
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Spring is finally here. Our weather has been amazing here with almost 70 degree weather. It makes for nice afternoon walks and sure makes you want to get outside and be more active. What are your plans for spring time workouts and changes in your dietary habits?

I met a friend for lunch today and had a soft shell taco. We went out for supper and split a sandwich then went to the club to have a drink. Tomorrow is poker night so I think we will meet somewhere for lunch then have fruit and cottage for supper. Marty won't be excited bout that but it sounds good to me.

We are slowing down a little bit at work so hopefully I can start an afternoon walk again soon.

I have been in a lot of pain with my tooth. I think I will make an appointment soon for an extraction. I need to get it done while Marty is in town. I had Advil 3 times today. It helps but I am going through spells of ouch this really hurts.

Happy Saturday. I got a new iPad today. It is so clear. Sweet. Marty is out playing golf so I will go meet him for a quick lunch when he is done. We have company coming over for supper today.

Weather is gorgeous here I think I will head to the golf course early so I can get in a nice walk.

Take care
Marcy-I can't believe you bought a new ipad! I looked at them yesterday but decided not to get one. You aren't allowed to tell me how awesome it is, k? I need a new cover since my magnets are shot. I'm sorry to hear your tooth is hurting so badly. Have you made the appointment for extraction? Mom is at the next phase where she has been fitted (or whatever you call it) for the implant. She can't wait because you can see the space when she talks or smiles. I hope Marty will be in town for a while so you won't have to rush if it starts feeling better. Tooth pain makes you feel so lousy all over. Matt lost his temporary crown and is having a lot of sensitivity to everything right now.

I have done really well with food the last few weeks, but not being able to walk regularly is really messing me up. We walked 2 miles yesterday, but I was pretty swollen and hurting pretty bad when I went to bed. I need to go back to the doctor to see if he recommends pushing myself or taking it easy at this point. I had cottage cheese for breakfast and nothing else today. We're going out for Mexican tonight, and I still have most of my weekly points left so I'm going to have a tasty meal and a big beer for dinner, and maybe dessert if I have enough points left. Lily and I are sitting outside, enjoying the nice day. Last week it reached 88 almost every day and it was miserable. Today it is in the 70's and breezy...feels great. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. I sure hope you all had a lovely weekend with some nice springtime weather.

Deegee, sorry to hear about Matt having trouble with his partial crown. I spent about $60 at Walgreens on assorted teeth pain things. The thing I like the best is some baby orajel that is natural. It has clove oil in it. Tell your mom good luck with her implant. I am better but not pain free. Most of my pain is coming from my lower teeth again so once again I suspecting was clenching my mouth in my sleep. I bought one of those mouth guards you boil then shape for your mouth. I don't know if I can handle it or not. It recommends you don't try to fit it when anything in your mouth hurts. Could be a while there. I hate to hear your back is still hurting. That is right up there with teeth pain, it just makes you miserable. Rats that your smart cover wasn't working. My old backs and smart covers work with my new iPad.

Yes, I got the new iPad and I am very happy with it. I compared pictures side by side and while it wasn't a dramatic difference you could see more detail and lines were sharper. It has a microphone that you can turn on and it types out what you say. The biggest reason I wanted it was for clearer text. I got the 16 g white wi fi. I am selling my 32 g iPad 2 to a guy at work so I will recoop part of my money on Friday. Sweet. Good thing since we just got a nasty bill on Marty's skin surgery. The insurance claim says we shouldn't pay the bill but the doctors office still sent it to us. I left Marty paperwork to call on it tomorrow.

We stayed up past midnight last night then got up about 7. Marty just left for the golf course. I had an English muffin for breakfast then went to Walgreens then tote grocery store. I made soft shell tacos for lunch. Found out they were more chewy than I thought they would be. We had grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. We watched a movie tonight.

Well take care and have a great week.
Hi. I hope you had a great day.

We had a fun filled adventure today with our programs down for over 2 hours. We took early lunches. We managed to get done what we needed to by the time 5 pm rolled around. :appl:

I had wheat toast for breakfast, strawberries for break, some pasta for lunch and picked up a kids meal for supper. Those skinny little hamburgers are easy to chew. Marty went to play golf about 4 so he had some leftovers when he got home. The weather was quite nice here again today. I took a stroll around here when I went to get the mail.

