Headlight: I''m sure HCA IS accurate when using percentages. Rather, it''s the way the PERCENTAGES are calculated and rounded that make the value for the percentage inaccurate.
headlight my old stone was 61% table (I think bordering on 62?) and 56.9% depth with 29.9 crown angle and 41.1 pav angle. Very shallow. Great pendant stone, it would return lots of white light.
as Julie said, the HCA is accurate when it runs with %''s but it''s a rounded number you are feeding in so the numbers are inaccurate not the tool. I tend to tell people to take it with a huge grain of salt. also it is still somewhat helpful because if a stone scores badly wit ha %''s, aka a 3 on the HCA with %''s would tell me that it would be closer to a 5 with angles! so you can still use the %''s to weed out the OBVIOUS horrible performers or know if it scores around 1 or similar then maybe with angles it would be more like a 2 which for some people is still acceptable.
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