I think EST creates foundational mind shifts and would recommend it to adults who would benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, and DO NOT have a tendency to get roped into cults. In my case, I’m extremely suspicious and have some bullshit radar, so I did not go further when they tried to get me sucked in. But the initial training weekend changed my life.

+1 ... with a caveat; I know nothing about CBT.

I also developed radar about cults as after my teenage so-called born-again Jesus experience.
I do however disagree with our culture's definition of cult; IMO all religions are cults.
Protecting molesting priests (and especially the firm) by transferring them instead of turning them in to the police (even though more kids get molested and the firm ends up paying out millions) and the Jim Jones 1978 Johnestown mass suicides, while different, are both pretty culty. :knockout:

At the end of the basic EST training they did invite us to "go further".
I didn't.
I also stopped psychoanalysis when I felt it was time.
With both things I took the good stuff and moved on.
I'm not disciple material.
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Oct 19, 2013
I seriously hope that she is doing well

This is about it, imo.
If she doesn’t surface at Easter - then she’s gone off to live with S. Miscavige.

Something happened though, imo.

AP pulling the photo seems to mean something. More than just an amateur cut and paste job, or a photo taken awhile back would warrant?

I don’t demand to know someone’s personal business.
I am free to wonder and ponder when stories that are put forth don’t really make sense.

The same with Tigers accident.
The same with Carrie Underwood’s accident.


Aug 12, 2005
Nope as I respect one's right to keep whatever one wishes to keep as private and confidential.

The PoW, as well as King Charles III, do not wish for their medical conditions to be made public, the end.

DK :))

Charles seemed pretty forthright in announcing his cancer dx, no?

It seems odd to me that a family will do their utmost to show the world all the good moments but hide anything that makes them look bad. But what do I know? Just a lowly American here.


Sep 10, 2003
Being forthcoming about her procedure would have avoided the incessant speculation and conspiracy theories that are probably as annoying and intrusive to her privacy as revealing what happened and letting it fade away as the attention did for Charles when he divulged his prostate and cancer diagnoses. The photoshop fail has fueled the furor. The royal family is not naive when it comes to the press and must have anticipated what her long absence would achieve in the news and I'm surprised that there is not as yet a game plan for dealing with all the noise other than the "never complain, never explain" motto of QEII that caused never ending consternation and frustration with the public and the press.


Jun 23, 2005
It is true … the more secretive things seem, the harder folks dig. They are entitled to their privacy but are very public figures, and those two together are hard to maneuver. An abdominal surgery that has taken her out of the public eye for quite awhile will of course raise eyebrows and concern. Charles says he has cancer, but not prostate as he was being treated for previously. Just leads to lots of speculation. I hope they will both be fine but I don’t comb the news looking for answers that they clearly don’t want you to have.


May 17, 2014
No insight but I’m really curious as to what’s going on.

Hubby and I have three theories:

1. Woefully incompetent PR staff.

2. She’s had a mental break. Considering the stigma around mental health and watching someone I was close to have a complete breakdown, they can’t trot her out if she’s in that state. Hence all the cloak and dagger behaviour.

3. She’s just recovering from abdominal surgery and they are letting the public go wild because now there is unlimited publicity about them. They haven’t done anything wrong and it’s mainly Twitter whipping itself up into a frenzy so this is an interesting way to generate publicity.


Oct 31, 2021
The royal family always wants to have it both ways. They want to be public figures when it suits them and keep things private when they want to. But when your whole claim is based on heredity and divine right, and your extravagant living is funded by the public, privacy becomes a luxury. The result is twitter performs the main act on stage while the public enjoys the circus.

This whole thing with Kate has been brewing since January, fueled up by their complete silence and firm stance of "this is a private matter". A little transparency would've gone a long way to calm the waters.


Jan 4, 2010
I feel kind of sorry for her; I certainly would not want to have to go public with my private medical matters. She had to know what she was getting into when she married into the royal family, but even so, it has to be unpleasant for her.


Nov 2, 2012
I am no expert on the royals but I did read a book about Harry and Meghan a while back. And if it was accurate, the royals’ lives are terribly managed and regimented.

It seems they have to spend a huge portion of their lives at boring public events.

Then there are regular news articles put out about them (by “The Firm?”) and a certain amount of dirty laundry is expected and required.

It sounded pretty rough to me, not at all the fairy tale existence I had previously assumed.

