
2 carat Radiant cut

I agree that it will take time to find an amazing radiant (if you decide on that) because many have the crushed ice effect but when you find the right one, you'll know and it'll be so worth it! Hopefully you can see them side by side soon and start the search :D
The faceting pattern of a radiant is very different from an EC. Which do you like better? It's not clear to me that you know for sure. I think you need to make that decision first before you choose a stone. You seem to also like step cuts. I would stop looking at stones until you have seen both ECs and radiants IRL. And be aware that well cut ECs are very hard to find, as are radiants that don't look like crushed ice. You would want to compare apples to apples. If your jeweler has a well cut radiant and a badly cut EC, of course you would eliminate the EC. But that does not mean you would not choose a well cut EC over a well cut radiant. I would first decide the kind of sparkle you want for your stone before searching for the specific stone. Good luck to you.

This is great advice. It wouldn’t hurt to compare the two, in person, as long as both cuts are VG/EX, and it’s a fair comparison.
FINALLY all the diamonds came in and I was able to look at several in person at the jeweler yesterday. I saw 2 radiants, 1 emerald, and 1 Ashoka diamonds. While I like the emerald, I preferred the sparkle of the radiant. And I really don't want to do the French cuts because of their cost which is what I thought would look best with the emerald. The Ashoka was stunning, but too costly. I decided I really do love the radiant cut and that's the direction I want to go.

It was amazing the difference between the two radiant cuts they had. One was square and pretty dull. The other was vibrant and beautiful. So, I understand what you all mean about how radiant can be hard to buy based on specs. That makes me very nervous to buy sight unseen. :shifty:

At this point I can go three directions...

1) Buy the 2.02 James Allen that is on hold that you all recommended. Here is the ASET image. It looks pretty good, but I'm very concerned about the I color. In the video, it looks yellow to me, and I do NOT want that. I was really wanting to draw the line at H color. I guess if I ordered this diamond, I'd go through David Klass for the setting.

2) Work with my jeweler to see how low they can get the radiant diamond I saw in the store. It was a Forevermark radiant 1.7 ct. with good spread, color G, VS1. It had a slight bowtie I felt like. Otherwise was perfect. Diamond was priced at $16,700 plus tax and setting with wedding band was priced at $4,500 plus tax. But I think they would work with me on price. Still, I'm a LONG way from my $16,000 budget and that's for only a 1.7 carat radiant. They said they could get more diamonds in for me that aren't Forevermark and are closer to my price point, but I'm not convinced they would be able to get me the value I can get online. And I would have wanted to make changes to the setting ideally. But HUGE advantage that I get to see it all in person.

3) I had a FANTASTIC conversation with David from DBL last Friday. He was so helpful and would do the custom setting I'm looking for and work hard to find me a beautiful radiant that meets my specs and is in my budget. I think I'd be in good hands and get exactly what I want, and I like the idea of setting and diamond from same person. I'm just worried about not being able to visualize it as I go through the process. How do I know I'll love it in the end when working off videos of diamonds and CAD drawings of the setting?

So...…….. what do I do???

Last question... if I'm not picky and since I've been so all over the place in what I want, is it possible to find a killer deal on an estate piece? Something like this?


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That’s a kick ass aset for a radiant. I really don’t think it will be tinted, that’s why I showed my diamond with the exact same specs. You can order it and return it if you find it. You are highly unlikely to find a great ring on eBay and it is never ever a bargain, the listings are rife with deception and that is not a trustworthy certification of that one. Don’t do it.
Oh and lastly CAD’s aren’t just pictures, they’re very detailed and you will see precisely what you are getting.
I'm so glad that you were able to see some different shaped diamonds and ascertain which one you prefer.

I would skip option 2. My vote would be to order the diamond from #1 and have it shipped to your house where you can inspect it. If you think it looks too yellow, mail it back. If you like it mail it to DBL or whomever for your custom setting.

My 2nd choice would be option #3. But since it's hard to find good radiants you might as well try the one you've already found.

EDIT- I had the numbers wrong. Fixed it.
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Me too! But I'm also not entirely sure about the facet pattern as there seem to be a few mushy areas and hope that the ASET image will clear that up =)2

I don't really like the ASET, it shows the same mushy areas that I mentioned before.

Hopefully you can get some more opinions from the experts here =)2
I’m glad you finally have your cut narrowed down!

I agree with the idea of having the JA diamond shipped to you for in person inspection. Observe it in different lighting environments, and decide for yourself if the warmth really shows, and see how it performs, IRL.
You can always return it.
If you’re not satisfied with the JA diamond, I’d work with David @ DBL; they have a knack for sourcing beautiful diamonds. You’ll get top quality for your money.
Please keep us posted!! :mrgreen2:
I’m glad you finally have your cut narrowed down!

I agree with the idea of having the JA diamond shipped to you for in person inspection. Observe it in different lighting environments, and decide for yourself if the warmth really shows, and see how it performs, IRL.
You can always return it.
If you’re not satisfied with the JA diamond, I’d work with David @ DBL; they have a knack for sourcing beautiful diamonds. You’ll get top quality for your money.
Please keep us posted!! :mrgreen2:
The ASET is actually really good for a Radiant. Whew! So, I totally agree with @Matthews1127. If this JA stone does not make you happy, then work with DBL. They have demonstrated over and over that they are superb with radiants (and colored diamonds, and lots of other shapes). They can also make lovely settings. I would not be willing to work with a local jeweler for frenchies. They to require a careful and superior eye.
No update yet. I have David from DBL looking for a radiant for me. Decided I didn’t want to drop to I color on the radiant. I think I’m pretty color sensitive, and the setting style I want has the diamond pretty visible from the side.
No update yet. I have David from DBL looking for a radiant for me. Decided I didn’t want to drop to I color on the radiant. I think I’m pretty color sensitive, and the setting style I want has the diamond pretty visible from the side.
Keep up posted! DBL is great with radiants.
i missed the back and forth between radiant and emerald cut but so happy you settled on a cut! :clap: youre in good hands with DBL, i can hardly wait to see what they come up with for you!
Hi All!
I am humbled by your kind words....thank you!!
A few points- I have been looking at radiant cuts for many years- I don't love the word "expert"- but I have spent a lot of time with all kinds of radiant cut diamonds.
Here's my take on a few important points.
1) ASET- interpreting an ASET image for a radiant cut is virtually useless - UNLESS one is looking for a radiant cut like a H&A round. My own personal taste leads me away from that sort of radiant.
The best (IMO) radiant cut diamonds have smaller areas of contrast - and they are less organized. This makes the red/blue/green patterns we like to see in a round the antithesis of what we would be looking for in a radiant.
Another reason is that movement is an essential element in observation. Move that sucker one degree and all the colors in ASET change.
The bottom line is that I find "regular" images far more helpful in determining what a radiant diamond actually looks like than ASET images
2) As gemological terms, "Crushed Ice" and "mush" are completely misleading- and or useless in describing radiant cuts to readers.
There's simply no gemological definition of the terms- and they have been "perverted" to become derogatory terms.
Put it this way- I've been sitting in front of clients who expressly said they did not want' Crushed ice" - yet they adored the look of unorganized flashes and sparkles that a radiant provides. I have used the term to describe such stones many times- and for many years because to me, a bucket of crushed ice is like a bottomless pit of sparkle.

After spending so much time here, it's easy to see that both of these considerations, and how they are discussed here is totally natural. They are based on so many threads- which many times re-enforce misconceptions. I mean no disrespect for readers who've used these terms. If I wasn't so well versed in looking at diamonds, I'm sure I'd buy into them as well.
I also would recommend working with David at DBL @Rockdiamond . Despite his modesty, I would support using the term "expert" when it comes to his knowledge of fancy cuts. But then again, I'm a huge advocate of the term "crushed ice" in a positive way because truly that is what it looks like - a never ending bucket of crushed ice and I love it for its difference to MRBs.

In fact, it was only when I came onto PS that I heard the term used in a derogatory manner and I was pretty horrified. I had to keep pulling my ring out of the safe and checking it to see what was "wrong" with it.

Now I know enough to accept that I love what I love. And for me that includes very low colour old cut stones, crushed ice radiants and pears, and high colour super ideal MRBs. I don't believe in limiting my options!

I have been following your thread with interest and I can't wait to see what you end up with.
Hi @BlingObsession!

Thanks for also giving me piece of mind about using DBL. Everyone seems to have raving reviews about his abilities to find beautiful fancy cuts. So I'm very excited to see what he comes up with for me. And even more looking forward to working with him on the custom setting since all the rings I see posted on Instagram are stunning. Certainly unique and beautiful pieces of art!

I looked at radiants at a couple of local jewelers last week, and learned a lot about the way the stone sparkles. I'm not sure I have a definitive preference to seeing facets versus crushed ice as I thought both looks are beautiful. I do feel for certain that I do not want to go any lower than H on color, preferable a G. I'm okay with an SI stone if 100% eye clean. My biggest fear is getting a radiant with a bowtie or dark spot. I want consistent sparkle across stone. And at my price point and the size I want, this may be difficult to accomplish. But I'm optimistic! :loopy:

This is certainly an overwhelming process and I feel like I've been all over the map trying to figure out what I want. Everyone has helped though, I've learned a ton, and I'm very excited for the next couple to get something picked out and set. :appl:
@ClemsonPurdue - radiants bounce back environmental colour (which is why this faceting is used so much for coloured diamonds - it enhances the colour - at least that is my understanding) - mine is a G and it looks very white BUT when I'm in a room with yellowish lighting this stone looks anything from pale lemon to deep yellow. I had a halo around it and eventually had it reset as a solitaire because I wasn't enjoying the contrast under most lighting. I hadn't expected the two different cuts (radiant and round MRB melee) to behave so differently. And actually all that bling (every surface had diamonds) was just too much - even for me and I'm a woman who loves her bling to be blingy.

However, the upside of crushed ice is it hides inclusions really, really well. In order to stay above 2 carat and G colour, I had to drop to SI2 and, honestly, it's totally eye clean. I louped it (of course) so I know where the inclusions are but they are extremely difficult to see even from 3 inches away - and even then there is only one that I think I can "sometimes" see - then it turns out to be a spec of dirt.

Here is a weird thing though - at one point I had the platinum blingy setting plated in rose gold - it was amazing - it made my radiant pinkish. I still wasn't enamoured with the setting though, and this poor stone went through another two reincarnations before I was happy - it is now a simple white gold 4 prong solitaire with 0.025 point pave down the band. It shows the stone off in all its glory and the pave on the band compliments rather than competes. I would still tweak it a bit but I'm afraid that the gods will punish me by damaging my stone as the price for being so fickle.

Post pics and details when you get your options from David.
@BlingObsession - What you said is so interesting because I swear when I looked at a G 1.7 ct. radiant last week, I kept saying "it looks yellow!" And what was ironic was that it was clearly a better cut than the two other radiants that were next to it, but they were both H color. I always thought the better cut diamonds hide color more, but in this case I swear the more sparkle was just picking up more yellow from the lights/environment and reflecting back. All the more reason to stay at G color if possible. And David has been very upfront in that of everything to sacrifice, I should be willing to look at SI's. He said that with my desires for color, carat, and cost, I'm probably going to need to drop a bit on clarity. I'm okay with that as long as I can't see the inclusion at 6" away even if I know where it is. I think he'll be emailing me some options today. And I found some others on Blue Nile and James Allen last night so I'm excited to get your all's input on these.

@BlingObsession @rockysalamander @farrahlyn @LetLoveRule @kindred @Matthews1127 @scarsmum - I have a question for you all...

As far as cut, I've seen some tables that say an excellent cut radiant has 61-69% table and 60-67% depth. Is this accurate? I've been using these parameters to edit down my search, but in looking at some of the other diamonds you all recommended, I'm seeing a lot of 70%+ depths like this one that @LetLoveRule recommended... What impact does depth have on light performance of a radiant? Rounds seem so much easier to buy based on cut, and I feel like I want that ease with a radiant, so I keep trying to make it more "scientific". But as David said, two radiants with identical specs can perform completely different. That's so scary to me because at the end of the day, I'm still buying the diamond based on specs/ video without seeing in person and in different lights. :confused:
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Uummmm- we do have a trade up policy....I don;t know that I'm allowed to link to it here, but it's on the site:)
@Rockdiamond - I did not know that. That's good to hear! =)2 I'll edit my previous post cause that's not a relevant concern.
Simply put, buying a radiant diamond without seeing it in person is risk. They vary too much. You better make sure you have a good return policy!
Thoughts on this stone? $14,999

It definitely has more of a “crushed ice, bottomless bucket of sparkle” look. But David says it’s gorgeous in person and that the medium blue fluorescence really makes it look white. If I think this is the one, he’ll send it to me to see in person before proceeding with designing setting. He got 4 in total but this is the best one. Other couple were more yellow or had bow tie.

