
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Hi all! Well, having B and a newborn is sure interesting. Twice the kids is definitely more than twice the work! B is handling things well. He tries to be helpful, getting me diapers or whatever. I can tell he is concerned about T, but also doesn't want to really show his concern. He's yet to hold him or kiss him or anything. I'm just letting him take his time.

MP- I took B to a siblings class offered by the hospital. It was a couple of hours and we practice swaddling, bottle feeding a doll, giving a bath, etc. It was advertised as being for 2-4 year olds, but he was definitely on the young side for it. We would ask him where the baby was and he would point to my belly, but I don't think he really got it. We've tried to keep his life as normal as possible, as well as making sure he still gets lots of attention. There have been a few times where he's wanted me specifically and I am in the middle of feeding or something, and most of the time he is ok with DH doing whatever it is. He's also still going to say care while I'm on leave, because 1) he loves it, and 2) there would be no rest or recovery with him home.
Hi ladies! I need to play catch up! How old are all the kiddos here?

I figured I'd jump over here since Jenna turned 1 on January 31, we had her party that day as well. It went great! We had a rainbow theme since she is our rainbow baby.
A little back info on her: She slept in our room until 9 months and in her room in a crib since, she was a late roller at about 6 months, but was sitting unassisted at 5 months, crawling and first 2 (and her only ones so far) teeth at 10 months, pulling up at 12 months and that's where we stand for now! No walking yet which seems about right since she's been "late" with most things. Her last checkup on Friday, she was 18lbs 10oz and 28 inches, so about 20th% for both. Her height is from me and weight from her Dad so far! We switched to partial whole milk, partial formula over the weekend. We're up to about 4oz whole milk with 2oz formula for each feeding right now. She's doing really well with more table food lately. She seems to really enjoy it and even sounds like she's saying "num num num" the entire time she's eating :lol: We still have her in the infant car seat since she still fits, but she's getting so hard to lift! We'll probably install the convertibles soon. That's about it! We plan to TTC soon, but would rather avoid having another winter baby so we may have to wait a few months. My cycles are screwy anyway and have yet to get AF since stopping my pill the end of December. Anyway, here's a few recent pictures of Jenna!



MP, when I was pregnant with C, I would talk about it with K, but I don't think she ever really understood. She was on the young side and was not talking, so she couldn't communicate any type of understanding, anyway. When I was in my 3rd trimester (huge belly), she would point and say "baby". So maybe she had some sense of what was happening since I was physically changed. Another thing that helped us was getting everything ready for the baby. She knew that the nursery was for the new baby. I got out the swing, bouncy seat, etc. about a month before I was due so she was used to having them around the house and when I asked who went in them, she said "baby". I think seeing changes in the house made a bigger impact on her than talking about it. Do you think Ev is starting to understand that he's going to be an older brother?

So far the bed transition is great. K can get out of bed, but doesn't try until I open her bedroom door (?) I obviously have no issue with this, so we just go with it.

How are you feeling these days? I saw you haven't been too nauseous, but are you really tired?

JGator, the smoothie is a really good idea. I used to do that for K, but have stopped. K is especially bad at restaurants--she rarely eats anything when we go out. We went out last night and she actually had a few bites, plus I packed some raisins and she had some of those. She's been wanting to eat off of my plate, so I just offer her whatever I'm eating.

Monnie, that pic is killing me with cuteness! So appropriate and so adorable. A looks like such a big kid these days!

amc, sounds like B is adjusting normally. My doc always told me that "indifference is usually as good as it gets". You know how fast it goes by now--these first weeks will be over in a blink of an eye. I'm one of those rare people who finds 2 easier than 1 (most of the time), but I didn't feel that way until recently. Once they start interacting, it feels completely different.

I think it's good to keep B in daycare--he likes it, it keeps his schedule the same, he gets to see his friends, and it allows you bonding time with the new baby. Thinking of you!

Missy, I love the pics of J!! She may be measuring on the smaller side, but she looks like such a big girl now!! Totally understand not wanting another winter baby--I would feel the same way if we had another!