Anyway, whatever’s going on, after reading that book, my guess is that the info. given or not given to the public is being done very deliberately.
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Sep 10, 2003
Anyway, whatever’s going on, after reading that book, my guess is that the info. given or not given to the public is being done very deliberately.

No doubt about it. They are masters at being deliberate.

If it was appendicitis, why all the secrecy. If it was a tummy tuck, that would potentially cause criticism even if she paid for it with personal funds. If it was a hysterectomy, why all the secrecy. If it was an ectopic pregnancy, that would be painful to share at least in the short term.

Secrets are hard to keep and I think whatever happened to her will eventually be exposed by someone violating a confidence.


Nov 2, 2020
I think everyone needs to just leave them alone. I love the Royal family - coming from Australia it’s part of our history but I don’t read scuttlebutt and I wish everyone else would do the same.

The Kardashian / Jenner tribe manipulate photos ad nauseam but oh dear, the hands aren’t right in a Royal photo wrangling 3 kids at once and it’s a sign she’s being held against her will / had a mental breakdown / the marriage is over. Please, get serious.


Jun 23, 2005
I think everyone needs to just leave them alone. I love the Royal family - coming from Australia it’s part of our history but I don’t read scuttlebutt and I wish everyone else would do the same.

The Kardashian / Jenner tribe manipulate photos ad nauseam but oh dear, the hands aren’t right in a Royal photo wrangling 3 kids at once and it’s a sign she’s being held against her will / had a mental breakdown / the marriage is over. Please, get serious.

I understand your point but the Kardashians are funded by the Kardashians. The Royals are funded by the government. That is the primary difference and I am sure the taxpayers expect some accountability. They bring some of this on themselves with their secrecy, and after so many scandals in the family, I would have expected them to be better at handling these sorts of things. Abdominal surgery - which could cover a wide variety of things - which results in you being out of the public eye for many weeks, sounds suspicious in nature. Unfortunately, some people have very vivid imaginations that conjure up all sorts of things. The Royals though have probably learned to live with all the tongue wagging. I think when all is said and done, everyone wishes them well.


May 13, 2023
I have no room to talk considering I photoshopped my husbands head on our Christmas card last year. That said, I do wish she was able to receive the privacy she respectfully deserves.


Nov 2, 2020
The Royals are funded by the government.
The Royal family largely draws on their income from estates. They do receive a sum of money each year that approximates to somewhere around a pound each person in the UK. However they also bring in a vast fortune (in the billions) to the UK economy from tourism etc.

BUT this does not mean they are not entitled to privacy. On every US-centric forum there is always huge discussions about how you are covered by the privacy laws for health issues / disability / illnesses etc. If you are a believer in these rights for yourselves surely you would respect the same for everyone, no matter where they live, their status or income.

It was a photo amended by the main subject - if you weren’t told it was “touched up” I guarantee the vast majority would not have even noticed.

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone” - guaranteed every person here has tweaked a photo in their life. It could be colour saturation, the background, removing a shadow - but I’m pretty sure we’ve all done it.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
One day (hopefully not too soon) the Princess of Wales will be my Queen (alongside William as the King of NZ)
Untill that moment HRH's most important job is growing the next King George and his two sibblings
and they both seem to be doing a very good job with this
It isnt my businesses what aliment she is suffering from and i have no right to demand to know her personal medical details the same as i have no right to know what is wrong with Tom, Dick or Harry or any other about Joe Blog walking down the street,
in NZ a medical certificate does not have to say what is actually wrong and an employer cannot ask outright due to privacy laws
i do however wish HRH well and hope she gets better soon

since the present techknowlogical era i take teribble photos, im kind of impressed she had a go at improving her photos, i would happily put that photo in a frame

this is a stupid storm in a tea cup caused by the tabloids and gutter press wanting to stir the pot when so much more important things are going on in the world that warrents the headlines and need more coloumn space

Catherine os the daughter in law of the King of NZ, the wife of the next King and the mother of the one after that
Working royals are not part of the entertainment industry, they are part of a 1000 year old institution, im not sure by what right peoples (and im talking American newspapers, tv shows and magazines) who does not have King Charles as their soverign have in demanding to know what is wrong with Catherine

its huan nature we are all curios what is wrong with her but i hope if it ever becomes known it is catherine's choice to tell us, no one else
and that she isnt forced into telling us like this completly unnessasry apoligy about her photo


Jun 23, 2005
The Royal family largely draws on their income from estates. They do receive a sum of money each year that approximates to somewhere around a pound each person in the UK. However they also bring in a vast fortune (in the billions) to the UK economy from tourism etc.

