
#JOTW 3.04 OEC K, VS1 Early 20th Anniversary

WOW!!! What a great back story and thank you so much for sharing your process. It's really a gorgeous diamond and I totally agree with you that the facet pattern makes it or breaks it decision wise. I love how you are just enjoying being with your new stone and basking in it's glory. Congratulations on 20 years!!!!!
20 years is something to celebrate and that stone is a perfect reminder of the years you have been together! Congratulations--and more pictures please!
Gorgeous ring! The petal pattern is very lovely. The setting is simple yet elegant. Can we have more close up pictures of the setting ?
Congratulations on your 20th anniversary!
Madam Bijoux|1464103340|4035765 said:
Congratulations! The more I see OEC'S, the more I love them. :love:

Thank you Madam Bijoux. They are addicting...
LLJ--WOW, what a gorgoeuos stone--what a beauty!!! :love: :love: & I'm so glad you kept your Victor setting!!! Congrats on your anniversary! :appl:
Sorry these are the best I could get of the setting with my iPhone.




A few more




Wow! I don't know how you could possibly improve on that setting, the stone and the setting are exquisite together. Perfection! :love:
Beautiful in every way! I'm happy you found the one :appl:
Oh wow!!! You went for it!!! Your new diamond is sooooo beautiful!!! I wouldn't stop staring at it either! Congrats on your soon to be 20th anniversary too! Did you ever see one of Victor's CARs when you went to visit him before? (Sorry, maybe I missed it!) I am curious on your thoughts on the differences between a true antique OEC and a newly cut?

Enjoy your new ring!!!!!
Congratulations, LLJsmom!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary (wow, what a milestone!!) and on this beautiful new diamond. :love: :love: :love:

I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive for you b/c you seemed hesitant. But, now hearing you say that it was love at first sight and how much you continue to love it, then this is THE ONE!! The faceting is AMAZING!! I'd love to see it in person; or in video (shame we can't post videos here).
LLJsmom|1464124040|4035903 said:
diamondseeker2006|1464098973|4035726 said:
Gorgeous!!! :love: :appl: I am familiar with that stone because my PS friend also tried it, but she was after different specs. Of all the OECs he sent her, I felt that one was the best cut! So I am very excited that gorgeous stone has ended up in a PS home!

The setting is beautiful, too! Are you keeping that or is it temporary?

DS, so you saw this stone! You can see why I fell for it right? I hope your friend finds the right one for her. It's hard to understand what people mean when they say it's personal until you try the search yourself. Now I get it. It's quite an amazing stone. I can't believe he still had it in his inventory. Maybe this stone and I were meant for each other. Funny huh?

The setting is temp because it's definitely appropriate but not what I envisioned. I would love a tri-wire from Victor, but can't consider any move now bcause I am overwhelmed by this stone. It keeps screaming "look at me!!!" All day long. So when I can get over it, I may think about a more elaborate or special setting. Right now I just want to to calm down, and this setting is understated and can help me accomplish that.

I am sorry to say that I have not seen it in person! Just in photos and video! She also sent for several stones. That one was my personal favorite (love the facet pattern), but she was looking for a little larger stone. This one still looks huge to me! And it is very clear that you love it, and that is so exciting!

That's a lovely temp setting! I don't blame you for not wanting to part with it to be reset just yet! Take your time to decide what will be the most flattering setting. I have had my diamond THREE years and still haven't settled on "THE ONE"!!!
canuk-gal|1464105146|4035778 said:

It is beautiful--looks right at home on your finger!!!!! WOW! :love:

Wear it in health!


Thank you Sharon! It feels very at home, strangely enough.

lorrissey said:
WOW!!! that stone is fantastic! the faceting looks so crisp and gorgeous. and Happy Anniversary!

Thank you lorrissey. So sweet of you. I can stare at the faceting for a very long time.
Queenie60|1464105733|4035780 said:
Congratulations - your stone and setting are stunning. Happy Anniversary. :love:
Thank you Queenie60. :wavey:
Acinom|1464108139|4035794 said:
What an amazing upgrade. You have such a stunning stone and setting. I am thrilled for you.
Welcome to the OEC club :wavey:
Adam has chosen a beautiful setting for you. Do you miss Victor's setting?

Hi Acinom, thank you. Yeah, the OEC cult you mean. :twirl: I don't miss Victor's setting because it wouldn't really go with the stone.

I think I would like this one, but not certain about the bezel. You have a tri-wire too, I think. I think it would be nice a four-double prong.

And at this point, I would like to focus on the diamond and get to know it a little better first. The current setting is very understated so all I see is rock and sparkle. Man, does it sparkle. I am constantly distracted when I'm typing...
msop04|1464108503|4035798 said:
Good LAWD!! What a gorgeous stone!!! [emoji7][emoji7] I [emoji175] the pattern, and it looks AMAZING on your finger! Congratulations!!! [emoji95][emoji1363][emoji95]
Thank you msop04. I can't wait to see YOUR finished product!! :Up_to_something:
derbygal|1464109650|4035810 said:
What a gorgeous OEC. I keep thinking my 25th anniversary ring is going to have to be an OEC. Thanks for all the info about your experience with Adam. :love: And happy anniversary to you!
Thanks derbygal. If you are considering an OEC, don't rule Adam out. If I didn't work with a person as patient and tolerant as he is, I would have never bought this stone. Never. He is not low pressure. He is NO pressure. For that reason, I totally trust him. I'm really lucky that he insisted this was a better one than the I. He would have sold it to me if I wanted it, but even though that was more, he didn't in anyway encourage me to change to it. I made up my mind completely on my own.
ac117|1464112096|4035825 said:
My oh my, wowwwwwzaaaa!!!!! :love: Congrats on one truly stunning stone!!! :lickout: It's so gorgeous it has me rethinking about my upgrade...soooo off to OWD I will have to go just to make sure I know what I want before pulling the trigger!

Please post a zillion more photos!! I don't get tired of looking at it!!! :naughty:
Thank you ac117. Please keep us updated on your search. I'm excited for you.
PintoBean|1464114914|4035842 said:
Congratulations on your new OLD (EC) beauty!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: And happy early anniversary!

Thanks PintoBean. I hope you are enjoying your recent haul from IDJ.
Alex T|1464116108|4035850 said:
Oh LLJ..... I think it is the most perfect OEC I have ever, ever seen.... :love: :love: :love:

The setting is just divine & they look like one was designed for the other. They are a perfect match. I really do need to get an OEC at some point in my life. I am craving the beauty of those big flashes of colour!

Happy Anniversary & congratulations! It looks like a keeper to me!
Thank you Alex T. Just go have a chat with Adam and see what he can find you... :Up_to_something:
lilysweet|1464116986|4035857 said:
The stone is truly charming! I love all the personality! The color is perfect, it is not warm to me at all, only inviting. It makes me want to stare at the stone. I also love the setting. Even though the stone is very sizable it feels like such a great combo that would be comfortable to wear all the time. Congrats on the anniversary and the truly lovely ring! :appl:
Thank you lilysweet. I do stare at it all the time. It's unhealthy. My husband sees me walk down the hall and I'm holding my hand out and tilting it and staring. :D I'm kinda psycho at this point...
springerspaniel|1464129065|4035926 said:
20 years is something to celebrate and that stone is a perfect reminder of the years you have been together! Congratulations--and more pictures please!

Thank you springerspaniel.

JDDN said:
WOW!!! What a great back story and thank you so much for sharing your process. It's really a gorgeous diamond and I totally agree with you that the facet pattern makes it or breaks it decision wise. I love how you are just enjoying being with your new stone and basking in it's glory. Congratulations on 20 years!!!!!

Thank you JDDN. I'm surprised you got through the book I wrote. I realize that I am rather long-winded. I hope it helps some people.

