While the rest of your argument is sound, I disagree with your notion that getting actual COVID makes you "more vaccinated". Each individual who naturally overcomes the disease can have antibodies who attack different parts of the virus.
The mRNA vaccines (I have on good authority from research lab microbiologists) target MANY sites on the spike protein, and trains your body to make antibodies targeted to the critical part of the virus that allows it to latch onto cells.
If your body makes antibodies against other parts of the virus that vary more than the spike protein, according to the strain, then you're not as well-protected against other stations of the virus as the people who took a vaccine trained to target the part of the virus that tends to change the least. I've heard that reinfections with different strains are more serious for those that did not get a vaccine.
So, first, I think you might be misinterpreting some of the statements in this article. First, Israel's vaccination rate is very high. There are few unvaccinated people. So, it's entirely reasonable to think that some vaccinated people will end up hospitalized. (From my US colleagues in surge states, most of their vaccinated admissions are NOT having respiratory problems - mostly weakness, diarrhea, dehydration. They are not in the ICU and they generally only need a few days in the hospital. Unvaccinated patients end up admitted forever.)Apologies if this was previously mentioned somewhere in the 14 pages. But this writer claims that Israel as of mid July was seeing a big uptick in *vaccinated* people being hospitalized. And that it's starting to appear as if the recovered covid people have a better and more complete natural-immunity defense against the delta variant than the vaccinated people. (Which imo is still no reason to not get vaccinated. I am not afraid of this vaccine ruining my health.)
link: https://arieh.substack.com/p/inside-israels-delta-outbreak-part
Bottom line - it's an experimental drug and a push for big Pharma to gain a profit. "my body, my choice" - right?
Apologies if this was previously mentioned somewhere in the 14 pages. But this writer claims that Israel as of mid July was seeing a big uptick in *vaccinated* people being hospitalized. And that it's starting to appear as if the recovered covid people have a better and more complete natural-immunity defense against the delta variant than the vaccinated people. (Which imo is still no reason to not get vaccinated. I am not afraid of this vaccine ruining my health.)
link: https://arieh.substack.com/p/inside-israels-delta-outbreak-part
So you do agree we should close the Mexican border?
@Dancing Fire
With regard to the thought that children have a nearly 0% chance of contracting covid, there's this:
Child with covid
There are sure to be many others to follow. And so many people, once they're sick and in the hospital, wish they had the vaccine. Evil people have politicized this disease and allowed it to spread, and with the delta variant this is very, very serious.
@Dancing Fire
With regard to the thought that children have a nearly 0% chance of contracting covid, there's this:
Child with covid
There are sure to be many others to follow. And so many people, once they're sick and in the hospital, wish they had the vaccine. Evil people have politicized this disease and allowed it to spread, and with the delta variant this is very, very serious.
98% of the young kids will not die from the virus even if they are tested positive it is up to the parents to decide if they want their children to be vaccinated. The vaccinated aren't as safe as they think. They are among the spreaders too. This virus isn't gonna end soon. What variant will come after Delta? nobody knows...
169 Dead, 644 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases
More than 160 people have died and nearly 650 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in “breakthrough” cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials.www.nbcchicago.com
So you do agree we should close the Mexican border?
98% of the young kids will not die from the virus even if they are tested positive it is up to the parents to decide if they want their children to be vaccinated. The vaccinated aren't as safe as they think. They are among the spreaders too. This virus isn't gonna end soon. What variant will come after Delta? nobody knows...
169 Dead, 644 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases
More than 160 people have died and nearly 650 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in “breakthrough” cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials.www.nbcchicago.com
I had lunch with a few friends yesterday to celebrate the end of cancer treatments for one of them. All four of us are vaccinated, but two believe the BS being spewed about COVID.
My DD's hospital is a major, top, top, top US hospital in LA and had a huge COVID patient load. They had to close some units and reconfigure all floors during the height of the pandemic. Some colleagues died, including a very sweet, older nursing assistant. Luckily, just before the pandemic, DD switched units so was not caring for COVID patients. Phew! Anyhow, they are starting to see surge in patients.
My two friends questioned the surge as if that was the false news. I said DD's hospital has XX COVID patients. One said, "Give them hydroxychloroquine and cephalexin and send them home." I turned to hear and said, "WTF did you just say?" She repeated it and I as I waiting for my brain to stop swirling, I just told all of them we were not discussing COVID or politics because it was just going to make me mad.They also don't like the government knowing our vaccine status since you can get your record form the state. Ugh. I said I stopped worrying about any of that when I got my license and it was in DMV database. I mean, really????? What the hell is CA going to do with my vaccine record, besides make it easily accessible for me?!
Later, the same one said something about people crossing the border with COVID. OMG. I just can't listen to that BS anymore! First, Mexicans/Latinx are not the only illegal individuals! I know a woman from So Africa who was here illegally, and a gay friend married a gal from Sweden so she could stay here. I know - it's shocking that white people can be here illegally! Second, go look at the border and the vast wasteland that must be crossed. People die there. It's not like those south of the US are dancing and skipping across the border. Third, we are infecting ourselves. You can't blame everything on Mexico. They are not to blame for this shitfest! We are. Suck it up, buttercup. We are failing miserably!
So...masks are required on airlines and in airports. Unfortunately, we had a one night stay in Florida. Mask policy not enforced at all in their airport. Sorry, they are ***holes.
Everything Doberman said. In the end, it’s their body and their suicide. I’m growing daily less willing to wear a mask to save the lives of such people. Tens of thousands of them, if not hundreds of thousands again, will be dead by winter’s end.
And to reiterate98% of the young kids will not die from the virus even if they are tested positive it is up to the parents to decide if they want their children to be vaccinated. The vaccinated aren't as safe as they think. They are among the spreaders too. This virus isn't gonna end soon. What variant will come after Delta? nobody knows...
169 Dead, 644 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases
More than 160 people have died and nearly 650 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in “breakthrough” cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials.www.nbcchicago.com
We are not all "*******s" in Florida. People and viewpoints are different, even when they live in the same state or even city.
I took my car to the dealership for service. No one, NO ONE was masked (besides me), and no one was asking about vaccination status to those unmasked. This is in a county where 43.1% of the population, according to the LA Times, is fully vaccinated.
I am disheartened, and I was wearing a mask to protect myself, too, because I cannot just assume every person not wearing a mask is fully vaccinated. If they're not going to mask up in public then I'm going to treat everyone not wearing a mask as contaminated and contagious.
So aren't you an idiot for traveling to Aruba and Fla? why did you risk your health?Bottom line is people just don't get the seriousness of this Delta variant. It's not a freaking conspiracy or overhyped BS. It's happening because we are stupid and careless. Period. Go ahead and be an idiot, but please stay TF away from me and my family.
Even if it was they will not tell you the real statistic.Yes, vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus and some are hospitalized, and some may die. But that article says it is 2.44% of the COVID deaths in Illinois in that time period. Which means 97.56% of the deaths were people who were NOT vaccinated. So it seems to me you are pointing to an article that contradicts your arguments. That statistic only proves that vaccinated people are much less likely to die. If the story changes and it becomes closer to 50/50 then your argument holds water, but otherwise, it does not.