My mouth teeth are succeeding in getting my attention tonight. I didn't sleep well last night so I hope to go to bed early.

Laters, :wavey:

howdy! I hope more people will find Spring the impetus to join this thread--and talk about things that help you find balance--or healthy living/lifestyle.

I went to the gym/pool and did my gig; deep water, river run and treadmill. I did the relaxation yoga class today and likey will go again on Sat. Pool again tomorrow I think and some more difficult yoga class on Monday.

I had a fruit smoothie today with banana, organic kale, organic blueberries and strawberries and some apricot juice. Very good!

Hi everyone! :wavey: Did you have a lovely spring day where you live? It was very decent here.

Sharon, I agree. I hope to see people join in on this thread - some of the old members and new ones too! Springtime certainly inspires people to become more active and get in shape for summer. It sounds like you had a great workout. :appl: Your smoothie sounds wonderful.

I got to work a little early since I was meeting a friend for lunch. We have one lady out this week so I am helping with her work plus trying to get mine done. It made for a very busy day. For lunch I had a soft shell taco and for supper I had a small steak and baked potato. We went out and wandered around Sams Club for awhile when we were done eating. I am looking forward to things calming down at work they've added another building where I work and there is a nice big walkway over to it. That will be a nice walk for an afternoon break away from cars.

Have a great Friday.
Hi! I am so happy that it's Friday. This was a crazy busy week. I have only been able to walk twice this week. I got all prissy and tried to go 3 miles one evening, and my back has been super swollen ever since. I'm going to try a mile after it stops raining tonight. We stopped on the way home for dinner at Cracker Barrel. I had dumplings, carrots and green beans. I have done so well with food the last few weeks, but I badly need to be able to exercise. We got stuck right behind a wreck on the interstate this evening. Our exit was less than 1/4 mile away, but all 3 westbound lanes were closed and we were stuck watching everything for close to an hour. All of the people involved in the wreck were out walking around on the interstate so I think everyone was okay, but no cars were drivable. I had to ice my back when I finally got home because of sitting for so long. Lily, my 9-yr old neighbor and I sat outside on the porch for about 2 hours this evening. It was a nice evening until it started raining all of a sudden.

Marcy-is your mouth doing okay? Our dentist will be back in town on Monday, so Matt is going on Monday for his toothache and I'm going on Tuesday for a crown prep. Our dental bills are our biggest expense, I think! You will be so proud of me. I ordered my bracelet today and it will be ready in 2 weeks. I am getting a 4.30 cttw 3-prong from ID Jewelry. If it isn't as sparkly as I want it to be, I'll send it back and go to WF instead. I think it will be fine though. I went to a local jewelry store yesterday to look at settings, but got sidetracked by the bracelets and tried a few on. I decided to stop procrastinating and ordered it today. Yay! That will be nice having a covered area for you to walk at work. Our building sits right on a very busy road and it's dangerous trying to walk on the sidewalks because people fly by too close on the road. You're always afraid you'll get clipped by a mirror.

Sharon-my doctor recommended yoga again for my back. Maybe I should listen to him. Sounds like you get some really great workouts!

Have a great weekend!


There are some great health benefits to yoga--depending on the practice. The restorative program is wonderful--it isn't about holding poses for strrength, it is stretching, relaxation--and breathing. Meditiative practice is healing.

Some of the practice in the yin/yang is tough on me--I have a shoulder that could be surgically repaired (wrecked it golfing and after of working as a nurse--lifting patients, etc...) but I refuse to have the surgery. I am careful with it--my pool workout is good; but some of the yoga is tough and is painful (planks, etc). I limit how much I do--hurting yourself is counterproductive. So you would have to be careful with yoga--and find a practice and classes that suit your needs. The core strength building yoga provides, is a foundation and excellent as a general rule.