C turns 1 tomorrow, so I need to get a picture of C and K together since they're technically both toddlers for only 1 week. I'll do that tomorrow!
NEL, thanks for your thoughts. K was so young when C was born, so her reaction seems pretty normal. Ev is a bit older and very verbal, so I would think we would be able to get him to understand, but maybe it's just too abstract right now. You're right that once we start setting up a nursery and taking out baby things, he might better understand that we are talking about a real baby (or babies in our case). It was really funny the other day I showed him ultrasound pictures and said, "This is your baby sister and this is your baby brother." He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Hmm, I think I want a different brother." Understandable considering how creepy an ultrasound picture is when you think about it. And last night, he heard me listen to the heartbeats on my doppler, and he said, "You got babies in your tummy? There's babies in my tummy too. I want to hear them." I'm feeling pretty good these days. Work is so busy right now and DH is really busy now too, so we are doing a lot of juggling to get everything done, and I feel like I barely have time to think about being pregnant. I notice that my energy level is really low though, and I get exhausted easily. I had the worst cold of my life a couple weeks ago, and it really took a lot out of me. Hoping for a spurt of energy before I get really big.

amc, I am planning to keep Ev in daycare as well. I think he will be happier there and won't feel as put out when he doesn't get all my attention. Our hospital offers sibling classes, but I think the description said it was for 3-11 years old. Hope things are going smoothly for you. Are you finding it easier the second time around? I woke up in a panic the other night thinking about having to take care of two newborns and still give Ev the attention he needs. Theoretically, I should know much better what I'm doing this time around, but I sort of have PTSD from Ev's first 6-8 weeks because he was not an easygoing newborn.

Missy, ahh, Jenna has gotten so big! What a cutie! Such big blue eyes.

Monarch, I hope A is feeling better. She's so pretty!
Missy-Jenna looks so cute. I love the ponytail on the top of her head!

MP-B was 5 so he understood he came to our birthing classes with us so he was all up and through the pelvis and the "newterus" and umbilical cords and pretty much every anatomical thing.

We did find some great books to read with him a head of time which seemed to help. I'll look for the titles tonight.

E just turned one, weighs 22 lbs (his weight has been constant since 6 months :eek: ) he has two bottom teeth, is walking and running, says "Dada" "chs (cheese)" "Tk (truck)" "no" and babbles all the time. We did babyled weaning and he feeds himself pretty much whatever we are eating. He nurses in the morning, before bed, and at least once at night. He still sleeps in our room in a crib by our bed and we're in the middle of the transition to one nap which is rough on all of us! he is a super sweet cuddler, loves to be worn in a wrap or carrier, and also has a MASSIVE temper which he is now expressing by head butting his giant head with way more force than you would think a 22 lb 30 inch kid could muster.
I officially have 2 toddlers until tomorrow, so I'm posting a pic of both of them I took a few mornings ago.

I probably won't stop talking about Katie on this thread, but should probably introduce Cora (Coco) given that she turned 1 last wee.

Cora has always been an easy baby. She sleeps and eats like a champ, is laid-back, and is generally social (whereas Katie was incredibly shy). She pretty much launched into toddlerhood right at 11 months. She dropped all of her bottles (drinks out of straw cups now). She's off of formula--she prefers cow's milk. She started walking a few weeks ago and now very rarely crawls. We transitioned her to 1 nap, which went surprisingly well. She's also starting to say a few words--she'll say mama, dada, bobo, yay and done. She'll also try to repeat things we say. She can't quite make the sounds, but she uses the same tone and cadence of what we're saying. Katie was a very late talker, so this is all new to me. She's also quite vocal (read: screams when she's mad), which is also new to me since Katie was always fairly quiet.

We just had her 1 year appt. and she's 22 lbs. and 30.5" tall. So that puts her in the 99th percentile for height, meaning she is pretty much exactly like Katie in her growth.

One tough thing we're going through right now is separation anxiety. She was so social when she was younger, I could hand her off to anybody and she'd be content. Lately, only I will do. Even if I hand her to my husband, she screams. I talked with the pediatrician about it last week and he thinks that within a couple of months she'll go back to her previously-social ways. I really hope so because right now daycare dropoff (or even just trying to do things around the house) is really difficult.

Oddly, the only other person I can leave Coco with without her throwing a fit is Katie. Cora worships Katie--basically just follows Katie around all the time. Katie generally thinks it's fun (they play a lot of chasing games), but I can tell already that Katie can get frustrated. The other day Katie was building something and Cora knocked it down and Katie said "NO, COCO!" and grabbed her arm (?) so while it's fun that they are interacting more, I think there are going to be more episodes of frustration as well.

Enough of this novella, looking forward to spending more time in this thread!

