
20th anniversary RHR by BGD

Coming back to add that I find your ring especially attractive because of the combination of modern (highly polished, sturdy yet elegant feel) and very classic ( 3-stone, polished filigree in the basket. Your husband has an excellent taste :appl:
How unbelievably stunning, I adore 3 stone bezels!! Absolutely gorgeous, and huge congrats on 20 years! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Beautiful motown! And so special that your DH designed it. Happy Anniversary :appl:
I'm really touched that so many of you took the time this weekend to post such really kind comments about my ring, my DH & my anniversary. It's been so fun wearing it out & about. I'll try posting an IRL type of picture. I'm seriously so pleased that my PS cohorts like the ring, the finger coverage (haha) , the mix of modern & classic.It's not like I can go around in public and yell "lookie here" at people - but that's why we all love PS! Also - I know surprises are not the cup of tea for most - but it's been a joy for me (yes - I did offer parameters). So - I have nothing clever to say, but a big thank-you to wavey: to: Canuk-gal, Gypsy, diamondseeker, Dancing fire, LLJSmom & Acinom.

What wonderful proportions - and more importantly, congratulations on your anniversary!
Ah, pushing a shopping cart becomes her :love:
Great real life pic.
Circe - I'm so glad you like the proportions. It's such a matter of personal taste and discussed/debated in many threads. I did not choose the proportions myself b/c my DH designed the ring, but I did put in my suggestions that it not look too ER-like b/c it's a RHR - to my eye this incorporates that.

Acinom - Yes - tee hee. "She's" been pushing a shopping cart, a vacuum , tossing in laundry, feeding the dog etc! I wanted this as a everyday piece vs special occasion, and so far that's how I've been wearing it (within reason).




Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Amazing sapphires :love:
Thanks so much for your compliment Fancyintense; I'm trying to get the hang of photographing the sapphires!
I love the sapphires on your blue jeans. You are right, this is an incredibly versatile piece. Shopping cart to the ball... haha. And you are nuts to put down your hands- your handshots are elegant, fab and gorgeous. Thanks for the pics!!!
What an amazing ring. :appl: :appl: :appl:
beautiful, what are the stats? Congrats!
Beautiful!! Love the color combo ! Happy Anniversary and enjoy wearing your lovely new addition!! :love: :love:
Thank-you Appacherose for your kind comments about my ring, its versatility and my hands - very sweet!

Derbygal thanks so mcuh!

Skippy - the diamond is 2.05 ctw Each sapphire is about a carat. It's plat and size 4.5 Thanks!

bbziggy - I'm so glad you like the color combo - me too!!!


The sapphires have such a mysterious blue!!!
I am glad your ring is now in the eye candy corner, so we can admire it even more.
And ah... those new pics :love:
Thank-you, Acinom! I've been wearing it non-stop - it takes a beating and it :dance: keeps on ticking!

Gorgeous and with such enviable finger coverage!!! Congrats!
Thank-you Endless-summer!
Happy 20th! Your ring is gorgeous! The proportions, the finger coverage, everything. Beautiful. :love: Wear in health and happiness and congratulations on 20 years. :appl:
AWWWWW - Thanks Missy!

I only just saw this. Congrats on 20 years :appl: I love the proportion of your ring! The profile view is so pretty :love: