
Preloved Policies: Now allowing ALL preloved jewelry edited 2/2024

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Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
The following policies need to be understood and followed by everyone using this forum to keep the forum active. Please help us by reporting any behavior in this forum that violates these or other PS policies:

1. Do not post contact information including social media handles. This forum is only for advertising your own personal sales on other websites such as Ebay or other similar for-sale websites. No transactions are to occur on PS itself. You may not post your listings in other forums. You may not just post "contact me on so and so website", you MUST have a for sale listing on another website or we will remove your post. **We know this has been lenient, but we are reiterating this rule which lately has not been followed**

2. Listings are ONLY for advertising jewelry, gems, or settings. NO other items may be advertised in this section.

3. Advertising in this section is for CONSUMERS ONLY. If we feel that any member is abusing the privilege, a time out will be given and a second warning will result in a long time out from PS or permanent banning depending on the situation. Items purchased with the intent of reselling for a profit (known as flipping) is not allowed on the PS preloved forum. People selling for profit or selling new items are considered trade.

4. PS is not liable for any sales that you may choose to post on the PS forums and does not make guarantees regarding the accuracy or legitimacy of these listings. Buyers should do their own research before purchasing. Buy and sell at your own risk.

5. Moderators reserve the right to remove listings at their discretion that violate PS policies, the policies of this pre-loved jewelry forum, or the spirit of PS.

6. Policies may be updated as necessary. It is your responsibility to keep abreast of new policy changes. Please check back frequently.

7. No vendors may solicit business on Preloved, either by posting their own merchandise or contacting users to sell through them.
Violations will result in immediate long time outs or permanent removal from the forum.

8. Enjoy your new jewels and make sure you share photos!
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Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Wow that was something. I deleted the posts and the responses to the rude posts.

Just a hot tip, I get emails when people who are causing trouble post. And I can see what has been edited.

So please think before you post, just because you delete it does not mean I will not see the meanness you brought to the forum. :wall:

The user being discussed has been given a time out, please let me know if anyone sees posts that seem suspicious from another account.
Thank you to all for reporting.
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