NEL-She is so big and starting to look like K:-)

She and E sound like clones, except he's more strong willed I think. He was 22 lbs and 30 in at his 1 year appt, but he's the shortest baby in our moms group, I thought he was short, but maybe not. So funny!

E had his first ER visit this weekend:-( He fell and hit his head on the edge of a chair, splitting his eyebrow open. He just needed glue, not stitches thankfully, and was super brave, but I felt so badly for him.

He is constantly on the go, loves his older brother, is starting to get separation anxiety, and clearly thinks he's a big kid...he toddles after B everywhere he goes. He loves cars and trucks and "wearing" clothes/bags/etc.
NEL, that's so sweet that your little girls are such buddies. I hope they always stay that way. And my gosh do they ever look alike? It's kind of nice that C is more verbal earlier than K was. Maybe they will be a good encouragement for each other. I can't get over the fact C is already 1. Time goes too fast!

Bella, same to you. How do you have a 1 year old already? I'm sorry about the fall and ER visit. Glad it wasn't too serious.

AFM, we have officially entered the why, why, why phase. Ev's asking so many questions about everything around him. I think he just likes practicing real conversations because no explanation we give seems to satisfy him. He asks a lot of questions about people he sees out and about on tv. Who is that guy? Why is he doing that? It can be a bit awkward when he is taking about real people. He also has started this thing, which I can only assume he learned from daycare, where he asks if somebody is a bad guy? Or pretends bad guys are chasing him him. Last weekend, we were eating at a restaurant and the water brought him his meal, and he said, "Thank you, bad guy." Thankfully, I don't think the waiter caught on to what he had said :) He is still being very obstinate about potty training.He likes to sit on the potty, use toilet paper and flush, but he doesn't actually go to the bathroom. Other than that, he is just a stereotypical boy with way too much energy. I wish I could borrow even a quarter of it sometimes just to keep up with him.
One more question I forgot to ask. Do any of your toddlers insist on choosing what they wear? Ev has gotten really particular, which is frustrating. I have a certain way I like to dress him, and it doesn't involve character t-shirts, but he has completely rejected my fashion sense and insists on wearing character shirts all the time. I had to go out and buy a bunch of them for him because he wanted to wear the same Elmo and Cookie Monster t-shirts my MIL gave him everyday. (That's another sore subject because while I appreciate she buys hims clothes, her taste is not at all my taste). He also insists on picking out his pajamas and socks and agonizes over the decision and keeps changing his mind. I've taken to pulling out two or three choices and making him pick, but it's still a fight almost every morning and night.
monkeyprincess|1424364309|3834900 said:
One more question I forgot to ask. Do any of your toddlers insist on choosing what they wear? Ev has gotten really particular, which is frustrating. I have a certain way I like to dress him, and it doesn't involve character t-shirts, but he has completely rejected my fashion sense and insists on wearing character shirts all the time. I had to go out and buy a bunch of them for him because he wanted to wear the same Elmo and Cookie Monster t-shirts my MIL gave him everyday. (That's another sore subject because while I appreciate she buys hims clothes, her taste is not at all my taste). He also insists on picking out his pajamas and socks and agonizes over the decision and keeps changing his mind. I've taken to pulling out two or three choices and making him pick, but it's still a fight almost every morning and night.

MP - Do you think this might be a delay tactic, or is he otherwise pretty good about going to bed? S will do anything to delay going to bed in a timely manner!! She has not done this specifically, but she has done similar things just to extend the nighttime routine (by essentially making it anything other than a routine!!)
Missy, I can't believe Jenna is 1. Congratulations! She's beautiful.

NEL, your girls are just gorgeous. I'm glad they are playing together and that C is more of a talker so their personalities can balance each other out nicely.

Bella, so sorry to hear about E having to go to the ER. Speaking of ER, how is your husband's medical school process coming along? Our nanny plans to go to med school and is studying for the MCAT.

MP, K likes to say "choices" and "choose" ALL THE TIME now! Seriously. She also is picky about what she wears. I sometimes convince her to wear what I want her to wear by saying Grandma or her grandparents (Dadi/Dada) got it for her. Then, she will agree. She's not so into socks, but definitely which jammies and clothing and SHOES!!!!. Don't get me started on shoes!

