
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people

@Queenie60 , There is new variant that is affecting children. An 11 month old baby girl was airlifted yesterday from Houston 150 miles away due to lack of hospital beds.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if almost 1/2 the country refused the smallpox and the polio vaccine? We are all going to have to do our part and get the vaccine or we will lose many more people.

Unvaccinated people are the ones who are dying. The virus is looking for hosts. Your odds are dying or having long term covid isses if you are vaccinated. Saving lives and protecting people is the goal. No family should have to go thru the horrible loss of losing a loved one when it can be prevented by getting a vaccine. I’m not trying to lecture anyone. I just want us all getting thru this alive.

I guess it depends on who you rely on for your information. All reports don't give the same analysis.

I rely on information of elderly Chinese people whom I spoke with, and I'm not going to post any links to make my point.

Here is what I can tell you... a lot of Chinese people are afraid to go grocery shopping at Asian markets b/c their 24kt gold chains are being snatched off of their necks outside of parking lots especially during Chinese New Year shopping season. These thieves knows that Chinese people carries a lot of cash too.
@Queenie60 , There is new variant that is affecting children. An 11 month old baby girl was airlifted yesterday from Houston 150 miles away due to lack of hospital beds.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if almost 1/2 the country refused the smallpox and the polio vaccine? We are all going to have to do our part and get the vaccine or we will lose many more people.

Unvaccinated people are the ones who are dying. The virus is looking for hosts. Your odds are dying or having long term covid isses if you are vaccinated. Saving lives and protecting people is the goal. No family should have to go thru the horrible loss of losing a loved one when it can be prevented by getting a vaccine. I’m not trying to lecture anyone. I just want us all getting thru this alive.

Thank you for your reply. I respect your opinion. However, I refuse to allow an unruly, disgusting person spew hateful remarks that don't make any sense. I can see your point and am willing to take it into consideration. I'm baffled by the hate and division - and who can say that a person that has antibodies aren't as protected as one vaccinated? Again, I am willing to consider your thought and opinion and think about what you say. God Bless
I rely on information of elderly Chinese people whom I spoke with, and I'm not going to post any links to make my point.

Here is what I can tell you... a lot of Chinese people are afraid to go grocery shopping at Asian markets b/c their 24kt gold chains are being snatched off of their necks outside of parking lots especially during Chinese New Year shopping season. These thieves knows that Chinese people carries a lot of cash too.

DF - I am so sorry that this is happening and my heart goes out to the Asian communities. A few days ago, an Indian women was attacked in broad daylight (1:00pm) in a park in Cupertino, CA. She was pushed to the ground, the perp almost broke her arm, attempting to take her gold bracelets and finally she took them off and gave them to the perps so that they would not hurt her. This is a HATE crime and should not happen. I hear it often in the news flashes in my community, and mostly against Asians. I m sick about this and have gone to the City Council and questioned what they are doing about this. All of us should be more involved and know our local politics. My goal for 2021 and 2022 is to become involved and know what is happening in my town and local politics. It starts at home. "We the People" - they work for us, we are not their peons.
Great! I can tell by your posts that you're young and not too "seasoned" - that's okay,
I think she is younger than my daughters. She have no knowledge of the hyper inflation J. Carter yrs. of the late 70's.
who can say that a person that has antibodies aren't as protected as one vaccinated?
@Queenie60, since you are maintaining an open mind perhaps you will find this study informative.

"The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that everyone get a COVID-19 vaccine, even if they've had the virus before.

A new study published today in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report shows people who have recovered from COVID-19 but haven't been vaccinated have more than double the risk of testing positive for the virus again, compared with someone who was vaccinated after an initial infection.

The study looked at 738 Kentucky residents who had an initial bout of COVID-19 in 2020. About 250 of them tested positive for COVID-19 a second time between May and July of 2021, when the Delta variant became dominant in the US.

The study matched each person who'd been reinfected with two people of the same sex and roughly the same age who had caught their initial COVID infection within the same week. The researchers then cross-matched those cases with data from Kentucky's Immunization Registry.

They found that those who were unvaccinated had more than double the risk of being reinfected during the Delta wave. Partial vaccination appeared to have no significant impact on the risk of reinfection.

@aljdewey said all there is to say, succinctly and eloquently. If a person reads this and their only response is to pivot to disparagement of Mexicans and African Americans, best to not waste any more breath.

Thank you to those of you who’ve reported “Queenie’s” posts.