AND in the spirit of full disclosure, I am over a YEAR early for my 20th. I started looking b/c I have gone through some personal things, and decided to live and enjoy life NOW. So I started my search VERY early, thinking it would take a long time to find the right stone. Goes to show... :lol: My DH however insists that this is good through anniversary #24. I said yes just to appease him. We'll be renegotiating the terms in about a year or so. :twisted: I'm a reasonable girl.
sarahb|1464142487|4035999 said:
LLJ--WOW, what a gorgoeuos stone--what a beauty!!! :love: :love: & I'm so glad you kept your Victor setting!!! Congrats on your anniversary! :appl:

Hi sarahb, how are you? After all that turmoil in deciding on a setting, I am not using it within 2 years. :roll: What a PSer, right? However, I am keeping the setting for now. Maybe I'll save it for my daughter's e-ring... (hmmm... she's not even an adult yet...)
Bonfire|1464144870|4036023 said:
Wow! I don't know how you could possibly improve on that setting, the stone and the setting are exquisite together. Perfection! :love:
Beautiful in every way! I'm happy you found the one :appl:
Thanks Bonfire. It is the one, for now. :Up_to_something: I can relax and enjoy it more when I don't feel like the world will come to an end if I change my mind in the future. Funny huh?

tweeter8177 said:
Oh wow!!! You went for it!!! Your new diamond is sooooo beautiful!!! I wouldn't stop staring at it either! Congrats on your soon to be 20th anniversary too! Did you ever see one of Victor's CARs when you went to visit him before? (Sorry, maybe I missed it!) I am curious on your thoughts on the differences between a true antique OEC and a newly cut?

Enjoy your new ring!!!!!
Hi Tweeter, yeah, I did. Put on my big girl pants and went for what I wanted. :D I did not see his CAR, only the CAC. Dumb. Not so next time. A CAR would be stunning. I would look at I, J and K... I considered getting a CAR, around 1-1.5 carat, but then if I had two, and I always reached for the CAR, I would be annoyed to have a stone that I'm not wearing.
Phoenix|1464146816|4036031 said:
Congratulations, LLJsmom!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary (wow, what a milestone!!) and on this beautiful new diamond. :love: :love: :love:

I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive for you b/c you seemed hesitant. But, now hearing you say that it was love at first sight and how much you continue to love it, then this is THE ONE!! The faceting is AMAZING!! I'd love to see it in person; or in video (shame we can't post videos here).

Thank you Phoenix. I would love for you to meet her (I think of it as a her, cause it's moody.) :lol: If you are ever in the SF Bay Area, look me up and we will introduce my pretty to your many pretties. I hope one of them is aka pave Love with ceramic. :Up_to_something: Let me just say I can see you wearing that with jeans, some super casual stuff. I wait with baited breath...
ForteKitty|1464127495|4035916 said:
It looks perfect on you! This my favorite flavor of oec, congratulations!!
Thank you ForteKitty. I found your past threads to be a wealth of great info to help me figure out what you an old cut expert beautiful in an old cut. It took quite a bit of studying, just to understand why I liked these old cut stones. Your holy grail is amazing.
LLJs, I am SO happy for you!!! and excited and thrilled and....WOW. That is a beautiful :love: stone, great size, gorgeous setting.
Wear in good health ALWAYS and congratulations. :appl:
Jimmianne|1464171204|4036089 said:
LLJs, I am SO happy for you!!! and excited and thrilled and....WOW. That is a beautiful :love: stone, great size, gorgeous setting.
Wear in good health ALWAYS and congratulations. :appl:
Thank you Jimmianne. Your video was so helpful! I followed it around your house. That was sooo cute! Your stone is a K too right?
Amazing stone, gorgeous setting!! WOW!! :love: :love: :love:
Gorgeous! Congratulations on your anniversary and on your fireball of a stone! :love:
I'm back to drool over your gorgeous ring. I am really loving this setting. Esp the prongs! :wavey: