Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
D&T you always provide us with the best eyecandy
Your new band is soooo gorgeous, i just can't stop looking at your pictures!!!
It looks very nice with your ER but i'd love to see it worn by itself too.So much finger coverage and bling!!!
Congratulations on your anniversairy and wear your new ring in good health
ETA: Sorry for being so late on this thread but the new baby don't even have time for PS any more..!
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Congratulations on 7 years of marriage! Beautiful band to celebrate it by and I just love the symbolism of the numbers. Very sparkly - looks amazing with your engagement ring!
Hope you will have many many more years of love and happiness together!
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Diamondrnglover Thanks sweetie!
Vera... lol I'll be waiting for that call
MrsM! - thank you! haha.. I would love one of everything as well
RenoGirl- Thanks! you have an amazing gorgeous ring yourself!
Natylad! hey hey you! how are you doing? hope all is well with you and your family - darn child! taking you away from PS I bet you are an awesome mommy to that darling baby of yours not to mention BEAUTIFUL!
Amy- I'm awating to see an asscher from you soon
Enerchi- hey hey thank you, 7 is a great number and well suited for this ring i think
as promised here are some more stand alone shots, unfortunately it falls off this finger by itself, but I don't know quite yet whether to resize to fit my e-ring finger or just have it work out on my right, won't be deciding that anytime soon
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Usually I am just a lurker but I had to compliment you on your stunning 7 stone band!!! It is absolutely gorgeous I don't know why I never even thought of setting the asscher stone like that but I LOVE it!! This is going in the inspiration folder for sure!
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Happy 7th anniversary! What an awesome idea to celebrate anniversaries! So….. a pair of earrings for 2nd, a 3-stone for the 3rd.. 5stone for the 5th.. 7stone for the 7th… I LIKE YOUR SYSTEM!
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Congrats on your anniversary and for your beautiful seven stone band. I absolutely love it. AND....... even though I haven't been around for a while, you still have the same e-ring! Yay! That knocked me out when I saw that!
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Unfortunately, it looks like D&T hasn't been on PS since July so she probably won't see these lovely comments - maybe someone will tell her about this thread and she will at least pop in for a visit! I'm sorry she doesn't post anymore, she's so nice.
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Hey Hey Ladies, I actually sold this lovely band to a wonderful gal who is enjoying it packrat sent me this linky, and I had to thank you all who commented on this thread, it is stunning had a lot of compliments on it (still wishy washy on the mother-of-all rings for me) Sorry been off the radar, lots of new busy stuff (good things) going on in my life. But I still think about PS and all you lovely ladies. Although I have been off the radar, doesn't mean that I haven't been working on diamond projects
It is so nice to see you ladies and I wish you all a wonderful, joyful, and Healthy New Years! I hope to be back on PS as soon as things settle down a bit.
Re: A great way to celebrate 7 years... my 7 stone asscher b
Hahahaha sorry I found this so late, happy 10 year anniversary now! I am thinking of getting something similar but my finger size is more 7.5, do you think that 0.15ct stones will be too small?
It is a really beautiful ring. Please show us the other projects you're working on