
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....


Jul 7, 2013
One door closes another one opens, that much is true when it comes to leisure/extra curricula activities too!

Decided not to return to the group of choirs after their management has p!$$ed me off once too many times, compounded by not being able to attend practices in one of 3 locations every week due to other commitments; I decided not to return and cancelled my membership.

I had not been to practices since my dear friend's sudden death from a horse-riding incident in mid July 2023. She too was a member of the choirs and stopped attending due to workload. Besides, she was not enjoying it and felt the choirs had grown too big to be enjoyable, a sentiment that I shared with her before her death.

I kept paying my membership despite not attending any practices since mid July, and when I saw another membership fee was taken out of my bank account in the beginning of the month, shortly after some other issues relating to a concert that I am organising for the service charity club that has left a very sour taste in my month; I decided to cancel my membership as I no longer believe I should support the choir master in any shape or form anymore.

Let's just say my good will has run out.

Anyway, since then, I had been approached to be more involved in a new community advisory board in helping to shape the future of a big initiative in my town.

In addition, I have also been asked to step up to take on more responsibilities for the service charity club in district level, which means I shall have less free time.

Giving up singing in a choir that has been a big feature in my social life since 2016 is a blow. However, I am not missing it.

When I went to their concert in another town in October 2023 to support them, the shambolic organisation was another nail in the coffin. Rather than enjoying myself, I was more concerned and aware of the mistakes they were making during the performance.

I shall look back in fondness, of the times when I did enjoy singing and performing with the choirs.

DK :))


Oct 29, 2012
fingers crossed your next post will be telling us it has arrived and all is great !
You should get some sort of auto notification tomorrow (even if it just says the item is moving through the network, yada yada yada). I forgot to say, when you put in the request to ask for a call back for status. Believe it or not they DO call you back! I've had to go this route twice now and both times I had the nicest ladies call me and give me a status.

Anyway, fingers crossed that you wake up tomorrow to some progress!

Thank you both! Nothing yet.


Oct 29, 2012
Keep in mind the crazy snowstorms in the country which may be the cause for a delay.

Yes, absolutely. I understand why there would be a delay; I don't like feeling like it is lost, and I feel like it is lost. My daughter has a package with the same status (and same past delivery date!) so I am trying not to freak out about it.


Oct 29, 2012
Yes, absolutely. I understand why there would be a delay; I don't like feeling like it is lost, and I feel like it is lost. My daughter has a package with the same status (and same past delivery date!) so I am trying not to freak out about it.

I called I&R and spoke with a lovely young lady just now. It seems you were right @Mreader, the weather is really messing things up. I’ll have to wait a few more days, but I’m really hoping that claim will get things moving.

Thank you guys for your support and help!


Jul 7, 2013
Can't block "Anonymous Participant" in one FB community group, so the group is now snoozed for 30 days.

I may leave the group if it does not stop the ability to post anonymously by those who are mindless, gutless and faceless keyboard warriors.

DK :x2


Jan 4, 2010
Here we go again! I am finally out of isolation but now my husband tests positive and is symptomatic!

At least I can now go out and shop, and do the cooking and picking up of medicines. Masked, of course-- but I am always masked in public.
He's requested Paxlovid from his Dr. I got it and he is 10 years older than me.

We have him isolating in our bedroom. What I am trying to figure out is if that is really necessary, given that the 3 of us caught it from each other so we surely must have the same strain. But then, if he sits in the living room coughing and sneezing all over the place, will our DD and I want to be in the same room with him? Will being exposed to yet more of the virus as I finish recovering cause me a setback? Will it increase the risk that we make other people sick?

I have to admit I've been in the basement since the 7th and it has gotten very old.

Until we figure this out, he is isolating.


May 15, 2014
Here we go again! I am finally out of isolation but now my husband tests positive and is symptomatic!

At least I can now go out and shop, and do the cooking and picking up of medicines. Masked, of course-- but I am always masked in public.
He's requested Paxlovid from his Dr. I got it and he is 10 years older than me.

We have him isolating in our bedroom. What I am trying to figure out is if that is really necessary, given that the 3 of us caught it from each other so we surely must have the same strain. But then, if he sits in the living room coughing and sneezing all over the place, will our DD and I want to be in the same room with him? Will being exposed to yet more of the virus as I finish recovering cause me a setback? Will it increase the risk that we make other people sick?

I have to admit I've been in the basement since the 7th and it has gotten very old.

Until we figure this out, he is isolating.

have you asked your doctor about this? What are your risks of reinfection?

No offence, but if you isolated in the basement, why isn't he?


Jan 4, 2010
have you asked your doctor about this? What are your risks of reinfection?

No offence, but if you isolated in the basement, why isn't he?

He will have a virtual visit with his doctor tomorrow morning (my dr. and his are in the same practice.) He will tell his Dr. about me and my medical conditions. If the Dr. thinks I have too much of a risk of reinfection, I'm sure he will tell him to keep isolating.

I believe he is safer upstairs in the bedroom rather than the basement. Our home is small and has only one bathroom. Down here he'd have to climb stairs at night, possibly hurrying to get there, at age 77. Now that I am mostly recovered, I prefer to be the one to have to do that. True I am weary of being down here but I'd rather eliminate the risk of his falling on the stairs.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
He will have a virtual visit with his doctor tomorrow morning (my dr. and his are in the same practice.) He will tell his Dr. about me and my medical conditions. If the Dr. thinks I have too much of a risk of reinfection, I'm sure he will tell him to keep isolating.

I believe he is safer upstairs in the bedroom rather than the basement. Our home is small and has only one bathroom. Down here he'd have to climb stairs at night, possibly hurrying to get there, at age 77. Now that I am mostly recovered, I prefer to be the one to have to do that. True I am weary of being down here but I'd rather eliminate the risk of his falling on the stairs.

good thinking
my Gary fell when we had covid and although we wernt overly sick we were both very tired with no strength, it took ages to get him up off the floor- i had to google how to do it
i should have just called an ambulance ....but we had covid


Jan 4, 2010
Today DH was told there was no need for us to isolate from each other since we have all had it. I urged him to come out of the bedroom, and we had lunch together in the living room while watching the news. We are not going to mask any more inside the house.

But I will continue to sleep in the basement until neither of us is going to keep the other awake with coughing.
Meanwhile he is taking Paxlovid.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Today DH was told there was no need for us to isolate from each other since we have all had it. I urged him to come out of the bedroom, and we had lunch together in the living room while watching the news. We are not going to mask any more inside the house.

But I will continue to sleep in the basement until neither of us is going to keep the other awake with coughing.
Meanwhile he is taking Paxlovid.

nice to hear
may he get better soon
and your cough goes away
we had covid in October -i think in 2022
we never had a cough, i had a scratching throat at he begining, i thought i had a chicken bone stuck in my throat (it was covid)
it has so many different symptoms


Jan 4, 2010
@PastryGirl, Thank you!

Paxlovid seems to be working for him. Hopefully he won't rebound as I did.


Sep 10, 2003
Whyyyy whyyyy whyyyyyyyyy do so many of the things that are supposed to fix things make the things worse before the things get better?

I had my first v-beam laser treatment for rosacea (which has become worse these past 2 yrs) on Wednesday and I'm still swollen like a beach ball today and, of course, weirdly bruised in splotches that look like I randomly bashed my face with a hot hair straightening iron.

I was extremely pleased post-treatment because the redness from the laser was gone by the time I got home from the dermatologists's office which is a 3-minute drive from my house. By bedtime there was just a teensy spot of redness on each cheek. Next morning was like a horror film when I stumbled bleary-eyed into the bathroom and turned on the light and EEEKED at the blotchy puffer fish-faced alien staring back at me.

I have two more treatments and if this doesn't work, I'm gonna be so :angryfire:


Jun 26, 2007
They replaced our working/time reporting system at work with a whole new process.
It's a complete sh!t show.
Some bastard who sits behind a desk all day decided what's right for those of us out on the road everyday.

It doesn't work like they told us it would.
The training videos made it looks so simple and wonderful. They sugarcoated everything, as usual.
It will be so easy! , they said.
You'll love it! , they said.
Lies! All lies!


Jun 8, 2008
Whyyyy whyyyy whyyyyyyyyy do so many of the things that are supposed to fix things make the things worse before the things get better?

I had my first v-beam laser treatment for rosacea (which has become worse these past 2 yrs) on Wednesday and I'm still swollen like a beach ball today and, of course, weirdly bruised in splotches that look like I randomly bashed my face with a hot hair straightening iron.

I was extremely pleased post-treatment because the redness from the laser was gone by the time I got home from the dermatologists's office which is a 3-minute drive from my house. By bedtime there was just a teensy spot of redness on each cheek. Next morning was like a horror film when I stumbled bleary-eyed into the bathroom and turned on the light and EEEKED at the blotchy puffer fish-faced alien staring back at me.

I have two more treatments and if this doesn't work, I'm gonna be so :angryfire:

Sorry you are going through this Matata. When I was much younger I did a few VBeam sessions (2006 I think) and I stayed bruised for months (my skin is very sensitive and bruises more than others) and honestly I am not sure I noticed an improvement. But it did completely heal within a few months.

IDK if you are interested in what worked for me and if not just skip. I share just in case you might find it helpful.
What really improved my rosacea was fixing my gut issues and also applying soolantra and taking oracea.
And knock on wood all these years later I remain practically rosacea free though if I am upset or very hot my face might flush but it goes back to "normal" pretty quickly whereas in 2006 I would stay flushed and skin burning for days and days. It was pretty brutal tbh and I joined a group online (first online group I ever joined) with people who were even worse off than me and who were almost suicidal. That is how bad it can get with the non stop burning. One of my online friends actually did kill himself due to rosacea and other health issues. :( Heartbreaking. He was in his 30s and brilliant and had his whole life ahead of him. And he was such a kind soul. He helped my dh build my RLT unit which also helped my rosacea. May he RIP

Anyway I digress as usual. Wishing you speedy healing and may you experience relief from your rosacea.


Sep 10, 2003
Thank you @missy. I was reluctant to try the v-beam because of mixed results I saw in on-line vids. I was hoping I would be one of the lucky ones who didn't bruise too badly. I started taking arnica and using arnica cream on the bruises 2 days ago and they are fading faster. The two meds you mentioned are used to treat bumps and pustules and I don't have any of those. Just redness, tenderness and broken capillaries. I'll ask the derm doc about them anyway to see if he thinks they're a good option for me. I've been using an Omnilux RLT mask for a long time. It definitely helps but it takes a long time to see results.

I'm sorry about the tragic death of your friend. Dealing with multiple health issues can drain the soul, as I'm sure you know. Sending gentle hugs.


Jun 8, 2008
TY @Matata.

You might still experience relief as it takes a few months for results to be does work for many. My main issues were flushing and burning and soolantra helped me but everyone is different of course.

I am glad the RLT is helping you. I found it helped quiet the burning when I was experiencing flushing and burning.
Also I would rule out digestive issues if you have not already as that can be a major player in the development of rosacea.

Here's hoping your symptoms resolve and the VBeam treatments are successful.


Jun 8, 2008
***Every time*** (not exaggerating) we have a major medical appointment the weather suddenly decides to become quite menacing. This coming Tuesday is my DH's first follow up since his surgery with the surgeon. Now the meteorologists are predicting snow and ice conditions for overnight into that day. We have an 8:30AM appointment and a three hour drive to get there. Not sure we are going to be able to make that trip if the roads are treacherous. And he is only seeing follow ups one day a week so if we cannot make it that day not sure when Greg's first follow up will be. UGH.


Dec 7, 2014
***Every time*** (not exaggerating) we have a major medical appointment the weather suddenly decides to become quite menacing. This coming Tuesday is my DH's first follow up since his surgery with the surgeon. Now the meteorologists are predicting snow and ice conditions for overnight into that day. We have an 8:30AM appointment and a three hour drive to get there. Not sure we are going to be able to make that trip if the roads are treacherous. And he is only seeing follow ups one day a week so if we cannot make it that day not sure when Greg's first follow up will be. UGH.

Just something to think about…

I live in an area that has more than its fair share of bad weather. If I have a very important appointment coinciding with a bad weather forecast, I sometimes drive in the afternoon or evening before, and stay in a hotel/motel close by. It eliminates a lot of stress for me.


Jun 8, 2008
Just something to think about…

I live in an area that has more than its fair share of bad weather. If I have a very important appointment coinciding with a bad weather forecast, I sometimes drive in the afternoon or evening before, and stay in a hotel/motel close by. It eliminates a lot of stress for me.