For over 4 million people (650K of them American), the long-term known effect of COVID is death. I don’t know what else could be more serious. By the most conservative data available, at least 20 million COVID survivors are experiencing significant symptoms for more than six months post-COVID - damage to hearts, lungs, kidneys, compromised cognitive function, fatigue, depression and difficulty breathing. Nothing is life is no risk, but in a war of which is riskier, COVID is far more risky than the vaccine.
or die alone at home. The sad truth is that the country might be better off without them.

Just wow! This is an extremely distasteful comment. :angryfire:
I’ll see myself out now.
^ This needs to be emphasized.

Across the nation, healthcare workers are walking off the job. They are frustrated, angry, and burned out from caring for covid patients for 19 months. They are saying it is the stubbornly unvaccinated who contributed to the latest surge that are responsible for healthcare workers leaving the job.

The two hospitals in my town have been over capacity for 2 weeks. No rooms in ICU (all covid patients) and all other emergency patients are stuffed into hallways. The medical directors have spoken on TV that their facilities are no longer able to provide adequate care to any of their patients. This is the same message given by hospitals in the surrounding counties and I've seen the same reports on the news from hospitals around the country.

Waiting for long term studies of the vaccine safety? STFU and get the jab.
Listening to Tucker Carlson's medical advice? STFU and get the jab.
Jab against your religion? STFU, change religions and get the jab.
Any other excuse besides valid medical one? STFU and get the jab.

I'm a couple pages behind on this thread but I just want to point out that your first STFU is an anti-science mindset. And your third is very bigoted. But, good for you, getting so many likes in the echo chamber you've helped to create.

Would you tell someone to STFU in person? I really hope you don't have kids.
I literally cannot fully contain any longer my anger and outrage at the arrogance and selfishness of people who are “opting” not to get vaccinated while stupidly asserting that their personal choices do not negatively impact others.

This 45-year old guy lobbied hard against masking and vaccines, supporting mask-burning parties and vilifying a health commissioner who reported clinical trial data supporting the efficacy of vax. He got COVID and spent three days vented before dying, leaving a wife and a 5-month old son that they’d tried for years to have. His “personal choice that doesn’t affect anyone else” has left his wife a widow and a single mother and his much-wanted son fatherless – something neither of them chose.

This 43-year old guy “opted” not to get vaccinated because “he didn’t think he needed it”; after which he contracted COVID and required a double-lung transplant to save his life, which means they weren’t available to others on the list with CF or other hereditary issues who didn’t actually cause their compromised lungs.

This guy openly mocked vaccines on his RADIO SHOW and advised listeners who didn’t think they were ‘at risk’ to skip the vax. He said his odds of getting it were low, and odds of his dying from it were less than 1%. After he tested COVID+, he still denied its seriousness and chose to find “a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin”….(um, even though there are no studies detailing the long-term effects of THAT either). When that predictably didn’t work, he was hospitalized three weeks ago. Last week, he was vented and his family trying to get him moved to a hospital with an ECMO machine (heart/lung bypass machine). Those machines aren’t abundant; if he did get onto one, that means it won’t be available to someone ELSE suffering a cardiac event – who could die.

This guy was a 51-year old high school track coach in Florida in peak fitness who resisted getting vaxxed for ongoing weeks. When he finally decided to act, it was too late – he contracted COVID and spent a month in the hospital before dying. His wife is now widowed (not by her choice), his four kids will bear a lifetime of grief over the loss of their father (not their choice) – not to mention the hundreds of kids he impacted or had yet to impact through school.

This guy declined to get vaxxed in February because “I didn’t really believe I’d get COVID or that it would make me so ill.” His tune changed in early June when he had to call for paramedics, who dragged his ass out on a stretcher while his two young terrified sons watched and cried.

What do all these “it’s my personal choice” proponents have in common? A few things. They all were arrogant enough to think that their own knowledge base was somehow more credible than that of medical experts and science-based medicine. They ALL negatively impacted people around them; some temporarily and some permanently.

What’s more? Every single one lucky enough to survive their stupid decisions expresses regret. Oh…and they are actually all deluded in thinking that their story will somehow sway others, even though they themselves weren’t at all swayed when they heard of others before them. Every one of them has the gall to actually say the words “I didn’t know”, which isn’t true at all. They did know. There were stories before theirs. There was science, presented by experts in their field……they chose to dismiss that knowledge as less credible than their own armchair assessments, and they can’t even own it. I didn’t know, my ass.

To those of you saying “I can control my risk”, “my decisions won’t impact/hurt others”, and “I stay away from others when I know I’m sick”… you, I say “BULLSH*T.” Only 50% of Americans are vaxxed now, which means the other 50% are not. I can guarantee you that I do not see 50% of you wearing masks in my daily travels, which means some of you are flat-out lying, and you are putting people who legitimately can’t take the vax at risk----LITERALLY life or death risk. For those who are genuinely trying to remain away from people when you ‘know you are sick’, please look up the definition of 'asymptomatic'. Your refusal to accept that 'feeling fine' doesn't mean you can't have lifelong (or life-ending) consequences for others is illogical and infuriating.

