
Should we change some Forum names and rules?

The only market segment that is growing and is the future.
Which is one of the reasons I object to the forum name Natural diamonds because in the trade wars of mined vs lab its used for virtue signaling by the mined side.
The ones that will stay in business are in the provide what your clients want side.

This is just an issue of semantics. If Earth Grown and Lab Grown are the preferred terms, so be it. It's all marketing spin from both sides imo-liked is a car used or pre-loved?

The bottomline is that there is room for everyone on PS.
On the how to name...I am not sure! Maybe ask the SMTB folks for input then select the best and run a poll? For the lab SMTB (however worded) can you bring over the lovely Lab SMTB from Lab Diamonds?
Request started in SMTB - and I am sure the SMTB community can work out how to get some LGD bling into the new LAB SMTB forum.

I don’t mean to diss anyone, but part of the reason that RT was once upon a time busy is that finding beautiful natural diamonds was an expensive quest bc of their rarity. Labs are neither with their overabundance. Why would anyone come to do research to purchase such an inexpensive stone which is not hard to find? If RT has slowed down it is bc people and even Vendors keep emphasizing that labs and naturals are identical. If PS combines both in SMTB, they are reinforcing that message. For the past 3 years, I have noticed some posters come looking for a natural only to be convinced to go lab bc they are identical, cheaper—and here is my favorite part—NO ONE HAS TO KNOW. Basically, anyone can purport to have a natural diamond bc you know, it’s no one’s business. So Yeah, no offense, but this attitude encourages many to opt out of naturals. PS once stood for diamond appreciation bc the quest was a challenge. Balancing the 4 C’s was a challenge. But it seems like the 5th C—cost—has finally won out. It will make PS obsolete. I don’t see anyone taking the time to research that their 300 dollar stone is perfect bc they already will know it is.

thanks Nala, for your thoughful post.
And BTW i do not have time to answer all posts - most of which I agree 100% with.
Changes will be minimal. Promise. And the main issue will be to seperate Lab SMTB, plu discussion on changing the RT to ensure it is cleary natural.

Nala - Reddit has a huge amount of people asking questions about LGD's!
After reading the updates, it sounds like one viable alternative is for PS to morph into a luxury site. Promise this isn’t sarcastic… You could streamline the forums to just four: A) natural diamonds; (B) natural color gemstones and pearls; (C) gold and platinum metal jewelry (no silver); (D) name brand pieces. Maybe six forums —keep (E) hangout and (F) pre-loved. Antiques, jewelry pieces, and watches would go in whatever forum they fit in. E.g. gold watch to (C) metal jewelry, stainless steel watch to (D) name brand. You would have to decide on the criteria for (D). List the name brands, or (promise this isn’t sarcastic) a minimum -price. For example the existing luxury watch thread has a price minimum of $2,000. I would recommend opening (D) to synthetics and simulants that have “luxury” name brand settings or are “luxury” branded cuts or meet your price minimum. Otherwise you would miss out on certain well-known vendors that we very rarely see posted in natural these days. The people who don’t like synthetics or simulants can ignore (D). You would still get some non-luxury minded folks posting who geek out about natural geology even if they don’t care about luxury. The Odd thread would qualify. Some of us (ahem) would still post threads about our jewelry with weird little natural rocks and the geology/cut/color geeks would reply even if the luxury lovers don’t.

Yes, you would lose some people but you are going to lose people whichever direction you choose. I don’t know your business model. Maybe you could afford two sites — one targeting luxury consumers, one targeting “anything goes” jewelry lovers. See which one does better and keep that one. Or if you can afford it, keep both. Whatever you choose, I wish you luck!

If we were starting afresh - this would 100% be the way to go Crutches - but as we rely on old threads for Search traffic - might kill us!
Quick assessment so far.
RockyTalky remains popular, so I am out voted.
Add a Lab SMTB and let anything natural be posted in Natural SMTB there, inc pearls.
As a gemo I can not allow the use of earth or mined as these words were rarely if ever used prior to billions of Lab $$'s marketing several years ago.
Consider a rename for jewelry pieces to include Celeb & Royalty
Consider adding a Watches forum
Quick assessment so far.
RockyTalky remains popular, so I am out voted.
Add a Lab SMTB and let anything natural be posted in Natural SMTB there, inc pearls.
As a gemo I can not allow the use of earth or mined as these words were rarely if ever used prior to billions of Lab $$'s marketing several years ago.
Consider a rename for jewelry pieces to include Celeb & Royalty
Consider adding a Watches forum

Another plug for a Branded Pieces forum. I strongly encourage this as there are many long time members who are into luxury branded pieces. It also has the potential to attract new members.

Please keep Preloved and Hangout.

For naming, my vote is to keep the existing conventions and add parentheticals. So: Show Me the Bling (natural), Show Me the Bling (lab)
Rocky Talky (natural), Rocky Talky (lab).

I am confused about why not using the terms earth or mined, Garry, as those are the terms our vendors are using (earth mined vs lab). Consistency would seem the safest bet for clarity.
For a piece that set with mixed stones, let's say a ring with natural gem + lab melee diamonds, where does it belong?
Another plug for a Branded Pieces forum. I strongly encourage this as there are many long time members who are into luxury branded pieces. It also has the potential to attract new members.

Please keep Preloved and Hangout.

For naming, my vote is to keep the existing conventions and add parentheticals. So: Show Me the Bling (natural), Show Me the Bling (lab)
Rocky Talky (natural), Rocky Talky (lab).

I am confused about why not using the terms earth or mined, Garry, as those are the terms our vendors are using (earth mined vs lab). Consistency would seem the safest bet for clarity.
Tonks there is a lot happening right now. Brands is definitely on the list but not #1 - but it would be an enhancement. Sorting out the most requested are #1 - Keeping everything, just adding SMTB Lab.
Earth and Mined were terms introduced by early synthetic diamond marketers as when first launched they were selling at 30% to 50% cheaper than natural diamonds. Today the wholesale cost of larger labs is 165th or 0.6% of natural and the marketing money has dried up and the retail margins are shrinking from the 10-20 times range to 2 to 6 times.
For history buffs, when DirtCheapDiamonds and others began on PriceScope 25 years ago margins were around 6%.
It is possible that many firms will change their language as natural diamonds become the only business in town. Businesses that threw their hat in the LGD ring early on are now finding the gross earnings from lab and the write down in inventory is unsustainable.
Back to Gemology (or the correct term Gemmology - its weird but the 2M's have a history too).
There are categories of gems.
Natural (natural untreated and natural treated where the treatment need not be disclosed)
Synthetic - the same chemical and crystaline material made by man
Imitation - glass, CZ etc can be used to imitate diamonds or sapphires etc
Organics - e.g. pearls, amber
Rocks - more than one mineral, but sometimes called a natural gem e.g. Jadeite, Turquoise.
The US FTC decided that synthetic was misleading as was cultured. The rest is history.
I would be willing to take $5 bets that many businesses that currently call diamonds "earth mined" will cease using that term as their businesses again depend on natural diamonds for their bread and butter.
Mining seems to have become such a dirty word these days. Yet without it we are literally back in the stone age.
Mines cover 0.00129% of the earths surface.
Diamond mines are miniscule and employ no chemicals.
From a Nature article from an anti mining lobby:

End of rant :-)
For a piece that set with mixed stones, let's say a ring with natural gem + lab melee diamonds, where does it belong?

To my mind that should be in SMTB natural, since the focal point of the design is a natural stone. I’d say a 3-stone ring with the centre stone being a natural gem and the sidestones being lab also belong to SMTB natural.

Now toi et moi rings with two stones of the same size, one lab grown stone and one natural? Not sure how to classify that.
By the way, one small (but big) improvement would be to add an emoticon for care, or compassion. Just reading the 9/11 forum and I was so touched. I would either select a "thumbs up" or a love icon, or sad, but we need some compassion/care as a response choice. I have always felt it missing as a response.

As a longtime member, I truly appreciate all the effort ..... it's a great place and unique on the web.
IMO, the diminution of activity is related to the general trend in the diamond such, I don't believe that changing names/rules will have a large effect.
I hope that the goodwill and tremendous history give momentum allowing the site continued success in the future- it definitely deserves it.
As a longtime member, I truly appreciate all the effort ..... it's a great place and unique on the web.
IMO, the diminution of activity is related to the general trend in the diamond such, I don't believe that changing names/rules will have a large effect.
I hope that the goodwill and tremendous history give momentum allowing the site continued success in the future- it definitely deserves it.

Lots of activity on IG. Seems like the minute a piece is listed for sale, it is sold. Maybe diamond lovers are interacting on IG instead?