BUT this does not mean they are not entitled to privacy. On every US-centric forum there is always huge discussions about how you are covered by the privacy laws for health issues / disability / illnesses etc. If you are a believer in these rights for yourselves surely you would respect the same for everyone, no matter where they live, their status or income.

It was a photo amended by the main subject - if you weren’t told it was “touched up” I guarantee the vast majority would not have even noticed.

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone” - guaranteed every person here has tweaked a photo in their life. It could be colour saturation, the background, removing a shadow - but I’m pretty sure we’ve all done it.

They are entitled to privacy but will never have it like you and I because of who they are and their station in life. Princess Di was hounded by the press and everyone felt very bad for her. However, when you make a mark in the public eye, you become a thing of fascination. Everything they say and do becomes scrutinized. It wouldn't be a life I would want either but there they are. I assume they are shielded from much more of the tabloid stuff than we are but I am quite sure some of the remarks they do hear sting. I don't disagree with you about their right to privacy - I am just saying that as public figures they will never have that.


Oct 19, 2013
I don’t know about anyone ‘demanding’.
Haven’t seen picket lines, hunger strikes or immolation threats just yet.

Haven’t looked around my neighborhood this morning yet tho ;-)

Prince Andrew up to something lately that needs to slip under the radar?


Oct 31, 2021
the hands aren’t right in a Royal photo wrangling 3 kids at once and it’s a sign she’s being held against her will / had a mental breakdown / the marriage is over. Please, get serious.

Especially when the explanation is staring everyone in the face. She just layered several photos obviously so that all the kids can be smiling, looking in the same direction and with open eyes all at the same time. Everyone knows how difficult that is to achieve with young children.

Doesn't change the fact that releasing an altered image is bound to lead to the PR cacophony we're witnessing right now. The British royal family aren't the Kardashians.


Jun 26, 2007
Ragging on the royal family and other celebrities is something people love to do. It is a distraction from the horrific current events in the world.

Musicals were all the rage in the 1930s-40s. People craved lighthearted entertainment. They went to the theater to temporarily forget about the war.
Picking on the royals is also a kind of entertainment.

Kate and her family have to look perfect all the time. The pressure of being in the public eye must be crushing.
Maybe she's taking a needed break.
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Aug 29, 2014
OK, so I'm not much of a royal fan, but I do love me some Princess Kate and wasn't really concerned until this fake picture surfaced along with the "explanation".

This wasn't just a picture that was "touched up". This was a full out lie. It was old pictures put over top of new pictures, with credit being given to Will for taking the pic in 2024, after her surgery. Instead of a simple message or re-posting an old pic, they chose to fully manufacture a picture. Do I believe that Kate was really so desperate to post something that she did this? Did she post it herself? Of course not, they have full teams that post these. Do I believe the explanation aka throwing Kate under the bus? Heck no. And the subsequent photo(s) are also under extreme scrutiny and have been accused of being faked as well.

It may be health related, but why have they treated Kate so differently than Charles? They fully came out and said he had cancer. Why would they be so secretive about her? It doesnt make sense.

I'm not buying any of the really crazy theories , but some that I've heard:

-Kate doesnt want the boys to go to Eton and this is her way of putting up a fight
-She has an extreme ED and is in treatment (she was very very thin at xmas events)
-Mental health issues (I wonder if they'd treat that differently now after Meghan though)
-Posturing for divorce
-Mental health issues related to Thomas Kingston/ affair
-Will trying to get more serious with Rose

Meghan & Harry previously said that the family/palace would plant stories about them to distract from marital issues between W&K. Many people didnt believe them, but I 100% believe the palace is full on manipulating whatever they can. Speculation that the palace is throwing her under the bus and now planting stories about how "unstable" she is - perhaps trying to keep her in line ("see what happens when you dont obey?"), perhaps trying to set her up if she tries to seek custody of the kids.

No matter how you slice it, something weird is going on, and there are a lot of people waiting for Easter when she's supposed to emerge. I don't wish medical issues on anyone, so I actually hope it's something like the school issue, or negotiating a post-nup.
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