
Gastric Sleeve

Wow, wow, wow! What a difference already! Can't wait to hear how the follow up goes tomorrow.
Lol. I told dH I didn’t want to get weighed today because I was


Hella constipated. I mean it was like Atlanta morning rush hour commute in there— traffic jam going nowhere. I had taken several different items over the last few days and I was worried I would blow while at the office (or on the way).

So anyway, since I knew it was going to be a crazy number, I went anyway (and am now on their “constipation protocol” :lol-2::lol::roll::eek2: and my official loss is 4 pounds in 2.5 weeks.

Hey, I’ll take it. I mean, part of the reason why I had the surgery is because it got to where I couldn’t lose any weight and was fighting my body’s tendency and desire to just gain, gain, gain.

Anyway, he said there are two types of people:

Person A comes in at 2 weeks and has lost 20 pounds and

person B comes in at 2 weeks and has lost 5 pounds

But person B goes on to lose 15 the next month and at one year, person A and B have lost similar amounts.

Which is fine and I’m worried about my skin, so maybe slower is better anyway.

Besides, there are so many ways to establish weight loss is happening aside from the scale. I mean, look at the pic I posted!

So I have had partial relief today and hope the rest blows out by tomorrow.

Apparently the issue I had is a common one for the first month or two.

Thanks for checking in on me!
Oh! I forgot to say that since I’m doing well with food, he said I can skip purée and go straight to normal foods!

But, I have to try one food at a time and I have to weigh out 4 ounces of whatever I’m eating.

I think this will help my logjam since to date, most things on the plan have no fiber.

here is the constipation protocol since I have listed other handouts for people to read:
I agree. A loss is a loss, and you're in it for the long game now.

Whoa on that constipation protocol! I deal with IBS-d and the only times I have been constipated are following surgery. I'm sure your body has a lot of adjusting to do. I hope you have success in that area soon, too. Wonder what the scale would have said if you weren't backed up.
I agree. A loss is a loss, and you're in it for the long game now.

Whoa on that constipation protocol! I deal with IBS-d and the only times I have been constipated are following surgery. I'm sure your body has a lot of adjusting to do. I hope you have success in that area soon, too. Wonder what the scale would have said if you weren't backed up.

Warning, TMI: jump off now if you don’t like poop talk lol

I seriously wonder because most of what I took takes water from your intestines/colon and holds it to help with flow, so I assume I was holding on to a bunch of water at that point. His PA mentioned water retention when I mentioned my problem.

And I agree with you... I never usually have this problem and it’s been bad and persistent since the surgery. I guess I didn’t want to announce it as my one big problem lol. And I didn’t really realize it’s an issue until today— like an issue I might have for a while. I had been taking stool softeners twice a day and I still every 2-3 days had to take castor oil or a shot glass of mag citrate. I might have to take half a bottle tonight, but we are going to be in the car for 3 hours Tomorrow, o_O
Hey, I'm down with poop talk. Like I said, I've had gut issues for years now, and I also worked as a PTA in a hospital and then nursing home for 17 years total, and I have seen and smelled it all. :lol:. I actually have wondered if having the surgery couldn't help me in that department by slowing me down and reducing portions so that my system isn't overwhelmed.

Not just the water retention, but I've read that your colon/intestines can hold 5-10 pounds of poo, so I imagine that when you're backed up it would run on the higher end of that total.

I hope everything works tonight so you can relax on your car ride.
Hey, I'm down with poop talk. Like I said, I've had gut issues for years now, and I also worked as a PTA in a hospital and then nursing home for 17 years total, and I have seen and smelled it all. :lol:. I actually have wondered if having the surgery couldn't help me in that department by slowing me down and reducing portions so that my system isn't overwhelmed.

Not just the water retention, but I've read that your colon/intestines can hold 5-10 pounds of poo, so I imagine that when you're backed up it would run on the higher end of that total.

I hope everything works tonight so you can relax on your car ride.

Yes, in the end, I let 80% of my stomach go because we have never been friends. I’ve always had stomach problems, so I figured kicking it to the curb couldn’t be much worse than what I had been dealing with anyway.

But then this.... I may have traded problems
Warm chopped prunes? I hope you feel better. In really happy for you in your health journey!
Warm chopped prunes? I hope you feel better. In really happy for you in your health journey!

I’ve never had prunes before but they are starting to sound appealing lol. Thanks.
I'm sure everything is going to work out Whitewave - I think your body is just getting adjusted. Sounds like your doctor is on top of things. I hope you have fun plans (your 3 hour car ride) for your weekend!
I'm sure everything is going to work out Whitewave - I think your body is just getting adjusted. Sounds like your doctor is on top of things. I hope you have fun plans (your 3 hour car ride) for your weekend!

Thank you.


@bling_dream19 not to sound stupid, but where do I find prunes in the grocery and what kind would I get? Like are they in a cardboard box or a jar or what? Thanks,lol
Thank you.


@bling_dream19 not to sound stupid, but where do I find prunes in the grocery and what kind would I get? Like are they in a cardboard box or a jar or what? Thanks,lol

One can find prunes where one would find raisins, like in the dried fruit area. The grocery store brand is sunbeam prunes and they are delicious! I've also ordered Newmans own organic prunes from amazon. I take iron and occasionally progesterone and that is painful! So lots of greens, waters, prunes and a walk usually will do the trick. I feel for you girl! Hang in there and let me know how you do. I hope the prunes help. Chop them and add a little water and microwave them and the morning should be pleasant lol.
Oh and they come in a package or individually wrapped.
Congratulations! My coworker had it done a year ago and she looks amazing. The best part is she has energy and she feels really good. I love that for her.
GL on your new journey.
@bling_dream19 ok I should be able to get like gourmet ones tomorrow. If it doesn’t happen by the morning, prunes are on lol.... I mean, it’s getting kinda crazy o_O:oops2:

@diamondsR4eVR thank you for your support and encouragement! It seems clear to me that my body is confused and freaked out in this immediate postop period. I’m sure everything will start working right soon.
One can find prunes where one would find raisins, like in the dried fruit area. The grocery store brand is sunbeam prunes and they are delicious! I've also ordered Newmans own organic prunes from amazon. I take iron and occasionally progesterone and that is painful! So lots of greens, waters, prunes and a walk usually will do the trick. I feel for you girl! Hang in there and let me know how you do. I hope the prunes help. Chop them and add a little water and microwave them and the morning should be pleasant lol.

Oh another thing, I can’t have lettuce or
Greens until I’m 4 weeks out. I can have green beans which might work also.
Prunes are well known for getting things moving @whitewave, and they taste good too.

Are you allowed probiotics? I have an Activia probiotic yoghurt every day to keep things flowing smoothly :D

You can notice a huge difference in your face already. Slow and steady wins the race.
Warning, TMI: jump off now if you don’t like poop talk lol

I seriously wonder because most of what I took takes water from your intestines/colon and holds it to help with flow, so I assume I was holding on to a bunch of water at that point. His PA mentioned water retention when I mentioned my problem.

And I agree with you... I never usually have this problem and it’s been bad and persistent since the surgery. I guess I didn’t want to announce it as my one big problem lol. And I didn’t really realize it’s an issue until today— like an issue I might have for a while. I had been taking stool softeners twice a day and I still every 2-3 days had to take castor oil or a shot glass of mag citrate. I might have to take half a bottle tonight, but we are going to be in the car for 3 hours Tomorrow, o_O

Agree with @bling_dream19 prune rec. I find eating a few prunes daily helps if one is having constipation issues. Gentle but effective. I also agree with daily probiotics and drinking sufficient water and moving. Exercising/moving helps.

Good luck and congrats on doing so well!
You look fantastic! I like prunes too, I boil them in a little water and they become plump and plum like (of course, they are).

So happy for you and that you are doing so well! Thanks for sharing the process notes.
Oh another thing, I can’t have lettuce or
Greens until I’m 4 weeks out. I can have green beans which might work also.

Green beans, maybe zucchini, maybe asparagus? I think you're going to love the prunes! They are delicious and effective.
I guess that means you made it to your destination safely with no emergency stops. The cherries should help, too. All that fruit looks great! Can't wait for watermelon to be in season.
Morning update (lol). I’ve asked DH to go get me some mag citrate. This is going to end today. I need to have a meeting with god In the bathroom...(Anyone who has done a bowel prep knows lol).

Thank goodness DH is a doctor so he knows this is ok to do.

I’m going to start with half a bottle and see.

Lol. It’s like a watch party :Up_to_something::twisted::mrgreen::bigsmile::eek2::mrgreen2::evil2:
I guess that means you made it to your destination safely with no emergency stops. The cherries should help, too. All that fruit looks great! Can't wait for watermelon to be in season.

We had to run to the next big city to sign my daughter’s lease, so we made it here and back. No drama. Lol
Success!! Lol it took one bottle of mag citrate.

Now I can get on with my life and now that I’m on regular foods, I can incorporate fiber and hopefully won’t have this problem on this level again.

Thanks for the support!

Oh and PS.... prunes are not bad at all! I get travelers stomach and get blocked up the day before a trip lol, so now I know to travel with “dried plums” (did you know the prune industry is rebranding to dried plums lol)