
Lavender spinel


Nov 17, 2022
A couple other leads - maybe has additional stock not shown assuming this is not your ideal. Pinkish overtone.

This was for sale a couple months ago, from Luc Yen, maybe he has larger. Described as purple and violet but may be considered lavender by some.

I love this material so I keep track in my head of who tends to have it.
Jan 20, 2012
A couple other leads - maybe has additional stock not shown assuming this is not your ideal. Pinkish overtone.

This was for sale a couple months ago, from Luc Yen, maybe he has larger. Described as purple and violet but may be considered lavender by some.

I love this material so I keep track in my head of who tends to have it.

Much obliged! I'm looking into them!!
Jan 20, 2012
Hey, what do you guys think of this one? It's almost 3.5ct., Vietnamese, and nearly loupe clean (the first one I showed has some goodies that are just shy of eye visible). This video is in daylight... you can see it leans neither too blue nor too pink and is a little deeper in color, hopefully avoiding that pastel-gray issue. It's also just about the same price as the first stone and from a dealer I've dealt with before. Bonus... I would get my pear. No real window, but it does have a couple of open facets at the culet. I can overlook that if the color is right.



Dec 16, 2007
Link didn’t work for me EDIT it worked. I don’t have helpful comments! Pretty!


May 13, 2021
Hey, what do you guys think of this one? It's almost 3.5ct., Vietnamese, and nearly loupe clean (the first one I showed has some goodies that are just shy of eye visible). This video is in daylight... you can see it leans neither too blue nor too pink and is a little deeper in color, hopefully avoiding that pastel-gray issue. It's also just about the same price as the first stone and from a dealer I've dealt with before. Bonus... I would get my pear. No real window, but it does have a couple of open facets at the culet. I can overlook that if the color is right.


Love the colour and clarity. Not so keen on the cut.

As @mellowyellowgirl says, the bright reflection across the middle is a worry. I'm guessing that this would move up and down the stone as it was tilted. It's 'interesting' that the video shows only a small range of tilt angles. I suspect that the stone may look half-and-half in some lighting.


Sep 20, 2008
Hey, what do you guys think of this one? It's almost 3.5ct., Vietnamese, and nearly loupe clean (the first one I showed has some goodies that are just shy of eye visible). This video is in daylight... you can see it leans neither too blue nor too pink and is a little deeper in color, hopefully avoiding that pastel-gray issue. It's also just about the same price as the first stone and from a dealer I've dealt with before. Bonus... I would get my pear. No real window, but it does have a couple of open facets at the culet. I can overlook that if the color is right.


I like it. I have a lavender spinel in a pear shape, and yes, the tip gets darker at the tip, like most pears,, but it doesn’t “black out..” it just gets more concentrated in color. I haloed mine. I suspect that one will do the same.
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Jan 20, 2012
The startling change in colour (that straight white patch across the stone ) would bother me

Love the colour and clarity. Not so keen on the cut.

As @mellowyellowgirl says, the bright reflection across the middle is a worry. I'm guessing that this would move up and down the stone as it was tilted. It's 'interesting' that the video shows only a small range of tilt angles. I suspect that the stone may look half-and-half in some lighting.

I like it. I have a lavender spinel in a pear shape, and yes, the tip gets darker at the tip, like most pears,, but it doesn’t “black out..” it just gets more concentrated in color. I haloed mine. I suspect that one will do the same.

Yeah, that's sort of the nature of a pear shape in these lighter tones. You have a bright center with color concentration at the tip and bum (what do we call that part of a pear anyway? lol). It might not matter anyway, because the seller is playing games. I offered to purchase it (with a return policy, of course), and now she says she has a local customer who put a deposit down. The customer may or may not take the gem, and she'll let me know tomorrow. I'm getting very close to saying screw it and setting my humble, unloved amethyst instead. Then I'm putting in a pool with the $ I saved. Take that, lavender spinel!



Jun 27, 2014
I think it's quite nice and the bowtie is typical for an elongated pear.
It has crisp crystal. And the extra carat is no small matter.

It really comes down to what you're going for, diffused color or sparkling color?
Jan 20, 2012
If it’s between this and your very first, I prefer the first one. But that’s NOT taking price into account at all.

I keep going back and forth... you know what that tells me? I'm just not in love. When I see something I truly enjoy, I ask zero questions and pounce. And though I've spent considerably more on other stones, this just seems like a lot of money for a light purple spinel... regardless of locale... when my $99 amethyst blows the color away (IMO). Naturally, I'm not comparing the two gems. Spinel is superior for a reason (hardness, RI, rarity, etc.). But speaking strictly in terms of color, I'm still unimpressed. Maybe I'm just not a lavender spinel girl (unless it's museum quality like T L posted lol).


Dec 16, 2007
I keep going back and forth... you know what that tells me? I'm just not in love. When I see something I truly enjoy, I ask zero questions and pounce. And though I've spent considerably more on other stones, this just seems like a lot of money for a light purple spinel... regardless of locale... when my $99 amethyst blows the color away (IMO). Naturally, I'm not comparing the two gems. Spinel is superior for a reason (hardness, RI, rarity, etc.). But speaking strictly in terms of color, I'm still unimpressed. Maybe I'm just not a lavender spinel girl (unless it's museum quality like T L posted lol).

This is the conversation I always have with myself too. When it’s right I pounce without any question.


Jun 27, 2014
You know what?
No. No, I don't.
Don't spend that kind of money on something that doesn't make you sing.


Nov 17, 2022
@Autumn in New England ,
Do you have a picture of your amethyst? It sounds beautiful!

I assume it is the hexagonal cut from the first page - link to her post
Autumn, correct me if I'm wrong.

I keep going back and forth... you know what that tells me? I'm just not in love. When I see something I truly enjoy, I ask zero questions and pounce. And though I've spent considerably more on other stones, this just seems like a lot of money for a light purple spinel... regardless of locale... when my $99 amethyst blows the color away (IMO). Naturally, I'm not comparing the two gems. Spinel is superior for a reason (hardness, RI, rarity, etc.). But speaking strictly in terms of color, I'm still unimpressed. Maybe I'm just not a lavender spinel girl (unless it's museum quality like T L posted lol).

Disclaimer: I'm just happy to be here and read people's opinions and thought. This thread is about one of my bucket list gem materials and about a color range that my eye is relatively bad at discerning (pink, purple, violet) - I think thats part of the reason I particularly like this material - it is challenging. So, no sage advice to be taken to heart from me, just a noob rambling.

About setting the amethyst instead - I wrote and deleted a paragraph about why I prefer some of the spinels shown in this thread over your (beautiful!) amethyst, but this is not my personal diary, and I don't want to ruffle any feathers. Are you fine with setting an inexpensive stone in a setting worth several times the value of the stone? This is debated here sometimes, opinions differ.
Even if the setting is simple, gold is high now. Maybe jewellers in my area are just expensive but based on recent quotes I got the gap would be unacceptable, for me personally. The advantage is that replacing the center stone in case of damage should not be nearly as hard as a rarer stone.

Have you seen this thread by @petit_bijou? You probably have - but if not maybe you'll be inspired to hop back on the spinel train. There are lots of details and photos in the thread (tagging her because if she ever sees this and wants to sell: hello, I'm here! ;-)).
- Luc Yen origin and sizable for the locale
- The stone is not light like what you said bothers you in the part I bolded in the quote - I also have an issue when they are too light. It is also very well saturated, at least to my eye.
- She kindly posted photos of the shift from pinkish to violetish lavendar, and in the last couple pages also shows a grayish shift and a bluish shift.
- For something similar I suspect you will will need luck and more patience, if you have any to spare.

Since you are open to amethyst, have you considered lavender tanzanite? It has more 'prestige' than amethyst if that matters to you. Higher RI, under 7 hardness as I'm sure you know. Can be quite affordable - definitely moreso than sapphire. Can be pinkish or violeltish.
Here's some examples from a quick google search, compared to the pear you considered.
-The pics until and including the lozenge are from
-Since my eye is bad with these colors, maybe I'm off base, oops
Just a joke: you could look into taaffeite. Rare, 8 hardness, kind of in the color range, super expensive, usually not very saturated, usually pale! Still a neat collector's stone.
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Sep 20, 2008
Thanks for the amethyst link! It’s beautiful.

Tanzanite is a beautiful gem, but also a brittle one. I personally would not put it in a ring. They are prone to lots of micro-abrasions and pits. You can wear a spinel everyday. Of course, if this is a very occasional ring, maybe a tanzanite is a good choice. The value will never go up, but you never should not buy gems as an investment anyway. However, I’m pretty blown away at how much lavender spinel are going for these days.

You can sometimes fine pink spinels with a lavender secondary color. That’s another option, although it would be more pink.

Jan 20, 2012
I assume it is the hexagonal cut from the first page - link to her post
Autumn, correct me if I'm wrong.

Disclaimer: I'm just happy to be here and read people's opinions and thought. This thread is about one of my bucket list gem materials and about a color range that my eye is relatively bad at discerning (pink, purple, violet) - I think thats part of the reason I particularly like this material - it is challenging. So, no sage advice to be taken to heart from me, just a noob rambling.

About setting the amethyst instead - I wrote and deleted a paragraph about why I prefer some of the spinels shown in this thread over your (beautiful!) amethyst, but this is not my personal diary, and I don't want to ruffle any feathers. Are you fine with setting an inexpensive stone in a setting worth several times the value of the stone? This is debated here sometimes, opinions differ.
Even if the setting is simple, gold is high now. Maybe jewellers in my area are just expensive but based on recent quotes I got the gap would be unacceptable, for me personally. The advantage is that replacing the center stone in case of damage should not be nearly as hard as a rarer stone.

Have you seen this thread by @petit_bijou? You probably have - but if not maybe you'll be inspired to hop back on the spinel train. There are lots of details and photos in the thread (tagging her because if she ever sees this and wants to sell: hello, I'm here! ;-)).
- Luc Yen origin and sizable for the locale
- The stone is not light like what you said bothers you in the part I bolded in the quote - I also have an issue when they are too light. It is also very well saturated, at least to my eye.
- She kindly posted photos of the shift from pinkish to violetish lavendar, and in the last couple pages also shows a grayish shift and a bluish shift.
- For something similar I suspect you will will need luck and more patience, if you have any to spare.

Since you are open to amethyst, have you considered lavender tanzanite? It has more 'prestige' than amethyst if that matters to you. Higher RI, under 7 hardness as I'm sure you know. Can be quite affordable - definitely moreso than sapphire. Can be pinkish or violeltish.
Here's some examples from a quick google search, compared to the pear you considered.
-The pics until and including the lozenge are from
-Since my eye is bad with these colors, maybe I'm off base, oops
Just a joke: you could look into taaffeite. Rare, 8 hardness, kind of in the color range, super expensive, usually not very saturated, usually pale! Still a neat collector's stone.

You guys never cease to amaze me... this is what I love most about PS... such a wealth of combined knowledge and advice. I too love the delicate nature of a lavender spinel compared to the more medium amethyst shades. So I totally get where you're coming from. And yes, I do recall that spinel post and stone! It's lovely!! That thread is actually what told me that I'm probably not going to find one without some measure of gray, and that's when I initially stopped my search. Still seriously debating throwing in the towel again at this point. :confused2:

I absolutely LOVE the look of tanzanite... always have. I do worry about the durability though, because is has a trifecta of issues (hardness, cleavage, and brittleness).

I'm aware of taaffeite, but I've never shopped it. Gorgeous! And with the price point to match. I'm going to browse just for funsies.

