
#JOTW 3.56 Emerald cut 5 stone setting

I think the fact that you keep debating a modification means that you won’t scratch that itch until you do. I recall being the one who suggested that you remove the bezels and at the time, you were really adamant about keeping them. Why the sudden change? I only ask Bc I’m a serial resetter. Lol. I crave novelty. And after the novelty wears off, I kind of regret my reset. I have been wearing my double halo for a month now. It is actually a setting that I purchased a couple of years ago but only wore for like 3 months. In the interim, went thru many settings and even one diamond upgrade. This past month, I have been really loving my double halo, but I already modified it twice. Lol. And I don’t know how long the novelty will last. All this to say that hopefully you can reflect on why your need to modify now.
@nala I do remember you suggesting the modified bezel! I think I was in love with Mark’s inspiration ring which had the bezel. Mine just didn’t quite turn out like it. I kept thinking if the traps were smaller I could keep the bezel/ Art Deco feel. But now I’m coming to the conclusion that my EC is cut differently than his and I think that’s why I’m not seeing the two rings as the same... if that makes sense. So... although I loved the “idea” of the bezel, it’s not looking exactly right with my diamond. But then I ponder if having no bezel will cause my EC to just blend in too much? I have followed you and watched your changes:) I think it’s great to change it up! If you have a beautiful diamond, a setting should be the easy and fun part!