
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@missy losing loved ones is hard, it is comforting to catch up with people though. Certainly a mixed bag. Yay for boosting the economy. We seem to do that all too often as well. M&M stock had to go up with all of our purchases as our favorite snack on the road. I am glad you and Greg visited your parents and nieces. I am sure they were a big help to your parents - both in deed and spirit. Sorry to hear your dad is in so much pain, I hope the pain management specialist can help. I enjoyed all the pictures. Yay for the good news from insurance. That’s wonderful you and Greg put in 40 miles, how is his knee coming along? Mmm ice cream.

@Austina glad you are having nice weather. It was eerily nice here yesterday. Storms and winds are moving in now though. Glad your exercises are helping your shoulder and I hope it gets better every day. We did visit TBE on Saturday. The shingles are on the roof.

@canuk-gal those anniversaries are hard. I hope it warmed up there. You and DH are supporting the economy too. Sounds like quite a shopping spree. Glad you are enjoying being out on your bike. Enjoy your new phone tomorrow and sadly those new monitors can lead to new laptops.

@MamaBee I sure hate to hear about your mom, but that is good news the draining has almost stopped. That stinks you are still in so much pain and they don’t know exactly what is causing it. Keeping all of you in my thoughts.

@mrs-b sorry to hear Tim left for over 5 weeks. I do okay for about 2 weeks when Marty’s gone, then I get a bit sad. Sounds like the pups were happy to see “dad” though.

I am slowly getting rested up from our camping trip and travel. I don’t know why riding in a vehicle all day seems to tiring. Maybe lack of mobility? My motivation level is not at its normal level, but I am getting better.

We watched a lot of TV this weekend, cleaned out the RV and put it back in our friend’s backyard and not much else. I made mini cheesecakes for dinner at friends on Sunday.

The TBE is coming along and has shingles now. I was going to run out tonight but decided I was comfy on the couch, so will go check it out some other day.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy haha TBE has shingles...the good type of shingles LOL. I hear you about not wanting to leave the comfy couch. I am glad you are recuperating from your camping trip. Yes I think the lack of movement does make us tired and I know after long car trips I am pretty tired too. That's nice your friend lets you keep the RV in their backyard. Thank you for your kind words. The girls are a huge help but my mom doesn't like anyone doing anything for them so it is always a battle

@Austina sending lots of healing wishes for your shoulder. Thank you for lovely comments about my nieces. I have high standards (according to Greg lol) so when I have only praise for them you know it is true. My sister and BIL did a great job raising them for sure. I couldn't have done better. Hope you are feeling 100% today

@canuk-gal that does not sound silly at all...I am always excited to get something new though also a bit apprehensive as I hate change. How's that for a mixed bag lol. Our weather hit 70s F yesterday...too warm until the wind shifted to the east then sweet relief. Today is our last nice day before lots of days of rain ahead. Just in time for all my medical appointments . Yay for getting a tax refund. We are anticipating one too...though we don't like the government having extra of our money I rather be owed than owe if you kwim

@Slickk hope you are having a smooth week

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday

Hello everyone else. Yesterday was another wonderful cycling day albeit started out hot but then around 12:30PM the wind shifted east and it was refreshing. Today is another warmish day (70s) then rain comes in for the rest of the week and maybe weekend. Tomorrow and Thursday we have medical appointments I am looking forward to being over. LOL. Thursday is my mammogram/ultrasound and it is always anxiety producing because they are following some "suspicious" areas. As women we get it.

My allergist is off Mondays so has not yet sent my Dupixent RX in to Accredo and I would like to get it ASAP as I am due for my next shot by next Tuesday.. I do not think I'll be able to get it that fast since they do not even have the RX yet. Always something but one day at a time and hoping for the best.

Enjoy a terrific Thursday all. XOXO

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Greg enjoyed pistachio and I had strawberry and coffee....yummmmmm
May your day be filled with sweetness


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Woohoo @marcy, already got the shingles on, they’re really getting on with it! Looking forward to more pictures when you have time.

I’m sorry @MamaBee, I meant to say the other day that you’re doing the right thing with your Mum by trying everything. Ultimately, what will be will be, but you will have peace of mind knowing you did everything you could. I really hope you’re getting some relief from the awful pain you’re in.

Thanks @mrs-b, I’m doing what I can for my shoulder, and if it’s no better soon, I’ll get more treatment. Hoping you’re enjoying the warm weather and pool.

Yay to a small tax refund @canuk-gal, now what are you going to spend it on? :lol:

I hope you hear soon about the Px @missy, and fingers crossed everything is A OK with the mammo. Always something to worry about. How’s Greg’s knee feeling now you’re back cycling?

Nothing exciting happening here, did some cleaning this morning, and in the pool this afternoon, the weather is lovely and the pool was 89 degs!

Sending love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy quite a few people have chuckled or commented on "shingles". I know it's not funny to people who've had them. Your parents sound like mine - an me for that matter - I'd rather do it myself. Generally, that's a good thing but deters us for asking for help. Mmm to delicious ice cream. I had a little bit of Baskin Robbins world class chocolate last night. Hoping your tests and appointments go well this week and that medicine can help you breathe. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

@Austina I did get another picture of TBE today, but it doesn't look like they've done much since Saturday. I am sending healing dust to your shoulder and hoping it gets better. Enjoy that nice weather and pool.

We had a lot of rain early today then the high winds "blew" in. We ran out to TBE a while ago and the truck was getting knocked around. I commented I was glad the RV wasn't on the back of the pickup right then.

I have about 4" knit on a hat for myself. It'll match my down jacket even though I probably won't be wearing it too often before next fall. Of course, this is Wyoming.

I was so hungry today, I ate lunch at 11 and am anxiously waiting now for my oven fries to get done. I must be missing all those M&M's we pounded down on our road trip.

Take care.

TBE today:


Mar 31, 2018
Good morning girls..I will comment later…but wanted to say it looks like my mom may go back to her nursing home on Friday. The fluid had picked up again but went back down to a decent level. They’re going to do more X-rays of her lungs to see how they look. They did one yesterday..The nurse said her lungs were reinflating which is a good sign. If they deem her good to go to the nursing home I will say it’s okay for her to go home. I will hope she does well when she’s home. I made the decision that she’s had enough intervention at the hospital so I would not have her sent back there. The next step would be Comfort Care..Palliative..I hope she doesn’t have to do that yet.I sat with her through a very painful episode the day before yesterday..She was complaining of her shoulder hurting..I told them to get an X-ray..Her bones are so fragile it was possible that turning her for her treatments did something. It wasn’t the nurses’ fault..Her bones are so old and fragile..I had to beg the nurse for Dilaudid for pain relief. I was holding her hand, rubbing her forehead, etc.. telling her to hold on..She would feel better soon..etc..She said she wanted to kill herself. Her oxygen wasn’t at a level where they could give it to her. I was crying so the nurse said ok..and gave her half the dose. That wasn’t working..I kept any eye on her oxygen level..I kept telling my mom to breathe to get her number up. Twenty minutes later the nurse came back and relented and gave her the second dose. It took a while but then my mom turned to me with a big goofy smile on her face. I was able to feed her dinner of mashed potatoes and ice cream. She drinks Ensure for her protein at this point. Yesterday she had Chicken Parmesan. Her appetite is coming back..I get there a couple of hours before dinner and feed her..I hope she’s able to get the chest tube out soon. The decision was good because it did it’s job. This was her best chance. I know I did everything to help her but at this point enough is enough…I’m hoping she does well without the tube.
I’m so drained between worrying about my mom and my pain…I’m a party pooper for sure..Hugs to all.


Feb 27, 2007

@MamaBee I am so sorry you are going through this with your mom and dealing with your horrible pain. Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts.

We had rain today but ran out to TBE. They are putting up the base / framing / or whatever it’s called to put up the stone on the house.



Jun 8, 2008
Big hugs @MamaBee I am rushing to the city and it is raining cats and dogs here but will try to return later.

@marcy TBE is looking sweet!

