
2 carat round steep and deep

Bachelor, I don't know if this sounds reasonable, but I wonder if it might be worth having this stone sent to an independent appraiser that you and the seller of this diamond agree on before any purchase is final, if you are willing to bear the cost of the appraisal plus any shipping fees. If you choose an appraiser than can analyse the light return with ASET, run a Sarin scan and so forth and is experienced in evaluating cut quality, that might be a way to proceed. If the stone doesn't check out to your satisfaction then at least you will know as it sounds as if you do like this diamond and are seriously considering it for purchase. Rather like you pay a mechanic for a pre purchase inspection on a car, the above is a similar idea with this diamond if the seller is agreeable to accept something like a deposit on the stone and you pay for the inspection.

I don't know if this proposal is acceptable to you but I thought I would broach the subject. Here is a list of appraisers to so you can see if there is one conveniently located if this idea appeals to you.

I would also reiterate what John said, I can understand why you are feeling frustrated, it's totally understandable, but all the work you are putting into this purchase will be worth it and you are getting close now to finding your diamond. I don't know if the seller of the diamond would be willing to do the above, but I thought I would mention it in case it might be an option.
This exactly what I was thinking. I think Bachelor also mentioned in an earlier post that it's getting time sensitive and he'll probably need at least a couple weeks for setting unless it's simple solitaire setting, not hand forged. That might be playing in part to his frustration. Plus, diamond selecting is stressful. I don't want to pick apart your ESi stone, but it might be in 60/60 territory. Which can be very beautiful and brilliant, but less fire than a balanced Ideal Tolk cut. You probably already know this from your reading, just wanted to make sure this was a characteristic you favored.
I don't think I really want to go that route. Again, I'm a little time sensitive. Can you tell anything from the GCAL report? It seems to show the blue squares (indicating leakage) in exactly the places where white shouldn't show up in an idealscope image.

I'm not inclined to really pursue this further if this image doesn't look good. I wanted to offer the jeweler an opportunity to find an equivalent stone to ones I've found online. Right now I feel like they are playing a shell game with me and are asking me to be satisfied with a GCAL report that proclaims the brilliance to be "excellent" in the same way that GIA does with cut. It really doesn't provide me with any granularity.
It looks fine. I really think you will not see much if any leakage.
yeah it looks like there is nothing in the middle. The idealscope description seems to state that the leakage shown here is normal for ideal cut: "Most ideal cuts have small 'V' shaped white leakage features at the girdle. "
Hi there, I hope I'm not making this situation more confusing by making this suggestion, but here goes: there's a 2.26 ct. F/Si1 at Gog just under $34k with wire discount, maybe they will price match your current stone selection. It's eye clean and Superior H&A. Are you in NY or nearby to view this stone? All the images are on the web for your inspection and consideration. I wish there was a Crafted by Infinity stone that met your specs but currently the inventory favors I color in your size. I also checked WF ACA and BGS and again, only I/J colors in your size. That might be your short cut to a worry free fabulous stone. Or check your stone against it and go with the one your eyes likes.
I've considered and will continue to consider the GOG option. This stone is a little smaller and E color and as yet I don't have the information on light performance I am looking for. Can anyone make a fair assessment of the light performance with the GCAL graph of leakage near the girdle that we have?
bachelor78|1400706900|3677695 said:
Can anyone make a fair assessment of the light performance with the GCAL graph of leakage near the girdle that we have?
No. GCAL is a feel-good report. At best its reliability is like GIA's EX grade, but with a small photo micrograph rather than data-points. The score is based on pixel-counting of a 2D photo. The result is assigned based on the amount of light areas detected versus dark. The problem is that it's a closed system, it's not clear what's being measured, what environment it mimics, or what it ultimately has to do with the look of a diamond, other than counting pixels.

Interpretation has also proven unclear.

With that said: If you want to feel-good, the E SI1 footprint seems in-line with GCAL's interpretation of positive. In their words: "You can explain to your customer that brilliance is what gives a diamond its life, and what makes a diamond shine from across a room."

I could set up a photo-box in my lab tonight and create a similar system. But it would not be rooted in science, it would simply tell me what my camera and computer thought was brighter in that environment from that photo at that time.

The most promising part of your last update was the jeweler being willing to provide a .SRN scan of the diamond to you. Was he able to do this? If so, it can be run through the AGS PGS which uses ray-tracing in 3D, and is scientifically vetted, published and meaningful.
Thanks, John. So, it looks like the dealer can't come up with a SRN file. Not sure why, but I have a Facetware cut estimator from the Sarin information and the stone report. This isn't perfect information, but I am at least pleased that it appears that none of the rounding goes in the wrong direction. (crown angle 34.45 rounded to 34.5 and PA 40.95 rounded to 41). There doesn't seem to be much variation either.

The table seems to be right between 59 and 60. The official GIA report rounds it to 59 but facetware rounds to 60. Since we now know (I think) that this is not a badly rounded 34.5/41, I'm much more comfortable with the stone. I've seen it, it looked good, and it seems good enough.

Any thoughts?

The two files are a Facetware interp and a full manufacturer's report. Both were generated from the .SRN file. They show concrete evidence of safe numbers and good cutting. Your conclusions are correct. The average numbers are 59.5, 40.9, 34.5, 77, 50 with rounding removed, and the variations from average - esp pavilion-angle - are minor. The cut consistency is nice all-around.

Those docs answer a lot of technical questions for me. You removed the rounding/averaging "masks" and produced data that reflects good care and attention to detail in the cutting. I would be extremely surprised if it didn't earn AGS 0 for light performance.

At this point I imagine your jeweler has gone much farther than usual in providing this kind of information. Compliments to him for that. In terms of the .SRN data file - it's automatically saved on whatever computer is attached to the Sarin scanner. Funny thing; many suppliers running scans have no idea there's a folder on their computer that stores the 3D data file (.SRN). Once the scanner stops whirring and the report appears on the monitor they just hit "print" or "send" for the hard-reports like those you placed in dropbox.

Nice work bird-dogging all of this. Nice diamond.
Thanks John, Lorelei, Jules, and everyone else who has contributed here. The help you have you have provided has been tremendous and I am so happy to have a much higher performing stone than my original steep/deep combo. This has really been an eye-opening experience for me, and now I feel very comfortable with the quality of the stone. I've decided to go for it and get the setting process moving.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with my questions and especially to you John for taking time from your vacation to opine on my diamonds. I can see that there is another GIA XXX cut question out there to address (these questions must be endless), so I will let you guys move on to your next education project. I will post a pic of the ring when I get it. Thanks again.
bachelor78|1400781264|3678279 said:
Thanks John, Lorelei, Jules, and everyone else who has contributed here. The help you have you have provided has been tremendous and I am so happy to have a much higher performing stone than my original steep/deep combo. This has really been an eye-opening experience for me, and now I feel very comfortable with the quality of the stone. I've decided to go for it and get the setting process moving.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with my questions and especially to you John for taking time from your vacation to opine on my diamonds. I can see that there is another GIA XXX cut question out there to address (these questions must be endless), so I will let you guys move on to your next education project. I will post a pic of the ring when I get it. Thanks again.

We are so happy we were able to help you and no problem with the patience, it's a big purchase and naturally you want to get it right, well done for sticking with it and getting the information you wanted. A big shout out to Sir John too for taking time out from his vacation to assist!

Please come back when you have the ring or if you have any questions in the meantime, we would love to see the finished result and all of us wish you the very best of luck with your future plans. :wavey: