
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

@marcy hope you had a fun weekend and are off to a good week Hugs

@MamaBee keeping your momma and you in my continuing prayers and sending you so many well wishes XOXO

@canuk-gal hope you get to ride today...we are planning to and I sure hope it is less freezing and windy than yesterday Hugs

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely weekend Hugs

@Slickk it is truly a never-ending episode of twilight zone or black mirror. Truth. Hope you have a fantastic week XOXO

@mrs-b hope california is treating you well with lots of warm sunshine XOXO

@springerspaniel hugs to your furry babies and you

@Austina hope your shoulder is feeling better and you had a good zoom with your friends yesterday and are looking forward to a wonderful visit this week with your other friends XOXO

My sister visited my dad yesterday and the assistant (not sure of his title) was there and he lifted my dad from the bed to sit at the table for a few hours visiting which was nice. But my sister feels his ankle pain is due to something more serious and she wants him to see the orthopedist, My mom is resisting but hopefully she will arrange for an appointment and for someone to get him there since he cannot move. He cannot even sit up in bed by himself. But my sister said he was in good spirits. I hope he can recover from this I really do. His mind is sharp but his body has given up it seems.

I woke up this morning and as per usual (well usual starting a few weeks ago) I went outside and fed the ferals. It is the first thing I do now. Greg feeds our kitties and I take care of the ferals. Who appear magically once I put the food down. LOL. Well sometimes Pepsi in on the porch waiting for me. She is the boldest and waits just a few feet away from me. Then Fresca showed and they all started eating as soon as I went inside the house. I already went though an entire four cases (48 cans in each case) of cat food for the ferals over the past 2.5 weeks. LOL. I ordered more last night and it should be here by Wednesday and I have enough food for everyone while we wait for the new order. Luckily. It is my fault because I feed them whenever I see the plates empty and know this cannot go on forever. I think once Fresca is better (please let her have a full recovery) I will feed them wet only twice a day instead of all day long and as usual the dry food is aways out in the feeder. So they won't go hungry. I mean we do have the plumpest ferals ever lol. And unsurprisingly we have picked up a few more ferals now. It seems the word is out. There is plentiful and good wet food at the B***** house lol

Today is another cycling day. Lots to do before we go. Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Sending love and hugs to each and everyone of my friends here. XOXO

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May your Monday be bright and sunny and calm and beautiful


Jun 8, 2008
Almost forgot...

Happy Passover!



Jun 8, 2008
And happy Earth Day!!!!

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Apr 19, 2004

NIRDO shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy LOL I was just munching on a matzo when I saw your post! Happy Passover!! Indeed those cats look very fat and healthy. And that is a lot of tin cans--would fill your recycle bin! Glad your Dad had a change of scenery if only for a short while.

ETA: @missy can you get your Dad's GP to order an Xray and then have him taken to a facility by non ambulance medical transport?

There was no riding today--as the winds are disGUSTing. 50 kms gusts. Put my puffer coat and hat and went for a bit of a walk. Felt like I'd blow away......good day to do the laundry.

Nothing new or exciting here. I need to book a tire DH is doing his tomorrow.

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m so glad your sister got to visit your Dad @missy, I’m sure he was so happy to see her. Good news that he was in good spirits, although I’m sad to hear he’s so immobile. Hopefully all the kitties will be strong and healthy with all the good food they’re getting, and Fresca will be back to normal soon.

Sorry it’s so windy @canuk-gal, it’s usually windy here, but not to that extent.

It’s a good thing they’re taking their time building TBE @marcy, at least they’ll be doing it properly.

For some reason I couldn’t post yesterday, it kept saying there was a problem.

Had a busy day yesterday, did the food shopping and laundry, and today I’ve been prepping food and finishing the cleaning.

We’ll be heading off to the airport later to collect them, and will probably be busy showing them the sights while they’re here:lol:

Hope you’re all safe and well :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@Austina have a great visit!!!!!

Mild wind today--hooray!!!!! Nice and warm also. Had a nice ride and a walk to get ice cream. LOL Rootbeer! Yum. Saw some spring flowers in a neighbors yard. Made me happy.

Be well people!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday lol I lost a day! Thought it was Tuesday!

@canuk-gal hahaha I hope you enjoyed the matzoh. I hate the stuff and never touch it lol. But I know many enjoy it including my dh
Glad you got to cycle yesterday and your weather cooperated. We cycled too but I was FREEZING because it was breezy and an east wind which in April is freezing. TY for your suggestion about the X-ray..the biggest issue is transporting my dad and my mom is being stubborn. Again

@Austina thank you...Fresca looks like she is improving !! Fingers crossed!! Have fun with your friends and thank you for your well wishes all around...hope your shoulder is much better today

@Slickk happy Tuesday...hope you are having a good week

@bling_dream19 good morning. Hope all is well

@MamaBee checking in with are things going...keeping all of you in my prayers

Yesterday was busy. Went to HSS early AM and the surgeon is pleased with his progress despite us feeling it is slow going. He thinks we are doing too much. Cycling too much. Walking too much. But acknowledges the fact we are active people and understands Greg's frustration with the slow progress. So it was all in all a good visit. His recovery is just not moving as fast as the other TKR four years ago

When we finally got home (long trip) Greg gave me my Dupixent injection. It was painful but definitely tolerable and better than when they gave me the loading dose in the doctor's office two weeks ago. Praying it helps my asthma. It's been challenging to say the least.

Then we went cycling and I was cold. Took me a long time to warm up when we got home. Saw Fresca and she looked so good. Praying her recovery continues. Saw her this AM when I fed them and she still looks good. Pepsi is getting bolder and hardly moves now when I go out to feed them...and she was pressed against our glass door like she wanted to come in after she ate. Tommy ran to the door and tried attacking her...ugh. She didn't seem too upset thankfully. I wonder if she would want to be a house cat but Greg isn't keen on that because of ringworm...some of you might remember that nightmare and we have no wish to repeat it...but if Pepsi wants in I do not know what I would do...of course this is probably all in my imagination and she would most likely run as fast as possible if I tried letting her inside the house...

Despite the freezing cold we had ice cream yesterday mid cycle. LOL we are helpless to resist the call of ice cream :lol:
But inside since it was so windy

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Today we have a cardiologist appointment for Greg mid afternoon and rain is on the way so no cycling. Have a great day girls. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

To remind you who Pepsi she is...she reminds me of our cat Billy! Though Billy was a boy. He and Pepsi look alike down to their chubbiness lol. But not exactly alike as Billy had a lot of white hair on his tummy and some on his face and Pepsi is more gray all over with less white hair on her tummy. But still they have many similarities down to enjoying their food a LOT :)

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Have a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies XOXO
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Jun 8, 2008
Girls, I have been asked to share devastating news.
Joanne’s mother passed away last night :(
Joanne needs to take care of everything so she won’t be online for a while.

Plesse send her your good wishes and keep her family in your prayers.

Our deepest condolences @MamaBee


Feb 24, 2017
Thank you for letting us know @missy, if you speak to her, please pass on our condolences.

Just a quick fly by, as our guests will be up shortly and I need to get ready. Big love to you all xxx


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

Thank you @missy for sharing the sad news about Joanne's Mom. Healing vibes across the miles, I'll keep them in my prayers.

@missy I am glad Greg has no serious issues with his knee. Funny how our bodies react. And while that flatbread isn't my fav, I do like a change from my usual line up.

@Austina have fun!

My DH is golfing at present, so I rode alone. Cloudy but pleasant temps--mild wind. Saw some cute pooches and little kids.



Feb 27, 2007
TBE estate as of yesterday.



Feb 27, 2007

@MamaBee big hugs to you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about your mom.

@missy the cats and raccoons look well fed. They love the lady who feeds them. I hope your dad's ankle gets better. I keep all of you in my thoughts. I hope Greg's appointment went well today. I hope his knee continues to get better. It's such a fine balance between doing things that can keep you healthy and not pushing the knee. I totally get enjoying ice cream even if it's cold. And yes, I remember the ringworm and I'd be weary of it too. Those kitties know they are safe around you and Greg.

