
2.98 GIA J VS2 Cushion from OWD

Gorgeous stone! It's a stunner! :love: :love: :love: Congratulations! :clap:
So simple, so stunning! Perfect!
Holy WOW, WOW, WOW!!! :love: for the love of giant cushions Batman, that is just gorgeous! Congratulations KSMom!

I love the high crown and tiny table, just beautiful :twirl: and good for you for remembering you still have houseguests! I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off my own finger and be like what, who? :appl:

Enjoy, it looks so simply elegant on your hand!
Diamond is magnificent, the setting is so elegantly simple, together they are beyond perfection you must be over the moon with joy every time you look down at your hand :love: :love: :love: :love:
This couldn't be more perfect! I am even further set in my irrational desire for a big cushion in a solitaire now!
Stunning!!!!! :love: :love: :appl:
I love how the setting lets the diamond take center stage. And what a stone..!
I would love to see a side view of the diamond and setting... :saint: and more pictures!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for your kind comments, everyone! I am more and more in love with this diamond every day!

LLJ- funny you should mention size; I was actually a little surprised by the spread on this beauty- luckily it's not *too* big, just big enough to prevent any lurking notions of DSS :lol:

DS- thank you! Sadly my Leon set is no longer; I do still own the bands (and will list them on LT at some point) but I traded the cushion ring in- Adam is selling it whole, I believe; he recently posted a photo of it on his IG page (at least I think that's my old ring!) After owning a 3.48 cushion (which I learned is too big for my comfort level- PS sacrilege, I know!) the 1.6 suddenly seemed far too small.

Tweeter- here's what the GIA cert says: measurements 8.86x8.64x5.89; depth 68.1; table 48. Hope that helps! :wavey:

aca- thanks very much! I too absolutely LOVE the setting; I had expected this to be a temp setting, because I was having an existing setting modified to fit the stone; I assumed that for the very low quote that Adam gave me, it would be an adequate but not ideal home for the diamond. I was *blown away* by how beautifully his bench executed the changes to the setting! :appl: I am in absolutely no hurry at all to change the setting for this diamond now :love:

HUGE thank you to Adam for being such an upstanding guy and honoring his original quote for the benchwork, even though it ended up costing significantly more in the end.

I will definitely take and post some more profile photos soon!

Thanks again everyone for sharing in my excitement! I know better than to say "forever" with diamonds, but I'm really not sure that I will ever be able to top this amazing cushion. Also, it really says something about the diamond when the vendor who sold it to me calls dibs on it in case I ever decide to sell it :lol:
Thank you!

As promised, some more profile photos of the ring and diamond- it's a shallower stone than what I typically go for (I love me a huge puffy crown!) but the diamond is such a show stopper overall that it doesn't bother me at all. I had asked Adam to set the stone as low as humanly possible and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out- I can still see the tip of the culet from the profile view (probably can't appreciate it in my less than mediocre photos) but the ring is nice and low.



One more head-on shot, because I just don't tire of it! The diamond is never clean enough because I'm always fondling it :lol:


I love it! Such a simple, classic and elegant setting and great stone! I think I have already said that... ::)
Congratulations again!
Just stunning! What a gorgeous classic! Your stone is positively amazing! :love: :love: :love:
So so beautiful on your pretty hand :love: :love: :love: Classic and elegant, look at the colors it throws :appl: And those facets, TDF :D Congrats!!!
Absolutely stunning set! :appl:
What a stunning ring and set :love: Your huge diamond is the true star and the set complements its beauty so well. Congrats!
It is truly a phenomenal stone...those J's never cease to amaze me and antique cushions with the flower pattern are my fav's! Great choices!
Thanks for posting the specs!! I can't tell you how much I adore your cushion!!! I love opening this thread and admiring your ring (and I have opened it a lot)!!! Enjoy!!!
ksmom.. WOW the stone is awesome!! :love: :love: :love:
The setting you chose is perfection .. love the double claws and it really allows the beauty of the stone to shine.
Congrats! Enjoy!!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Good Gravy! That is one beautiful stone AND I am totally swooning over what the bench did to your setting! I have looking for THAT configuration for I don't know how long! Absolute perfection!!
beautiful & classy. congrats!
What a fabulous ring! :love:
I'm a little late replying due to travelling the last three long weekends!!!! That totally makes sense to have traded the other ring in for this one! They were so much alike anyway! I am 100% with you on their being a maximum size level. We have seen others here trading down in size. This one seems to be very large but not over the top! I like both yellow and rose gold on your skin tone! You have a beautiful collection!
Just simply beautiful and the perfect size. I love the color contrast in the metal as well. Elegant! Great job!
Ah! So gorgeous! :love:
ohmagoodness ks mom!!!!

Pretty much my 'destination' stone right there. :lickout: Wear this in love and health. And should you ever feel the urge to upgrade please put me at the top of the list of folks who'd love to have a chance at this dream diamond!!!

So happy for you - so many things for you to enjoy this summer. Many good wishes! :wavey:
Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone! I had SK modify the setting a little after I accidentally scratched my baby with a prong [emoji15]He added a platinum bezel and I think it looks lovely. Ironically, I'm not wearing the ring that much anymore, suddenly it seems humongous to me! Feeling a bit like goldilocks, going back and forth between diamonds that feel too small and too big for me :)

Anyway here are a few views of the ring now- thanks for looking!

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ksmom|1485292418|4119191 said:
Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone! I had SK modify the setting a little after I accidentally scratched my baby with a prong [emoji15]He added a platinum bezel and I think it looks lovely. Ironically, I'm not wearing the ring that much anymore, suddenly it seems humongous to me! Feeling a bit like goldilocks, going back and forth between diamonds that feel too small and too big for me :)

Anyway here are a few views of the ring now- thanks for looking!

OMG it is just beautiful. LOVE the bezel and the setting really accentuates the facets. Gorgeous. :love: :love: :love:
Give it a little time and I bet the size of the diamond becomes just perfect for you.
Thank you Missy! Wise words of advice. I've been toying with the idea of letting it go (this is going to sound sacrilegious but aside from seeming too big, it almost feels a little too white :D I'm used to warm stones and this sucker is so LOUD in comparison!) but I think you're right that I will get used to it over time.

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Its beautiful and I love the new setting.
That bezel is my dream setting!!!!!! Droooooling over here!!

Steve Kirsch made the head? Was it custom or one of his usual options?