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Our weather was gorgeous here. Marty got in several rounds of golf. I did some work in the yard and around the house. After golf yesterday I met Marty and a friend of his for a drink then we went to Lowes and Home Depot to pick out a new ceiling fan since our other one sounded like a bearing was going out. We got a white one this time and really like it.

We watched a movie last night so we had popcorn for supper.

This morning I hit 2 grocery stores before 9 so it was nice to get in my shopping before the crowds hit. I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for lunch so Marty will have a lot of leftovers for lunch this week. We had a PB sandwich and baked lays for supper.

My mouth is better but of course the tooth that needs pulled is still getting my attention.

Deegee, sorry to hear you were stranded for a long time behind an accident. I am glad everyone was out of the vehicles anyway. Sorry to hear your back flared up from your long walk. How exciting you ordered your bracelet. It will be gorgeous and sweet to 4.3 carats. I’ll be able to see it sparkling from half way across the country! I can’t wait to see pictures of it. Good luck to both you and Matt at the dentist this week. Keep your fingers crossed I get in there this week.

Sharon, that is great you’ve found ways to work around your shoulder pain. It sounds like you know how to get in great work outs without injuring that area.

Have a great week. :wavey:

Marcy--what a plague your darn tooth it! I hope you finally get some resolution to the problem!!! Mouth pain=ultimate suckage!

Deeegee--what a treasure you'll have around your write! Good on ya!

My shoulder is giving me grief after my yoga--but it would anyway. I do guard it as much as possible when exercising--housework, etc, but I have to resort to NSAIDS. Had a brisk long walk yesterday with a friend--and with the weather being find I might get my beloved bike out and start my outdoor (genuine) river bike/run/walk gig. I ususally lay off the pool during the summer as I am outdoors a lot.

I have been smoothie-ing away here--great was to use up slightly past their prime fruit and veggies--altho I alwasy have frozen organic fruit in my freezer....and my family has not complained ONCE about the kale; the other stuff takes away the bitter flavor! Ya!

Deegee, sorry to hear your shoulder is giving you fits after yoga. Feel better How nice you had a good walk with a friend. Good plan to get your bike out soon.

I have an appointment in the morning to get my tooth pulled. I think as miserable as I've been I will feel better soon. I stopped on the way home and bought pudding, juice, broth, and yogurt. I got a can of spaghetti o's for when I am up to solid food again. Lol. Marty cooked steak, rice, veggies and a wine sauce for supper. We naturally finished the wine so we didn't waste the alcohol. I told him I may as well live it up today.

I hope everyone had a great Monday.

The weather here was chilly again today. We might get some snow tonight.

Take care.
I am back from the dentist. It wasn't as bad as I expected. He did not have a lot of trouble getting it out but he sure had to work at it. For having part of a root sticking out already there was sure a lot of root left. I am eating pudding and soup and juice today. Good diet, eh?

Marty took me out there and is now working. I am watching the bugs bunny roadrunner movie. I might rent a movie this afternoon.

marcy-ow. Your trip to the dentist sounds worse than mine today. I hope you're doing okay. Did they give you pain meds? How long will you have to eat soft food? I won't bore you with details of my dental visit, but the worse thing was that after 2 shots I wasn't completely numb. He was going to give me another, but that stuff gives me a bad headache so I declined and had work done when it was only mostly numb. I was there for 2 1/2 hrs and ended up not going back to work afterwards because I was a blubbering idiot at that point. I think with my leftover points today, I'll have a few beers! Now that I have finally gotten around to ordering my bracelet, I want it NOW. If I had known trying on a few different sizes of bracelets would have sprung me into action, I would have gone to the jewelry store months ago. Sadly it is right across the street from my office, so clearly I have just been lazy. I can't believe you might have snow. It is supposed to be cooler here tomorrow, more like spring weather instead of mid-summer.

Sharon-I think my dr is thinking of core strenghtening yoga exercises for me. I have probs with my left shoulder too after my wreck, so I have been concerned about some of those poses. Glad to hear you will be getting your bike out soon. I love being outdoors in the spring. We have some beautiful state parks in West Virginia with wonderful mountain scenery, waterfalls, & creeks.

