We just came back in. 90% here for us at 2:05 central. No one else in the parking lot was as excited as I was LOL.
Yes, but did you eat Oreos?!
This was one of the coolest planetary events I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. During the partial eclipse leading up to totality we just kind of sat in silence. I was thinking how at peace I felt and I got a little emotional as I realized that, just sitting still, I was happy. 4 minutes of a complete eclipse was amazing. Made me stop and think about how fortunate I am and how nice it is not to be in constant survival mode anymore.
A beautiful warm, sunny day, no clouds, in the path of totality. It was amazing!
April is usually cold , cloudy and rainy, so we were fortunate to have clear skies and a warm 15°. It cooled off during totality, and got a bit windy for several minutes.
This was one of the coolest planetary events I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. During the partial eclipse leading up to totality we just kind of sat in silence. I was thinking how at peace I felt and I got a little emotional as I realized that, just sitting still, I was happy. 4 minutes of a complete eclipse was amazing. Made me stop and think about how fortunate I am and how nice it is not to be in constant survival mode anymore.
It’s been a long road for all of us, hasn’t it?Your post made me emotional Monnie.
These were some of the snaps that my kid took. It was just beautiful. She captured Bailey's beads and plasma. We looked hard but couldn't see the 'horned devil' comet. The shadows were a trip. I made some cool crescent finger shadows I'll have to ask her to send me. We watched all the birds come and roost for the night all at once and then leave confused after.
The very coolest thing we saw were those mystery shadow gravitational bands all over the ground and on the building behind us. We saw them moving all over. It was almost like water reflections but thinner. I'll likely never see them again. It was amazing.