@Austina enjoy your company.

@canuk-gal glad you are enjoying some nicer weather. We had our first thunderstorm today with some rain. The 4-letter white shuff is back in the forecast this weekend though.

I've been busy knitting, working and other assorted fun things. I started on a hat, scarf and mitten set for one of my sisters. I like this yarn so much, I might make me one too. We watched quite a few movies on Sunday. Marty baked brisket for us on Sunday and we're still enjoying the leftovers.

I got a haircut today and we had friends over for lunch and cards. I brewed up a batch of cocoa brownies. We ate half of the 8x8 inch pan and I sent half of the leftover brownies home with them.

Marty's been having fun with our websites and domain. My sister's doll clothes website was infected with malware and it eventually destroyed the astronomy club and gym websites as well. The company who hosts our domains just charged us $2500 for 5 years yet they haven't been much help. It figures. They have no protection on their site or apps to protect you from malware or hacks. Our astronomy site was hacked last year and had links to foreign **** sites. They offered him some protection for $100 more per year. I told Marty maybe they allow the hacks/malware so they can offer you that service. Grr. I still haven't got my email working right on everything agian.

Since Marty was working on it yesterday, he skipped going to the gym so we went out for supper. We indulged in wine and ice cream.

Take care.

Here's my sister's hat.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Thursday.

@MamaBee our thoughts remain with you and we are all sending lots of love at this very difficult time

@marcy TBE is looking sweet. Love your sister's hat. Nicely done. Darn with what is happening with the website and that is a lot of money for the company that hosts your domain to not be helpful. Yumm cocoa brownies...and wine and ice cream. Thank you for your continuing well wishes

@canuk-gal glad your temps were pleasant enough to ride and your dh enjoyed golf. Today is cooooold and windy so no cycling for us. Oh well. It's definitely a chilly next few days here and that wind. Brutal. I have to weigh down the plates that have the wet food for the ferals

@Austina hope you enjoy a terrific visit with your friends

@Slickk have a good Thursday..may it go smoothly and be uneventful

@bling_dream19 happy pre FriYAY...have a good day

Hello everyone else. So unfortunately Greg needs to be on meds. We have an appointment for a Coronary Artery CT angiogram end of May but meds have been ordered. He is not pleased but we saw this coming. Aging is not for sissies no way no how. But it beats the alternative.

Our friends went to the Met yesterday and sent me this photo. Jenny loves the city :)

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I snapped a quick pic in the office yesterday haha
Greg's cardiologist insists on everyone wearing masks still. He is a germaphobe which is OK by me for a physician

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Today it is cold here and very windy so probably walking and we do need to run some errands. That's it from me. Have a terrific Thursday. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO


Feb 27, 2007

@missy so sorry to hear Greg has to go on meds. Getting old isn't for sissies. My right knee is getting worse since our trip, stepping out of my SIL's RV had a deep step and it really did a number of that allergy "lame" limb. We'll see how it goes. I'm resisting until I can't.

I got up early and have been working with my boss. We're editing a long-loved astronomy book and I'm rather excited about being a part of it. I've bought this guy's books and yearly calendars for decades. We started by putting it in a more logical order - to us anyway.

Keeping you in my thoughts @MamaBee



Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Ran around today--tire swap, etc etc. Got some take out. DH has been very busy this week, but tomorrow is looking free. Maybe get a ride in. I am sneezing like mad. I need to take allergy meds.

@marcy your book project sounds fun!

Stay well and safe folks.



Jun 8, 2008
Happy FriYAY girls!