I am really happy to report that I was able to walk 2 miles 2 nights in a row without too much difficulty. I had to take anti-inflammatory meds and ice my back when I got home, but at least I could go 2 miles. Progress. We had pork roast, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. I planned ahead this morning for soft-ish food. We were going to go out for ice cream, but I think beer sounds better right now. Have a great day tomorrow!
Good evening! Today went by super fast at work. I needed soft food for lunch, so I picked up dumplings from Cracker Barrel. Tonight for dinner we had leftover pork roast made into pork barbecue sandwiches, tater tots (those taste good on occasion), and strawberry shortcake for dessert. It is raining right now, but I probably won't walk tonight because I can't walk every night yet anyway. Good night for a rest. I actually think I'm going to head to bed in a few.

Marcy-I really need a new series to read. Would you recommend starting with the first book in the Vince Flynn series? How's your mouth? I hope your pain was nonexistent today.

Oh-and I just received notice that my bracelet shipped today and should be here by Friday. Woo-hoo! Good thing Matt is off on Friday and will be here to sign for it. I may have to leave work early because I will not be able to stand it!
Hi everyone. Spring came back today. It got near 60 again. Pretty nice.

I went in to work and was pretty good until this afternoon. Talking seems to make my mouth start to hurt but I took 2 Advil and was fine in awhile. I am honestly in less pain than I was before. My sinuses are clearer than they’ve been for years and my headache seems to be gone. Interesting to see if that continues. I tried a junior cheeseburger for supper and the inside of a baked potato. I was able to eat it. I was pretty hungry eating only pudding, cheese slices, yogurt and juices. I am still full. Tomorrow I might try some very lightly toasted wheat bread for breakfast.

Deegee, I think your morning at the dentist the other day sounds much worse than mine. You poor thing. I hope you are feeling better. I was there about an hour and didn’t feel any pain. He didn’t give me any pain meds just told me to take Advil as necessary. How exciting your bracelet will arrive this week. I would go home early too. You’ll have something to admire all weekend. I can’t wait to see it. That is wonderful you were able to get in a 2 mile walk. The Vince Flynn books are all in order except the last 2. I would honestly read them first because they take place before his first novel. I have been thinking of reading them again in that order.

Marty is out with some guys from work (my company now his old one). I went to the store and have just been goofing off on my iPad tonight.

Take care. :wavey:
Marcy-I picked up my bracelet today at lunch. On the FedEx tracking page, I requested that it be held at the local FedEx hub, which is very close to my office. It is beautiful. It may not have the ACA stones, but it is every bit as sparkly as my 5-stone HOF ring and all of my smaller other ACA stuff. I inspected it with my loupe and it looks really clean (the stones are SI 1). I checked each stone with my H&A viewer and they have really nice arrows. Not perfect, but really close. The stones are all F-G in color. The 4.3 cttw size is perfect for me, so I'm glad I didn't order the larger one. I will try to find Matt's camera and take a few pics in the daylight. I had on long sleeves today, but a couple of people noticed it when my sleeve pulled up and grabbed my arm to look at it. People were stopping by all afternoon, either for ipad lessons or to look at my bracelet! I'll check into the last 2 Vinve Flynn books. I really need something to read. I hope your mouth is doing okay today, and I hope your sinuses remain clear and your headache stays gone. That is interesting. My temporary crown popped out yesterday and my tooth is quite sensitive. If it doesn't get any worse, I can wait a few weeks until my crown comes in. What is it with our teeth?

Food was good today. I stayed in my points, so Matt and I split a cupcake that a coworker made and brought in today. It was lemon-blueberry with lemon filling and butter cream icing. It was awesome. I haven't walked the last few days because of my back. I'm getting really frustrated. So glad today is Friday!
Deegee, your bracelet sounds perfect. The right size and gorgeous. I may have to add an upgrade to my bracelet on my birthday wish list. Too bad I can only get one thing. Lol. That is really neat some people noticed your sparkly bracelet. I don't know what it is about our teeth but we've had a lot of dental visits recently. Good luck waiting until your crown is ready. My mouth is better again today. I never had to take Advil at all and ate a little more normal food. Crunchy stuff is still out but I did okay other than an English muffin.