I've seen a lot of media outlets that are hyper-focused on 50%. You do realize that 20% of Americans are too young to get the vaccine and ~10% aren't able to get the vaccine due health/religious reasons. Would you say 1/5 people are still masking/social distancing?

Yes, I understand asymptomatic spread. The virus still needs to be transmitted.

Asymptomatic carriers are less likely to spread Covid than symptomatic persons:

Vaccinated or not, you could be getting people sick. 75% had breakout infections! IMHO, we need more viral load studies conducted on the vaccinated/unvaccinated.

Asymptomatic<Symptomatic (Vaccinated or not)

I find it non-sensical that people will cite ‘unknown long-term effects’ as a reason to reject the vaccine – that’s a complete red herring. You’ve already proven you will ignore data that doesn’t support your decision because there ARE known long-term effects for COVID that you want to willfully ignore. For over 4 million people (650K of them American), the long-term known effect of COVID is death. I don’t know what else could be more serious. By the most conservative data available, at least 20 million COVID survivors are experiencing significant symptoms for more than six months post-COVID - damage to hearts, lungs, kidneys, compromised cognitive function, fatigue, depression and difficulty breathing. Nothing is life is no risk, but in a war of which is riskier, COVID is far more risky than the vaccine.
I'm not ignoring the long-term effects of Covid. We know much more about this disease than we did in the Spring of 2020 (when I was infected). I am not a Covid long-hauler. The risk of taking the vaccine outweighs the risk of Covid, for me. As the data sets come out, I will reevaluate. Waiting for studies isn't a red herring. It's good science. It seems people have forgotten that fact. I'm sure moms would have wished they would have waited for long term studies on thalidomide.
For those complaining they feel condescended to……..too damned bad. I will absolutely own that I don’t give a crap if your feelings are hurt that I don’t think much of your critical thinking aptitude. You can comfort yourself with the knowledge that what I think doesn’t really matter and won’t post a life-or-death risk to you. it’s too bad others can’t say the same for what you think.
You do you. Sometimes it's hard to know people's intentions on the internet. Thanks for making yourself perfectly clear. I really hope you start seeing people as people again soon. Other people will ALWAYS be a risk to you. The older you get, the more risk. Hopefully, at some point, loving people will be worth the risk.

Clock's ticking. Start living. Nobody gets out alive.

I don't expect anyone's mind to change, but that doesn't mitigate my desire to call BULLSH*T when I see it.
I'm a couple pages behind on this thread but I just want to point out that your first STFU is an anti-science mindset. And your third is very bigoted. But, good for you, getting so many likes in the echo chamber you've helped to create.

Would you tell someone to STFU in person? I really hope you don't have kids.

Child abuse/physically harming someone is ok but you object to someone allegedly wishing people dead?

Wrong - she's not a child, she is a young, healthy adult. And making that comment regarding my daughter - I would verbally kick her a......**ss. And yes, I object to someone wishing others dead and as stated, if it were one of my adult children acting like a tyrant, I would verbally kick their arse. However, good parenting has assured me that my adult children would not act like hateful tyrants. If you're okay with others spewing hate, that's your prerogative. In the end, hate festers and will come back to bite you. And based on your comments, it is obvious to me that you harbor a lot of resentment towards those that do not see things your way - willing to tell people to STFU if they disagree with your way of thinking.
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@westofhere - I can see by your attachments - you're a Main Stream Media Junkie! This explains your explicit, hateful and morbid comments. You go girl! Glad you know everything - maybe you should run for office. appear to not understand science, logic, or facts. And then label everyone else "hateful" because we refuse to engage with your refusal to understand? Excellent.
**deleted by moderator**

Oh good, child abuse. What an excellent and evidence-based strategy (insert extreme sarcasm here). I am entirely unsurprised that you appear to think violence is a good plan when you also believe conspiracy theories and do not believe facts.

EDIT. I see you changed your comment to reflect that you would "verbally" kick her a**. Neat.
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Wrong - she's not a child, she is a young, healthy adult. And making that comment regarding my daughter - I would verbally kick her a......**ss.
Physical assault is physical assault regardless of the age or health of the individual being assaulted. BUT, you did clarify above that you meant verbally kick her *ss and that's a big difference so thank you for the clarification. appear to not understand science, logic, or facts. And then label everyone else "hateful" because we refuse to engage with your refusal to understand? Excellent.

Wishing people dead certainly is hateful. No need for you to engage with me, however I have the right to call out hateful comments. And if you don't feel that wishing others dead is hateful, again, that's your prerogative. And what makes you the expert scientist on COVID? I never claimed to know it all - just stated my personal opinion and am willing to take into consideration what others have to say. Go blow your smoke another direction.
Oh good, child abuse. What an excellent and evidence-based strategy (insert extreme sarcasm here). I am entirely unsurprised that you appear to think violence is a good plan when you also believe conspiracy theories and do not believe facts.

EDIT. I see you changed your comment to reflect that you would "verbally" kick her a**. Neat.

Yes, I did make it clear that my comment was meant as verbal and not physical. However, I can leave it to someone like you to pick apart everything I say, simply because I don't agree with all that you believe. I am no longer going to waste my time and energy bantering back and forth with you on a virtual keyboard. And to make it very clear - Westofhere did in fact wish others dead and yes, I find this to be sick and hateful. And if you feel that is ok..... enough said.
AND - I will now leave this thread as I do not have the time to waste on endless comments with tyrants.
I agree that wishing people dead is pretty bad (excluding mass murderers, dictators, etc). But I would say I don't think @westofhere *wished* anyone dead. What I interpreted was that she hopes that those who choose not to be vaccinated don't take up hospital space that others who cafnnot be vaccinated need. I would 100% agree with her.
I don't understand the TEA position at all. Ya'll don't have to....but if you want to...
Seems to me if schools don't enact and follow all the things the TEA says they don't have to do, the secondary result will be massive lawsuits from parents whose kids are victims of the primary result which is contracting covid.
Once more for those not great at reading: I did not and do not wish anyone dead. Wishing everyone who’s physically able to get vaccinated is in fact wishing that the next 600,000 not die.

W’ere headed into dire conditions we haven’t yet dealt with—in a few weeks, children will be packed into classrooms, many of which will not require masks. Covid will spread like wildfire, and they’ll bring the virus with them wherever they go, and both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated will get it. Over 99% of the vaccinated will survive. Mass numbers of the unvaccinated will die. And the unvaccinated who survive will have blood on their hands. THAT is not only wishing people dead but playing an active role in killing them.
open up your stupid mind

I find this to be a trait of a disgusting human being

similar to the shi......t that you attach to your posts

if you were my daughter, I would kick your a.....***ss

comments with tyrants

Ah yes, the comments of someone "open minded" who is not a "MSM junkie" and would rather get their news from:
To be honest, no I can't quantify "many" - and sources; I receive a lot of literature from friends and family via email.
Right, I'm sure chain emails are much more reliable :lol::lol::lol:

So if you don't agree with queenie, you're a tyrant or disgusting human being, but she's soooo open minded right :roll:
Apparently Chain emails are evidence but Scientific peer reviewed articles are not. And people wonder why we dont engage with them more "respectfully "
Not getting vaccinated is wishing other people dead.
I'm reading more and more stories in this vein...
I’m deeply embarrassed by my former participation in both movements. I can say unequivocally that I never want to be so out of touch with reality again.

At the same time, I can also say that I do have compassion for those who today choose not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. I know from experience that they are feeding themselves such a steady and complete diet of falsehoods that they not only can’t absorb the science, they can’t work out the basic common sense that easily informs other areas of their lives.

I also know that once you dig beneath the bravado of certainty, falsehoods are a very scary place to live. If the rest of the world doesn’t buy your beliefs, or if some of their competing arguments jibe with your own common sense, then on some level you can’t help wondering if you’re wildly wrong. And if you are, what are the implications?

I don’t want to suggest that I’m never angry at vaccine refusal. I’m currently living with chronic fatigue syndrome; I’m scared to death that even a mild bout of COVID could exacerbate my symptoms and cause a layering of long COVID over the fatigue I already suffer. I’m angry that my college-age daughter will have to once again restrict her activities at school this fall. I’m angry that my 86-year-old mother with a history of heart problems is growing depressed about a return to a sequestered life.

I honestly don’t know whether anger or compassion (or doses of both) will get us to a fully vaccinated world. Anger tends to make people dig in their heels. But, on the other hand, compassion is slow medicine, and we don’t have a lot of time. People are dying right now. People are living with long COVID right now. And more will be infected and die as the Delta variant spreads and other variants inevitably crop up.

Also, I’m not sure how compassion works when it’s directed toward people who disdain it. To be compassionate means to “suffer with.” Evangelicals and anti-vaxxers don’t feel they’re suffering; they think we’re suffering.
Folks, this is a hot topic but abuse directed at anyone on or off this forum will not be tolerated. It has been and will continue to be removed and time outs will be given if it continues.