TY @Austina off to that appointment now. No word on the med as of yet.

Lots of love to my NIRDI friends XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
Good afternoon lovely ladies. My mammogram and ultrasound went well and they don’t need to see me back til one year so yay because previously I’ve been going every six months for breast ultrasounds.

Unfortunately Fresca is still limping. I made another tentative veterinary appointment Monday afternoon but trapping her is going to be very difficult.



And we had a visitor who is not a feral cat. But we’re more than happy to feed anyone who is hungry. It is a privilege

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful day.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

The Arctic front continues with high winds and low temps. Should warm up on the weekend but not by much. I wore my Parka yesterday!!!!!! There is an outdoor festival planned in our nearby park this weekend, I'm sure I'll have my parka on again!

Picked up my new phone today--and ohmygod I have no idea what to do! Even the you tube videos are complicated! What was I thinking!?? Got some nice takeout Japanese food. yum.

Work was buy/heavy yesterday. Anyway.

@missy glad you are "good" for another year! That racoon looked pretty healthy! Daily take out for them. Hope your folks are OK.
@marcy your house is shaping up!! Will you park your RV in one of the garage stalls?
@MamaBee take care!!! Lots on your plate.
@Austina my friend sent me a picture of her outdoor potted plants with 2 cms of snow on them. Bet you aren't having that issue! No way I buy outdoor plants this early however tempting!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

That is such good news @missy, at least that’s one less thing to worry about. You must be so relieved that’s over with. I’m sorry to hear poor little Fresca is limping, I was hoping it would’ve righted itself. Boo to not hearing yet about the meds, hopefully that’ll be the next thing you can cross off the list.

Wow @marcy, the house is looking amazing, they’re really getting on with it. Do you have a completion date yet?

Anyone would be overwhelmed dealing with everything that’s going on with you and your Mum @MamaBee. It must be exhausting having to advocate on her behalf and insist that she gets the meds she needs. You’re a good daughter, and no one could want better. You’re doing everything you can, but you’re right, there’s only so much your Mum will be able to take and it’s good to be realistic and prepared.

Yikes, sorry about the snow @canuk-gal, and you’re right, no sign of snow here!

We’ve had a couple of busy days in the garden, it’s already hot here by 9am, and we’ve been absolutely exhausted. The plus is that the pool is lovely and warm, and it’s been overcast, so we’ve been able to stay in the pool for a couple of hours, without getting cooked.

Not much else going on here, just getting ready for our friends visit next week.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@canuk-gal thank you. Stay warm. I am so ready for warmer temps and I know you are too. We had a little taste of it and now it is cold again brrrrr. Have fun at the outdoor festival this weekend and hope work wasn't too hectic despite being busy. As for your new phone I get it. I hate change and every time I get a new anything there is a learning curve for me. Though I have to say with my latest iphone that I got a few months ago there was little to no transition as not much had changed. Thankfully. Yes that raccoon looks healthy and that makes us happy. It is so hard living outside and my heart hurts for all the struggles the animals deal with heart is with Fresca right now and I feel so sad

@Austina thank you. Yes it is a relief. It was read by a different radiologist and I wonder if that was why she said return in a year because the radiologist who had been reading my mammos and ultrasounds had me coming back every six months for at least two (plus) years. Nevertheless I am more than relieved not to have to go back in April. Fingers crossed the med arrives soon. I think the doctor messed up (again) with the quantity of medication (fewer prefilled syringes which won't last 84 weeks) but I will have to deal with that when it arrives. I'm pretty tired of drs messing up tbh. I was considering switching allergists because of the fact he does mess up with the dosing but you know that quote///"the enemy you know" and I am concerned I might get someone even more incompetent. Sad state of affairs. For sure. Anyway I am glad you are looking forward to your friends visit next week and that the pool is delicious, Enjoy

@Slickk yay it's friYAY...have a great day and an even better weekend sweet friend

@MamaBee how are you feeling? How is your mom doing? Continued healing wishes to you both

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY...hope you are having a good week

@marcy cannot wait for TBE to be finished and you all moved in to your new home

@mrs-b please share photos of your newest bling when you get a chance

@springerspaniel have a wonderful FriYAY and weekend

Today is chilly and we will be running errands. Wishing you all a FriYAY filled with Yay and sweet surprises XOXO

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Mar 31, 2018
Good morning girls!
@missy I’m so happy your mammogram came out great!
Thank you everyone for the support..I really appreciate it. ❤️
Mom is coming home today if the pulmonary doctor says it’s okay. She will go into Palliative Care..not Hospice. Her doctor explained it just gives her extra attention and stronger meds because she will have pain.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!