I am very glad the weekend is here. I have a lazy weekend planned. Laundry and not much else.

Take care.
Hi everyone. I hope you are having a nice weekend.

We watched TV last night. Marty played golf this morning so I met him for lunch. He is working this afternoon. I actually took a nap which is something I never do. My tooth must have made me tired. Lol. When I woke up the killer rabbit was on my chest. I was impressed Marty snuck in there and set him there since I am usually a light sleeper.

We had grilled cheese for supper.

Take care.
Happy Easter! :wavey:

The weekends go by way to fast. Marty got up at 6 am and headed off to the airport. I tried to go back to bed but didn't really go back to sleep. I picked up my parents about 1:30 and we went out for lunch. They are heading out on a road trip tomorrow. My mom isn't really excited about going but they are seeing some shows in Branson and she'll enjoy that.

My mouth "wound" has been irritating me some today. I get some strong pains in it. I am guessing that is normal but I'll see if it continues. I just looked at it with a mirror - I didn't look before now so it's hard to say if it looks okay or not. I am sure as it heals and fills in it will get my attention now and then.

I had a cheeseburger and fruit for lunch. I didn't get the bun. I find ground beef pretty easy to chew since it's already in little pieces. :bigsmile: My dad and I split a glass of white wine.

I am giving my employees their annual reviews this week so I printed them out and reviewed them today. Our printer is much nicer than the one we have at work so I thought I'd print them here plus I can review them in peace and quiet.

Deegee, I am going to start reading the Vince Flynn series again. I haven't read a book for several weeks and I miss having something good to read at night.

Hi everyone. One day down and 4 to go. Marty is in New York City today. I should send him to the diamond district for a trinket to bring home. Lol. He heads on to Atlanta tomorrow.

I had a busy day at work but it made the day go by quickly. I gave 4 of my 5 performance appraisals today. They mostly went well.

I had a kids meal for supper. McDonalds puts apples in their happy meal now with only about a dozen fries. Perfect size for me.

Lunch was leftover noodles. I thought of trying Cheerios for breakfast but I know they are way too crunchy for me. I really miss them. I took a few peach slices for my morning snack.

Have a great evening.

Marcy-too bad Marty isn't in NY longer to visit the diamond district. The last time I was in NY was before I found Pricescope so I didn't know about the diamond district, but you better believe that will be my first place to visit the next time I'm there. I hope the week goes by quickly for you. I hate to hear your mouth is bugging you. Mom had just gotten her implant on Friday and was having a hard time eating yesterday. I'm fine as long as I keep everything away from my very back tooth on the bottom. Matt's camera is nowhere to be found, so I took a few pics of my bracelet with my phone. I'll resize and post them tomorrow. Glad your performance appraisals went well, so far.

Neither Matt nor I went to work today. I am allergic to cheese and eggs, and I had too many cheese based dishes, and of course eggs, at Easter dinner yesterday. I went to bed feeling really lousy and felt the same this morning, so I stayed home. Cheese & eggs trigger migraines with nausea for me. I know better than to eat much of either, but everything tasted so good! The weekly wiffleball game with Matt and the kids got too intense yesterday (final score 40-34) and poor Matt could barely move today so he stayed home too. We're a pair! Needless to say, I did really well with food today since I pretty much slept all day and I didn't attempt a walk. I must get back on schedule with the walks. Have a great day tomorrow!
Marcy-with the Vince Flynn books, do I want American Assasin and then Kill Shot?
Deegee, yes the first book would be American Assassin then Kill Shot. Then Transfer of Power. I hope you like them. I hate to hear both you and Matt were down and out today. Sending you both lots of get better wishes. Sounds like a rough day for both of you. I will look forward to pictures of your bracelet. Marty is kind of sad he is so busy in NYC. He walked down to Radio City Music and Central Park. They had dinner at a great Italian restaurant near the park. He can see Times Square from his hotel but sadly he has so much work to do he didn't get out to explore much. Do you have any medicine for your food allergies? I take gastrochrome for mine. It really helps. I can almost get buy with a little chicken if I take a lot of it. I hope you are doing better tomorrow.
marcy-I have never tried anything for the food allergies. I knew that cheese and eggs bothered me, so I avoided eating much of either for years. When I had official allergy tests done a few years ago, both the cheese and egg injection sites had huge reactions - worse than anything else including pollens and molds. I downloaded American Assassin and will start it tonight, if I can stay awake that is! I'm glad Marty was able to walk around a little. We have stayed in NY three times. One time we were right at Times Square in the Renaissance Hotel, but now that we know we can get around on the subways by ourselves we usually stay further away. I hope your mouth was feeling better today and crunchy food will soon be coming your way!