Here’s a video... it’s the stone on the left of course.

WEIGHT: 2.01ct
SHAPE: Cut-Cornered Rectangular Modified Brilliant
MEASUREMENTS: 7.98 x 6.38 x 4.31 mm
GIA REPORT #: 5191027930


@LetLoveRule @Matthews1127 @rockysalamander @farrahlyn @scarsmum
@BlingObsession @rockysalamander @farrahlyn @LetLoveRule @kindred @Matthews1127 @scarsmum - I have a question for you all...

As far as cut, I've seen some tables that say an excellent cut radiant has 61-69% table and 60-67% depth. Is this accurate? I've been using these parameters to edit down my search, but in looking at some of the other diamonds you all recommended, I'm seeing a lot of 70%+ depths like this one that @LetLoveRule recommended... What impact does depth have on light performance of a radiant? Rounds seem so much easier to buy based on cut, and I feel like I want that ease with a radiant, so I keep trying to make it more "scientific". But as David said, two radiants with identical specs can perform completely different. That's so scary to me because at the end of the day, I'm still buying the diamond based on specs/ video without seeing in person and in different lights. :confused:

My radiant has a table of 57% due to the high crown, so there is more room for light to enter through the side. The depth is 73%, according to the table you've looked at it's too deep. My diamond sparkles a lot though, even with the wider facets rather than crushed ice. Different tables will give you different numbers.


I don't recall recommending that diamond? And yes, specs really don't say as much with radiants and you'll have to see the diamond to know whether you love it or not. I took a gamble and fell in love with my diamond after I did lots of research as well.
Thoughts on this stone? $14,999

It definitely has more of a “crushed ice, bottomless bucket of sparkle” look. But David says it’s gorgeous in person and that the medium blue fluorescence really makes it look white. If I think this is the one, he’ll send it to me to see in person before proceeding with designing setting. He got 4 in total but this is the best one. Other couple were more yellow or had bow tie.

Here’s a video... it’s the stone on the left of course.

WEIGHT: 2.01ct
SHAPE: Cut-Cornered Rectangular Modified Brilliant
MEASUREMENTS: 7.98 x 6.38 x 4.31 mm
GIA REPORT #: 5191027930


@LetLoveRule @Matthews1127 @rockysalamander @farrahlyn @scarsmum

I'm a bit hesitant to use "crushed ice" and "ASET" again but is this the look you're going for? The link to the certificate doesn't work, can you screenshot it or something?
Oops sorry that diamond was recommended by @farrahlyn a week or so ago.

Here’s the certificate...
It's so funny seeing the time on the screenshots as it's 11.27am here in Australia :mrgreen2: I'm at work atm, but will check the report and video soon.

Just confirming you're going for the crushed ice look? And do you mind the fluorescence?
‍I’m not opposed to crushed ice but I wouldn’t say that’s the “look” I’m going for. I like stones where you can see the facets too. I just don’t want bow ties or dark spots or visible inclusions. And I want a lot of sparkle. And I want white!

I’m not exactly sure the impact of the medium fluorescence. I think it can pick up the tiniest blue hue in direct sunlight, but the fluorescence can help the stone look more white indoors?
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Thoughts on this stone? $14,999

It definitely has more of a “crushed ice, bottomless bucket of sparkle” look. But David says it’s gorgeous in person and that the medium blue fluorescence really makes it look white. If I think this is the one, he’ll send it to me to see in person before proceeding with designing setting. He got 4 in total but this is the best one. Other couple were more yellow or had bow tie.

Here’s a video... it’s the stone on the left of course.

WEIGHT: 2.01ct
SHAPE: Cut-Cornered Rectangular Modified Brilliant
MEASUREMENTS: 7.98 x 6.38 x 4.31 mm
GIA REPORT #: 5191027930


@LetLoveRule @Matthews1127 @rockysalamander @farrahlyn @scarsmum

The facet pattern seems consistent across the stone. No bow tie. The facets are def much smaller, but there is no “mushiness” of facets.
It’s very’ll get a lot of scintillation & sparkle from that diamond.
It appears very white, face up.
It’s on the “squatty” side, as its l x w ratio is 1.25:1. Does that fall within your preferences?