AFU - K also stalls a lot at bedtime. She has a new habit of playing soccer with my DH before bed in the hallway outside her bedroom. I wait patiently in her room with books while she runs up and down the hall screaming - Soccer!!! Goal!!! and More Soccer!!! Toddlerhoood! She doesn't usually talk to anyone at restaurants though - still very shy around others. She was checking out a baby in a restaurant the other day so we walked over to say hi afterwards, and the couple asked her how old she was - she said, "I don't know". Then, I proceeded to ask her the "Who is the President, Vice President, where do you live, etc. and she answered everything. So, I think that's progress for her. Baby steps on the shyness.


love the pics!

Just have to chime in on choosy toddlers. Katie likes to choose her clothes and whatever I choose for her is NOT what she wants to wear. So I have two tactics: 1. I let her choose her socks and I get to pick the rest of the outfit. She's usually fine as long as she gets to choose something. 2. I let her choose between 2 items of clothing. This usually works, though lately she only wants to wear one specific pink dress. So I give her the 2 options and she'll say "pink dress". I tell her it's dirty and then she'll be fine with 1 of my 2 options.

Using the "it's dirty" excuse (even when it's not) has been a lifesaver for me. Katie will say "clean it?" and I'll assure her I'll clean it and she can wear it soon.

Bedtime stalling tactics are getting comical in our house. The thing is, Katie is naturally falling asleep later these days. She was going to bed at 8, but lately it's more like 8:15. Last night she didn't fall asleep until 9. And she's up as usual @ 7. So I'm not really sure what to do about her bed time. She also skipped her nap for the first time today, but that's because the paci fairy came today (it's her 3rd birthday), so she was without her paci and I just don't think she could sleep.
NEL, Happy Birthday to Katie!!! Poor Katie with the paci fairy coming. I don't look forward to that. I hope it goes well going forward for you and her!
Yeah, she's been really excited about the paci fairy for weeks, but as soon as her paci was actually gone, she was not happy. Bedtime was fine--we left her room at 8:15 and she was asleep by 8:35. I'm hoping that today was the toughest day and from here on out she'll have an easier time.
So many new posts, yay! Welcome Missy and Bella!

I just have a quick, funny story to relate. Last night I picked up Alex from daycare and took her to Target to shop for a couple makeup items I've been needing to replace. We spent maybe 15 minutes in the cosmetic aisles with me on a frantic search for my usual mascara, a new lip color, and a nail polish for her. She asked questions about everything I picked up, wanting to know the purpose of each item. I just explained things to her in normal terms, not thinking much of it, and as I put things in the cart let her hold them but did not allow her to open them. FFWD to near-bedtime: Alex went into my bathroom to wash her hands and brush her teeth. I soon realized that I didn't hear water running and decided to investigate. That child turned to face me and her eyes looked like a cross between Tammy Faye Bakker's in 1985, and any member of KISS. She had helped herself to my waterproof mascara and managed to get some on her eyelashes and then jabbed the rest around her eyelids, both upper and lower.

In my haste to get her cleaned up before the mascara had a chance to really dry and become cemented to her skin, I did not take pictures which I already regret. Makeup remover wipes got her 99% clean with no pain but it was a scary moment for mom and kiddo. Lipstick and eyeshadow are one thing, but a sharp, pokey stick with black gook near the eyes had me freaking out! ;( Time to start hiding the makeup.
Wow, I've missed a lot! Having two kids is so much harder than one.

Barrett is doing well. He's adjusting to being a big brother. He is very concerned for T and will help me give him a bath or feed or whatever. B is seeming more interested in him as well, asking to touch his hair or hand. I can't wait until they can actually play together.

I'm so glad I decided to keep B at daycare while on maternity leave. The weekends are hard enough. DH is working graveyard so I'm alone all night, and then again during the day while he sleeps. I'm basically a single parent 80% of the time.

B had his 2.5 year checkup today. He was scared he'd have to get shots and started crying as soon as we entered the room. Poor guy. He measured 40lbs and 40.5", so he's basically the size of a 4 year old. But definitely still acts 2...Lord help me.

For those who have potty trained- how did you know for sure that your kid was ready? B is great at using the potty and staying dry if you put him on it at regular intervals (day care did 2 hours and he stayed dry all day, including nap). But if you don't put him on the potty he will pee in his diaper. Like he doesn't understand that he needs to tell someone when he has to go (or he doesn't know when he has to go).

Here is a picture from today's appointment. He loved climbing up there on his own!

amc, B is cute and getting so big! Sounds like you definitely have your hands full these days. No advice on the potty training. We can't even get Ev to go in the potty. He'll just sit there and sit there, but won't go, so you're way ahead of us. Question - are they supposed to get well checks at 2.5? For some reason, I didn't thik we'd be going in again until Ev turned three. Better look into that!
monkeyprincess said:
amc, B is cute and getting so big! Sounds like you definitely have your hands full these days. No advice on the potty training. We can't even get Ev to go in the potty. He'll just sit there and sit there, but won't go, so you're way ahead of us. Question - are they supposed to get well checks at 2.5? For some reason, I didn't thik we'd be going in again until Ev turned three. Better look into that!

Well, we just had a well check so I'm going with yes :) No shots or anything, so it was fairly pointless.
NEL, how is K doing without the paci?

Monnie, A is so clever. Too bad you didn't get a photo!

AMC, B is so handsome and has grown so much! I'm glad he is looking out for his baby brother. Sorry for your lack of sleep. I have huge empathy for you on this topic! It's hard to be a single mom while DH's work or travel. My DH has been travelling a lot lately, and it's so hard to do it all, and I only have one Toddler!

MP, our pediatrician has a 2.5 year check up. No shots again till K is 4, I think though. I need to call and make that appt.
MP, we didn't have a 2.5-year checkup. Just the annual checkups. I figured we'd see the doc if K got sick, but knock on wood K hasn't needed to see him for nearly a year!

amc, B looks like such a little kid! I think having a tall kid just makes them look older in general. Such a handsome boy! And I promise it does get easier with 2. I constantly reminded myself to enjoy having an infant because the time goes by so fast, but now that Cora is up and running around, she and K play more than ever. As I type this they are rolling around in the living room playing some sort of weird kid game. It's nice to be able to cook dinner, check email, post here, etc. while they play. K used to be my shadow (was never great at playing on her own), so I have more time to myself when I'm home with them than I did when K was on her own. I do miss the days when Cora was a newborn, but was also eager for the point where they could really interact.

JGator, K is actually doing really well without her paci, thank you for asking! She had a tough time during her nap that first day, but hasn't asked for it since. When she gets into bed she'll say "No paci, paci fairy took it", but not in a sad way. I do notice that K is having a tougher time falling asleep without it, so in some ways I miss it more than she does.

By the way, a huge congrats to you...I wanted to post in the other thread. Excited for you and am sending tons of sticky dust to you!
So, late update, but I just called my doctor's office, and they said no need to come in for a well check until Ev turns three. Apparently, it depends on the state, but around here, most insurance plans will only pay for one well check a year after they turn two. I'm good with no unnecessary doctors appointments. Now hopefully, Ev will stay healthy!

We still haven't made any progress on the paci front, although I finally made a dentist appointment for him. No progress on potty training either. DH has been a bit pushy about making him sit on the potty and try, but I think it is backfiring because he no longer willingly does it. I told him that it can be his project if that's how he wants to handle it. I would probably just give it a rest until Ev shows more interest. Oh, and he's still very much in his crib. So unless something changes, I guess we'll just tackle those things down the road and make his third birthday the new benchmark.
MP, good news on one less doctor visit. We are in the same boat with paci and potty training. K has peed once on the potty about a week ago. Otherwise, she's not really interested. Sometimes she will put her baby doll on the potty. She's obsessed with her babies. I think she has 5 now.

NEL, thanks for the congrats, and I'm happy K has adjusted so well sans paci. Our K seems to want the paci more lately. I don't know what's going on with her. I know it's more aobut me than her in taking it away. That I will feel worse than she does, but she really seems dependent on it for naps and at bedtime.