Thanks Garnetgirl. Unfortunately if the weather is that bad we’ll have to reschedule. We can’t leave the cats for more than 12 hours. Otherwise that would be a great solution. Appreciate it thank you


Jul 7, 2013
I was planning to go to the Tower of London after an early lunch today.

Waited nearly an hour for two buses and they were both too full to take on more passenger.

Gave up as time was running out for my return train home, so I went strolling around Covent Garden until I was too tired (I did a lot of walking around London yesterday too), went for a coffee and decided it was time to head back home and took a train half an hour earlier than planned.

I did have a nice meal today and yesterday, and went to see Mama Mia the stage musical, so the weekend was good despite not being able to go to Tower of London.

DK :))

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
so i just placed the online grocery order and i had no idea there was a beetroot shortage, i hate the stuff but Gary likes it, but the container had ended up at the back of the fridge so its only the last week or two ive remembered to serve it

anyway we use lot of beetroot at work and last week the big 4l came as whole baby beetroot so we had to slice it up, we thought nothing of it, just that maybe it was a mistake or really cheap or such like

well its summer here so most nights we are having a side salad, but i would have been a lot meaner with the beetroot if i had known that now i cant get any

we still use the old 1970's beetroot container, ours is orange


Oct 1, 2015
We had one of our thrice yearly rainfalls last night. Huge thunder storm at 3am which scared the dogs.

We had a flood in our villa too - on the first floor of all places. We have one of those silly big balconies outside our guest room - the drain became blocked so it turned into a big swimming pool. The water was running under the door, through the guest bedroom and even down the stairs! Not fun to clean up at 5.45am


Apr 19, 2004
Do nacho chips easily crumble? Half of the bag is mulch.:roll:


Sep 10, 2003
@$$%$^%^%&*&^&^ CAT. He wanted his treat so bad he tried to grab it from my hand resulting in this. He hit a vein and I think I lost a pint of blood. Pardon the alligator skin, was working in the yard prior to this and didn't lotion up after scrubbing hands.

bumo.jpeg bump 2.jpeg


Jul 7, 2013
I was in London for the weekend and went to see Mama Mia the musical on stage (highly recommended - it was much better than the film).

During the interval, I went to the ladies and there was a long queue behind me.

A lady approached near the front of the queue where I was standing, phone in her hand talking loudly about having lost someone.

She edged closer and closer to where I was standing with 2-3 ladies in front of me.

I sensed she was trying to queue-jump, so I started to block her wedging in.

When she pushed through the gap in front of me, still holding her phone to her ear, I politely reminded her there was a queue.

She loudly responded she was not going to the toilet but was looking for a young child, shouted her name and got no response, and proceeded to leave by yelling she was done, and I could now get on with having my bl00dy p!$$.

How rude?

Was I supposed to be telepathic in knowing what she wanted to do???!!!

She should have asked whether she could go in to look for this person and I would have gladly let her.

However, IMHO, her behaviour was a classic case of trying to queue jump by edging closer and closer to the entrance.

The others who witnessed what happened agreed with me that she was rude and was trying to queue jump.

DK :x2


Jun 8, 2008
My dh's surgical follow up for this morning was canceled. The surgical coordinator called us twice yesterday. Once at 4PM yesterday to move the appointment back two hours due to the impending storm to give everyone more time to get there. And the second time two and a half hours later at 6:30PM last night the office manager called from her home (baby screaming in background lol) to apologize that all his appointments were canceled for tomorrow due to the storm. Okey dokey.

Their alternative? To do his surgical follow up (an appointment where the surgical site must be inspected and his range of motion and movements checked) via Zoom telemedicine this morning. Then they will schedule him for X-rays at the end of this week on their other campus. Not as far away. Where the surgeon does not go but they do imaging for HSS.

While I am somewhat relieved not to be driving hours in this icy snowy stormy weather I am concerned my DH is not getting a proper follow up. During the zoom this morning I will see if we can actually schedule an in person visit. At some point.

There's good and bad with modern technology and just let's hope we have power and wireless this morning so we can actually do the zoom. It's very scary sounding out there and there's ice all over our windows. It's early here and pitch black out so I cannot see a thing outside right now.

So both a grump, whiny, complaint and a grateful we don't have to drive for hours and hours today on dangerous roads. It's a mixed bag
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