@marcy I am very sorry about your right knee. I hope it is not giving you issues today. Your editing job sounds like fun. And it is exciting you are a part of it. Thank you for your continued well wishes

@canuk-gal nice you got a lot accomplished yesterday. Hope you and your dh get a ride in today...not sure if we are going cycling as it is still pretty chilly. Brrrr

@MamaBee continued good thoughts going to you and your family and gentle hugs. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers

@Slickk almost the weekend yay

@bling_dream19 happy friYAY

So yesterday we got a lot accomplished. Ran errands and got to visit the grand opening of Trader Joe's that is closer to us than the location we usually go is double the size in square footage to the other Tis near us. Very well run and not surprising at all. Nice to have two options for TJs :) We also went to Costco and WF and then flower place. We picked up more white Impatiens for Greg to plant. Last stop of the day was to our firearm shop and I won't go into details as I feel some PSers might be upset but we are learning to become skilled (and of course Greg and I are super conscientious and responsible) as possible for self protection. And we got another permit (you need a separate permit for each firearm) and next up (probably autumn because I want to enjoy the cycling season) for conceal carry. There is a lot involved to CC thankfully so not just anyone can carry. With recent events we are being proactive and for anyone who doesn't understand it is because you are not in our shoes. I say that as kindly as possible. We are very safe firearm owners.

My dad had a doctor make a home visit yesterday to examine him to examine his surgical site and also because he still won't try moving. But the orthopedist is on vacation so nothing really has been concluded yet as to what's happening. I don't remember if I told you but when they were evaluating my dad in the hospital the social worker was alarmed at my mom's frailty and she assigned someone to work with her via PT. But unfortunately I do not think my mom is taking advantage of that...she is super busy with my dad and all that is going on and I worry about them. Next week (April 30th) my dad turns 90.

Supposedly today is less chilly but still cold so not sure if we are cycling or not. It's always windy here so when the temps are cold with an east wind it is not fun to cycle and so we shall see. This AM I went out to feed the three musketeers and they were all waiting. It makes me so happy to see them content. Fresca still has a bit of a weakness with her front left paw but to my eye it looks much much better so praying that continues.

Enjoy a fantastic FriYAY filled with yay and sweetness

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Aug 18, 2013
Just a short update from MamaBee.

Her mom's funeral and burial services are tomorrow, so please keep our fellow NIRDI in your thoughts. Something that I think is beyond price is that she and her son were able to alternate being with J's mother until she passed. So she was accompanied on her final journey by people who love her.

Even a long life is a short life. Time is both precious and fleeting. @MamaBee - we're sending you our love!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@MamaBee continuing prayers and well wishes are being sent your way. And so much love. I am so glad Jared's is going to resize your momma's emerald and diamond flower ring so you can wear it today...she is with you always in your heart no matter what but it is so heartwarming to have a keepsake to wear. We are with you today in spirit and I hope you can feel our love. Our heartfelt and deepest condolences. {{{Hugs}}}

@Slickk I hadn't wanted to ask personal details so thank you for sharing. I continue to be amazed at the level of brainwashing happening in this country and world. Everyone (and I mean everyone) who values freedom should be worried. Very worried. Brainwashed masses who are sheep. One day they will all be in for a very very rude awakening but it will be too late unless things change soon

@bling_dream19 happy weekend...hope all is going smoothly

@canuk-gal hope cycling is on the weekend agenda

@marcy how is TBE going?

@mrs-b hope California is treating you well and the weather is sunny

@springerspaniel no budding yet on our tree..if I remember correctly this is how it went last year too..have a good weekend

@Austina hope you are enjoying a terrific visit with your friends

Hey everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. Cycling and ice cream and kitties. And sweet Fresca looks so much better! I am relieved and pray the cats all remain safe. It is exhausting worrying about their safety in the wild. Today is another cycling day so looking forward to it. And wishing everyone a bright and beautiful weekend. XOXO

Mid ride we enjoyed amazing delicious scrumptious ice yet

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When we got home yesterday after cycling Fresca and Pepsi were hanging out in the backyard

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Then relaxing in the side yard :)

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Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Stay safe. Be well. Enjoy


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy Greg has his work cut for him! Pretty flowers! I'm glad your Dad got a house call--I was gonna suggest it--but didn't know if those services were available where you are. That ice cream looks delish! Those kitties look pretty cozy.

@MamaBee thinking of you and yours. xoxo

@Austina @mrs-b hope you guys are having fun!

Went out to ride--didn't get very far SO chilly! Wind is evil! LOL Going to make garlic soup. Maybe we'll skip lunch out today--I'm tired as I slept poorly.



Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal I hope you have a relaxing weekend and your allergy meds help. I can’t take them, them turn me in to a crybaby b*tch. My SIL always says she wants to see that, Marty says “no you don’t”. :lol: My allergies kicked up in Texas and now trees are starting to bloom here, I’m sneezing a lot too. Wind is evil. I’m making soup today too. I started a pot of beef noodle soup and will make cornbread too. Perfect for a rain / snowy day.

@missy I like the idea of all the same color flowers. I might do that this year. My mom has an old coal bucket on their porch of pink impatiens, she had a green thumb that I didn’t inherit. Love your pictures, as always. Nice to get a new TJ near you. I’ve only been in one in Denver. It’d be nice to have one here. I think these days it’s smart to be armed and definitely know how to safely use them. I am keeping your parents in my thoughts, I hate to hear your dad won’t try moving and I am sure your mom has her hands full. Wishing them the best. Yep on brainwashing, it’s NUTS. Sweet that Fresca is doing better.

@mrs-b thank you for the update from @MamaBee. Please tell her I’m thinking of her. Yes, life is precious and fleeting.

@MamaBee thinking of you and your family.

It started raining pretty hard about 3 a.m. today and now it’s snowing. We went out to breakfast and I am settled down watching TV, knitting and rented Young Frankenstein. A classic and one of my favorites.

I didn’t sleep well last night. I was thinking about something that stressed me out, that then shot up my BP and I couldn’t fall asleep. There is a guy in our astronomy club that triggers my spidy-sense. He’s bold, brazen, aggressive and assumptive. He’s been saying for 2 years he has access to land where he can build an observatory but wants someone to go in with him. I feel there’s more to that story if he hasn’t done anything yet in 2 years. I mentioned at one of our astronomy meetings that Marty is going to build an observatory and every meeting he keeps telling me to tell Marty he will go in with him if he can use it. When I relayed the message the first time, we both quickly agreed that was a BIG NO. So Marty made it to the meeting Thursday night and the guy hit him like a used car salesman about going in with him so he can use the observatory. I cut it off after an hour of them talking and Marty actually told me he was going to think about it. I swear thinking about it last night shot up my BP and heartbeat so I couldn’t sleep. This morning I told Marty right away I’m not comfortable with that guy having access to our property and I wouldn’t like it one bit. I shouldn’t be surprised, but Marty didn’t bat an eye and said okay and he understood. I was worked up for nothing. I rarely just flat out tell Marty no, but I was pretty determined this wasn’t going to happen.

And CRAP Marty is having him come over here to show him how to process astrophotos. I’ll get over it. They’ll be In the basement.

I’m about half finished with the scarf for sister.

TBE has all the stone on it.

Take care.



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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Finally got a chance to catch up.

@MamaBee, I’m so very sorry for your loss, I’m sure you’re grateful for being able to be there and say goodbye to her, and I hope she’s had a fitting send off today. Very emotional times for you all, and I hope being able to have something so precious of your Mum’s will bring you some comfort.

The kitties are looking in good form @missy, all thanks to your TLC. I’m sorry to hear that Greg needs meds, and hope that all will be well with him, and you. Your garden is going to be so pretty, it always looks so appealing when you have a large area of the same coloured flowers.

Wow @marcy, the house is looking great, I bet you’re excited for it to be all finished and moved it. Sorry that guy is such an Ahole, and of course you’re absolutely right that you do NOT want him muscling in on your observatory - the nerve of the man!!! Ugh to him causing you so much stress, but I certainly understand how these things can pray on your last nerve.

Sorry your weather is not co-operating in allowing you to get out and cycle @canuk-gal, we’ve had our fair share of howling winds here too this week.

Hope you’re enjoying your time away and feeling good @mrs-b

Sorry for the quick post, I’m shattered. We’ve been so busy this week, our friends like to be out doing stuff! The journey to and from the airport to collect them was absolute hell, unfortunately as they come from such a small airport, the flight times are limited so they arrived smack bang in the middle of rush hour. We went to see the wild flowers on Wednesday, then to the LBJ Estate, so it was a full day. On Thursday, we went to Fredricksburg to the museum of the Pacific War, so that was another full day of walking around, and yesterday we went down town to the History of Texas Museum. I didn’t want to drive, so we Uber’ed it there and back. Unfortunately, coming out of the State Capitol building, Colin slipped and fell and was pretty shaken up. We’ve done lots of talking and staying up late! We took them to the airport this morning for their flight home and the journey was much less stressful. It’s Founder’s Day this weekend, so our local traffic is pretty bad, so we came home the scenic way to avoid it, took a bit longer, but at least it was stressless. The bedding is all washed and ironed, towels laundered, bedroom and bathroom cleaned and everything squared away. Phew!

The rest of the weekend is going to be spent doing absolutely NOTHING :lol:

I hope you all have a restful and relaxing time. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

I just wanted to say that @missy I understand your wish to carry. I also wanted to say while I am thrilled with your niece going to her University of choice--these are very trying and scary times everywhere. Really sucks all the fun of going on campus and learning.

@marcy I'm glad your DH agreed with you. Because that guy is interested doesn't mean you have to agree: you don't have to meet his expectations. (aka dick off).

ETA @Austina sorry to hear Colin fell. Glad he wasn't badly hurt. Rest up! (I would have left the laundry for another day LOL)

The weather brightened up and we went for a walk.

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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Sunday! Warning...lots of photos ahead

Dear @MamaBee hope all went as smoothly as possible yesterday. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers

@canuk-gal thank you. I really appreciate your support. The world has become an unpredictable and scary place and what is even more terrifying are many are so brainwashed they cannot see the truth that is right in front of them. And I feel the same for my niece. I am worried but hope all will be fine. This should be the time of her life and I hope it is. I hope you slept better last night and girl, I am with you on chilly rides. No. Thank you. LOL. Yesterday we went cycling and it was a bit chillier than the day before but it was not as chilly as a few days ago. Brrrrr. We still got our ice cream haha. Hope you enjoy whatever you do today. XOXO

@Austina thank you. Glad you had a wonderful visit and glad Colin did not injure himself. Enjoy a relaxing rest of the weekend. Though, as HRH Francesca used to say..."what is a weekend" :lol:

@marcy wow TBE is looking grand! So excited for you! And yes I am with you on listening to your intuition. Someone is raising your spidey senses you listen. Glad Marty is listening to you. And thank you for your support and understanding. I appreciate that very much. XOXO

@Slickk hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend XOXO

@bling_dream19 sweet friend hope all is going well XOXO

Hey everyone else. Hope you are enjoying a terrific weekend

It was a great cycling day yesterday. Ran into our dear friends and it was a fun reunion. We saw J and M and their human parents. We love all of them so it was delightful. Some photos

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And then our friend N had to bring J to the vet (who we see too after she recommended him) and they took a photo for us lol. I love Dr H and N is the best! We are seeing D H next week for Tommy. He is pricey but he is a good vet and that is hard to find here so he is a keeper

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Mid ride we enjoyed ice cream..big surprise LOL

It was so delish..I wish I could share with all my sweet friends here

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Then we cycled home and I fed the feral cats again and Fresca looked so good. She is not limping at all. Fingers crossed that continues.

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And we picked up a new feral..her name is Mr Pibbs. LOL. I don't have a photo yet but she is black and white and skinny so we hope to fatten her up very soon :)

Have a great Sunday lovely ladies. Sending love and hugs and well wishes your way. XOXO


Mar 31, 2018
Good afternoon girls..I just wanted to say thank you for all your support. The service was yesterday. Everything went well. It was beautiful.. I even spoke about my mom in front of people which I normally can’t do. I didn’t pressure myself..I waited until the moment before to decide. I stumbled a little but I did it.
I’m finding this harder than I thought. I miss
her terribly and cry a lot.
I decided to see if I could have my mom’s ring resized so I could wear it to the funeral. I didn’t think I would be able to have it done on such short notice. My local fancy pantsy jeweler wouldn’t do it. I decided to call Jared..I was crying on the phone about how I wanted to wear my mom’s ring to the funeral. The girl on the phone said to come in..She would see what she could do. I got there at 3pm. The girl talked to the jeweler while I was crying hysterically. The jeweler agreed to do it.. The sales lady then came around the desk to give me a hug before I left. My husband picked up the ring in three hours. I’m eternally grateful that it was able to be done.
Big hugs to you all. XOXOXO


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to our festival--and it was very breezy but sunny. Glad I wore my down vest and a jacket....... Enjoyed our time there. Too windy for golf for my DH and I didn't want to ride for the same reason. Our walk to and from the park was good. My garlic soup is delish!!!!!!!!!

@MamaBee thinking of you.
@missy your brood looks so happy and fuzzy! Your Vet looks very kind.
@Austina hope you are rested.
@mrs-b hope you are getting your pool time in!
@marcy I hope your visitor behaved. LOL.



Aug 18, 2013
@MamaBee - thinking of you during this difficult time, and I'm glad you were able to get your ring done in time.

@canuk-gal - I'm glad you enjoyed your festival! Hoping you get to ride very soon. How are your hands feeling?

@missy - Mr Pibbs is a girl? Does she mind being a Mr? I'm sure she won't mind all the delicious food you have for all your ferals! <3 I'm glad your cycling has been going well - and even more glad you've found a good vet! Good vets are worth their weight in gold, aren't they? How is your dad doing? Thinking of him.

@Austina - I hope you had a totally quiet day today - doing nothing! I'm glad you saw your friends, but it sounds pretty tiring. How is your shoulder doing?

@marcy - TBE looks wonderful! And your new knitted hat looks fabulous too - tho I was sorry to hear about the malware situation. That stuff terrifies me, since I'd have no idea how to fix it!

@springerspaniel, @Slickk and @bling_dream19 - love to each of you and hoping all is going well! ox

Quiet weekend here in Cali. Nice weather and went to church this morning, followed by an afternoon of making my own tomato sauce. It takes hours to make, but it's fabulous and I use it on so many different things. This batch went over lupini pasta (way less carbs than regular pasta and gluten free), and was served with fried shitake mushrooms with lots of fresh herbs and parmesan cheese. It was delicious if I do say so myself!

Will spend tomorrow morning trying to rustle up a neurosurgeon for Tim for his back/leg. He had a laminectomy some years ago, but by the look of him, I think the disc - or the disc/s either side - have reherniated and he needs a repeat procedure. I'm hoping he can hang in there till he sees a surgeon; he's in a fair bit of discomfort.

Love to you all!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy (how did you get here so fast) marvelous Monday!

@MamaBee you are in my heart and remain in my thoughts at this very difficult time. Sending love and gentle hugs and good wishes your way.

@mrs-b thank you for asking...I don't want to jinx it but OMG I am for the first time in over a year free of the ulceration and I pray it lasts...Mr Pibbs is, according to Greg, a brand of soda (I never heard of it) and since we have a theme of naming the kitties soda brands Mr Pibbs she is lol. She does not mind in the slightest. :) My dad is not doing well, thanks for asking. I am searching for a house near us but unless it's perfect (impossible) my mom won't move. But still I search. Hoping.

Sending Tim many healing vibes and I hope you find a wonderful surgeon. Your homemade tomato sauce sounds delish. Yay for beautiful it's going to be 80s..maybe a little warm for me for April but we'll take it. Have a great Monday dear H

@canuk-gal happy Monday...thank you. The only issue with this vet is he does not take emergencies. I don't like that. My sister never turns anyone away if they are in need. And it feels like that is the way it should be. But not everyone has the same work ethic my sister does. Plus she really cares about all the animals. That alone sets her apart from most veterinarians TBH in my observation..hope you have a marvelous Monday...cycling on your agenda? Hope so :)

@bling_dream19 have a wonderful week

@Slickk happy Monday...some of the college kids are returning home this it went fast

@springerspaniel hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend

@marcy happy Monday...hope TBE continues to move along smoothly

@Austina glad you had a terrific visit and hope the week goes well and your recuperation complete

We had a wonderful Sunday. Furry babies. Friends. Beautiful weather and cycling. Classic cars (surprise car show!) And of course, ice cream. Puuuuuuuurrrrrrrfect!

And as an added bonus our friend T who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year has beat it! Woohoo!!!

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And just a few quick snapshots of some of the cars from the car pretty

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And lastly Fresca and Pepsi hanging out last evening...awwww

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May your Monday be purrrfect in every way XOXO


Feb 27, 2007

@MamaBee I am glad your mom's service was beautiful. I am glad Jared took care of sizing your mom's ring for you. They are generally ready good about doing a rush order. I'm so glad you got it done.

@missy great photos of fur babies and cool cars. Glad you had a lovely ride and Mr. Pibbs will fattened up dining at Missy and Greg's house. Yay that your hands are doing good. Good luck finding a place for your parents nearby. That would be a relief for all of you. I am delighted to hear your friend beat his cancer.

@Austina I hope Colin wasn't hurt from falling. You guys were really busy with your company. I hope you are resting by the pool right now.

@canuk-gal I'm glad your weather improved and you also enjoyed going to a festival. Ours did too but it also brought back our crazy wind.

@mrs-b luckily Marty is an IT guy, I'd be stressed trying to fix it. Our new website looks great. Your homemade tomato sauce sounds delicious. I can smell and taste it now. I hope you find a neurosurgeon soon for Tim. It sounds painful. How are you doing?

I got my sister's scarf done yesterday. I'll start on the mittens tonight. The highlight of my day yesterday was we finished off the last two cocoa brownies topped by cherry chocolate ice cream. I want another round right now. :lol:

I did tedious work today, copying and pasting text out of a PDF and it was a pain sometimes because rather than copying down by columns, it copied by rows. That was fun cleaning up.

The staging lady is coming by next weekend for suggestions of getting our house ready to put on the market. Aak. Where am I going to go when people want to look at our house? Good question. I should have worked on my back stick-everything-in-there room this weekend, but did not. I can't get those darned teddy bears or killer rabbits to do anything for me.

Take care.



Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! Hi @marcy! Gorgeous scarf!

I’m off to do the marathon zoom with my girlfriends but had to share a photo I just took of Mr Pibbs. Isn’t she pretty? ❤️



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I hope you can find a good neurosurgeon for Tim soon @mrs-b, poor chap, it sounds miserable. Glad you’re enjoying the lovely weather, and I hope your health is not causing you too many problems ATM.

@missy, what good news that Fresca seems better and that your hands are doing well too. Good luck with persuading your parents to move close by and fingers crossed a great property comes up soon. I hate to hear your Mum is being so stubborn about it, I know people don’t like to accept their frailties, but with everything that’s going on, she must know deep down it would be for the best. Happy news for your friend, and hopefully he’ll stay in good health for many more years to come.

I think the most important thing when putting a house on the market @marcy, is to completely declutter and put away any personal items. I’m sure you already know this, but most people are pretty clueless, so anything that could distract them and stop them imaging themselves living in a house needs to be avoided. Every space needs to be clearly defined, which I’m sure yours already is. Sorry about the work stress, but glad it’s all sorted out. Wow, your knitted items are really great and the recipients will be very lucky!

@MamaBee, I’m glad to hear it all went well, and I’m sure it must’ve been really hard for you to speak at her funeral. I hope you’re comforted by the fact that you have been the best of daughters, and she knew that.

Glad you enjoyed the festival @canuk-gal, it was Founders Day here this weekend so there was a lot going on ‘down town’.

I forgot to mention as we were approaching the entrance to our place on Saturday, lots of vintage cars went by, so they must’ve had some sort of rally at the Founder’s Day festivities.

We did have a very quiet day yesterday, literally did nothing! It thrashed down in the morning so Colin didn’t have to get up to water, and by the time it brightened up, it was too late to go in to the pool. We made up for it today, because it’s glorious and the pool temp was up to 90!

Thanks for asking about my shoulder, it’s getting there, still not 100%, but it’s OK. My mobility is fine, I have full range of motion, I just occasionally have an ‘ouch’ moment.

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