K is going through a nap sleep regression. We finally had her sleeping after rocking for 10-20 mins. Now, she is waking up for the nanny and crying after 30 mins in the crib every day. The nanny has been going in and talking to her and telling her to go back to sleep, but it's not working. She just cries more and gets hysterical. So, then the nanny picks her up and rocks her for the rest of her nap. I hope this is temporary because I was enjoying my freedom on weekends and not having to be part of the nap anymore! Plus if we do end up with twins, there is no way I will have time to co-nap in the rocking chair with her!!! She also is taking longer to settle down at night - ie, longer rocking required before she will go in the crib. Her "Oh My darling" song has evolved to her going to the moon and taking Daddy, Mommy, and Grandma with her. And, Daddy is driving the car to the moon, etc. Grandma is sitting next to her on the way to the moon. I also now have to sing Happy Birthday over and over again to random friends and her nanny at bedtime. K was sick for a few hours on Monday evening. She told me her tummy hurt and was pulling up her shirt. I thought she was just bumping it on the coffee table between the couch and a few mins later she proceeded to throw up on me. She then wanted to go to bed, but about an hour later, she said, "I'm awake" and was back to her normal, peppy self. We are finally getting some good weather and the snow is melting. Can't wait to take K to the zoo as I'm sure she would love it. Maybe this weekend.
JGator, sorry to hear about the sleep/nap regression. Ev is still really good about taking naps, but we just have him sleep in his little sleeping bag on the floor or in our bed because he takes a nap in the sleeping bag at daycare. Since I've been pregnant, I've been taking naps with him on the weekends, or using it as a time to rest and read or do some work if I have to work on the weekend (I've been so exhausted lately). Our routine at night is not ideal either. Lately, we've all been lying in bed together (unless DH or I need to work or do something else) starting at about 7:30 and let Ev watch one show and read a book or two, and then when he falls asleep between 8:00-8:30, we put him to bed. I know it's not a good habit, but it works. I have a feeling we are in for a rude awakening when our family expands. You can afford to be overly indulgent with one kiddo!

I forgot to tell a funny potty training story from last night. DH and I are repeatedly mentioning to Ev about how pacies and diapers are for little babies, and now that Ev is a big boy, he should be using the potty and doesn't need diapers or pacis. We bought new toilet seats for a couple of our toilets that have a second seat built in for little ones, and we are trying to train him on that, but he also knows he has a little potty chair. We used to let him sit on that in our room and watch his Elmo Potty Time video, but we stopped taking it out once we got the new toilet lids. So last night, we told him he couldn't watch a tv show before going to bed, so he all of a sudden starts saying, "I'm a big boy. I'm too big for diapers, I need to use the potty. Please let me use my little potty, and he runs into our bathroom, pulls the potty chair out and sets it in front of the tv and said, "Take off my diaper please, mommy. I need to use the potty like a big boy." Such a little manipulator. He of course did not use the potty and just sat there naked on the potty watching his movie for a half hour like a weirdo.
MP, glad we are not alone in high maintenance sleep kids! Too funny about Ev and the potty.

AFU, we watched 3-year old Boy/Girl twins all weekend as our friend had a family emergency and no one to watch them. OMG. We were so exhausted and scared for what is to come with K. Also, we are grateful K is laid back for now, and that we did not have the family emergency ourselves. One of them is semi-potty trained. The other - not. The volume of diapers/pullups! The cleaning up the potty! The sassiness! And they feed off each other, too. They were jumping off beds, standing on chairs, pounding on xylophones! God help us!!! Oh, and they both had runny noses and colds which K now has too. They went home late last night, and we just looked at each other and were so relieved to be back to parenting 1 child!!! For now!!! K had a blast. She had her moments of anxiety when they played with or moved her toys around. She likes things a certain way. She took a good nap for us on Friday when they wore her out, but the rest of the weekend involved co-napping with me in the rocking chair. I was glad to have some time to nap too! My DH really stepped up with the twins - he was in charge of their naps and bed times as I was busy with K. I applaud anyone with more than 1 kid now! Big time props!!!
Here's a drive by update on E (an excerpt from my post on the "which is harder baby or toddler thread")

E still is getting up at least twice a night to nurse (We are going to address this in April after we get back from visiting DH's parents, I have mixed feelings about night weaning, but I desperately need more sleep)

In the past month alone he has:
-had his first ER visit (for falling over his own feet and slicing open his eyebrow on the edge of a chair rung)
-flushed DH's phone down the toilet
-dunked DH's keys in the toilet and then SUCKED ON THEM :errrr:
-pulled a biscuit out of our dog's mouth and ate it
-tripped over his own feet, whacked his face on the floor, and possibly damaged one of his bottom teeth (it was bleeding, but seems fine now so we are just supposed to watch it)
-throws a sh!t fit over any and every thing he doesn't like (have I mentioned that E is the most easygoing baby...until he's not, and then he's a completely out of control rageaholic)
-pulled out any and every outlet cover we try and put in

his favorite word is "No" and he says it all the time, complete with a Jerry Springer-esque finger wave and a "oh no, no, no, no, no" inflection. He can also say "dada" (which seems to mean mama or dada), "dadEE" (which means daddy), "cheese", "baye-BEE" (baby), and "bye-bye", and babbles constantly, but in general he says "no" for EVERYTHING.

right now, toddler is feeling way harder!
Bella, good luck with the night nursing and getting some more sleep. I know sleep deprivation is grueling. Sounds like E is very strong willed compared to B. I guess it's good to have a mix of personalities in the house, right??? That's impressive that he can pull outlet covers off, K hasn't even thought of that!

AFU, we had a great Easter weekend. My SIL and family and my husband's cousin and family came over. So, K had 3 kids to play with. Everyone was impressed with how calm she was despite the chaos of a 3-year old boy, and 2 6-year olds running circles around her. She got a "Monkey George" (Curious George) stuffed animal in her Easter basket which she is in love with. She also has a new interest in Sofia the First - which she calls Princess Fia. My mom bought her a t-shirt which she wants to wear all the time, and someone gave her a book for Christmas which she is now obssessed with. We put on Disney Jr. On Demand for her and now that's all she wants to watch. My husband is volunteering at the co-op preschool tomorrow for the first time so that should be an interesting change for her. They are having a tea party and making scones tomorrow. I think it's the perfect day for Daddy to help. K still needs to be rocked at night and still uses her paci for naps/nighttime. She also gets a bottle at night, but we brush her teeth after. I mentioned the paci fairy last night and she seemed onboard with giving her pacis to new babies, but wasn't ready to start just yet.

monkeyprincess|1425491801|3841775 said:
So, late update, but I just called my doctor's office, and they said no need to come in for a well check until Ev turns three. Apparently, it depends on the state, but around here, most insurance plans will only pay for one well check a year after they turn two. I'm good with no unnecessary doctors appointments. Now hopefully, Ev will stay healthy!

We still haven't made any progress on the paci front, although I finally made a dentist appointment for him. No progress on potty training either. DH has been a bit pushy about making him sit on the potty and try, but I think it is backfiring because he no longer willingly does it. I told him that it can be his project if that's how he wants to handle it. I would probably just give it a rest until Ev shows more interest. Oh, and he's still very much in his crib. So unless something changes, I guess we'll just tackle those things down the road and make his third birthday the new benchmark.

Hey MP - I don't come over here often but having just gone through the potty training thing with my little guy, I wanted to let you know what we did. L will be 3 in June, and daycare said about a month or so ago that they thought he was ready to start. We had tried at home a bit but he did NOT want to sit on a potty, and there was no consistency. So we waited. And when daycare said go, we bought him cute undies with cars and planes and stuff on them and told him that he couldn't get "Harold" wet (Harold being the helicopter from Thomas the Train). All of a sudden he became obsessed with keeping Harold dry. I think since then he has had 3 accidents (pee) and 2 poo. He became much more motivated when he was wearing the undies.

We also couldn't force him on the toilet. The one time I tried, he backhanded me across the face. It was a rough day.

Oh and like I said - he has never sat on the potty. He only sits on the toilet and now that he is (almost) tall enough, he gets a kick out of standing up.

So I think you are doing a good job with being patient. Some kids need it to be their idea.
Muff, thanks for commenting. That sounds like a good approach to take and something that just might work with Ev. Might have to try it out one of these days. He started using the potty again occasionally at daycare, but not interested at home. Little stinker!

JGator, K looks so prettty in her Easter dress! That's a good sign that she did well with other kids around now that she's going to be a big sister later this year. We had my 8 and 5 year old niece and nephew and 9 month old nephew stay with us last weekend, so it was a full house and Ev absolutely loved every minute of it. It made me happy to see that he was mostly good about sharing his toys and being gentle around the baby.

Hope everything is going well with everyone! Ev will be 2.5 on Monday, which is hard to believe. He's doing really well and keeping us constantly entertained (and at times equally frustrated). I can't get over how good he is at having conversations these days. But the "why" questions are never ending! It's just so fun to see the world through his little eyes.
Hi everyone! Not sure if you remember me, but I remember all of you and Iam thrilled with what I'm reading!
MP you are having twins?! Gah, that's so exciting! My fraternal boy twins are two already.
BellaMezzo, some day ill read back and get your story but omg I am SO happy to see you have a 1 year old!
Ok going back to lurking.
I came back to PS because I'm having my 4th (a girl this time) in the next couple of weeks. I decided I needed some rose gold and pink diamonds in my life to celebrate!
Best wishes to all of you. So awesome to read all this good news. Hugs!
Pave, welcome back and congrats on a girl! How are your twins doing and your older son?