I am back on the take out bend! LOL. Chinese food today. Lazy begets lazy! Sunny and bright but chilly. I cleaned all my rings and took pictures with my new phone--testing. I can never get my diamonds to look very well, but the colored stones WOW. I just don't know how to take good pictures, then again it really isn't that important. I popped into the mall and got my favorite Ted Baker shirts--on sale! They are always so beautiful.

@Austina well I should have given my small tax refund to my DH--as he has to PAY but instead, I bought two Ted Baker shirts for myself and lunch to share. LOL

@missy how are your folks? Did they get some in home help? I hope the rain isn't preventing you from enjoying time outdoors. Do the feral cats no longer eat the dry food--is that why you are giving them canned food?

@MamaBee hope your Mom's transition goes well.

@mrs-b I hope you are California dreaming!



Jun 8, 2008
@canuk-gal we are still feeding the the dry food in the feeder but when Fresca got hurt I wanted to 1. Get her food closer to her in case she couldn’t make it to our front porch and 2.spoil her with wet food because it’s a treat for them. Now I’m buying so much wet food (because we have so many ferals) and I feed them wet food three times a day lol.

Greg thinks I’m crazy with all the wet food I’m ordering for them but he understands. I am crazy when it comes to the outdoor animals because their life is so hard.

Some good news (fingers crossed it continues) Fresca seems to be limping a bit less today. G-d willing that continues. It was wonderful seeing her hanging out today looking more content. I pray her recovery continues


You can see she’s not putting weight on her front left paw here but she was able to put some weight on it walking. So I’m hoping she continues recovering. It’s a very good sign she’s eating.


My mom has some help but she’s not pleased with my dad’s lack of progress. He’s in pain despite being on meds and so he can’t do physical therapy despite them trying. It’s not a good situation unfortunately.

Thanks for asking about my parents and the cats too ❤️

Happy almost weekend all XO


Apr 19, 2004
@canuk-gal we are still feeding the the dry food in the feeder but when Fresca got hurt I wanted to 1. Get her food closer to her in case she couldn’t make it to our front porch and 2.spoil her with wet food because it’s a treat for them. Now I’m buying so much wet food (because we have so many ferals) and I feed them wet food three times a day lol.

Greg thinks I’m crazy with all the wet food I’m ordering for them but he understands. I am crazy when it comes to the outdoor animals because their life is so hard.

Some good news (fingers crossed it continues) Fresca seems to be limping a bit less today. G-d willing that continues. It was wonderful seeing her hanging out today looking more content. I pray her recovery continues


You can see she’s not putting weight on her front left paw here but she was able to put some weight on it walking. So I’m hoping she continues recovering. It’s a very good sign she’s eating.


My mom has some help but she’s not pleased with my dad’s lack of progress. He’s in pain despite being on meds and so he can’t do physical therapy despite them trying. It’s not a good situation unfortunately.

Thanks for asking about my parents and the cats too ❤️

Happy almost weekend all XO

@missy poor puss--hope she improves. You take such good care of them--they are love you for it! You make a difference!

Yes, your parents situation is far from ideal. Upsetting and frustrating. I recall a line from a sad drama/movie that seems to apply to life most days...... "I just want it to be the way it was". Your Mom is tired also.

xoxo Sharon


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @canuk-gal for your kindness, understanding and compassion ❤️

So much has been happening I forgot to share my dupixent got delivered this morning. We stalked the UPS delivery person as the app showed exactly where he was. We found him to get the med early. Lol. He was so nice. He couldn’t hand it to me outside the delivery address so he re routed and followed us home and handed it to me there. How nice was that

I saw Fresca again and fed them for a fourth time today lol so I guess I was mistaken about feeding them three times a day. But yeah she is still limping and not putting full weight on her leg. Ugh. I wish I could just grab her and rescue her and take her to the veterinarian and fix her leg. We don’t even have a clue what’s wrong. It might even be fractured. So upsetting. I’m sorry I know with all that’s happening in the world obsessing about a feral kitty shouldn’t be up there in terms of priority but all I can think of is an innocent animal suffering. It is heartbreaking beyond any words I can share. Please keep Fresca in your prayers if you can. ❤️ Thank you :pray:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy that’s good your tests went well. I hate to hear Fresca is still limping. I am glad you got your medicine. I totally get the reluctance to switch doctors, it’s like starting all over again too. My allergies have been awful since we got to Texas and they haven’t improved getting home. It’s about time for things to start budding and blooming here and that always makes me really tired for a few weeks. I don’t remember if I told you about my BP pill renewal. It ran out in early May and so I called the doctor office (remember by doctor was killed last summer in an accident) to just go see somewhere there and they are closing the office. So she gave me a referral to either a doctor or a NP and said she’d send in a 30 day supply for me to give me time to make an appointment. I picked them up and not only did I get 90 pills, but it have enough renewals for a year. Yay! Gives me time to avoid doctor appointments. I am glad your mom has some help and I hope your dad gets some relief from pain and can do some PT.

@canuk-gal that arctic cold - and snow - is visiting us now too. Aren’t we glad we have warm parkas? I’m sure you’ll figure out your new phone in no time? What one did you get? A friend of mine has one that folds in half, so it’s a little square. It looks intriguing but she just ordered a new phone because she doesn’t like the operating system on it, it’s always backing up things to a cloud that her computer can’t access. We ordered burgers from Door Dash tonight, I didn’t feel like cooking. We plan on parking the RV behind the garage. There’s kind of a flat place there and we’re have a RV plug put in on that side of the house for it.

@Austina have fun with your friend’s visit next week. I bet working outside in the yard in the heat is exhausting. Glad the pool is getting a lot of use. They haven’t moved up the end of October for closing on TBE. We’ll see. We ran out there today and nothing else (that we could tell) has been done since earlier this week. It’s been cold, snowy and raining.

@MamaBee keeping you and your mom in my thoughts. I hope they manage her pain. How are you doing? I hope you are getting some sleep.

Not much different going on in our life. Both of us are kind of unmotivated this week after getting back from Texas. Marty even skipped going back to the gym tonight. I am almost done with my hat, I could have used it today too. It was 1 degree when we ran out to TBE.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy yay for getting an RX for a years worth of BP meds! I don't remember hearing about your doctor's accident. How awul. I am sorry your allergies are in full bloom so to speak and hope you find relief very soon. It's OK to feel unmotivated and just relax. When you are both ready to get back in the swing of things you will. 1 degree is too cold. Cmon Spring. Thank you for your continued good wishes.

@MamaBee cmon now. You are NEVER a downer. Girl, this thread started because of a traumatic accident almost 10 years ago (!) and is a safe space to share. Sending big hugs your way

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @Austina @springerspaniel @mrs-b @canuk-gal and everyone else reading...happy Caturday Saturday XOXO
May your weekend be bright and colorful and filled with beauty and love

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Jun 8, 2008
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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Happy Caturday!

Hopefully if you can’t see any obvious signs of injury @missy, Fresca will eventually get better, I’m sure with all the great food she’s getting, it’ll help her to heal. I hope your Mum and Dad are doing OK dealing with all they are, and that your Dad is remaining in good spirits. Woohoo to your meds arriving, at least that’s one bit of good news.

Wow, October is a long way off and the house is already looking so good @marcy. Sorry about your allergies, thankfully I think we’re the only people in Texas who don’t have them!

I hope things have settled with your Mum @MamaBee and that she’s being kept comfortable. How’re you feeling, I hope there’s been some slight improvement?

Keep safe and warm @canuk-gal.

We went out and bought some more plants yesterday. These are for the big bed in the l/h top corner. There are pampas grass, Russian sage and mulhi planted there, but there are gaps, so we’re going to add a few more plants each year. No point going mad because we have to be careful with water. We put in a couple of Texas sage, Yucca and a lovely darker leaved Crepe Myrtle, all of which are drought tolerant once they’re established. It was hard work in the heat yesterday, and we were exhausted when we’d finished. We only managed to get 3 in, but got up early today because it was lovely and cool and got the rest in.

Looks like we could be in for some rain later, which’ll be perfect.

Speaking to our friends on FT tomorrow, then we’ll have busy Monday food shopping and cleaning before our friends arrive.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy love all the spring flower pictures. We woke up to snow and ice here. Love your sunrise picture, it’s gorgeous. I hope you have a spring weather weekend.

@Austina I guess supplies are kind of drying up again and that’s why they won’t say we’ll get our house any earlier than October. You and Colin are lucky you don’t have allergies. When all your flowers are in bloom, I hope you’ll post pictures. I’m wondering about plant at TBE, there are rabbits, antelope and deer running around out there. They’ll find them a tasty snack. I have a few pots I really like though.

I got my hat finished this morning. We’ll probably go out to dinner later so I can test it out. It matches my down jacket perfectly. I am kind of out of knitting projects for now, I might start knitting hats to donate at Christmas time. Gives me something to do.

Have a great weekend.



Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Well I thought I could put my parka away for its winter nap.....but nope! Went out before noon and although it is bright and sunny the wind is brutal and keeping temps down. I was cold walking from my car!!!!! I came home and put on a heavier coat before going out to lunch. Some gusty winds tomorrow--I'll make sure I dress warm for the festival.

Headed back to the mall to look for Ted Baker shirts for my boys. Found them on clearance! Yes!

@marcy my phone is the Galaxy Flip 5. I love it...little square as you say. I've wanted a flip for a while but I was waiting for them to improve. I really don't need a phone but since I do have one--I wanted a "gadget". The store I bought it from has so far provided exemplary service. I am happy we decided to shop there.

Speaking of great service--the phone place, Ted Baker and The Bay all provided great service. Nice to feel appreciated.

I hear ya'll on allergies! My sisters and everyone are complaining! Nasal spray seems to be my best friend!

@missy lovely photos!
@Austina I'm sure your garden will be lovely in no time. We need drought type plants here also. Nice to have company coming!

I'll cook Sunday supper tomorrow. I guess it is time!



Mar 31, 2018
Hi girls..Another depressing update..My mom is going into Hospice tomorrow. She just got transferred back to the nursing home last night. The ambulance picked her up three hours after the agreed time of 5pm. By the time we got to the nursing home it was 9pm. I got a phone call at 3am saying they called 911 to send her back to the hospital. I called Chris. He picked me up to head over to the emergency room. We discussed Hospice after her doctor showed us her lungs on X-ray..One lung was filling up with fluid again..The other half was also filling up but to a lesser degree. I met with someone from Hospice that will see her at the home. She will go back to the nursing home tomorrow. Hospice will start then at the home ..:cry2:
I have an appointment with a doctor that will do an injection into my cervical spine at the C-2 C-3 level. I get a consult first. The second visit would be an injection. If I get pain relief..that’s where my issues are coming from. I will need surgery. I hope I actually have to have the surgery. The one dilemma is that I would have to choose neurosurgeons. The first in Pa… has 31 years experience…’s a major teaching hospital. I asked his NP if he would let a resident do some of the surgery. He said yes..but it would be a resident that was almost ready to fly solo. He would be supervised by the neurosurgeon..Neurosurgeons have eight year residencies. I’m not comfortable with that. If I go with the guy in Virginia..he would definitely be the one doing the surgery. He actually trained under the first guy in Pa during his residency. He now has 14 years experience. He graduated from Yale Medical School. His reviews are excellent. I’m going to get the injections here because my mom is not doing well. I want to be close by. The surgery can be done either place..but I also would want to be close to my mom. I have no idea what the recuperation would be for me because I’m older. I don’t know how fast I would be able to get around.
Thank you @Slickk for answering my questions..
@springerspaniel That’s so nice to say but I’m definitely a party pooper. :confused2:


Feb 24, 2017
I’m sorry to hear the latest update @MamaBee, what a worry. I’m sure you’ll make the decision that’s best for you regarding the surgeon/surgery. Maybe write down the questions you need answering before selecting surgeon, it’d be easy to forget with everything else going on. Sending you and your Mum good thoughts. Take care xx


Feb 27, 2007
@canuk-gal you are probably like me, my winter clothes see action 12 months a year. I hope you enjoy your new phone. Marty always says I pick mine as a fashion accessory. I quit picking the “color” I want because I cover them with a case anyway. “Tis the season for allergies. Spring and fall are my worst times.

@MamaBee I have no words for what you are going through. I am so sorry they are moving your mom to hospice. It’s hard to come to that point and you don’t want them to suffer, but the alternative isn’t pleasant either. Big hugs to all of you with this difficult time. I hope the injections pinpoint what needs done for you. That’s a rough call on the surgeon choice. Keeping you all in my thoughts.


Jun 8, 2008
@MamaBee I am so sorry...keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. And I know you will make the best decision under the circumstances. Sending love and good wishes


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@marcy LOVE your selfie and that hat! Beautiful!

@Austina thanks...just fed them and saw Fresca and she is limping still. It seems to fluctuate how much she is limping. This AM though she was limping and she went to the food but then walked away...we also have hard food out so perhaps she ate that before I went to feed them the wet at is still dark at that time but I saw Pepsi waiting for the wet food. I am worried about Fresca. It's a challenging situation all around as the first mantra in my head is DO NO HARM and trapping her will be traumatic and we don't even know if anything can be done about the leg. UGH. Please forgive me for going on and on about Fresca. Glad planting went well and enjoy your Zoom with friends today

@canuk-gal we've been cycling and it's been lovely. TY for enjoying my photos. Hope you are staying warm and comfy and enjoying being outside. Enjoy a lovely Sunday dinner

@bling_dream19 happy Sunday

@Slickk hope you are having a wonderful weekend

Hello everyone else. We went cycling again yesterday and it was sweet. Today is colder and windier but we plan on cycling today too
Have a super and sweet Sunday all. XOXO

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And yesterday when we got back from cycling Fresca was sitting in the front yard just hanging out and so I brought her a new plate of wet food and she gobbled it up. Well, gobble is not the right word. She eats slowly. Very elegant and dignified :)

She appears to be putting weight on her leg as she least that is how it seems. Hard to say for sure

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I took video through the kitchen window with a reflection of our curtains...I did not want to disturb her

May your Sunday be as sweet as you :love:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

Our festival was rescheduled until next weekend due to poor weather. Gusts 60kms and COLD. Brutal.

Just made a greek salad and preparing hassleback potatoes. Lot of prep!!! But it will be good.

@missy people are cycling here and I don't know how. I'd be blown off my bike! I'd need rocks in my pockets. Hope your family is OK.
@MamaBee thinking of you.

Stay safe and well folks!



Jun 8, 2008
@missy people are cycling here and I don't know how. I'd be blown off my bike! I'd need rocks in my pockets. Hope your family is OK.

Ha it was a very freezing and slightly painful ride! I cannot lie! LOL. But glad we did it and even gladder we are home and warm and cozy. I have the fireplace on and the heat on and we are quite toasty right now. It was a COLD WINDY cycling day to be sure

And hello..we have a visitor. Aren't raccoons supposed to be sleeping during the day and out at night? WTH. Maybe all the wet food I am putting out all day long is attracting them? I sure hope he isn't sick because he is not supposed to be out in broad daylight.

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And he is not scared of me at all. He came closer to get a look at me...that is not normal. Darn I hate worrying about the animals all the time. It is exhausting
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