Today was a train wreck at work, but me being there yesterday wouldn't have made it any better. We stopped for comfort food on the way home. I had turkey, mashed potatoes and carrots. I just realized I didn't have a green veggie - my mom wouldn't be happy. We stopped by TCBY for frozen yogurt after dinner, and I plan to get at least one mile in tonight. My back is getting on my last nerve.

Anyway, I'll post a few pics of my new bracelet. It is 4.3 cttw, F-G, SI1 - totally eye clean. I have decided that taking wrist shots with an iphone is harder than taking ring/finger shots! Sorry for the blurry phone pics.

ds bracelet inside.jpg

The clasp

ds bracelet clasp.jpg

ds bracelet outside.jpg
Deegee, your bracelet is gorgeous. I love your rings too. You'll be sparkling in the dark. I try to avoid foods that I am really allergic to but sometimes I get things I wasn't planning on eating. That medicine does help. I need to take it more often. Sorry your day was so bad. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Your supper sounds great.

I went to supper with 2 friends. We met at olive garden. The 3 of us split a bottle of wine and I had salad and 3 cheese raviolis. I had white sauce since I don't want to try tomato sauce just yet.

Work was no picnic today. I about 3 weeks I will be wishing I had more to do.

Take care.
Hi. It was raining when I got up and foggy outside. It drizzled till about noon. This weekend we might get snow again. There went our nice spring. Rats.

Work was hectic but the day flew by. I didn't sleep too well last night so hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. I must miss Marty. Since it's cooler today I can crank up the electric blanket and maybe that will help me get to sleep.

I am sure getting tired of soft food. I had toast for breakfast, some peaches for mid morning snack. A sandwich and pudding for lunch and some leftover potatoes and ground beef for supper. The frozen ww bar seemed really cold but since it's chocolate I got it down. :bigsmile:

I am going to watch the Betty White's Off Your Rockers show. I heard it was funny.

Have a great evening.
Okay so far I think this show is not funny at all.
Marcy-thanks! I'm sure liking my bracelet. I really debated between the 4, 5, and 6 ct, and I'm really pleased with the size I bought. Apparently I like my ring too because every time I look into upgrading or changing the setting, I end up not doing anything. I think it is because when I go to look, the jeweler cleans and polishes them and then I decide they look just fine as is. I can't believe you may get snow again. Today was really chilly, but it is supposed to start getting warmer by the weekend. I bet you are getting tired of soft food. There's only so many things you can eat! I remember getting absolutely sick of mashed potatoes and dumplings when I broke my jaw last year. Only a few more days until Marty gets home. Matt heads out Monday, but it is a short trip this time. I hope you sleep well tonight. I have never watched the show you're talking about, so I can't chime in on that one.

Today was board meeting day at work. I was thinking today that it had been a crazy week, but I can't think of the last slow or calm week we have had. I'm ready for bed by 10 every night, and that's so not like me! I was in bed before 11 this past Friday, and I usually stay up until 2 or later reading on Fridays and Saturdays. We had chili and grilled cheese for dinner. I walked a mile last night but not tonight. I think I'll try alternating a mile every other night and build up from there. I'm worried because the last time my back spell was this bad, my doctor wouldn't let me work more than 3 days a week for over a year and I got depressed and gained a whole bunch of weight. I have been avoiding my doctor because he thinks I need to stop working altogether. I do believe I'd go nuts if I had to stay home all of the time. I am hoping for improvement soon. Have a great day tomorrow!