
A different OMC halo

You're killing me over here, Natascha! Where are the handshots??? :confused: :confused: It's not nice to tease us PS'ers! :nono:
It's absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing.
Ohhh I have been a terrible pricescoper :blackeye:

Life has been going crazy, deadline for my thesis is fast approaching but that is no excuse. Bling is a matter of grave importance that should always be taken care of hi hi. How about I throw in some pics of a pretty vintage half eternity with single cuts to ask for forgiveness?

I will take loads of photos tomorrow, I promise. So many photos that you will all get sick of me. I can say that I love my design, I was a bit worried but I really think it works out perfectly.

Oh other things that delayed my response, one I had some really bothersome issues with Fedex so everything was delayed.
Secondly I am ashamed to admit that I was all fired up because I could not get pricescope to work, the respond button had disappeared and I just did not get it, I tried different Internet browsers and everything. A day later I discovered that I had been logged out and all I needed to do was log in again. :oops:
I will grant you forgiveness, of course, but I don't see pics of the single cut eternity band either, so I am :(sad

I'm sorry getting your ring was such a hassle, but I'm glad you love it! I will wait patiently for the handshots... :D
OK it's been raining all day so I just took a few horrible photos. It is supposed to be sun tomorrow but who knows. Swedish weather has been crazy, we had 20 degrees Celsius and sun, two days later it was snowing. You never know what the weather is going to do, always fun to leave home dressed in a dress and summer sandals to return home freezing your behind because it is snowing.

On to zee ring!


hand shot.JPG
I am going on a trip to se asia this summer so I wanted something small and comfy to wear on the trip that I would not worry about losing at least not a lot. So I bought a half eternity with single cut 2 pointers, where all the stones are in individual boxes ( I suck at explaining stuff :lol: ). It is two tone and from 1952. It is currently too big, I can even wear it on my thumb.

Might be a good look, what do say?

single cut.JPG

thumb ring.JPG
Yay! It looks gorgeous on your hand!!! :love: :love: So glad to finally see it in it's *home*!

And that eternity's not bad either :naughty: