
A New Deposit of Gems


Mar 5, 2010
Hope all is well.

I'm hoping someone in here could possibly help me out. I have with me a couple of faceted Emeralds and Alexandrites from a new deposit in the East Africa Region, in which my family is in the process of owning the title to. I've just recently got back to the states with samples with a wide variety of stones we have mined and I have recently got stones faceted, appraised. I'm very inexperienced in this industry in regards to the business aspect. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a Manuf or Supplier that could possible be interested in assisting our primary deposit of stones. At the moment miners are using primitive tools and driving to area's like Tanzania to trade. I apologize that I can't disclose the exact country or location to due the fact that we have not completed the property agreements. I was hoping someone in here could help find the right people to talk too. I have found out the hard way that retail jewelers aren't the people to talk too and most trade shows are not in my vicinity.

Here is one of my Emeralds its a 5.51 carat Pear Cab

Couple of Rough Emeralds

I do have more photo's but not sure if I'm allowed to post my website.
Isn't that the same emerald cab you bought from a hungry miner in Kenya? Did you find him again?

PS is primarily a consumer forum. I recommend you do a google search and find some of the fine trade forum on the net. You will be able to get better advice there.
Yeah I'm confused....
I am going to be glued to this thread because this story is one of the Greatest Stories Ever Told on the Pricescope fora.

We Colored Stone fanatics will try to pull together some names and links to help you get in touch with a distributor.
Start your own website, and start advertising. The lapidaries that are on the pinned thread may be willing to purchase or facet for you at a charge. Try Dana at Mastercutgems as I think he has experience with many facets of the gemstone "business". Good luck!
Upgradable said:
I am going to be glued to this thread because this story is one of the Greatest Stories Ever Told on the Pricescope fora.


I am glued to it right with you, Uppy.

OP, please tell us more. There are lots of gaps to fill in your story since we last heard from you.
This is exactly why I stay up late to read PS...I always get to catch the juicy threads.

Can this and the first thread become a sticky? :twisted:
Honestly I wish I could tell your guys more about my travels and how I can across this new deposit of Gem's. But due to that fact that I haven't secured this opportunity, its hard for me to disclose info. I know of acres and acres of land of gem deposits in this certain area, and due to the fact that Im young inexperienced and don't have GIA certificates or ridiculous capital, if I tell individuals my story, Im 100 percent sure that in this dog eat dog industry, they'll kick me to the curb and steal my opportunity. But I'll tell you this, these Emeralds that I came across was from a miner living in ridiculous conditions, selling stones for a minimal price. These miners don't know much other than chiseling and not to mention the lifestyle they could possibly have if they what the value is of what there selling. Everything that i mention in my post is true, except for it being in Kenya. The reason I know so much about this area is because my mother and father were born of this East Africa Region and moved to the US for educational purposes. I try to go once a year and work for a non profit organization to help and assist my country. This opportunity with the stones fell upon me, and could potential be a way for me to accelerate my contribute by bringing in businesses and traders and flourishing this Eastern Africa countries economy.

My intentions are truly sincere and apologize if I have told people that this area is in Kenya.
Not this again! :roll: I think Harrison Ford is too old to make a new Raiders movie.
I thought the report came back as origin: Brazil, correct?
*Reads OP*

I'm deaded.

Ok so...if I found a new deposit of clean large green emeralds yet to have the rights for, I sure as he'll wouldn't be posting about it on a public forum. I don't think I would even speak of it alone in the shower.

But....I don't know....maybe....ah don't know what to say.
I really want to believe the OP but am having a difficult time convincing myself…
Miners are usually not dumb. They know if they find something shiny and people are willing to pay them money for it so they will raise their prices fast. I do not know how many emails I get like this each month from someone who just found a new deposit or tells me how ignorgant the miners are and how low their prices are, but they all go into my deleted box now. Not one of them has panned out into quality rough, and none provide any social impact on the region.
I am having a hard time as well.

I find it hard to believe that a huge area filled with world class gems is being mined by ignorant miners who have no idea of what they are finding. And that the dealers in Tanzania who are buying this stuff at dirty cheap price aren't a tad curious about the mine or that no miner selling the gems ever mentioned his home town.

Getting mining rights in a third world area notorious for corruption (I speak from a bit of experience, although my home country isn't quite as bad) is not easy. The bureocracy is killer, you depend on knowing the right people and there are usually bribes involved. And only 3 months have passed since the first stone where cut and certified. This time frame seems very improbable unless hefty incentives were being applied in the right places.

And if someone is savvy enough to be negotiating mining rights (even in a well organized country, this has quite a lot of red tape and the petioner needs to read up on quite a bit of regulation), I would expect that person to easily find any of the professional foums on the internet, where dealers discuss a lot about selling gems and rough, or the trade publications to begin their education on selling gemstones. Instead, the OP is posting at a consumer forum, where the focus is on buying finished stones at the retail level, not rough at mine production level.

I am not saying that I am believe the OP is trying to scam us. I can easily believe she is being manipulated (if her description of herself is accurate) by others. Or perhaps someone is trying to scam us, by tempting us with gorgeous emeralds. Perhaps someone might have been interested in one of those smaller, uncertified stones from the same lot.

OP, I repeat my advice to look for a forum focused on gemology professionals. There are many reputable people in this area, as well as a lot of crooks.

Finally, a final word of advice, in case you are the wide-eyed innocent. You are dealing with valuable goods in a dangerous area. Violance is, unfortunately, common. Dr. Pezzota was attacked by a group of men armed with kalaschnikov rifles in his hotel for both his stock of demantoids and, perhaps more importantly, all the notes from 15 years of studies on the mines of Madagascar. Campbell Bridges was killed by mine jumpers in his tsavorite mine in Kenya. There many more stories of gem dealers being killed because of arguments and robberies. These are professionals who knew what they were getting into and still came out the worse.

Even if you do get mining rights, a gem rush is a strong possibility. How are you going to defend the mines and the people in your homeland, as well as keeping yourself safe?
Although it's difficult to tell from a photo, the cabochon gem at the top does look classic Brazilian to me, in color and clarity. It's definitely not top gem, or world class, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a pretty stone. Brazilian emeralds are not in the same league as Columbian.
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!
Gailey said:
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!

I thought of him too. Unfortunately, he is having to take care of some problems and hasn't been online much.
Lady_Disdain said:
Gailey said:
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!

I thought of him too. Unfortunately, he is having to take care of some problems and hasn't been online much.

Nothing too serious I hope. I do like our caped crusader.
Gailey said:
Lady_Disdain said:
Gailey said:
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!

I thought of him too. Unfortunately, he is having to take care of some problems and hasn't been online much.

Nothing too serious I hope. I do like our caped crusader.

He has some personal family sickness issues with his parents. If people want to do him a favor, they can bid on his ebay listings to help pay for medical bills. It's going to a good cause. I will keep him in my thoughts in the meantime.
tourmaline_lover said:
Gailey said:
Lady_Disdain said:
Gailey said:
Oh Wait until Amguy sees this!

I thought of him too. Unfortunately, he is having to take care of some problems and hasn't been online much.

Nothing too serious I hope. I do like our caped crusader.

He has some personal family sickness issues with his parents. If people want to do him a favor, they can bid on his ebay listings to help pay for medical bills. It's going to a good cause. I will keep him in my thoughts in the meantime.

That's such a shame. TL, what is the name of Jason's e-bay shop?
tourmaline_lover said:
Although it's difficult to tell from a photo, the cabochon gem at the top does look classic Brazilian to me, in color and clarity. It's definitely not top gem, or world class, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a pretty stone. Brazilian emeralds are not in the same league as Columbian.
I am missing something. You posted the lab report showing origin. Now, the origin has changed?
Jim Rentfrow said:
Miners are usually not dumb. They know if they find something shiny and people are willing to pay them money for it so they will raise their prices fast. I do not know how many emails I get like this each month from someone who just found a new deposit or tells me how ignorgant the miners are and how low their prices are, but they all go into my deleted box now. Not one of them has panned out into quality rough, and none provide any social impact on the region.
Your comment reminds me of all those e-mails I get from Africa, imploring me to help them move millions of $$$ into the US. All I need to do is provide them with my bank account information in exchange for a percentage. :wink2:

PS is sooooo entertaining. :bigsmile:
You guys HAVE to first read the thread Nashville linked above. This is the most intriguing situation I've ever followed here at PS. Now, I'm a born skeptic, but I'm reserving judgement on this one.
Pink Tower said:
tourmaline_lover said:
Although it's difficult to tell from a photo, the cabochon gem at the top does look classic Brazilian to me, in color and clarity. It's definitely not top gem, or world class, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a pretty stone. Brazilian emeralds are not in the same league as Columbian.
I am missing something. You posted the lab report showing origin. Now, the origin has changed?

This is exactly what I was just wondering myself.
I think the point that was brought up in the previous thread about origin had to do with the fact that they look for the closest match to a known site. Since this "may" be a new find, they would not be able to match origin to Somalia (if that is indeed the site).
Pink Tower said:
tourmaline_lover said:
Although it's difficult to tell from a photo, the cabochon gem at the top does look classic Brazilian to me, in color and clarity. It's definitely not top gem, or world class, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a pretty stone. Brazilian emeralds are not in the same league as Columbian.
I am missing something. You posted the lab report showing origin. Now, the origin has changed?
And Pink, it was TL who was comparing the quality of brazilian to colombian emeralds. The OP suggests his/her rough came from east Africa, not South America.
Nigerian blue letter. That's what we called these.

--- Laurie

I thought you guys would be of assistance, I'm clearly wrong. Thank you for your time and postings

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