
$5000 to spend, do you upgrade the stone or the setting?

Yimmers|1289506919|2762124 said:
Ditto the halo idea. If you can't get a bigger diamond without dropping the color and clarity, go for a halo. You have a good size diamond to begin with. DH sounds sentimental, so I'd keep the stone and get the setting, since it sounds like you wanted a halo all along. Just try one on first to make sure it's what you want. If you have left over $$...hmmm...studs? :naughty:

Just call me enabler :))

Great minds think alike :naughty: . I already told DH that I will be gettin studs with the left over will be my push present :bigsmile: .

I think I am going to go with the halo. It's what I always wanted. So now I am on the hunt for the Ritani setting. None of the stores around me (in Chicago) has the actual setting available so I can't see it. But I did talk to some nice people who said they could get an 18k in from Ritani so I can see it for myself. I also contacted Eternity Diamonds and got the replica Zora and two other rings that I would interested in seeing. Those should be here next week. Once DH is up and moving about I think I will head into one of those stores and see the Ritanis, I believe that it takes them alittle bit of time to get the setting in from Ritani so I can see it.

As for the upgrading of the center, I think getting the halo and keeping the center will be best. I do want my DH to feel comfortable with the decision and I think he likes the idea of the halo over the upgrading of the stone because he proposed with it. The thought has crossed my mind but I was never sold on the idea but just liked to play with the idea. I think if we were to upgrade the stone, I would want a 2.5 so that's out of the question. Maybe for our 10 year anniversary we will be in a position to get something like that and then I will have two rings I love, a girl can dream :love:
If you want to upgrade the stone, don't spend the money on the setting till you have your forever stone. Get stone to "lifetime happy" status they start spending money on settings.
Yeah, there really isn't any store in Chicago that carries a large selection of Ritani settings. I'm trying to think but nothing's really jumping to mind.

I have to add since you're in Chicago though - I got almost all my stuff set and done at Windy City Diamonds when I was there and they were awesome to work with, if you ever decide to go custom or do another project! I so miss having a good jewelry store (and they're really reasonable to) to work with locally.
Well done halos are SOOOO beautiful!! Just look at the yummies in the halo thread...I LOVE them!!!
They say that halos are a way of making your current stone look bigger, just a thought.

I vote halo!!! :appl:
The halo setting you showed is to die for! Honestly, I have been thinking about this issue- what would I DO if I Had 5,000 to spend on an upgrade. Like you said, that won't get you a significant enough size increase in stone without really dropping color and clarity... and even then, you aren't getting over the 2ct mark.

The ritani halo with two small sidestones is AMAZING... best of the three stone vs. halo debate....

Can't wait to see what you do!
I would also wait to upgrade the center stone rather than upgrading the setting.
I saw this and thought that first pic was the ring you wanted to upgrade and I was like no don't it's soooo pretty!! So I guess my vote is for the 3 stone ritani lol I love it! It's honken and delicate at the same time!!