
1.6 ct OMC from OWD in RG by LM

ksmom|1340067860|3219101 said:
Thank you Yssie! I am a long time admirer of your ring, from when it was a three stone to its new and gorgeous five stone incarnation. Thank you also for your informative posts on various metal compositions and colors, I love the side-by-side comparison shots you did. :)

Dreamer, I do plan to get the ring appraised but as of now it has not yet been done. Our family just moved out of NYC (this ring was my goodbye gift, being able to visit Adam on multiple occasions and to meet Leon in person was such a treat!) and we are 'in transition' for the next month and a half. Once we settle into our new home it's on the top of my to-do list! Here is a shot of the ring I took with my cell phone which might show the facet pattern a little better- well you can at least see the culet here. I'll try to post some better quality photos tomorrow!

We have not heard a story yet of Adam charging more than a diamond appraised for, so it is not really such a big deal like it can be sometimes! Was just curious. It seems like with old cuts with a goodly amount of body tint the opinions vary widely about their grades!

That photo is really lovely, I would love to see more when you have a chance. I am really facinated by the facet patterning on these old cuts. In that photo you just posted the stone looke much more like an older cut to my eye, perhaps even a cushiony OEC rather than an antique cushion even! My favourite. When you are able, please do post more photos!
Why I don't believe I've seen such questioning in a Show Me The Bling thread before! Do you know where you are, Dreamer? (I thought I'd be SPECIFIC about my comment, as requested so many times in the past.)

REGARDLESS -- INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL stone AND setting -- and phenomenal taste to put the two together in such a perfect combo on your lovely hand. I've bought from Adam w/confidence & didn't need any appraisal to tell my eyes what I like.

ENJOY!!!!!!!!! :appl: :love:
Gorgeous! :love: You really made a wonderful choice of both stone and setting!
Breathtaking ring....just gorgeous! I.WANT.ONE.JUST.LIKE.IT
I dream of antique cushions in rose gold. Congratulations!
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Your ring is an all time classic perfection and i love everything about it... :appl:
Totally gorgeous! :love: :love: :love:
Wow! Simply stunning! :love: :appl:
The rose gold goes perfectly with your stunning stone! Beautiful ring :love:
I am overwhelmed and humbled by everyone's compliments- thank you all so much! :D I am out and about with my son this morning and tried to take a couple more pics with my phone.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I would need to get an appraisal for insurance purposes? I don't doubt that Adam was more than fair in his pricing (he was actually very accommodating when I had considered purchasing another stone that was out of my budget a few months earlier) but I was under the impression that I will need to have the ring appraised before I can insure it. Otherwise I won't even bother doing that.

Anyway thank you all so much again for your sweet comments, and for taking an interest in my stone! I'm not sure these pics elucidate the facet pattern any better, Dreamer, but I will try again with my camera when my son is napping. I'd love to hear what you think!
Oops having technical difficulties with Forum Runner. Trying to upload pics one at a time

One more... Thanks again for looking!

ksmom|1340117844|3219356 said:
I thought I would need to get an appraisal for insurance purposes?
True! Since you bought the stone and setting separately, you probably don't have an appraisal from the original vendor that came w/the ring that could be used w/an insurance co. I'd insure a ring of that size for sure! Love the new shots! YUMMO!

ETA: It really just seems to levitate over your finger -- a little cushiony pillow of fire!
The rose gold with your skin tone make that stone POP! Love it. love it. love it :appl:
That's absolute perfection! :appl: Enjoy your beautiful ring!
Stunning! :love:
Oh my heavens, this ring is so stunning. I love it. The stone is gorgeous, and I L :love: VE the rose gold. It looks perfect on your hand!
Love love love love love!!! :love:
What can I say that hasn't already been said? I LOVE YOUR RING!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: I think it's quickly going to become a PS favorite to many!! It's beautiful, you did a lovely job choosing the stone and the setting....perfection! :appl: :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!! I love it!!!
What a perfect and lovely ring! Everything about it is beautiful and it looks wonderful on your hand! Congratulations!
Just beautiful! Those pictures really show how lovely the cut is. I can see why you love it. For me part of the fun of these diamonds is looking at faceting and comparing them to other examples I have seen. I enjoy these antique stones and love hearing all about them, so thanks for obliging me!

Insurance: if the value is under $5000 you can insure through jewelers mutual with only your sales receipt. Over that amount and you need an appraisal. Other insurance companies may have different policies.
It's gorgeous!!!!
Thank you all so much again for your kind comments and enthusiasm. I am a bit starstruck by all the posters who have commented on this thread- I don't mean for this to sound creepy, but I have read many informative and insightful posts by several of you and am truly humbled that you like my choice of diamond and ring!

After many frustrating and unsuccessful attempts to use the macro mode of my camera, I'm going to get another one (thank you Deco for starting that thread about cameras a while back and thanks to Haven for your recommendation- I'm getting the Canon Elph 300! Should arrive tomorrow) I will try to take some better photos over the weekend and post them up so you can see the diamond a little better.

I know I keep saying it but *thank you* again to everyone for taking the time to write, not just on this thread but on Pricescope in general. I'm so glad you're not all as lazy/intimidated as I have been for all these years. :)

Lovely ring. You made the perfect choice. Love love LOVE the ring. Enjoy it and I know what you mean when it comes to taking about this stuff with your girlfriends ;) Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful ring! I love the rose gold on you! :love:
Beautiful stone and love the rose gold!!

I also have heard that newer stones are being passed off as old here and there, to me this seems like such a strange proposition because if you are an old stone vendor, selling at truly old stone prices which IMO are lower than newer stone pricing, then why would you go to through the trouble to obtain something (maybe at today's higher rough pricing), cut it to look old AND sell it with no branded markup ala AVC. Seems like the vendor would be going through a lot of trouble to not make very much money. I would imagine if you are a businessman truly cutting 'old' stones from newer rough, you'd brand it ala AVC and make that extra markup! But what do I know, not much really.

I asked Adam about my cushion stone and he said sometimes OWD *does* acquire newer cut stones, and that the owner can usually tell when he buys. They thought my stone was truly an old cut because it's a little wonky, not perfectly round or cushion and even has some interesting corner wonk where one tiny area just comes out slightly. I asked because my stone is also crazy symmetrical to my eyes. In any case, I really didn't care if it was old or new cut to look old, only that the price was what I would expect for an old stone vs a new stone, and that it was beautiful.

Anyhow, love the new ring, fantastic job!!
Hi again everyone! :wavey:

I'm back with more pics as promised. Still not the best quality, unfortunately. First, a few shots of the ring alone (btw my camera is red so that's why there are some crazy reflections in some of these shots)




One more profile shot showing the warmth of the diamond, then a few group shots with my humble collection




....And a few shots of the other other pieces.

Thanks again for looking!




WOW I love your pieces especially that butterfly! Did you post more about it somewhere? are those rose cuts?