Thank you!!
Jan 20, 2012
A couple of things... that 3.36ct. pear (that someone else supposedly had a deposit on) is available again. :roll2:

And the girl with the emerald-cut T L shared did end up getting back to me, and was very kind. But the stone is not available for purchase, unfortunately.


Feb 14, 2004
Not quite pear shape and not lavender but if you're beginning to consider pinkish undertones, then THIS ONE from Sri Lanka is 2.38ct, $700 & 9.75x7.7x.4.6 deep.
Hope you find something that makes your heart sing!
Jan 20, 2012
Not quite pear shape and not lavender but if you're beginning to consider pinkish undertones, then THIS ONE from Sri Lanka is 2.38ct, $700 & 9.75x7.7x.4.6 deep.
Hope you find something that makes your heart sing!

A beautiful stone to be sure! Thank you, love!!


Jun 27, 2014
So I have the amethyst and then the periwinkle sapphire I bought last year... I think that's going to have to satisfy me. Still planning on a toi et moi with the latter and this purplish-pink spinel trilliant.


...and the fact that that periwinkle sapphire is a better stone than either of the other options tells us to stay our hand, doesn't it. Your spinel is out there. It will come around. There has been movement in some spinel prices, they're starting to be more honest and not call everything Mahenge or Jedi(because they clearly aren't:roll2:) and I think within the next year or two they won't call every blue you see 'cobalt' and try to ask the moon.
Jan 20, 2012
Thanks for the amethyst link! It’s beautiful.

Tanzanite is a beautiful gem, but also a brittle one. I personally would not put it in a ring. They are prone to lots of micro-abrasions and pits. You can wear a spinel everyday. Of course, if this is a very occasional ring, maybe a tanzanite is a good choice. The value will never go up, but you never should not buy gems as an investment anyway. However, I’m pretty blown away at how much lavender spinel are going for these days.

You can sometimes fine pink spinels with a lavender secondary color. That’s another option, although it would be more pink.


This is lovely, T L ... the gold filigree was a nice touch.
Jan 20, 2012
...and the fact that that periwinkle sapphire is a better stone than either of the other options tells us to stay our hand, doesn't it. Your spinel is out there. It will come around. There has been movement in some spinel prices, they're starting to be more honest and not call everything Mahenge or Jedi(because they clearly aren't:roll2:) and I think within the next year or two they won't call every blue you see 'cobalt' and try to ask the moon.

Sage advice, my friend!


Nov 17, 2022
You guys never cease to amaze me... this is what I love most about PS... such a wealth of combined knowledge and advice.

Definitely agree when it comes to most members here. Me? I'm just a rambler and try keep it on topic as possible :lol: Would be boring if everyone here were experts. The toi et moi will certainly turn out lovely and hopefully scratch the lavender itch, at least for now.

Totally noted, to both you and @TL, about tanzanite durability. I knew it would be a valid counter point that was more serious than just hardness, but I don't know more than the basics regarding brittleness and cleavage.

There has been movement in some spinel prices, they're starting to be more honest and not call everything Mahenge or Jedi(because they clearly aren't:roll2:) and I think within the next year or two they won't call every blue you see 'cobalt' and try to ask the moon.

I haven't noticed this movement but sincerely hope its true. Thanks for sharing.


Jun 27, 2014
Definitely agree when it comes to most members here. Me? I'm just a rambler and try keep it on topic as possible :lol: Would be boring if everyone here were experts. The toi et moi will certainly turn out lovely and hopefully scratch the lavender itch, at least for now.

Totally noted, to both you and @TL, about tanzanite durability. I knew it would be a valid counter point that was more serious than just hardness, but I don't know more than the basics regarding brittleness and cleavage.

I haven't noticed this movement but sincerely hope its true. Thanks for sharing.

It's just a smattering so far, but I think it's inevitable. Some of what they were pushing is laughable and it looks like the designer sites aren't pushing spinel as DuJour as hard anymore. They've gone back to the big three.
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