
2 Proposal Scenarios: Please help me decide


Jul 27, 2018
GF and I are taking a trip to the Caribbean and I'm planning to propose. I have two ideas in mind and would appreciate everyone's feedback with deciding between the two.

Quick Backstory: When we go on vacation I usually always have a GoPro or camera filming various things and taking pictures. I enjoy making videos and photos of our trips so my GF is pretty used to me shoving a camera in her face. I also work closely with drones for work so that's nothing out of the ordinary either.

Scenario 1: I've had this idea in my head for a long time and it's one of the specific reasons I planned this trip. It's really clear in my head buy may be hard to accurately describe here so bear with me. I picture us on a small island/sand bar. My excuse is that we go there to do some snorkeling but really its mainly for the proposal. On the sand bar I wanted to take some pics/video of us running around, hugging, kissing, laughing, stupid stuff. So with a strategically placed GoPro on the ground and the drone flying in the air I would get down on one knee and pop the question.
Pros: I like this idea because it would be secluded and a private event with just us and also that it would capture her candid reaction both from the ground near the GoPro and from a side profile in the air. Then I can have the drone setup to pan out so it creates a really nice image of us on the beach with pretty blue water all around.
Cons: I recently started to wonder if she won't like the fact that the pic/video will probably be of us in swimsuits, maybe with wet hair, etc. She definitely doesn't have anything to be ashamed about in a swimsuit but tends to be self conscious like most girls.

Scenario 2: I imagine this is pretty standard but my second option is doing it at a nice dinner. It would probably be easy to have the hotel setup a nice private dinner for us. With this option I would coordinate either with a local photographer or one through the hotel to come by our table towards the end of dinner. The photographer would be in on it of course and just offer to take our picture (pretty normal at vacation spots). We would take a couple cute pictures at the table and then that's when I would get on one knee and do the proposal.
Pros: We would be nicely dressed (hair and makeup) so the pictures may be better for sharing/framing. Hopefully they would also be better quality than the GoPro/Drone.
Cons: It would probably just be pictures and not an actual video of her reaction. It's not as private and not as unique/original. Also she would be seeing the ring at nighttime vs. daytime if that matters?

So I guess my question to the ladies is which one sounds better to you? Aside from after the initial proposal and sharing it with friends/family, do those pictures usually get framed and spot around the house or not really? Am I making this a bigger deal than it needs to be?

Sorry for the super long post! Any other tips or comments are welcome and thank you in advance!!


Jul 27, 2018
hmm... nothing?


Feb 12, 2018
Does your girlfriend like to post pictures of everything on social media? Does she enjoy the constant filming that you do? Is it important to her to have pictures of all her major life events? Does she live by the words "pics, or it didn't happen"?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then go with scenario 1.

If the answer to all of the above is no, then put the camera away and enjoy the moment.


Feb 18, 2016
I'm not sure this board gets a lot of traffic... maybe try on Hangouts? :)

As for which is better, I only really want to give feedback on logistics, etc. because I'm not your GF and since people have different tastes we may have wildly different ideas as to what is 'better', style-wise: public vs. private, au naturel vs. dressy, candid shot vs. staged, etc.! Ruminate on her style, and what she might like best.

Scenario 1: I get the idea! How likely do you think you are to have a private place to snorkel, without people around? Are you navigating the drone hands-free? I'm trying to imagine the logistics while being on one knee and proposing/holding a ring. If your gut is telling you she won't like a picture in a swimsuit or with wet hair, that should be given some weight. Can you do this type of scenario doing something besides swimming?

Scenario 2: Less moving parts (literally) to worry about here, so I don't have too much feedback on the logistics. I don't think there would be an issue having her see the ring at night vs. day. I like the flavor of my own ring in restaurants, or other places where it's dim with multiple light sources :)

Framing pictures: same as my first response: people have different tastes! Some might hire a photographer to do an engagement photo session. Some wedding photographers offer a bundle that includes a free engagement shoot--clearly, after the fact. You pick a location, get dressed up, nice hair and makeup and then pose as a couple where the ring is featured. Suitable for framing. And, plenty of people don't do that :) Personally, I have a posed couple photo and a wedding photo included in other family photos in small frames on my desk at work, and on a bookshelf at home. Nothing big on the wall.


Feb 18, 2016
Does your girlfriend like to post pictures of everything on social media? Does she enjoy the constant filming that you do? Is it important to her to have pictures of all her major life events? Does she live by the words "pics, or it didn't happen"?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then go with scenario 1.

If the answer to all of the above is no, then put the camera away and enjoy the moment.

Excellent, succinct advice.


Aug 6, 2014
I am not really a fan of either. Unless she's really into pictures, I'd say that something private and intimate would probably be nicest.

Scenario 1: cons include wet hair, no makeup, logistical difficulties with the drones, likely lack of privacy...and RISK OF LOSING THE RING IN THE WATER!!! (it has happened).

Scenario 2: cons include not super private.

Most resort type places can set up a nice private dinner for 2 on the beach. That might be nice...


Jul 27, 2018
Does your girlfriend like to post pictures of everything on social media? Does she enjoy the constant filming that you do? Is it important to her to have pictures of all her major life events? Does she live by the words "pics, or it didn't happen"?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then go with scenario 1.

If the answer to all of the above is no, then put the camera away and enjoy the moment.

LOL the answer is definitely NO to all of those.


Jul 27, 2018
Thank you everyone for the input. I think my best bet is to just wing it and go for it sometime along our trip when the moment feels right. :))


Feb 12, 2018
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


Jan 22, 2014
I don’t like no 2 at all. Boring.
No 1 I would tweak.
I would find a secluded beach, after a beach side / slightly casual late lunch so she is dressed nicely but not in a swim suit and walk along said beach. Said beach needs a nice Rocky crop at the end where you will walk down to.
You must have a helper.
It is not romantic or special for your fiancé to have you focusing on ANYTHING else but her and the special moment. So no twiddling a remote, checking drone position, wondering how footage is going while asking the most special woman in your life to marry you.
So your helper will operated the drone from a hidden place and I envisage footage from high above capturing the two of you walking along the beach to the more secluded spot where you propose with the ocean as a background. Helper can then zoom on in and down on the actual proposal etc and you and her can just be in the moment together.


Oct 13, 2018
I just love your thoughtfulness! I'm a photographer and can easily relate to your wanting to document it, and for me scenario 1 sounds amazing. Who cares if nobody but the two of you ever see the footage, in that case she wouldn't be concerned with self conscious feelings.. Or she'd have the option to share the panned out version. Or. If all that video prep could distract from the moment / getting to the moment of the proposal, if not for her since she won't expect it, but even for you - skip it all! Just go for it when it feels right. Being on a special trip in a beautiful place is enough :)


Jul 5, 2016
If she's someone who would prefer having her hair and make-up done for the proposal, the second option might be the best for her. As far as the video goes, what if you ask the photographer to film instead of taking pictures? You can always select frames from the video and use them as pictures. Either way, she's a lucky lady to have someone who is so considerate of her desires! :)
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